Marrying the Big Shot

Chapter 131: Extra episode two


Shu Zimu got up amidst the congratulations from the people around him, walked to the stage, took the trophy from the award presenter, first looked at the location of the "Mirror Mirror Life" crew, and then found Qi Yan in the crowd without any difficulty.

When the four eyes met, Shu Zimu was a little dazed for a while.

At the beginning of his rebirth, his most urgent thought was to get rid of the Xue family and strive for a better life. But no matter in his previous life or at that time, he never thought that he would reap such sweet fruits. Whether it came from the deep warmth and care from others, or the opportunity to stand on the world's top stage, he didn't have a glimmer of hope. More precisely, it should have never been thought of. But now, these are all in his hands. After careful study, perhaps it was not his rebirth that changed his fate the most, but his encounter with Qi Yan.

If I didn't miss it in my previous life...

This idea was put down by Shu Zimu as soon as it came into being. Why think so much, Shu Zimu thought, there is nothing wrong with his current life, and now he has won the world's top honors, why bother to feel sad for the past life that is now illusory.

Shu Zimu withdrew his mind and began to say the award speech.

Although the manuscript had been prepared a long time ago, Shu Zimu thought about it, and said impromptuly: "Although I am a professional who deals with words, I feel that any colorful words at this time are very pale, so my next words will probably be very boring. Rough, but these are my truest and deepest thoughts at the moment.”

"Almost every award winner standing here will thank a lot of people. Maybe everyone is tired of hearing it, but there is no way, everyone probably has to listen to it again now." Shu Zimu smiled apologetically, and then continued: "Che The director thanked me first on stage just now, and now I must also thank the entire crew. Although this trophy was awarded to me as a fan of the script, without the efforts of everyone in the crew to create an excellent movie, I would This screenwriter is definitely not even eligible for nomination. Thank you for giving my story a better vitality and life."

"Then I would like to thank my teacher, you should be looking at me in front of the screen now. You have always been very strict with me, but before coming to Sunnyer this time, you told me that no matter whether I win or not, I am always in your mind The best one. Maybe you think I'm really nervous, afraid that I can't accept losing again, so you try to comfort me. Although I'm not that nervous, I'm glad you care about me so much. Now, I hope I didn't let you down .In the future, I will do my best not to let you down." After finishing speaking, Shu Zimu bowed solemnly to the mentor in front of the screen.

"Finally," Shu Zimu looked at Qi Yan's position again, her tone softened unconsciously, "I want to say to my partner, although there are many things I should thank you for, but I think you probably want to hear this sentence more—"

Looking at the dazzling people on the stage, Qi Yan involuntarily slowed down her breathing.

"I love you."

Applause and cheers erupted all of a sudden, and there were even whistles of good-natured ridicule, making the scene extremely lively. Gossip is the nature of human beings, so it is easy to get excited with such a romantic plot. Even the audience who didn't know Shu Zimu and Qi Yan gave them heartfelt encouragement.

Qi Yan has been sullen, not in a bad mood, but out of nervousness. At this time, Shu Zimu already had the fruit of victory in his hands, and publicly confessed to him on the stage, Qi Yan finally couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth slightly. Even though there was a lot of noise around and the flashlights were turned on and turned on him, Qi Yan still only noticed Shu Zimu in his world. Until Shu Zimu returned to his seat, his eyes still stayed on the other party.

Shu Zimu could also feel his gaze. In fact, he also felt that the sentence just now was not enough. Although he didn't know what to say, he just had a lot of things to say to Qi Yan. Or eye contact can convey a lot without actually saying it.

Therefore, after Shu Zimu returned to his seat, he was not stable until the award ceremony entered the final part of the program performance, he found an opportunity to change seats with Xu Chi who was sitting next to Qi Yan, and gave up the seat next to Yun Hao. the other side.

Changing seats may cause trouble under normal circumstances, but in the last few awards, Shu Zimu is not the protagonist, but to sit with his lover, and Qi Yan's identity is quite special, so even if Shu Zimu does this, he will be discovered by the camera. Taking pictures is just to make people laugh.

And changing it will allow Xu Chi to accompany Yun Hao. The Best Actor will be unveiled soon. Although everyone basically has no hope, Yun Hao's mood is definitely not so relaxed. Xu Chizai may make him feel better.

Shu Zimu sat down beside Qi Yan, and the air seemed to become sweet all of a sudden. In order not to affect other people, they didn't say much, they just interlocked their fingers, feeling each other's body temperature, as if they could understand what the other person wanted to express from the skin contact, and felt infinitely satisfied.

Seeing this, Jonathan on the other side couldn't help but said: "You are so sticky that you don't look like people who have been married for seven or eight years. Hongshen and I have only been married for three years and we are not like you."

Before Qi Yan and Shu Zimu could say anything, Jian Hongshen gave Jonathan a supercilious look, "Shut up."

But Jonathan didn't come down honestly, instead he said aggrievedly; "You have been so cruel to me in only three years, will you be separated from me in seven years? And you will come back secretly without telling me like before?" Huaguo?"

Such a tall and burly Western man who pretends to be wronged looks really hot-eyed. Jian Hong deeply understands his purpose of being a monster, knowing that he can't beat him, and he can't stop him from being a monster, so in the end he has no choice but to hold back Hold Jonathan's hand. The opponent quickly hit the snake with the stick and clasped his fingers like Shu Zimu and Qi Yan, and stopped making troubles contentedly.

Pink bubbles popped up here, and Yun Hao was also a little surprised to find that Xu Chi had come over on the other side. However, because of the camera and the people around them, the two could only say a few words, and then they couldn't make any more intimate moves.

What remains are the four most important awards: Best Director, Best Actress, Best Actor and Best Picture.

The best actor and best picture nominations for "Mirror Life" are generally the two finale. But even so, the time for sentencing is coming soon.

The performance clips of the five best actor nominees appeared on the screen, among which Yun Hao's was quite eye-catching. Although Yun Hao is relatively young among the best actor candidates this time, he has shown that he is not weaker than other candidates in his works. If it wasn't for the film's origin in Huaguo, it would never have no ambition to win awards.

However, it turns out that this origin did have a lot of obstacles at the Noah Film Festival, and the best actor eventually went to another family.

When Yun Hao announced the result, his breathing stopped for a moment, and then he felt that it was true, and applauded the winner quite calmly. But others still took the initiative to comfort him. After Yun Hao told Che Jingyuan that he was fine, he turned to Xu Chi who was sitting next to him.

The other party looked at him with concern, but didn't ask any questions. Instead, he reached out to rub his hair, but he hesitated after reaching out, and finally landed on his shoulder.

For some reason, Yun Hao felt that he didn't care too much, but under Xu Chi's gaze, he couldn't help but feel aggrieved. The other party paused for a moment and changed from patting his head to patting his shoulders, and it was Mo Ming who gave him the urge to lie in the other party's arms and cry.

But impulsiveness is impulsive, and Yun Hao also knows that he can't do anything, and he has to show enough demeanor on the surface, so as not to become a real loser.

He sat up straight, but leaned his legs towards Xu Chi calmly. As if they had a tacit understanding, the other party did the same thing, so their calves touched each other, and Yun Hao's flustered heart slowly fell back to reality.

The best actor lost, and the crew of the final best film "Mirror Mirror Life" completely gave up hope, and their mentality was almost really relaxed, and they were able to maintain a perfect state when the camera came over.

Finally, tonight's biggest winner was finally announced—

"The best film of the 96th Noah Film Festival is - mirror life!"

The camera immediately showed the location of the award-winning crew, and Yun Hao and the others were still photographed losing their composure.

The author has something to say: It’s not dawn yet, so I’m still updating _(:з」∠)_