Marrying the Big Shot

Chapter 132: Extra episode two


"Mirror Mirror Life" unexpectedly won the best picture, not only the crew did not expect it, but also most people's expectations. Therefore, Che Jingyuan and Yunhao were not the only ones who showed astonishment. The other nominated crews, as well as many audiences, were somewhat surprised. It's just that everyone reacted very quickly, and after a brief moment of surprise, they clapped politely regardless of their inner thoughts.

At the same time, the barrage of the Huaguo network broadcasting the awards ceremony exploded in an instant.

[! ! ! !]

[Fuck, I heard that right!]

[Really or not, the best movie?]


[I can't believe it...]

[Ah! Mirror Life is really awesome! ! ! Crazy calling!]

[I didn’t expect that this Noah Film Festival would be an upset at the end, but I’m very satisfied with the explosion hehehe]

[Oh my god, I received the news feed so soon, this time the main creator of Mirror Life is really going to take a step up]

[For sure, this mirror life is considered to be history-making, at least the status in the country is absolutely stable]

[Actually, I'm still a little bit square right now, I'm really worried that the organizing committee said it was a mistake... This is the best film, and it was actually given to a Chinese film]

[Me too... I wonder how I can break it if I'm still dreaming]

[Mo Fang, the producers have all come to the stage to accept the award, so far no one has come out to ask for a timeout, it should be correct]

[I really didn't expect it at all, I feel that everyone is more surprised than happy now 233333]

[Yeah, the car guide and the others were all in a daze just now, and they were all photographed hhhhhhhhh]

[Yes, yes, Yun Hao's eyes are so wide open, it makes me laugh so hard]

[Ah, the producer started to say the acceptance speech. I really didn’t expect to hear so many Chinese acceptance speeches at the award ceremony of the Noah Film Festival. Now I feel sour]

[The producer feels that he has reacted now, and is so excited that he is almost incoherent]

[I'm just an ordinary audience, and I'm so excited that I don't know what to say QAQ]

[After all, it’s a dream that we don’t even dare to hope for our movie for the time being. It always feels like it’s still far away from being realized]

[I'm studying film editing, and I feel like crying now. I guess my teachers should have been crying with joy]

[The producer also shed tears, it's over, I think I want to cry too...]

The producer's acceptance speech was interrupted because of excessive excitement, but it was even more touching. When accepting the award for Best Foreign Language Film before, Che Jingyuan did not mention the difficulties in the process of filming "Mirror Mirror Life", and Shu Zimu did not involve it afterwards, but the producer couldn't help but talk about it at this time.

Because of Shu Zimu, the production team does not lack funds, and the investors will not randomly stuff people into the production team. The conditions are good in all aspects, which is very comfortable compared to the general production team. But it is impossible to make a good movie without difficulties. The production team has ample funds, but in contrast, Shu Zimu and Che Jingyuan also have high requirements for their own works, and even the entire production team has to be highly invested and pay attention to details. So although the conditions of the crew are good, everyone from the director to the actors, from the props to the scene, worked very hard.

It's okay to work hard, but doing the same job repeatedly is very exhausting. NG is unavoidable for filming, and because of the high requirements, the number of reshoots for "Mirror Life" is also very high. In addition, Shu Zimu and the team often discussed with the director to change some details of the script, and even filmed several different versions of some scenes, resulting in a considerable workload for everyone. Of course, this has a positive effect on improving the quality of the movie and the level of actors, but it is undoubtedly very tiring.

Including the scene modeling in the early stage, the editing and soundtrack in the later stage, etc., they have been polished many times, which is why the final film of "Mirror Life" can reach this level of quality. It can be said that crews like them are absolutely rare, and even those who were also nominated for best picture have no conditions to pursue perfection like them.

After all, although doing so improves the quality of the movie, it delays the progress even more. Most importantly, burn money.

Well-known directors do not lack investment, but it is impossible to waste it like this. After all, investors are there to make money, and those who are not for money generally cannot invest too much.

This "Mirror Mirror Life" Shu Zimu is rushing to win the award. Qi Yan didn't consider the monetary return, but he was not stingy when giving money. It can be called "power generation for love", which can be said to be the biggest success of the film. premise.

For this reason, the producer thanked Qi Yan mercilessly on stage.

Which filmmaker does not want to be able to sculpt his own works without any scruples, and which filmmaker does not have the dream of winning trophies with good works, but the reality is that this industry must compromise with capital. Outline, more can only look at his original thoughts beyond recognition.

The producer and Cha Jingyuan are already very good, but there are still many things that must be compromised. But now that they have won the highest award in the film industry, they will definitely be able to persist in more in the future.

Of course, in the final analysis, it is Shu Zimu who should be most grateful. After all, Shu Zimu is the reason why Qi Yan "generated electricity for love". In the future, as long as there is a chance, I will definitely cooperate with Shu Zimu!

In the end, the producer went off the stage with mixed emotions and a little bit of a feeling, and this idea was the clearest in his mind.

The news that "Mirror Mirror Life" won the best picture spread quickly, and various media immediately released the news on the Internet, or inserted short messages in the news.

Because it exceeded almost everyone's expectations, the degree of discussion was extremely high, which was much higher than the general enthusiasm for announcing the best film at the Noah Film Festival in previous years. Especially in China, it has completely become explosive news.

However, most of the people in China were pleasantly surprised, while in other places, there were many doubts. Reasonable people feel that it is understandable to win the award with the quality of "Mirror Mirror Life", but there are more people who can't understand the Huaguo movies that have been underestimated. question.

At this time, the background of the "mirror life" has become a talisman. For those who can't give a reasonable reason but insist that the "mirror life" is not worthy of the award, questioning the other party's racial discrimination can block the other party from having nothing to say.

Some people also say that the award of "Mirror Life" is the result of capital operation. After being shortlisted, the public relations and publicity are very generous, and the investors have a deep background, and may have money transactions with the organizing committee. But because there is no real evidence, the producer of "Mirror Mirror Life" also stated in the award speech that this is the performance of the Noah Organizing Committee breaking the barriers of language, nationality, and race, and evaluating film art in an open, inclusive, and pure manner. , the organizing committee is naturally willing to cooperate in bringing the award of "Mirror Mirror Life" to a level of equality and fairness of universal value, so the conspiracy theory remarks did not cause too much waves.

The discussions outside did not affect Shu Zimu and the others. "Mirror Mirror Life" won the best film. Shu Zimu was also surprised, but Jonathan, who was very close, quickly resolved his doubts.

"It seems that those few companies didn't compete for a result, and they didn't want to take advantage of each other, so it fell to you." Jonathan said after thinking about it after the result was announced.

The few shortlisted films have no obvious advantages, and the role of public relations operations has become decisive. Among them, except for "Mirror Life", the two with deeper backgrounds refused to give in to each other. As a result, neither of them got an absolute intention in the jury. Voting for one side is easy to offend the other. Although the judges are not afraid of offending people, if the judges really want it, the two results may be evenly matched, or "mirror mirror life" will be better.

So the jury simply gave the vote to "Mirror Mirror Life", so that there is no need to obviously offend the two parties, and there are sufficient reasons to explain to the outside world, and it can also be sold to Jonathan and Qi Yan.

As the prince of MS Group, Jonathan has considerable power in country L, and the film and television giant in country L is also controlled by MS company. Although Qi Yan is a businessman from China, the company also has business in country L, and the development momentum is very good. Moreover, businessmen from country L are very greedy for the Hua country market. If they can establish a good relationship with Qi Yan, it will definitely be much easier to enter the Hua country market in the future.

In short, for the Noah Film Festival organizing committee, this wave is not a loss. And the crew of "Mirror Mirror Life" is also very lucky. That is to say, the other two films seemed a bit unlucky, but the outcome of such a competition itself is unpredictable. Unless it is dissatisfied with the identity of the "Mirror Life" Huaguo film, the loss will not be difficult to accept.

After Shu Zimu understood the situation, he calmed down again. Although he was happy, he didn't feel surprised or unbelievable. At the end of the awards ceremony and when the other members of the crew who were still very excited were reunited, they were secretly asked: "Why don't you seem to be excited at all? Did you already know the inside news?"

After Shu Zimu explained to them helplessly, the others suddenly realized and calmed down. Of course, I can't help being happy again soon, but this time I feel much more at ease.

For the audience, the award ceremony is the biggest feast; but for insiders like Shu Zimu, the dinner after that is the real highlight.

With the fragrance of clothes, the night light of wine, the top beauties and the hottest stars in the circle gather here, wearing the most fashionable clothes and enjoying the most expensive food. There is no doubt that this is an extremely extravagant dinner, but the reason why it is the highlight is not only because of this.

Rich businessmen who spend a lot of money, executives of top brands, and directors who have gained both fame and fortune, these people represent the best and highest quality resources in this circle. Even these international movie stars who can walk on Noah's red carpet are also flocking to them.

This is real Vanity Fair.

Even though they just won the best film, there is still a gap between Huaguo films and the top international level. If Che Jingyuan, Yun Hao and others want to enter the international market, this dinner must not be missed and must be fully utilized.

As the main creator of the newly released best film, and with big backers like Qi Yan and Jonathan, Yun Hao and the others didn't have much trouble at the dinner party, and the overall situation went smoothly.

However, due to the open personality of Westerners, it is inevitable to encounter some ambiguous hints. There are quite a few people who want to try the oriental taste. Shu Zimu, who is the most eye-catching, is already married, and her husband is not easy to offend, so many people set their sights on Yun Hao.

Xu Chi endured it for a while, but couldn't bear it anymore, so he simply rejected those people and declared his sovereignty instead of Yun Hao. Anyway, there were absolutely no reporters at the banquet, everyone had fun and knew what to say and what not to say.

The entire banquet lasted until dawn, but just after midnight, Jonathan and Jian Hongshen were about to leave. Shu Zimu felt that it was not interesting to stay there, and wanted to leave with her. He is not a star and does not need those resources, and he has no idea of cooperating with foreign directors for the time being. After talking with a few people he wants to know, he finds it bothering him to get close. In addition, Qi Yan was also impatient with such occasions, so the four of them left together.

When Shu Zimu got into the car, out of the corner of his eye, he saw a person disappearing at the opposite corner. He felt that the other party was a little familiar, but he couldn't remember who it was for a while.