Marrying the Big Shot

Chapter 138: Extra episode two


The public relations department discussed several plans overnight, and handed them to Xu Chi and Yun Hao the next day. According to Xu Chi's "step-by-step" requirements, the main policy of several plans is to influence fans and passers-by subtly, first slowly lay the groundwork, let people agree that their relationship is very good and close, and then gradually reveal that their relationship is not ordinary friends buddies . It is best not to have the parties admit it, other people have already identified the relationship between the two and are happy to see it.

To make the onlookers happy to see their success, it is not enough for two people to match in appearance and wealth, it is more necessary to make a fuss about emotions and impress everyone. Several plans have different emphases in the operation of this point. Some emphasize Xu Chi's kindness to Yun Hao and Yun Hao's gratitude, while others start from the perspective of Xu Chi being a fan of Yun Hao. In short, the goal is the same, but different plans leave other people with different impressions of the relationship between the two.

In any case, the identities of the two are here, and some unspoken speculation is unavoidable, but if the relationship between the two is well shaped externally, such negative remarks can be reduced a lot.

After being frightened by Xu Chi once, the head of the public relations department obviously became smarter. Although he wanted to please Xu Chi, he didn't ignore Yun Hao. After a period of careful discussion and discussion, Xu Chi and Yun Hao picked two plans and planned to implement them together. According to the plan, it will take about half a year to achieve subtle effects, and then you can find opportunities to make it public at any time.

The answer on Yun Hao's program has already started, and in the next half a year, some information needs to be properly revealed. At the same time, the company will also secretly do some work to fuel the flames.

According to the "script" in the plan, because of Xu Chi's help, Yun Hao got in touch with Yue Mei, who was freed from the black heart, and achieved the grace of knowing each other. Later, with the help of his friendship with Shu Zimu, the two gradually became acquainted and got along well; after a few years, the two The relationship is deep, but because they are too familiar with each other, they have no awareness of that aspect, and the relationship above AUO is not enough; until the Noah Film Festival and his party, Yun Hao was enlightened, so he was ready to pursue a confession, and vented on the show very honestly .

The current background setting is probably like this. Next, Yun Hao will subtly reveal that he is in the process of pursuing, as well as some information about the object he is pursuing, as well as the relationship between him and the other party, so that netizens can guess and find out. Xingyue will contact some media and big fans, as well as some friends of Yun Hao, to show the direction of the wind without any trace, and guide netizens in this direction, especially to exaggerate the sincerity of the relationship between the two. In this way, those who are not aware of it are vaccinated, and those who are aware of it are best cultivated into CP fans, so that more people will be amway.

In the whole "pursuit" process, Yun Hao has to behave young and clumsy, and Xu Chi has to be insensitive, but he has always been very kind and caring to Yun Hao. After everyone agrees that Yun Hao is chasing Xu Chi, and is moved by their bonds and feelings, in the face of this situation, it is easy to want to give Yun Hao a trick, or directly point out to Xu Chi, in short, say It might be possible to create an atmosphere where the two-way audience secretly loves and dies suddenly, and the whole people help Yun Hao chase him.

If this is the case, it will definitely be auspicious. If you pay attention to adding some inspirational elements to the story, the negative impact can be ignored.

But this is the best situation. If you want to achieve it, you must be careful in the early stage, so that no pusher can be found, and the degree of each step must be just right.

In order to make the "script" more credible, the revelation of the "insider" is essential; and to make the whole development seem natural, this "insider" must be a friend of the two than the anonymous submission of the gossip account .

So Shu Zimu bears the brunt of it.

There are heated discussions on the Internet about who Yun Hao's love target is. As Yun Hao's friend, Shu Zimu has naturally been asked many times. Other microblogs that have friendship and cooperation with Yun Hao have also been asked all over the place, but no one has rashly come forward.

After Xu Chi and Yun Hao determined the follow-up plan and talked to him, Shu Zimu came forward and said: He knows who it is, but he can't say.

The gossip crowd suddenly boiled, trying every means to make Shu Zimu leak the word. Shu Zimu finally leaked a little information "forced", and then resolutely kept his mouth shut.

Netizens began to check the people around Yun Hao based on this bit of information, but they did not miss any single men and women who had cooperated with each other, and finally came up with a group of possible people. Xu Chi is among them, but not conspicuous.

Afterwards, Yun Hao was asked many times about the topic of love. Although he was tight-lipped about the identity information of the other party, he "couldn't help" revealing a lot about the relationship experience of the two, which made netizens think a lot. There are many romantic stories pieced together. And Yun Hao's performance when he mentioned the other party also made others gradually agree that this is not a sensational hype or a false fabrication, but a sincere relationship.

Later, a CP fan of Xu Chi and Yun Hao, after careful textual research and bold guesses, judged that Yun Hao liked Xu Chi. They already had CP fans, but compared to Yun Hao and some other stars, the number of CP fans was far less. After all, Xu Chi, the president, did not have much exposure, so CP fans have always been relatively low-key. Because the evidence is not sufficient, this article was originally only circulated among CP fans, but the popularity of Yun Hao's love affair has always remained high, and it has unexpectedly been widely disseminated. Some people think it is credible, and some people question it is purely YY, but in the end it is Xu Chi who has become Yun Hao's hot gossip.

As a result, many gossip media tried to find out a lot of intersection and interaction between the two. Although it was not enough to prove that Xu Chi was the target candidate, it also clarified the fact that the relationship between the two was very close. Some clever gossip media did not mention the issue of whether they are in love or not. Instead, they exaggerated the meeting and getting along with each other, blowing a wave of their character and friendship. Coupled with the testimony of some friends of the two, as well as their interactions on the bright side, after several times, netizens feel that they are simply the contemporary Boya children.

It is definitely a lucky and beautiful thing to meet a bosom friend in the mountains and rivers. Whether there is love or not, almost all netizens know that Xu Chi and Yun Hao are in a good relationship. Although Xu Chi was not known to many people as the vice president of Xingyue dozens of days ago, but now his name is extremely resounding. After all, being bound to Yun Hao, the exposure even far exceeds that of some second-tier stars.

At this time, although some people think that Yun Hao likes someone else, such as some other steadfast CP fans, more people think that Xu Chi is the most likely one. And then all kinds of trivial things seem to confirm this point, so more and more people start to be sure.

There was a lot of scandal about the two, and the parties were naturally questioned. Yun Hao is relatively easy to contact but always avoids talking about it, while Xu Chi does not accept interviews. The news on Weibo simply responded, but he denied it, and his tone was a bit blunt.

Before the confirmed CP fans and netizens had time to break their hearts, Yun Hao posted a Weibo with a gloomy tone and a lot of hidden information, which seemed to confirm the guesses of netizens.

Just when everyone was a little confused, Shu Zimu reposted Yun Hao's Weibo to comfort him. The meaning in the words was a little more obvious, and finally made netizens confirm: Yun Hao likes Xu Chi and has been pursuing him, but Xu Chi Chi didn't notice it, and even decided that the netizens had mistaken the protagonist of the scandal.

This made the netizens who guessed right first happy, then amused and helpless, and at the same time, their desire to gossip became even stronger.

Afterwards, the two of them really lived up to the expectations of the audience, and they did a lot of interesting things, which made the crowd very addicted, and finally achieved a positive result in everyone's eager anticipation. Everyone was satisfied after watching this drama that lasted several months, and they recognized and envied the relationship between the two more.

And Yun Hao and Xu Chi, who finally made it public smoothly, finally breathed a sigh of relief after months of carefulness.

The plan was successfully implemented, Xingyue's public relations department added a bonus, Xu Chi and Yun Hao also expressed their gratitude to Shu Zimu and other friends who helped in this matter, and had a meal together to celebrate.

Because Jonathan and Jian Hongshen happened to be in Huaguo, although they didn't participate in the plan, they also came for a meal.

After dinner, a few of their best friends got together. Jonathan lamented Xu Chi and Yun Hao's hardships in the past few months, showed off his son for a while, and cared about the cultivation of Qi Yan and Shu Zimu's offspring before changing into a more serious expression. Qi Yan said: "The Lance you mentioned, I found something, you should be interested to hear it."

The author has something to say: The owed update is finally made up! ! The stupid author went to bed, good night~