Marrying the Big Shot

Chapter 140: Extra episode two


When Xue Li started to think about fur business, Qi Yan received news about Lance.

"What did you say? Lance is dead?" Hearing Qi Yan's report, Shu Zimu's eyes widened in surprise.

"Well, it is said that he was shot during the exchange of fire and was not captured alive." Qi Yan said.

Shu Zimu asked: "How can you be sure that the dead is his?"

"The current news is that the characteristics are basically consistent. But it may not be certain. After all, there is a lack of data on fingerprints and DNA identification. If we only look at the appearance, there are still relatively large uncertainties." Qi Yan explained the situation in detail.

After receiving the information reminded by Qi Yan and the others, the anti-drug department of Huaguo chose to cooperate with the government of country Y after verification, and planned to focus on cracking down on these overseas drug smuggling gangs. Molecules all in one go. However, someone from country Y leaked the news. In order to prevent the targets from getting ready to escape and make it even more difficult to catch them later, the anti-narcotics department could only decide to change the plan urgently and execute it ahead of schedule, catching them by surprise.

Due to insufficient preparation, although the police were lucky enough to block the gang's senior management in the drug manufacturing village hidden in the mountains, they failed to catch them immediately, and a group of people fled to the border between country Y and country Hua. deep in the forest. The police chased them all the way, but it was not easy to find more than a dozen people scattered in the dense jungle, so the police had to contact the border guards to cooperate in the search and arrest. In the end, luck was good, and those who escaped were caught or killed.

Drug traffickers are given heavy sentences, and when they are hunted down, they are basically stubbornly resisting. Therefore, the exchange of fire during the arrest process is quite intense, and casualties are commonplace. Although Lance's death was a bit unexpected, it was also an expected result for those who embarked on the road of drug trafficking.

This transnational operation was very successful, but in addition to drug dealers, casualties inevitably occurred among military and police personnel. Compared with the surprise of hearing the news of Lance's death, knowing the news made Shu Zimu's heart a lot heavier. Thinking of his luck again, Shu Zimu hoped that the martyrs would have a happy life in their next life. In addition, there is only one way to express my respect.

This operation is in the process of finishing work, and it has not been announced to the public yet, and it is estimated that it will take at least ten days and a half months. Many details of the operation cannot be disclosed, and in the external report, there must be no clues or mistakes. "Informants" like Jonathan and Qi Yan who provided important information, in order to protect them from retaliation by drug dealers, related matters must be strictly concealed. Therefore, the general public does not know that well-known entrepreneurs are the heroes of the anti-drug operation.

However, although they cannot be publicized or commended publicly, the country will still credit them with some material rewards without any trace, and they will naturally leave a good impression on the senior management of the relevant departments.

This is more valuable than any reward, even for Qi Yan who is not short of wealth, it is quite useful. With this relationship, it will definitely be easier for Shu Zimu's films to pass the review, and Qi Yan's various industries will be more officially recognized, and the future prospects are obviously better. And if Jonathan wants to enter the Huaguo market, he will definitely be able to open the door to the relevant policies and procedures.

The operation code-named "Trapped Beast" was not officially disclosed to the public until more than a month later, because some information was obtained from the arrested criminals, and the anti-drug departments of Hua Country and Country Y followed up with another operation. Several times, caught some upstream and downstream personnel who hadn't had time to escape and hide. It is not confirmed that the operation is over and the task is completed until everything that can be caught has been caught. Therefore, after Qi Yan learned the internal information for so long, the matter was finally made public.

During this period of time, Lance's identity was confirmed through investigation, and he was indeed shot dead.

There is also a very shocking piece of news—Sheng Xiaowu, the darling of the Sheng family, was seriously injured in the army, and is still in a dying state.

Everyone couldn't believe this news at first, but later they had to confirm it from the Sheng family's attitude. It's just that everyone can't figure it out, the Sheng family dotes on Sheng Xiao Wu so much that he will be dying in the army? Even if Sheng Xiaowen put Sheng Xiaowu in the army for several years in order to make him change his son, it is absolutely impossible for people to be in any danger, right

Others asked the Sheng family where Sheng Xiaowu's injury came from. The Sheng family only said that there was an accident while performing a mission, but they didn't disclose more details. The mysterious behavior made many people can't help but guess. , Did Sheng Xiaowu do something disgraceful again, and ended up suffering from the consequences of himself and made himself wrong, the Sheng family was embarrassed to say.

Qi Yan and Shu Zimu originally thought so too. Although Sheng Xiaowu seemed to have eliminated a lot of the previous problems when he returned to Beijing to meet them last time, Jiangshan is easy to change and his nature cannot be changed. Maybe it is just Sheng Xiaowu's disguise. When people can't see it, they will go back to their old ways.

But after Qi Yan saw Sheng Xiaowen's reaction to this matter, he didn't think so. Sheng Xiaowen felt distressed, worried, annoyed, and blamed his younger brother on the hospital bed, but he didn't seem to hate iron and steel. Obviously, the cause of Sheng Xiaowu's accident was not his own.

Qi Yan didn't know much information, but slowly got a guess. When they went to Sheng's house to express their comfort, Sheng Xiaowen's attitude was a bit complicated. At that time, Qi Yan only thought that the other party had put Sheng Xiaowu in the army, which caused people to have trouble now, and he was somewhat angry with them, who were the direct fuse in the first place. Later, I slowly figured out another possibility from some details—

Sheng Xiaowu may have been injured because of the "Trapped Beast" operation.

If this is indeed the case, although Qi Yan and Shu Zimu cannot be blamed, they are indeed the cause of the incident, and it is no wonder that Sheng Xiaowen, who has always understood, is also in a complicated mood and a little emotional.

If he guessed right, Qi Yan hoped from the bottom of his heart that Sheng Xiaowu could turn the crisis into safety. But if the other party is not good, he will not take the blame on himself, and will not let Sheng Xiaowen and the rest of the Sheng family vent their anger.

However, Sheng Xiaowu's condition has been good and bad, and he has not been able to completely escape the danger of his life, but he has persisted. The Xue family was so focused on Sheng Xiaowu that they didn't spare any energy to find fault with him. In comparison, it was Xue Li's troubles that Qi Yan and Shu Zimu ushered in first.

For higher profits, Xue Li started fur business. More precisely, it should be the wild fur business. Although this transaction is not so legal, as long as there are reliable buyers and sellers, it can be said to be easy and profitable.

Of course, at the beginning, most of what Xue Li handled was the fur of hares, which was not illegal. But gradually, there began to be protected animal furs such as foxes and minks, and the number gradually increased from one or two to a large amount each time. Xue Li also gradually became more and more daring from fearful.

Poaching wild protected animals and buying and selling related products is illegal, but it is repeatedly prohibited because of profit-driven. However, you must be careful when doing this kind of thing, not only to avoid inspection, but also to worry about others leaking the report. So if you want to do this, you need a reliable sales channel. Otherwise, it is very likely that the money will not be earned, and you will have to be caught at the police station and even sentenced.

Xue Li dared to do this because he had an old acquaintance who made fur clothes, and he also knew that there were many people in the circle of rich people who sought after good wild furs, and most of them were noble ladies who were competing for beauty. It is very worthwhile to spend money on it. For a gimmick like a wild fox, you can pay several times more for an otherwise indistinguishable dress.

Of course, that old friend is in the formal leather business on the surface, but in private he will also get some good wild fur as raw materials, and then easily fry it and sell it at a high price. The other party needed this, and looking at their friendship at the beginning, Xue Li felt that the other party would probably accept the goods he sent over. And the guy he accidentally met who wanted to sell fur, because he couldn't find a suitable buyer, had accumulated the goods for many days, and the price he asked for was not too high. Once you come and go, you should be able to make a lot of money.

Xue Li bought this batch of goods and left contact information with the seller. If the preparation goes well, he will receive the goods from him in the future. When selling, Xue Li spent more effort than he imagined. His friendship with that old friend didn't help much. Although the other party agreed to accept it, the price didn't meet his expectations at all. But even so, he made a lot of money from this sale, and the profit margin was still a bit stronger than that of general reselling, and most of it was on the two fox furs.

So Xue Li really continued the business, and shifted the focus to those animals that are more precious and illegal to sell at the same time.

The seller who supplied him with the goods was quite powerful, and he could deliver them once a week or so, and each time there were at least two or three rare ones. Several times, the money in Xue Li's hand quadrupled. Although there are risks, wealth and wealth come from insurance, and after a few visits, his buyers and sellers seem to be relatively reliable, so Xue Li is not too worried. To achieve such a profit margin in a month, Xue Li became more determined to do this business, and his appetite grew stronger and stronger.

When he picked up the goods again, the seller said that there was a big item this time, and Xue Li's eyes lit up.

What the seller took out turned out to be a tiger skin! A basically complete piece of tiger skin with a bullet hole on it, the skin is not particularly shiny and smooth, it looks average, but it is tiger skin after all, it is something that has a price but no market. It's not easy to get new tiger skins, so it's one less. The better ones can easily cost millions, and you can also know how big the profit margin is.

Xue Li already trusted the seller's products, and he didn't see any problems with it. After thinking about it, he bought it with his total of more than 400,000 yuan. If it is resold and sold, it is probably no problem for Xue Li to double it. The money that could only be earned with a large batch of goods could be earned with consistency. Xue Li was satisfied, thinking over and over again how to bargain with others.

The next day, he carefully took the tiger skin to find someone, but the other party was rarely relaxed about the price. Rare things are also valuable, and tiger skins are indeed too rare. Xue Li became more and more complacent, happy that his net worth could finally reach seven figures again. Considering that there are only so many furs in stock, with a lot of money, you can make some other investments.

It's a pity that before he could decide what to invest in, the inspector gave him a bolt from the blue: "This... seems to be man-made..."

How could Xue Li believe it? However, the other party was telling the truth, and after being entangled for a long time, Xue Li could only confirm this fact as soon as the other party pointed out the flaw.

Xue Li immediately wanted to settle the score with the seller, but he couldn't find anyone there. Almost all of his net worth was spent on it, and now he has been cheated out of everything, but he can't even call the police to track him down. After all, it was illegal for him to buy tiger skins. He had just been released from prison not long ago, and he definitely didn't want to go in again.

Such a piece of fake tiger skin can be sold for tens of thousands of dollars, which means that his hundreds of thousands of dollars have been squandered, and he has returned to a state of poverty, and even has no start-up capital to start over. How could Xue Li be reconciled.

He intends to find someone who doesn't know how to sell the fake as real, but it's hard to find a buyer, and it's even harder to find a fool. Not to mention how many rich people who are willing to spend tens of millions to buy tiger skins have no eyesight. It is hard to say whether they can guarantee that the other party will not report it, and there is no way to sell it outside.

In the end, Xue Li ran out of cash and could only carry the fake tiger skin, so Xue Li had to come up with another idea.

It would be too embarrassing to go to Yao Yue, after all, Haikou, where he boasted about returning to his hometown, is now at the end of the road, and Yao Yue probably won't be able to spend much money.

After much deliberation, Xue Li could only focus on Shu Zimu.

The author has something to say: I don’t know the actual situation and operation of anti-drug operations and fur trading, so the article is all nonsense, if you find a bug... please don’t care about such details qwq

ps I hope I can update so early every day in the future _(:з」∠)_