Marrying the Big Shot

Chapter 29: Peach Blossoms


Several people tossed at the door for a while before entering. Shu Zimu was very nervous at first, but was interrupted by the childish dispute between Bai Xinlan and Qi Yan, and calmed down when the matter came to an end. According to Bai Xinlan's introduction, they greeted Qi's parents and elders one by one, and gave them the prepared gifts. The first hurdle was passed smoothly.

Although Shu Zimu couldn't bring out any precious things compared to Qi's family, he still had to do his best, so Shu Zimu also spent a lot of time choosing gifts. Most of the gifts for the elders are supplements, tea and cosmetics, while the gifts for the younger generation are much brighter. The one for Qi Yao is a new game VR device, and the one for Qi Yan’s niece Qi Yun is a doll of her favorite animation character.

These gifts were chosen by Shu Zimu after consulting Qi Yan. The Qi family was very satisfied after receiving it. In addition to showing Shu Zimu's intentions, it also showed that Qi Yan knew the preferences of the family members very well, and obviously cared about them in normal times. Although Qi Yan usually speaks little and doesn't like to express, but in fact, he really cares about those who value him, so Qi's parents and seniors love Qi Yan very much. Except for Bai Xinlan who loves to bicker with her son, the Qi family also thinks that Qi Yan is very sensible. In comparison, Qi Yao and Qi Yun were a little afraid of Qi Yan's black face, but it was only out of children's fear of being taught a lesson.

The Qi family loves Qi Yan very much, so they are also very concerned about Qi Yan's life-long events. Qi Yan has never been in a relationship before, and she seems completely clueless, and the whole Qi family is worried. For this reason, Qi Minghui and Bai Xinlan, who firmly believe in materialism, were asked by Grandma Qi to ask for a lottery for Qi Yan. The results obtained showed that Qi Yan was short of a lottery in his life, and he was likely to die alone. The only turning point was at the age of twenty-five. That year, if you grasp it, it may be the perfect peach blossom.

So seeing that Qi Yan was about to turn twenty-six, and still hadn't seen even a ambiguous object, the Qi family had no choice but to give him the task of getting married immediately, and held such a banquet. Originally, the Qi family didn't have much hope, they just thought that it would be fine for Qi Yan to find someone who didn't hate it first, but they didn't expect that the lottery seemed to be somewhat effective. Qi Yan took the initiative to pick Shu Zimu at the beginning of the banquet, and then he was very active in helping people out of the siege. Afterwards, he also helped people raise cats. Hearing from Aunt Zhang, he also had to video with people every day. It seemed that he was really in love. .

For Shu Zimu's "turning point", the Qi family was very curious, but they still thoughtfully let them get along for a while before Qi Yan brought him back to meet. Looking at it now, although he is a little younger, he is also sensible, not impatient in dealing with things, and is really good-looking.

Since Qi Yan is a face control, it means that the Qi family may have some genes in this area, so they are satisfied with the good-looking Shu Zimu invisibly. Especially Qi Yun, when she saw Shu Zimu, she couldn't help but "wow", and said: "My brother is even more beautiful than the people in cartoons!" Compared with the doll that Shu Zimu gave her, she wanted to hold Shu Zimu himself and not let go , "Brother, wait for me to grow up and be a prince for me, okay?"

"Not good," Shu Zimu didn't speak, Qi Yan put Qi Yun aside with a dark face, and taught her seriously: "This is an uncle, not a brother, and I can't be your prince."

Qi Yun was quite afraid of Qi Yan's cold face, and immediately ran to her mother's side, holding her mother's thigh and sticking out her tongue at Qi Yan: "Second uncle is so stingy."

Everyone laughed when they saw this.

Besides Shu Zimu, Xuexue is also very popular. Except for a few stable male elders, the others couldn't help but hold Xuexue in their arms and rubbed her several times. When it was time to leave, Qi Yun still seemed very reluctant, and finally won the benefit of "If you don't have a beautiful brother, you need a beautiful cat" and got Qi Heng to agree to keep a cat for her in the main house.

Shu Zimu came with a bunch of gifts, and then left with a bunch of red envelopes, so he must have earned more. Even Xuexue received a lot of presents, and she even put on a little dress that Qi Yun wore.

After successfully meeting the parents, Qi Yan's idea that had been suggested by Jonathan and had been shelved was finally put into his schedule by him—it was time for Shu Zimu and his friends to get to know each other.

Meeting friends is naturally much easier than meeting parents, so Shu Zimu was quite relaxed at first, but after arriving at the scene, he felt that the atmosphere was far less peaceful and relaxed than in Qi's house. Shu Zimu looked at the few people present calmly, but couldn't find the source of this stagnant atmosphere for a while.

Xu Chi, who had met twice, first greeted Shu Zimu, and then took the initiative to introduce the other two.

Jian Hongshen, who was introduced first, looks quite similar to Qi Yan. He is relatively taciturn and has a relatively serious expression. After Xu Chi's introduction, he nodded at Shu Zimu and said simply, "Hello."

Xu Chi smiled and said to Shu Zimu: "He is like this. He learned badly from Ah Yan before. He doesn't laugh or talk, don't mind."

Qi Yan and Xu Chi grew up together, while Jian Hongshen moved to the compound later. Compared with Qi Yan and Xu Chi, Jian Hongshen's situation in the family is much more embarrassing, and he is often bullied. Later, I accidentally became friends with Xu Chi and Qi Yan. Because of Qi Yan, the people who bullied him restrained a lot. After realizing that Qi Yan was a strong deterrent to those people, Jian Hongshen unconsciously began to imitate Qi Yan's aura. Later, I realized that what those people were afraid of was Qi Yan's family background rather than his aura, but the facial paralysis he had developed was not easy to recover. I don't know if it's because Xu Chi's personality is getting more and more out of character because he faces two seldom-spoken facial paralysis all day long. The hippie smiling face every day is completely two extremes with Qi Yan and Jian Hongshen.

After introducing Jian Hongshen, Xu Chi introduced another handsome young man to Shu Zimu, "This is my cousin..."

"I'm Xu Lan," the other party interrupted Xu Chi, and took the initiative to extend his hand to Shu Zimu with a smile, "Hi, Zimu."

Of the five people present, Xu Lan was the only one who was similar in age to Shu Zimu, and he was also enthusiastic. Shu Zimu should have had a good impression of him. However, when shaking hands with Xu Lan, Shu Zimu saw him glance at Qi Yan. It's nothing to just take a look, but Shu Zimu inexplicably felt a subtle strangeness in Xu Lan's eyes.

But this subtle feeling was only fleeting, and Shu Zimu didn't take it seriously.