Marrying the Big Shot

Chapter 42: Home


When Shu Zimu took the initiative to get close to Qi Yan, he just imagined the accident like the last time, and passed by with a touch. Because after all, it was at the wedding, and the master of ceremonies even proposed to let the couple kiss their partner. If they do nothing at this time, there will definitely be more rumors about Qi Yan after the wedding. Maybe Qi Yan himself really can't accept such intimate contact with people as a kiss, but after the accident last time, he didn't show any obvious disgust, and his attitude towards Shu Zimu was the same as before, and there was no sign of anger. Therefore, Shu Zimu thought that with such a simple touch this time, Qi Yan should not be unhappy, and it would save some people the trouble of adding more talk.

Shu Zimu thought so, and maybe there was some element of the atmosphere at the time, which made him take the initiative to kiss Qi Yan without much hesitation, but what he didn't expect was that Qi Yan only paused for a moment because of surprise, and then turned back to the guest and finished it first. The movement of lips touching. The subsequent development was not as fleeting as Shu Zimu imagined. In the beginning, it was just lips touching, and there was no unnecessary movement. Of course, Shu Zimu's face turned red just because of this. And after a pause of two or three seconds like this, when he thought he would be let go by the other party soon, Shu Zimu felt that Qi Yan's hand on his waist was slightly harder, and the hot temperature rushed up from the spine, making him feel uncomfortable. He was a little dizzy. However, what made his head dizzy was still behind, not only did Qi Yan not let go of him, but actually licked his lips, then wrapped his lower lip in his mouth, and rubbed it lightly with his teeth.

It doesn't hurt, but it makes me itch.

"Hmm..." Shu Zimu was caught off guard, and let out a soft snort with a nasal sound, and his eyes widened slightly.

After all, it was a wedding, there were too many audiences, and Qi Yan didn't go too far. After Shu Zimu was taken aback, he clicked there and backed away slightly. The two moved away from the close contact, and Qi Yan saw that Shu Zimu's looking forward to the radiant face was steaming with clouds and clouds, and there was a surprised and dazed expression that was extremely inconsistent with the gorgeous facial features.

Kind of cute.

Qi Yan was thinking silently, trying to ignore his ears that were also hot, and turned to look at the already sluggish master of ceremonies, beckoning him to take the next step.

The sight of Qi Yan received by the master of ceremonies was far less gentle than that felt by Shu Zimu. The master of ceremonies immediately became excited and praised Qi Yan and Shu Zimu for their sincerity and love, and then quickly invited the families of both parties to come on stage.

This is a preparation for loved ones to give their blessings and to show acceptance for a new addition to the family. There were quite a few people on the Qi family side, not to mention Bai Xinlan and Qi Yao, Qi Minghui didn't play, but Grandpa Qi and Grandma Qi came on stage as the biggest parents. Xue Li was the only one on the side of the Xue family, and there was still a clear distinction between the two sides.

After Qi Yao took the stage, she picked up Xuexue who had just been released from the ribbon, and added a cat, which made Xue Li look even more lonely.

It's not that Xue Li doesn't want to have more people in the Xue family, it's just that the Qi family said that apart from their biological father, there is no need for the stepmother and half-siblings they just met. After all, Shu Zimu didn't want to face Xue's family at all, and it was already the limit to endure Xue Li.

Xue Li was naturally a little dissatisfied with this, but no one cared about Xue Li at this time. Almost all the Qi family showed excitement, Grandpa Qi was still very steady, Grandma Qi and Bai Xinlan had no scruples, and looked at Qi Yan and Shu Zimu who were still holding hands with a smile, their eyes were quite meaningful.

In the kiss between Shu Zimu and Qi Yan just now, the most excited ones were definitely not the gossip-watchers in the audience, but Qi Yan's relatives in the Qi family.

Although they know that Qi Yan treats Shu Zimu differently, the Qi family has no idea whether Qi Yan's affection for Shu Zimu is love or not. Even if Bai Xinlan tried it deliberately, Qi Yan never revealed her true thoughts. Although the atmosphere between the two of them should be close to each other, but thinking about Qi Yan's 25-year bachelor career, the Qi family still has a bit of a relationship. worried.

But now it's better, now that we have kissed each other, Qi Yan is obviously not treating Shu Zimu as a friend or a younger brother, he must be serious and wants to fall in love with someone! It couldn't be better!

Bai Xinlan rolled her eyes with a smile, and so did Grandma Qi. Grandpa Qi was not so obviously happy, but he was also very pleasant. Afterwards, the Qi family simply exaggerated Shu Zimu, and they were really satisfied no matter how they looked at it, so that Xue Li didn't have a chance to speak.

By the way, this session also announced the dowry and dowry given by the two families. When many people were shocked by the big money of the Qi family, Grandpa Qi and Grandma Qi who were very happy even waved their hands and added a lot of things on the spot. There is a gift to give, this time it adds a little more. The generosity of the Qi family made it difficult for Xue Li to ride a tiger. After struggling for a while, he could only add some things, but he was very angry.

At this time, the official process of the wedding is over, and then it is the banquet for entertaining the guests.

The wedding of Qi Yan and Shu Zimu was said to be Western-style, but it was not so Western-style. The venue was not specially chosen in a church, and the priest who presided over the oath was not a priest (because Grandma Qi didn’t believe in Western sects), and the banquet afterwards was even more Chinese. Chinese classical habits. Although it's not so orthodox, the Qi family doesn't care about it, they just do it in whatever way is convenient and comfortable.

Huaguo's wine table culture has a long history. Although it is not without disadvantages, it is very useful most of the time. It is easier for people to talk freely and connect with each other at the dinner table and wine table. At this time, before the wine started to drink, many people were chatting freely. If you listen carefully, you will find that the focus of these people's talks is on the wedding just now. Either they were lamenting the generous dowry gift of the Qi family, or they were amazed at the kiss that attracted everyone's attention just now, and a few were talking about Shu Zimu's amazing appearance, and the good luck of the Xue family's success in one step.

Most of the people talked about this in a tone of admiration. Some people envied the Xue family who climbed high, some envied the Qi family who spent a lot of money, and some were surprised by the rumors about Qi Yan, but most of them did not have any disgust or malice.

However, this is not the case for a few people.

For example, Xue Lin, even the Xue family has become the envy of some people, but it is Shu Zimu who stands out, which makes her unhappy no matter what. And after someone gossiped about the reason for Shu Zimu's change of surname, saying that from today's wedding, it can be seen that the Qi family actually doesn't like the Xue family very much, Xue Lin's unhappiness became even deeper. But she just got into a big or small disaster, so Yao Yue has been paying special attention to her, and even gave up the idea of letting her and Xue Yu go to Qi's house to make friends with the second-generation circle, but put Xue Lin Look by your side, and don't allow her to run out of your sight.

Therefore, when Qi Yan and Shu Zimu came to the table where Xue's family was sitting to toast with wine glasses, although Xue Lin was very angry and made her face look long, she couldn't do anything after all. Qi Yan and Shu Zimu didn't want to stay here any longer, so they toasted and left.

However, in this short period of time, Shu Zimu felt a very strong gaze. After looking over, he found that it was a foreigner next to Xue Lin, and frowned immediately. Shu Zimu guessed that this should be the person brought in by Xue's family. Seeing that the other party smiled at him and raised his glass to signal him, Shu Zimu ignored him, turned around and left with Qi Yan.

Lance paused, lowered his head, and there was a gloomy look in his eyes. After a while, he recovered his polite and gentlemanly expression, and looked at Shu Zimu's back with a smile. Xue Lin only cared about being angry, and only remembered the attention Lance had shown to each other before Shu Zimu left. She turned her head in a panic, and found that her lover was really looking at Shu Zimu, and the hatred in her heart suddenly deepened.

This time, she didn't interrupt Lance to draw back the other party's attention, but lowered her head bitterly, her expression almost distorted. Lance glanced across her face from the corner of his eye, and couldn't help showing an expected smile.

Shu Zimu met with Lance but didn't take it seriously, and soon went to the next table with Qi Yan. Thanks to Qi Yan's cold personality, they don't need to chat with the guests for a long time every time, they just need to say a few casual words and drink the wine. No one would pour wine on purpose to Qi Yan, and not everyone deserves them to toast in person, so this process that Shu Zimu thought would be a pain, actually ended without much effort.

Only when they met Jonathan, Shu Zimu and Qi Yan suffered a bit. There are young people here, although they dare not do anything because of Qi Yan's prestige, but in fact the desire to gossip is very strong. It happened that there was a Jonathan who was not afraid of anything, teasing Qi Yan was already commonplace, and he asked a few questions on the spot, making Qi Yan's face darken.

With Jonathan taking the lead, the others became more courageous and gossiped one after another. In the end, it was Qi Yan who played the role of an iceberg, allowing them to recall the fear of being dominated by Qi Dayan, and Qi Yan and Shu Zimu escaped smoothly.

When Qi Yan and the others came over, Jonathan took a special look at Xu Lan who was sitting at the same table, and found that the other party did not show anything wrong. Obviously, he had adjusted his state in a short period of time. Afterwards, he went to see Jian Hongshen again, and saw that although the other party's face was plain, his movements of drinking were clearly irritated, one cup after another, his eyes were not in focus, and his thoughts seemed to be completely empty. Jonathan couldn't help shaking his head and sighing in his heart.

Thinking that Jian Hongshen seems to be Qi Yan's valued friend, Jonathan felt that as a helpful partner, he had reason to help this poor little man, so he said to Xu Chi: "William, let's go to the last time tomorrow. How about the bar? Take Jane with you."

Xu Chi frowned when he heard this, recalling the bar he and Jonathan went to last time, his first reaction was that Jonathan had some bad idea. However, it's not that he didn't notice Jian Hongshen's bad state. Although Xu Chi didn't think of the reason for Jian Hongshen's sudden depression because he didn't see the previous scene, he quickly understood what Jonathan meant. In this state of obviously broken love, it is indeed feasible to go to the bar to relax.

Xu Chi hoped that Jian Hongshen would get what he wanted, but since he hadn't taken the initiative to match Qi Yan and Xu Lan, naturally he wouldn't take the initiative to match Xu Lan and Jian Hongshen either. Just like Qi Yan has been unmoved by Xu Lan, Xu Chi feels that Jian Hongshen actually has no hope. In this case, it is better to recognize the reality early and get out of the broken relationship.

So although the bar that Jonathan mentioned...was relatively large, which made Xu Chi, who grew up guarding Jian Hongshen, a little unhappy, he finally agreed. Seeing this, Jonathan thanked Xu Chi with a smile, and went to drink and chat with Jian Hongshen, which didn't make him look so depressed. But the aftereffect was that Jian Hongshen became drunk not long after, and almost vomited Jonathan all over.

When the guests are full, the wedding is almost over. Of course, it was only afternoon, and the Qi family still had many entertainment activities planned, and there was also a banquet in the evening. But those are irrelevant.

Shu Zimu was asked by Bai Xinlan to take a lunch break, and then showed up with Qi Yan at the dinner party, and the day's tasks were considered to be successfully completed. The show ended completely at night, and everyone went back to their homes, as did Shu Zimu and Qi Yan.

The two, plus a cat, returned to their home.

This is not the first time for Shu Zimu to come to Qi Yan's residence. He has been to the Qi family's main house before, so naturally he has been here. However, it was a short stay before, and starting today, it will become a long-term stay.

Qi Yan lives in a penthouse villa, which is not too big or small, more than 200 square meters, but there are three floors, the gym and game room are enough space, and there is a swimming pool on the top floor. Because there is only Qi Yan as the master, there are not many servants in the house. In addition to Aunt Zhang, there is another aunt who cleans. In addition to being a housekeeper, Aunt Zhang is also responsible for cooking, and her skills are quite good.

After Shu Zimu moved in, the owners of this house became two. There are many things to be busy, but Aunt Zhang is very happy. When Shu Zimu came to choose the decoration design, Aunt Zhang also said: "The second young master and Shu young master are still a little less, and we should have a few babies earlier." This made Shu Zimu very embarrassed. Fortunately, after he mentioned it to Qi Yan obliquely, and Qi Yan said that he had no plans to have children for the time being, Shu Zimu was relieved.

Of course, Shu Zimu didn't know that this added to Qi Yan's cognition of "he doesn't like me", which made Qi Yan more cautious in his actions before marriage, for fear of scaring people away by accident .

But when he drove Shu Zimu home that day, Qi Yan was in a rare complacent mood. After all, Shu Zimu took the initiative to kiss him today! And in front of so many people!

You must know that after the kiss, Qi Yan tried his best to restrain himself, so that he would not relive the taste of the kiss just now when he was doing business, and then show a smirk and scare other people. For others, a silly smile is just a little silly, but for Qi Yan, laughing is scary enough, let alone silly. If he really wanted to smirk, he might be so ferocious that it would scare people.

Thanks to his habitual facial paralysis.

But when you are alone with Shu Zimu after finishing your work, the sense of satisfaction that is unusually pleasant and pleasant is not so easy to control. Thinking of Shu Zimu sitting next to him, and the two of them will live together in the future, Qi Yan almost wanted to hum a song. It's just that he knows too few songs, and even fewer love songs, and he only wants to hum songs, but he only wants to get: "Today is a good day~everything you want can come true~".

After this sentence rang in his mind, he was startled, but he couldn't hum it out.

Although he failed to sing, Qi Yan thought of something else along with the lyrics. "Everything you think about can come true", it would be great if everything you think about can come true today, he has nothing else on his mind now, just one thing, are he and Shu Zimu going to share the same bed at night

He thought about this all the way, and the more he thought about it, the more serious he looked, until he entered the door with a cold face, which shocked Aunt Zhang.

"Second Young Master, what's the matter, is there a traffic jam on the road?"

Qi Yan recovered, and quickly looked at Shu Zimu who was holding the cat, worried that he might have misunderstood, and found an excuse: "It's nothing, I was thinking about work just now."

"What do you want to do when you're just married!" Aunt Zhang glanced at him complainingly, "Thinking about the honeymoon, it's almost the same!"

After finishing speaking, Aunt Zhang turned to Shu Zimu and said with a smile on her face, "Master Shu, come in quickly, all your things have been moved here."

Shu Zimu lowered his head and saw a small box in front of the entrance, which contained the things he had brought from Xue's house. He has too few things, except for a few sets of clothes and an acceptance letter, there is nothing else. But less is less, these things clearly remind Shu Zimu that he has finally officially left the Xue family on this day, and he no longer needs to live under the noses of the Xue family. The first goal of his rebirth has been successfully achieved.

Shu Zimu took a deep breath without a trace, feeling that the depression accumulated in his heart had dissipated a lot, he showed a big smile to Aunt Zhang, "Aunt Zhang, just call me Zimu, I will take care of you in the future, no need So polite."

"Okay, okay, I'll call you Zimu," Aunt Zhang felt a blow of understanding when she saw Shu Zimu's bright smile, and hurriedly agreed. "You've been tired all day, go take a bath, Aunt Zhang will make you some snacks, eat and go to bed early."

Shu Zimu agreed with a smile, put Xuexue down, and said, "I'm sorry to trouble you."

"No trouble, no trouble," Aunt Zhang said and walked to the kitchen, "Zi Mu, your toiletries are all ready, and they are in the bathroom of the master bedroom, just go directly."

"..." Qi Yan had an inexplicable feeling that he was invisible, but he was very happy to see that Shu Zimu was not restrained, and when it came to taking a bath...

The two came to the master bedroom on the third floor together. The master bedroom was very large, with a big bed, and the attached bathroom was also big, with a bathtub that was not too small. Qi Yan looked at the familiar bathtub, but for the first time, a thought came to mind: two people bathing together seems to be enough...

"You first or me first?" Shu Zimu asked him.

"A...cough, you come first." Qi Yan, who almost leaked his mouth, had his ears a little hot, and his eyes focused on the sink next to Shu Zimu.

Shu Zimu didn't notice his unnaturalness, and nodded when he heard the words, "Okay, I will do it as soon as possible."

Qi Yan taught Shu Zimu how to use it, then turned around and left the bathroom. After a while, there was the sound of splashing water behind him. The sound of water sometimes disappears, sometimes light and sometimes heavy, like a piece of music hitting Qi Yan's heart, he couldn't help but hold his breath.

Not long after, Shu Zimu came out wearing a bathrobe. The bathrobe is loose, and the neckline is a little open, so that the delicate collarbone can be seen at a glance, and most of the white and firm chest is exposed. Because Qi Yan is relatively tall, you can even see a little bit of lovely pale pink. Her hair was wet, and there were crystal drops of water hanging from the end of her hair, which was crumbling. A drop fell and landed on the collarbone, and then slowly moved down the collarbone, slid across the chest, and finally disappeared under the cover of the bathrobe.

Qi Yan suddenly wanted to become that drop of water.

"Cough... I'm fine." As soon as he came out, Qi Yan greeted him with unusually warm eyes, Shu Zimu closed his neckline calmly, and said with a dry cough.

Qi Yan reacted, and instantly recovered his cold and serious expression, turned around and found the hair dryer, "When you wash your hair at night, you need to dry your hair."

"Well, thank you," Shu Zimu smiled, "I'll do it myself, you go take a shower."

Qi Yan wanted to take advantage of the convenience of drying her hair to enjoy the scenery under the bathrobe from a height, but she couldn't be too hasty, so she handed the hair dryer to Shu Zimu with a stiff face, and turned into the bathroom.

Shu Zimu was blowing her hair, even though the sound of the hair dryer covered up the sound in the bathroom, she couldn't help but blush.

This day is not only the beginning of drawing a line between him and the Xue family, but also the relationship between him and Qi Yan seems to have begun to change.

He originally thought that he and Qi Yan would always be a mutual beneficial friendship between spouses on the surface, but the kiss at the wedding clearly reminded him that this was not the case. Or in fact, the relationship between them is not what I thought it was.

Although he thought of a lot of reasons when he took the initiative to kiss the other party, and although Qi Yan could find reasons for turning against the guest, in fact all the reasons are excuses. There is no excuse for Qi Yan's restless movements during the kiss, and there is also no excuse for her obedience or even obsession.

Before the wedding was over, he didn't think about those things separately, and he was a little immersed in thoughts about Xue's family before, but when he was taking a bath just now, he couldn't help but think of Qi Yan.

This is Qi Yan's home, Qi Yan's bedroom, Qi Yan's bathtub, it seems that Qi Yan's breath is everywhere. And he will live in this environment in the future.

Just remembering that Qi Yan had used the bathtub he was lying in before, Shu Zimu felt his body a little hot, so he hurriedly escaped from that fantasy, and he didn't have time to brush his hair. Unexpectedly, after he came out, Qi Yan's implicitly scorching gaze infected all limbs and bones, and the heat and panic rose at the same time. He managed to not show any flaws, and calmly asked Qi Yan to take a bath.

But calmness can only be maintained on the surface, after all, this is Qi Yan's bedroom...

Shu Zimu was blowing her hair absentmindedly, she forgot to move her hands, until she was scalded, she made a "hiss", changed her position and continued, but her mind was still not on her hair.

Now that they are all married, Qi Yan will definitely not prepare a guest room for him, and it is unreasonable to be found by Aunt Zhang in the guest room...


Shu Zimu turned her head to look at the big bed in the master bedroom, which seemed very comfortable at first glance, and pursed her lips.

He probably has to share the same bed with Qi Yan today