Marrying the Big Shot

Chapter 55: Surprise


"You invest in me?" Shu Zimu couldn't help laughing after being stunned, "Then I will be airborne into the group under the unspoken rules?"

Qi Yan thought for a moment when he heard the words, and couldn't figure out the meaning of Shu Zimu's tone for a moment, and said after considering: "You are the original author, it is normal for you to join the team as a screenwriter, and it cannot be regarded as an unspoken rule."

Shu Zimu saw that his face was sullen as if he was facing a big enemy, and he smiled and said: "You are right, it is indeed quite normal. Then you come to invest in me, as long as the configuration is reliable, I think my book It should not lose money if it is adapted."

Qi Yan himself also guessed whether Shu Zimu didn't like this kind of thing of bringing money into the group. After all, when he was young and frivolous, he only wanted to make some achievements by himself, and he would easily become rebellious against the help of his family. Unexpectedly, Shu Zimu was very calm about this, and it seemed that he was more worried that his investment would lose money.

"As long as the funds are sufficient, you can have as good a configuration as you want." Qi Yan said in a deep voice, but she was already happy because of Shu Zimu's promise.

"You speak like a big spender..." Shu Zimu couldn't help laughing, and deliberately joked: "If you spend so much money, will someone say that you use public equipment for private use, and play with the princes?"

Qi Yan said with a straight face, "No, this part of the investment is paid for by me personally, and no other people are involved."

Shu Zimu said with a smile when he heard the words: "Then you'd better get started quickly, I think the film and television copyright of my article should be very popular. It's a good deal to buy early."

Qi Yan nodded in agreement, "I know, I have already invested in Jinjiang in advance, it doesn't matter if it's expensive, anyway, the copyright fee is for you."

"Invest in Jinjiang?" Shu Zimu's eyes widened.

Seeing this, Qi Yan felt a little guilty, and felt that Shu Zimu's eyes seemed to accuse him of prodigal, "Jinjiang's revenue is good, and it is also a good investment if you buy shares." Qi Yan tried to explain, and at the same time hesitated for a moment, or honestly said The matter of the film and television company was also explained.

"And I also acquired a film and television company, and I will also produce film and television in the future. It happens that Jinjiang has a lot of works suitable for adaptation. After becoming a shareholder, it will still be very useful."

Shu Zimu's eyes widened after hearing Qi Yan's words, and abruptly opened Danfeng's eyes into a pair of round cat's eyes, "You also bought a film and television company?" Shu Zimu was very surprised, "When did it happen?"

"Just these two months..." Qi Yan replied, inexplicably feeling like being asked about private money by his partner. Qi Yan worked hard to bring the atmosphere back to the normal, full of surprises and romantic track when giving gifts to lovers, and said to Shu Zimu: "This is the gift I prepared to give you before getting married. The strategy says that gifts should be given Needed, but you don’t seem to lack anything. Later, I thought that you should like the screenwriting profession very much, and I thought about it after thinking about it. It should be useful to you, right? What do you think?”

When Shu Zimu learned that Qi Yan had bought a film and television company for him, he felt his heart thumping. Hearing that the other party said that he started preparing before getting married, he felt even more overwhelmed. Although for Qi Yan, sending a film and television company may cost about the same as giving a car to ordinary people, the important thing is not the amount of money, but this gift, which is indeed completely for Shu Zimu's consideration, and It was sent to the place where Shu Zimu needed it most. This kind of thoughtfulness is the meaning of gift giving.

And Qi Yan didn't come up with the idea recently, but started preparing before getting married, but she didn't reveal the slightest word of wind before. Shu Zimu couldn't help feeling that the other party was really calm. People are always very concerned about their own contributions, and like to publicize them everywhere, but they are always good at forgetting and stingy about mentioning others' contributions. This is the inferiority of human beings, and it is not easy to overcome. But Qi Yan has been quietly paying for Shu Zimu, preparing such a rare gift, but he didn't come out excitedly to claim credit from the beginning. In other words, he may have started to praise himself a long time ago, but Qi Yan still remained calm. Even now, he did not tell Shu Zimu about it in a gesture of benevolence. Instead, his first reaction was to ask Shu Zimu if he thought this gift was useful. However, the most important thing is Shu Zimu's reaction.

Shu Zimu feels more and more that Qi Yan is really a very beautiful person, contrary to the rumors he heard, maybe he has a cold and even scary side, but for those who value him, just the right amount of consideration and gentleness is the real him .

Shu Zimu thought about it, and said sincerely to Qi Yan: "Thank you, I like this gift very much."

When Qi Yan heard this, his tense emotions finally relaxed, "It's just as long as you like it. It's just two days weekend, do you want to go and see it?"

"Okay," Shu Zimu naturally had no reason not to agree, "Which film and television company did you buy?"

Qi Yan's move was indeed a pleasant surprise for Shu Zimu. In addition to his career development as a screenwriter, Shu Zimu had thought about investing in some films with good performance in his previous life memory, but the Qi family did not involve in the film and television industry before. , He couldn't explain the reason why he insisted on being optimistic about them, so he only planned to find a chance to make a little money after he earned enough manuscript remuneration. But now that Qi Yan has acquired a film and television company, if he encounters those films in his memory again, he will definitely not just make a little money.

Shu Zimu thinks that Qi Yan's business vision must be good, and with his reminder, the film and television company will definitely not lose money after it is acquired.

"It's Xingyue Film and Television Media," Qi Yan replied, "It was a huge loss before, and there were not many talents left. It didn't cost much to acquire it. Xingyue itself still has some foundations. After the acquisition, I I dug some other people in, and it’s almost on the right track recently, so it’s just right to go to the company to have a look at this time.”

Shu Zimu nodded. He also had a little impression of Xingyue Film and Television in his previous life. He remembered that Yun Hao went bankrupt when he came back from abroad after winning an award. There were a lot of financial news and entertainment news. It seems that Xingyue is still poorly managed in this life, but because of him, it was acquired by Qi Yan by mistake. He believes in Qi Yan's ability, and feels that if Qi Yan is there, Xingyue will definitely not go back to the old path of his previous life in the future. Not to mention his "prophet" cheating device.

Shu Zimu and Qi Yan took this walk for nearly two hours, and they didn't come back until it was completely dark. After taking a shower, the two huddled together on the bed, and as usual, one person coded and one person handled the work.

Obviously there is a study room, but when Shu Zimu is at home, these two people just like to stay on the bed together, although the bed does not perform its due function.

During Shu Zimu's military training, he did not miss the task of coding. He wrote at least 10,000 words a day, and the time spent was just over two hours. In two days, "Super Energy Office" will be on the shelves. After it is on the shelves, Shu Zimu plans to maintain 10,000 daily updates. Before that, Shu Zimu's manuscript has 500,000 words, and there is no pressure to update after he is satisfied.

Because of the large number of words on the male channel, it takes about 200,000 to 300,000 words before it goes on the shelves. Shu Zimu maintains a frequency of 5,000 words per day, and it will take almost two months until the time to go on the shelves. At this time, the collection of "Super Energy Office" has tens of thousands, and its popularity is very good, which is quite a good result for a newcomer. The editor Zhen Ge saw this and gave him a very good recommendation, and also said that he would recommend a big picture of the homepage after it was put on the shelves. In Shu Zimu's last life, it was only the second book that appeared on the big picture on the front page, which shows how rare this list is. For this reason, although Zhen Ge is very optimistic about him, he also beat him a few times, telling him not to be too proud of his current good grades, but to keep updating to ensure quality.

Zhen Ge didn't know that Shu Zimu had earned nine figures in his previous life by writing articles and selling copyrights. Naturally, he would not get carried away just because of a big picture on the homepage. Therefore, after discovering that Shu Zimu had been steadily maintaining the growth of manuscripts, Zhen Ge's attitude was very satisfied and pleasantly surprised.

Shu Zimu remembers that in his previous life, Zhenge often said that he was the most worry-free author under him. He never had to be urged to update, and the code was serious. He would not let go at will, and would not anger readers. After the photo, in addition to the regular readers of the male channel, it also attracted many female fans, which is simply perfect. Shu Zimu felt that in this life, he must be more at ease than in the previous life. After all, now he has even found a buyer for the film and television copyright.

The codeword task was completed, it was still early, and Qi Yan's work was still in progress, but he couldn't continue. Xiao Biesheng is newly married, Shu Zimu just leaned over to give Qi Yan a goodnight kiss, just like a fish that fell into a fishing net, was caught by the other party, had nowhere to escape, and finally enjoyed it happily.

The next day was Saturday, and Xingyue Film and Television was still working overtime, and Shu Zimu and Qi Yan happened to go to inspect it.

The building of Xingyue Film and Television is located in the prosperous old city of Beijing. Although the building is not small, it looks much shabby compared to the glass buildings in the new city. Qi Yan has done a renovation in a short period of time after the acquisition, and it looks glamorous, and it can be regarded as having a touch of extravagance in the entertainment industry.

Although most of the affairs were handled by Xu Chi, Qi Yan also came to Xingyue a few times, so after taking Shu Zimu in through the gate, the front desk quickly greeted him.

"Hello, Mr. Qi!" After all, it was a film and television company, and the little girl at the front desk had pretty features and a sweet voice. Xingyue was acquired by Qi Yan, and the Qi family is a behemoth that most people have heard of. Qi Yan can be said to be a representative of young and rich CEOs. Although he only came to Xingyue a few times, he is still in the hearts of many young girls in the company. Ripples were left behind.

The girl at the front desk didn't have any thoughts of crossing the line, she just felt very honored to meet a powerful person for Qi Yan. But today, when she saw Shu Zimu next to Qi Yan, the thought fluctuation of the girl at the front desk broke through the previous peak in an instant, and her curiosity swelled violently.

She looks so good-looking, could it be a newly signed artist? The girl at the front desk thought about it, feeling excited. Doesn't that mean that we will often see him in the company in the future? Sure enough, working in a film and television company is one of the benefits, you can meet a lot of handsome men and beautiful women. By the way, Mr. Qi is really good, he reorganized Xingyue into what it is now in a short period of time, not to mention finding a big name, and now he has found such a good-looking newcomer! Just because of his good looks, this little handsome boy is sure to be popular!

The girl at the front desk thought a lot for a moment, but she broke down in the next second. I saw Shu Zimu said something to Qi Yan with a smile, and Qi Yan, who was always indifferent, turned his head and responded with a gentle expression that he had never seen before. Not only that, the next moment the girl at the front desk couldn't help but widen her eyes, she actually saw Qi Yan take the initiative to hold Shu Zimu's hand! Then she followed their hands and saw what looked like a pair of rings on their ring fingers!

So... that's not a newly signed artist, but the proprietress

Word God, it's really a film and television company, even the proprietress is so hot and so good-looking! ! Who said that the front desk is the face of the company? For their company, the face has to be the proprietress! ! That's right!

The girl at the front desk watched the backs of Qi Yan and Shu Zimu walking towards the elevator, and shouted in their hearts. After a while, I couldn't help but secretly escaped with my phone, and posted the first-hand news to my colleagues.

At this time, Shu Zimu and Qi Yan had arrived at the president's office, and Xu Chi was busy inside. There were piles of documents piled up on the table, which clearly showed that the owner was busy.

Seeing Shu Zimu and Qi Yan come in, after Xu Chi said hello to Shu Zimu, he threw a bunch of materials to Qi Yan very bluntly, "I have read these, you sign it quickly. In addition, since you I'm here today, and I'll leave the rest to you, and I'll have dinner with a producer later."

After hearing the words, Qi Yan pulled Shu Zimu and turned around and left, "The dinner is at noon, you continue first, I will take Zimu to visit."

Xu Chi was dumbfounded, "How did you walk so confidently? You are no longer the workaholic Qi Yan I knew!"

Qi Yan kept walking fast, but it was Shu Zimu who smiled and said Lili to Xu Chi: "I will finish the visit as soon as possible and send people back to work."

Qi Yan took Shu Zimu out of the president's office to visit other departments. Because Xingyue is a film and television company, there will be a lot of equipment and space that ordinary companies do not have, such as various talent and skill training rooms, special screening halls, and post-production departments, etc. It's also interesting to visit.

Because of his appearance, the first reaction of Xingyue people when they saw Shu Zimu was that he was a new artist, because Shu Zimu was brought by Qi Yan, so they would inevitably have some messy reverie. But when Qi Yan introduced them, or found out that they had the same ring on their hands, these people were shocked. But after that, many people couldn't help but think of another idea:

The Qi family has never been involved in the film and television entertainment industry, but recently they suddenly acquired Xingyue and poached talents on a large scale, which is a bit unusual in itself. Many people have wondered why Qi Yan suddenly came up with this idea. If it is said that the entertainment industry makes money, it can't make money compared to real estate. The magnitude is far behind. If it were another son or brother, maybe he would be guessed that he was looking for an artist for the sake of being close to the water, but Qi Yan has always been cold and hard, and has never been rumored with a starlet, so he is obviously not keen on this, so this guess seems to be okay. No way.

Before everyone guessed and guessed, they didn't guess the reason, but seeing Shu Zimu today, it was a flash of inspiration.

It seems that Mrs. Qi wanted to go to the entertainment industry to play tickets, so Mr. Qi spent a lot of money to buy a film and television company

Everyone looked at Shu Zimu's eye-catching face, and at Qi Yan's attitude towards Shu Zimu and Feng Xiaoyu, and felt that they probably didn't run away.

Then when Shu Zimu and Qi Yan went to visit the screenwriting department, they stunned everyone again with one sentence.

"In the future, we may be considered colleagues. Please bear with us when the time comes."

There are also more than a dozen editors employed by Xingyue now. When Shu Zimu said a word, more than a dozen people were stunned. After looking at each other for a while, someone asked hesitantly: "Do you mean that everyone in the company is a colleague, or are you be a screenwriter?"

"Of course I'm a screenwriter," Shu Zimu said with a smile, "I'm still in college, and I'm majoring in drama. I should come to Xingyue to work in the future."

"Not a performance?" The other party blurted out. Others also looked the same.

Shu Zimu shook his head and smiled, "I don't have acting talent, but writing stories is so-so."

Probably after a few words, Shu Zimu's attitude was very friendly, and Qi Yan didn't let out any air-conditioning. The people present gradually relaxed a lot and talked more.

"With your hardware conditions, you will definitely be popular as an artist!" This is not flattery, Shu Zimu's appearance is there, and he has both topicality and fan-attracting ability. What's more important is Qi Yan's backing, who directly bought a film and television company for him, and recently invested a lot of money in it. With such a powerful backstage, there will definitely be no shortage of resources. Even if the acting skills are a disaster, just relying on strong promotions from marketing can make it a hit. Of course, the following words are just thinking in my heart, and there is no need to say them out.

The one who spoke first was Cao Yi, who looked about thirty years old and dressed like an ordinary office worker, but since he could speak as a representative, he was obviously the leader among these people. Cao Yi was also recruited by Qi Yan after he bought Xingyue. He is a well-known screenwriter. When Shu Zimu was studying screenwriting recently, he had also heard of him.

Shu Zimu smiled, and said to Cao Yi's words: "I prefer to be a screenwriter." Then he brought this topic to the past, and then talked about the job of screenwriting.

In fact, Cao Yi originally felt a little bad about Shu Zimu saying that he wanted to be a screenwriter. After all, this kind of big man who came to play tickets is the most difficult to serve. Moreover, the credit for doing a good job is his, and the responsibility for doing something wrong is yours, which is extremely troublesome. However, after chatting with Shu Zimu for a while, Cao Yi discovered that Shu Zimu was not the kind of character who relied on his background to act mischievously. He also seemed to have done research on the job of screenwriting, and it seemed that he really loved it.

Shu Zimu also seemed to know the situation of the screenwriting industry very well, and felt a lot of their hard work, which narrowed the distance between the two parties a lot. Moreover, Qi Yan and Shu Zimu didn't say which project they would directly participate in. They just said that they might learn from the group if they had the opportunity during the winter and summer vacations.

After the visit was almost over, Shu Zimu and Qi Yan returned to the president's office again. This time when Xu Chi threw all the documents to Qi Yan, Qi Yan accepted them obediently, but he didn't sit on the boss chair that Xu Chi gave up. It was sitting on the sofa with Shu Zimu and watching together.

Xu Chi looked at the two people on the opposite side, and felt the fragrance of a single dog exuding from his body.

In order not to look too shiny, Xu Chi quickly went out quietly, leaving room for the two escaped dogs.

The documents Qi Yan looked at were the projects left by Xingyue, as well as some projects that Xu Chi was optimistic about recently. He didn't avoid Shu Zimu at all, and Shu Zimu simply took a few copies to look at. Shu Zimu didn't understand the financial analysis on the document, but he could almost make a judgment just by looking at the project name, so he turned it up much faster than Qi Yan.

Shu Zimu didn't have much hope at first, after all, he didn't have many impressions of dark horse works, and he didn't remember the specifics of those films clearly, so he could only rely on luck if he encountered them. But I didn't expect that after looking through the stack, Shu Zimu went to look through the ones that Qi Yan had eliminated out of boredom, but found a surprise.

Shu Zimu stared at the words "Blood War Dawn" on the project plan book, and carefully read the project content again under excitement, and finally confirmed with pleasant surprise that this is the movie that once hit the box office and exploded in word of mouth in his impression .

Shu Zimu immediately pulled Qi Yan's sleeve, handed him the project book, and asked, "Is there any problem with this project? Why don't you plan to use it?"

Qi Yan was startled, glanced at it and said: "The risk is too great, and the return may be too small." After a pause, he asked: "Are you very interested?"

Shu Zimu thought for a while, came up with an excuse, and said, "From the perspective of the script, the outline of this story is not bad, and it may be well shot."

Hearing this, Qi Yan took the planning book and flipped through it again, "But the configuration of this crew is very general, the actors are basically newcomers, the director is also unknown, there is no box office figure, and it is not an adaptation of a well-known IP, so the income is very high. Hard to say.

Shu Zimu tried hard to convince Qi Yan, "The movie still has to return to its essence. If the story is well told, people will definitely watch it. You can't be superstitious about famous directors and big-name stars. And look at the outline of the story. Well done, it must be a good commercial film. If you invest in movies only by looking at financial analysis, although it is not easy to lose money, it is also difficult to find a dark horse. I think Dawn of Blood is a dark horse.”

Qi Yan frowned slightly upon hearing the words, thought for a while and said: "Since you are so optimistic about this project, I will arrange for the person in charge to meet and have an interview. If possible, then invest in him according to your wishes."

Shu Zimu couldn't help laughing when he heard the words, "I thought you would say that you are rich and willful, and let me vote as much as I want."

Qi Yan sternly retorted: "You are not a character who uses profligacy to obtain pleasure. If I invest casually because of your words, you will definitely blame yourself if you lose in the future, so this matter cannot be sloppy."

Shu Zimu's brows and eyes became softer when he heard this. Qi Yan is like this. Although he is unconditionally good to him, he always does it just right, with a sense of proportion and a bottom line. Unlike parents who dote on their children, giving too much makes the children too self-greedy and unable to distinguish between good and bad; they also don’t have a strong desire to control, and they are used to controlling so that they act in the name of love, but in fact they are harmful. Qi Yan cares about and cares for Shu Zimu, and at the same time is considerate and respectful. This is the best state of love that Shu Zimu can think of.

Although Qi Yan's tone was serious, the air became sweeter little by little in Shu Zimu's smiling eyes. When Che Jingyuan followed Xu Chi and pushed the door in, what he saw was that the two people inside were almost about to kiss each other. went to the scene.


The eight eyes met, and the four faces were confused.

"Cough," Xu Chi pretended not to see anything, and took the initiative to introduce to Qi Yan and Shu Zimu: "This is Che Jingyuan's car guide, I'm here to introduce you."

Qi Yan nodded to him with a cold face, Che Jingyuan smiled dryly, and quickly said hello to him and Shu Zimu.

Shu Zimu was a little embarrassed, but after hearing Che Jingyuan's name, the embarrassment was immediately replaced by surprise. I didn't expect to have two big gains in one day! Shu Zimu stared at Che Jingyuan, his eyes couldn't help shining.

Qi Yan and Xu Chi only think that Che Jingyuan is a cutting-edge director with good box office revenue, but Shu Zimu knows that this man has won the best director award at one of the world's top film festivals in his previous life, and he can be said to have a reputation at the box office in the later period The internationally renowned director of Double Harvest is good at feature films with some commercial elements. It is very rare to be able to take into account both visual effects and plot depth. When Shu Zimu imagined that his novels would be filmed, in fact, the best scenario he imagined was to be directed by Che Jingyuan, but of course it was impossible to realize it in his previous life.

Unexpectedly, Che Jingyuan was scooped up by Qi Yan to Xingyue at this time in this life. Looking at it this way, maybe there will be a day when he will direct his own novel

Shu Zimu seemed quite enthusiastic about Che Jingyuan, and Qi Yan couldn't help but turn colder when he saw this, but he didn't stop Shu Zimu and Che Jingyuan from chatting and discussing, and let Xu Chi and Che Jingyuan also come in and sit down to talk.

The producer's dinner that Xu Chi was going to at noon was led by Che Jingyuan. Che Jingyuan can now be regarded as the director that Xingyue is going to focus on cultivating. He is also very grateful and helps Xingyue draw a lot of contacts. Xu Chi hoped that Qi Yan would also go to the dinner at noon, so he specially brought Che Jingyuan up for acquaintance. Unexpectedly, Shu Zimu admired Che Jingyuan very much and hated seeing each other so late. The two soon chatted in full swing. .

"Are you going to be a screenwriter? Not an actor?" Che Jingyuan asked Shu Zimu the same question as everyone else, and before Shu Zimu could answer, he looked at Qi Yan and asked himself: "That's right, Mr. Qi definitely doesn't want to." You go to be an actor."

Shu Zimu couldn't help but glanced at Qi Yan when he heard the words, and then said with a smile: "I want to be a screenwriter myself. And he will basically follow me whatever I want to do."

After talking, Shu Zimu and Qi Yan looked at each other for a while, the picture was like a soft light filter was added, and the other two got goosebumps when they saw it.

"..." I don't want to be so forcefully stuffed with dog food, thank you.

Fortunately, Shu Zimu didn't intend to feed them dog food, and soon chatted with Che Jingyuan about the movie.

"You want to make a blockbuster with special effects? Don't you want to make a feature film?" Shu Zimu asked in surprise.

Che Jingyuan nodded, "To be honest, if Mr. Qi hadn't been rich and powerful, and was willing to give me the opportunity to make blockbuster special effects movies, I definitely wouldn't have come to Xingyue."

Shu Zimu remembered the feature film that helped Che Jingyuan win the Best Director Award in his previous life, and was a little worried for a while that Qi Yan's actions would make the other party unable to use his talents and advantages. Shu Zimu thought for a while, and persuaded him: "Since you want to make special effects films, but you are good at feature films, why not make a feature film with some important special effects first? Anyway, as long as the investment is in place for special effects films, the post-production It’s fine if it’s done well, it doesn’t actually affect the performance of the plot.”

Che Jingyuan also agreed with this point, "You are right, but those investors are stubborn, anyway, in their opinion, I can make so much money by making low-cost pure drama films, why spend more Invest in making special effects scenes. Although I have a good name now, in fact I still have too little voice. Mr. Qi and Mr. Xu promised me more freedom, so I came here, and it’s not necessarily that I will shoot special effects blockbusters right away. .According to what you said, just make a film transition that combines the two first."

Shu Zimu breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the words, and said in his heart that it's okay, it seems that the future of the famous director will not go astray. When it comes to movies that combine special effects and plots, 1 Shu Zimu immediately thought of one. He quickly found the planning book of "Blood War Dawn" that he and Qi Yan were watching just now, and handed it to Che Jingyuan, "I think this film has good qualifications and is suitable for you, can you take a look?"

Che Jingyuan was taken aback, took the planning book and read it. After reading it, he was pleasantly surprised, then frowned, and finally looked at Shu Zimu, and said: "The crew has been formed, and there is a director."

Shu Zimu said: "This director is a newcomer. If you join the team, it will definitely be of great help to the whole film. If you are interested, the distribution of director rights can be negotiated again. The entire crew over there is worried about funding issues. If you are the director, it will be much easier to attract investment, and the other party may not be willing to give up part of the position. I think it would be good for one of you to be the chief director and the other to be the executive director."

After listening to Shu Zimu's words, Che Jingyuan thought for a while and did not speak. Shu Zimu thought for a while and added: "However, the airborne landing due to investment issues may also arouse the resentment of the original crew members. Whether you want to try or not depends on your balance." Shu Zimu thought of the good reputation of "Blood War Dawn" in her previous life, and the original director obviously had some skills. Although Che Jingyuan is more famous and may have a higher level, but rashly changing directors has a great impact on a movie. If you want "Dawn of the Bloody War" to have a good box office and word-of-mouth success like in the previous life, the safest way is not to change anything. Shu Zimu recommended "Blood War Dawn" to Che Jingyuan just now on a whim, but now he regrets it a bit.

However, Shu Zimu just mentioned it casually. How to do it depends on the balance between the crew and Che Jingyuan himself.

Because Che Jingyuan, a cutting-edge director, is optimistic, Qi Yan naturally has no reason to throw the bloody dawn plan into the trash can, but plans to invest according to Shu Zimu's wishes. However, the matter of asking the person in charge for an interview as mentioned earlier has not been cancelled, but more people have been added.

When Xu Chi asked to notify the producer and director of the Bloody Dawn crew, the other party was completely overjoyed, and soon made an appointment according to Qi Yan's intention, and planned to raise investment on the wine table tomorrow.

Shu Zimu doesn't really like wine games, but now not only did he accompany Qi Yan once at noon this day, but he had to come again tomorrow. However, he is not the one who asks for others in these wine bureaus, so the natural state is much more relaxed, and there is no need to worry about being drunk. And Qi Yan has his own cool effect, and other people don't dare to toast with him, so Qi Yan and Shu Zimu are silently eating next to him at the wine table, and the people who come and go are basically Xu Chi and others, see Even Shu Zimu felt that it was too easy for Qi Yan to be the president, and Xu Chi should be given a salary increase.

After meeting with the producer and director of Bloody Dawn the next day, the investment was quickly finalized, but Che Jingyuan unexpectedly decided to join the team, but he was only a nominal director. The producer and original director Jiang Can felt that he was hit by two big cakes one day in a row, and he was almost a little dazed. After a meal, they not only got investment, but also gained Che Jingyuan's fame. It's like getting a fast-pass ticket to success in an endless queue.

Moreover, Che Jingyuan even expressed his willingness to be a director with the group, but he did not ask for the director's signature but only a name. In other words, it was a free friendship sponsorship. When Jiang Can saw that Jingyuan was in the car at the dinner, he thought that Xingyue was going to be replaced by the director by airborne. Although he is not well-known, he has put a lot of effort into Bloody Dawn, and he and the producer took the lead to set up the crew, even though he knew that Xingyue would replace him with a well-known director, Che Jingyuan. , It is also for the quality of the film and box office considerations, which is completely understandable, but from Jiang Can's personal point of view, it is obviously not acceptable.

But I didn't expect the final result to be such a happy situation. Jiang Can was naturally very pleasantly surprised, and his attitude towards Che Jingyuan changed from slightly hostile to kind and friendly all of a sudden. The atmosphere in the later period was very harmonious.

Visiting Xingyue, Shu Zimu gained the contact information of a well-known screenwriter and a well-known director, and also discovered a future dark horse, which can be regarded as fruitful.

After a fulfilling weekend, Shu Zimu returned to school and officially started his long-lost study career. Because he left after class every day and didn't stay in school for a long time, except for a few roommates, the other classmates, Shu Zimu, basically didn't have much close friendship, and didn't participate in the student union or club, so he seemed a bit lonely.

However, Shu Zimu felt that this state was just right. After all, his core is at an advanced age, so it's still a bit difficult to get along with these fresh-adult youngsters. A lot of things that felt like the world was falling apart when I was young, in fact, after I have really experienced the storm, I will find that those things are nothing at all. And Shu Zimu experienced more than a little storm in his previous life, so he may often not be able to synchronize with these classmates in his views on things, so it is most appropriate to maintain the state of ordinary classmates. Of course, Shu Zimu will not reject other people's overtures. Whether he can meet close friends in school depends on fate.

Apart from being confessed two or three times one after another, Shu Zimu's campus life is very peaceful and smooth, and the courses are not difficult for him, because he is very serious in his studies because of his interests. In addition to studying hard, Shu Zimu's remaining energy is basically devoted to writing.

After "Super Energy Office" was launched, Zhen Ge really recommended the big picture on the home page. Originally, the data of this article was good, and it was blessed with a good list, so it was logical that the subscriptions rose rapidly, and it jumped up to the three-day sale like a dark horse. list. Afterwards, the road was like a broken bamboo, climbing higher and higher on the sales list and monthly ticket list, just like a new star rising gorgeously.

Shu Zimu himself didn't take this grade too seriously. After all, he had better grades in his previous life, but in the eyes of others, it is definitely quite rare for a newcomer to have such a profit in the first book. Although Shu Zimu has been diving in the editorial group, he sees people discussing his data from time to time, and he is very envious in his words.

Because it is in the editor group, everyone speaks very restrainedly, and they are just envious of Shu Zimu, but they don't express any other meaning. But in fact, the so-called envy, jealousy and hatred for Shu Zimu's achievements are not only envious, but also jealous, and there are even people who have reached hatred, but they haven't come out for a while.

And after Qi Yan generously rewarded "Super Energy Office" with millions of rewards, these people finally couldn't hold back.

In Jinjiang's author forum, a post was quickly turned into a tall building, marked with the word "hot", which was very eye-catching.

The title of the post refers directly to Shu Zimu—

A certain "newcomer" who has become a god, is he very happy to give himself a million rewards