Marrying the Big Shot

Chapter 56: been hacked


This post, which is obviously a hang-up, is written very "professionally", and the real information and vague guesses are just rightly combined, making people look at it and leave the speculative black material in their hearts. letter" conclusion. The tone seems reasonable, but in fact it is very provocative. In addition, it has drawn many other popular authors to compare the data, and has quietly drawn the fans of these authors to its own position. Posts are building quickly, Shu Zimu is still a newcomer after all, although there are already a lot of readers, but the fan base is still very weak, and he was quickly ridiculed by Heizi and some passers-by who didn't know the truth.

Shu Zimu didn't know about this at the beginning, but some readers reminded him in the comment area after discovering that Shu Zimu realized that he had been hacked belatedly. Qi Yan discovered it before him. When he found this post on the Jinjiang Forum, Qi Yan had already fought Heizi for several rounds in the post.

XX1L: The recent newcomers are amazing, and the income from swiping data and swiping is not enough, and they even throw mines and rewards for themselves with great fanfare. Do you have the self-consciousness to do it

XX2L: And it’s too untechnical, I don’t even know how to change the IP address, it’s just mentally handicapped...

XX3L: With this IQ, I can already guess how mentally handicapped this person’s writing is. So many people really read it

XX4L: You say that data is collected day and night, but what is the evidence

XX5L: The scrubber is here, I wonder if it is the author himself

XX6L: Why don't you release the main evidence building? Are you blind? Can't you see the same big IP address

XX7L: [Picture] [Picture] [Picture] First of all, the IP address of the main building is incomplete, and the IP addresses of Chaomu and Touli have changed, and they do not overlap every time, but the main building intentionally only captures the overlapping ones; secondly , even if the IP address is the same, can't it be the support of relatives and friends who live together? Must be me? Finally, even if you use this to identify Chaomu and give yourself a reward for swiping Bawang tickets, what about other evidence of swiping data and swiping income? Hasn't someone already reported it? Jinjiang's judgment is that there is no behavior of brushing points. You convict people yourself without evidence, and your behavior of swearing at each other is completely slanderous and defamatory, and you can be held legally accountable.

XX8L: Where did this idiot fan come from? IP addresses are the same, but you still have to quibble. After that, everyone can ignore the black material found by checking IP. Anyway, maybe my friend can’t see it and help him fight, or maybe it’s My cat is helping me tear it up, Keke.

XX9L: It doesn't work if you use advanced reports, Jinjiang can't find out, and it's not the first day that everyone knows. Don't take Jinjiang's judgment result as a golden rule. Anyway, you are making money for Jinjiang by making money day and night. If you can't find out, Jinjiang is not losing money.

XX0L: What more evidence do you need? Can't you see the data comparison between the other great gods on the first floor and Chao Mu's articles? A newcomer's first book in the same period directly surpasses so many great masters, do you really believe it's not a brush? You are too confident in your family Chaomu.

XX1L: In the final analysis, you still have no evidence. I suggest you stop slandering, and don’t rely on anonymous forums to speak freely, otherwise I can still send you a lawyer’s letter.

XX2L: Pfft, this could be the big brush Zamu himself, turned into anger from embarrassment

XX3L: Probably 80%, otherwise why would they send us a lawyer's letter? But even the lawyer's letter is out, why are you pretending to be a righteous passer-by

XX4L: I really feel that the author’s IQ is low, it’s fine if he doesn’t know how to change the IP address, but his precision score is so unprofessional that it’s even reached the level of a kindergarten. It’s really suffocating...

XX5L: I'm not Zamu, what else do you guys do besides just speculate? Chaomu's IQ must be much higher than yours.

XX6L: How about installing 233333 like this? Isn't it me? Is it a brain fan? Then you can really live up to the definition of a fan of brains.

XX7L: It’s nothing to do, I checked the IP, and found an interesting thing, the IP address of this righteous passerby jumping up and down is actually the same as that of Zhao Mu’s loyal fan~[Picture]

XX8L: Wow, it turned out to be a local tyrant with a million dollars, disrespectful and disrespectful

XX9L: Damn, if this is the fusion of water and fire, isn't the fusion of water and fire equal to the morning and evening? So in fact, it is the author himself who ends up with a low-level fine score

XX0L: It seems yes, I feel desperate for the author's IQ 23333

XX1L: Although this author has no IQ, he is rich! Wealth is the boss, and you will be number one on the overlord list every minute, and it is estimated that you will be number one on the sales list in two days, so I ask you if you are afraid!

Qi Yan wasn't used to the naughty style of fighting on the forum, and couldn't drag the person opposite him out to beat him up through the network cable. He frowned when he read the post, so he called Xu Chi to find a computer expert from the company's information technology department. The people who came to help check these posts were thinking that it would be best to keep Shu Zimu a secret for the time being, and wait until the matter was resolved, so as not to worry him. Then I rolled up my sleeves and continued to pinch people, and changed the style of posting very good at learning.

XX6L: Zhaomu will indeed reach the top of the sales list in two days, but it will definitely not be there. Some people see other people's good grades and think it's fake or fake. The jealousy is too obvious. Even if you blame Chaomu with unsubstantiated slander, he just has strength and achievements, and even has statistics that you can't raise in your lifetime. In addition, I am compatible with fire and water, and I am rich and self-willed. What does it matter to you that I am willing to give Chaomu a million? You continue to spread rumors, and I will drop as many deep-water torpedoes as there are floors in this building.

XX7L: Wow, the local tyrant fan is angry, I'm so scared 23333

XX8L: Is one layer of deep water not enough? How can this building be less than 10,000 floors? That's a matter of hundreds of thousands at most. If you're a rich fan, you even spent a million dollars. How can you only spend a few hundred thousand for the sake of your family's innocence

XX9L: By the way, because the main building also lied about me, you can wait for the lawyer's letter.

XX0L: 23333 Is this really the fusion of fire and water? Why am I so unbelievable? Anonymous Forum Who do you send your lawyer letter to

XX1L: If this is really the fusion of water and fire, isn't it also the morning and evening? With one layer of deep water, Jinjiang can earn another one hundred thousand more, which is very flattering. I just don’t know if this Haoxin is distressed, so he gave Jinjiang money like this.

XX8L: It seems to be true, the fusion of water and fire has caused a lot of thunder...

XX9L: ... Let's not talk about whether to brush or not, but this one is really rich.

XX0L: Poor and shivering, am I going to wait for the lawyer's letter (horrified.jpg)

XX7L: More than 200, I'm a little envious of how to break orz

XX8L: Envy +1, it’s nice to have money...

Qi Yan went down with hundreds of thunders in one breath, because Jinjiang's system of convulsions from time to time took a lot of time. At this time, the post was already a bit crooked, and most of the passers-by were shocked by Qi Yan's wealth, and they didn't bother to mock Shu Zimu for a while, and all lamented Qi Yan's spending a lot of money.

And in such a short period of time, the technician Xu Chi was looking for had already found out a little clue. The host who posted the post has pointed the direction of the wind many times in the post, and there are two other people who are also slandering Shu Zimu with fine points. These three people alone have built hundreds of floors, and fixed the direction of the wind from the beginning, except for accusations. , It also gave the passers-by who entered the post a feeling that Shu Zimu had a lot of things, and speciously said something about himself and himself to speculate on CP to attract attention. Unfriendly. I used to show off in the editorial group.

However, further investigations, such as whether the host is the author who deliberately came to hack Shu Zimu, etc., still need to spend a little time to find clues.

Qi Yan didn't want to expose her vest at first, but if she wanted to clarify to Shu Zimu, she definitely couldn't keep covering it up. In contrast, without much hesitation, he decided to clarify all these half-truths and half-false "black materials" for Shu Zimu.

And without him taking the initiative to admit it, some people have already speculated that he may be the author's relatives and friends. Although many people think that the rich reader is the author because of the guidance of the landlord and Heizi, but to be honest, it is really not worthwhile to reward one million at once. After all, at this time, the data of "Super Energy Office" is already good, and the editor has given a good recommendation. The publicity effect of the million tip is not that important. A million dollars was dropped, and Jin Jiang directly took half of it. I feel that it was too bad if the author threw it away. Even with Shu Zimu's data, one month's subscription may be able to earn back the half a million dollars.

Although it seems very suspicious that this local tyrant only tipped Zhaomu, and the IP addresses overlap, but if he is a relative or friend of the author, then it is logical. And just like what the local tyrant said, the host really has no evidence that Chaomu is using data to earn income, and it is purely divergent based on the fact that "Chaomu may be using Overlord Tickets". At least judging by the tone of the fans, it is very righteous and not false at all.

XX7L: Can fans really be relatives and friends? If it's a relative or friend, it's not good to transfer directly to Alipay. Why do you want Jinjiang to earn a handling fee? I feel distressed...

XX8L: I have a wild guess...

XX9L: If you have something to say, let it go!

XX0L: I just went through the conversation between this fan and Zamu Zai’s comments, and I think this fan is probably Chaomu’s suitor.

XX1L: When you put it this way, it seems to be quite reliable...

XX2L: No wonder, local tyrants spend a lot of money to chase people, I suddenly feel normal.

XX3L: Indeed, looking at the speeches of the local tyrants, the maintenance of Zamu is indeed unusual.

XX4L: No, why can I get dog food even after I follow a post? May I say no!

XX5L: +1 for rejecting dog food, but I suddenly envy Zhao Mu, if there is such a local tyrant chasing me...

XX6L: Envy +1

XX7L: I didn’t dare to say it just now. In fact, I think Chaomu’s essays are pretty good. I think it’s normal to have this result, and it doesn’t seem like I’m brushing data.

XX8L: Anyway, there is no evidence for swiping data, but I voted for myself as the overlord, I don’t think it can just be whitewashed like this? The fans don't even give any evidence, just guess that it's Zhaomu's suitor, and then they can pass the test

Fire and water go hand in hand: the evidence is collated.

XX0L: Tyrant! group photo!

XX1L: As expected, the local tyrant is still there, may I ask if you are really Zhaomu's suitor? Have you caught up

XX2L: How do you feel that this post is about to change from a hanging post to a gossip post... The host and other people who feel that Chaomu swiped the data, why does it feel like it disappeared all of a sudden...

Qi Yan looked at the computer screen, thinking that of course he was gone, he was also a shareholder of Jinjiang after all, and after communicating with the administrator, he asked the technicians to block the IPs of those who had divided up half of the posts. It seems that there are quite a few people condemning Shu Zimu, but in fact there are only a few people jumping back and forth. After the resolution, the atmosphere of the post suddenly changed.

It will take some time to dig out the real situation of those people, but it is not too troublesome to clarify the black material fabricated by Shu Zimu in the post. The problem of throwing mines. It is difficult to clarify this issue. After all, it is easy to prove that one thing has been done, but it is difficult to find evidence if one has not done one thing. Qi Yan didn't want to reveal too much of the real situation in the three-dimensional dimension, so it was inevitable that he was somewhat restrained.

Fortunately, there is evidence of Heizi's fine score, and the trend of eating melons has begun to change. Qi Yan only needs to expose the fact that the host post is for black people instead of posting violations normally, and then prove himself a little bit. Relatives and friends will do.

Soon Qi Yan communicated with the technicians and sorted out the relevant evidence. First of all, Qi Yan and Shu Zimu had the same IP address. Qi Yan directly explained that they lived together. It's just that the work is not in one place, so the commonly used IP addresses are also different. Qi Yan also responded to the gossip crowd according to the speculation in the building, saying that he is not a suitor, but a legal cohabitant who has received a certificate. In order to testify, Qi Yan coded the marriage certificate and sent it up. In fact, a coded marriage certificate is not considered as evidence. Who knows if it was borrowed from someone else? But Qi Yan still did this, just to pretend to show affection unintentionally.

After explaining this problem, the black spot about CP speculation is naturally solved. He is a legal spouse, so can't he be sticky? As for the data of "Super Energy Office", Qi Yan asked someone to do a simple analysis in a short time, and listed the growth rate of each data in chronological order concisely and clearly. After reading it, I know that although the growth rate of "Super Energy Office" is relatively fast, it has been steadily rising, and it is positively correlated with the recommendation effect of the list. All data are also within a uniform and reasonable range, and there is no data. signs.

In addition, what the landlord deliberately pulled out was that the salesman set up the collapse of the sale, and flaunted these black spots in the group arrogantly. There is no evidence and he just said it casually, but Qi Yan also tried his best to find evidence seriously refuted. In the end, Qi Yan released the evidence that the posters were able to divide the blacks, emphasizing that they posted posts about blacks out of malicious intent and in a planned way, which is totally different from what the main post said, because they think that brushing points in the morning and evening is harmful to other authors It's not fair, it's for the sake of Jinjiang's ethos to post and hang people. They even turned into Shu Zimu's brainless fans, deliberately pretending to be loyal and causing passers-by to dislike Shu Zimu, so as to achieve the goal of black people. Behavior can be described as very bad.

Qi Yan finally said bluntly that although the Jinjiang forum is anonymous, the Jinjiang backstage can see the account of the speech, which means that if you want, you can know who you are. The landlord and a few other savvy blacks can wait for his lawyer's letter.

Seeing Qi Yan’s clarification, the melon-eaters were actually stuffed with a handful of dog food. After reading the data analysis, they realized that Chaomu probably didn’t scan the data. Unless he did it with a particularly technical content, otherwise the data would not so normal. When they saw the proof of the subconsciousness of several people from the landlord, the onlookers were shocked. They already thought that the landlord might be teasing black people because of jealousy, but they never expected that they would be so organized and disciplined, not only with helpers, but also well-organized, loyal to all kinds of characters Playing by one person abruptly created an atmosphere where everyone shouted at Shu Zimu, and it didn't change until Qi Yan appeared. As soon as the IPs of these people were blocked, the post immediately changed from ridicule to gossip. It can be seen that the previous state was all manipulated by them. The real passers-by did not directly condemn Shu Zimu for swiping data.

Seeing that Qi Yan said that he could find out who the other party was and wanted to send a lawyer's letter, the onlookers suddenly felt that the melon was even more delicious. It would be even more fun if the vests of the landlord and the others were exposed again.

Because of Qi Yan's response, a conspiracy against Shu Zimu was quickly dispelled. By the time Shu Zimu saw it belatedly, the melon-eating people were already either eating dog food or begging for the leg pendant of a local tyrant. .

Shu Zimu looked through the post at school and found that Qi Yan had taken off his vest, so when Qi Yan came to pick him up that day, Shu Zimu stared at him and said deliberately: "Do you have something to tell me?"

Qi Yan reacted quickly after being startled, realizing that Shu Zimu knew it. But he knew that he couldn't hide it for long, and now the matter was almost resolved, so he said to Shu Zimu in a relaxed manner: "I'll tell you when I'm going home, those people are well prepared, and they use a brand new small The person who registered the account, the IP address should have changed the usual address on purpose, and it may take a while to find out the real body." He was worried that he would be in a bad mood because of this, so he comforted: "This matter was clarified early, and it will affect It’s not too big, people with IQ now believe in you. Don’t be sad.”

Shu Zimu heard the words but whispered: "How can I not be sad..."

Qi Yan panicked when he heard his suppressed voice. He originally thought that after the matter was resolved, Shu Zimu would not be too affected if he knew about it. , It must be difficult to accept those slander and slander with vicious words. If he had known earlier that he should have asked the administrator to delete that post, he would have just opened another clarification post.

Qi Yan was regretting in his heart, but he didn't want to hear Shu Zimu's next sentence: "More than one million mines, half of which should be given to Jinjiang, it makes me sad to think about it." Shu Zimu said this on purpose, in fact he I don't feel particularly sorry for the money that Qi Yan spent on thunder. Firstly, the money was earned by Qi Yan himself, and he can control it freely; secondly, Shu Zimu thinks that Qi Yan doesn’t seem to have any entertainment hobbies or activities, and doesn’t do anything other than work every day. Sexual fitness, and then occasionally being dragged by Shu Zimu to watch movies together or called out by Xu Chi to get together, life seems to be boring to some extent. However, Shu Zimu found that Qi Yan seemed to have a lot of fun and was very interested in the matter of being cute and throwing thunder in his article wearing a vest. Seeing this, Shu Zimu certainly didn't want to deprive him of his fun, so he deliberately kept his vest open and watched him leave various comments that didn't match his real style of painting. Although it's actually quite a loss for Qi Yan to throw thunder at him like this, but if Qi Yan is happy, it doesn't matter how much money he spends.

It’s just that after such a commotion, Qi Yan took the initiative to take off his vest. Of course, Shu Zimu couldn’t continue pretending not to know, but Shu Zimu knew that Qi Yan must be worried that he would be sulking because of this incident, so he deliberately started a fight with Qi Yan. made a joke.

Qi Yan was still worried at first, but when she heard Shu Zimu's last sentence, she froze immediately. It's not that he didn't think that if Shu Zimu found his vest one day, he would be accused of prodigal, but he didn't expect that day to come so soon. Moreover, Shu Zimu didn't even pay much attention to being hacked for the first time, so he was thinking about the hundreds of thousands that were given to Jinjiang in vain.

"..." Qi Yan moved his lips, but he didn't know what to say. He remembered the words in the love strategy, and thought he might need to find a durian or a keyboard. Well, Shu Zimu is still very soft-hearted, so it shouldn't be necessary to use instant noodles, right

Shu Zimu didn't know that Qi Yan had already thought of whether to kneel down on the durian or the keyboard, but seeing Qi Yan's sullen face looking scary but actually very nervous inside, Shu Zimu couldn't help curling up the corners of his lips and continued to "interrogate" : "Why didn't you tell me before that you are a fusion of fire and water?"

Qi Yan wanted to tell you what he had the nerve to hug and hold high! But these words are obviously unspeakable, so Qi Yan put on a straight face, and rarely lied: "...I'm worried that you will be upset if you know that fans are not real readers."

In fact, Qi Yan's words can't be regarded as a lie. When Shu Zimu first posted the article, before few people read it, Qi Yan kept throwing thunder to cheer him up. If he knew that such a diehard fan was actually not a wild fan but he pretended to be, Qi Yan felt that Shu Zimu would probably be disappointed, so he didn't tell Shu Zimu about the vest from the beginning. After Qi Yan got acquainted with Jin Jiang a little bit, he realized that he could use this vest to do things that he was usually embarrassed to do—such as being cute and coquettish with Shu Zimu, so Qi Yan naturally covered the vest tighter.

It's just that it was fun to play coquettish and cute at the beginning, but now it's a bit embarrassing once the vest is taken off. And if he is really a wild fan, Shu Zimu must be very happy to reward him with a million dollars, but now that the wild fan has become him, Shu Zimu will definitely not be happy now. Maybe not only unhappy, but also disgusted with his prodigal...

Qi Yan felt uneasy, ready to meet her lover's scolding, but she didn't want Shu Zimu to sigh and said: "Why don't you just tell me if you want to kiss and hug? You can't kiss on the Internet."

"...?" Qi Yan was surprised when he heard the words, and there was an obvious expression of surprise on his usually calm face. Shu Zimu no longer pretended to be disappointed, and looked at him with a smile, "Now you don't need to hit the thunder, as long as you say you want it, you can have it, and it's the kind that you can really kiss."

Shu Zimu's eyebrows were smiling, her expression was gentle, her face was as beautiful as a beautiful Chinese painting, coupled with her intentionally seductive tone of voice, Qi Yan's heart was beating loudly, and his blood was boiling instantly, with enthusiasm The intention rushed to the brain and spread to the limbs.

Qi Yan felt that Shu Zimu could confuse him easily, with just one action, one word, or one look. Qi Yan could see that Shu Zimu wanted to hear what he had to say, but it was indeed difficult for him to really say those words. Qi Yan moved her lips, but in the end, her mobility prevailed. He simply unbuckled the seat belt he had just fastened, leaned over and grabbed Shu Zimu's hand, put it on the back of the co-pilot's seat, and gave Shu Zimu a chair bump.

Then he lowered his head and sucked the rosy lips that he had coveted for a long time.

Shu Zimu snorted lightly, quite dissatisfied with his behavior of taking benefits without saying anything, but he just bit the other party a little bit, and obediently entangled with Qi Yan's lips and teeth, and the hands that were not held naturally climbed. He grabbed Qi Yan's shoulder.

At this time, their car was still parked in the Communication University and hadn't started yet. Occasionally, pedestrians would pass by in front of the car, and many of them would take a second look at Qi Yan's expensive luxury car. Therefore, once someone walks by, the two people with ambiguous postures can be easily spotted. But neither of them cared about it, they were just immersed in each other's breath and temperature, and finally separated after a while.

Shu Zimu panted slightly, calmed down and exhaled, and said to Qi Yan who did not change his expression: "The matter of the fusion of water and fire has not been clarified yet, don't think that you can get away with it like this." Seeing Qi Yan suddenly tense up again , Shu Zimu said with a smile: "Go back first, the dinner prepared by Aunt Zhang will be cold later."

Qi Yan looked at Shu Zimu, seeing that he really didn't directly give him a happy intention, he was silent for a moment, and drove home obediently.

After the car turned out of this parking space, a man came out from the opposite bamboo forest, and stared at the corner where the car left for a long time with a puzzled expression.

After returning home, Qi Yan was worried all the time, not knowing how Shu Zimu was going to explain it clearly to him. The so-called giving a sweet date with a stick, Shu Zimu gave the sweet date first, which made the next stick very frightening. Although Qi Yan was always calm, he still couldn't help thinking a lot, and almost asked Aunt Zhang to buy durians.

As a result, Shu Zimu came up with a forecast of strong winds and heavy rain, but it was drizzle in the end. Shu Zimu didn't ask much about Qi Yan's vest, but only asked about the sunspots that Qi Yan had found, and told him if he made progress, and it seemed that the matter had been exposed.

Qi Yan originally thought that there would be a gust of wind and rain, but seeing this, he couldn't help but be a little bit stunned. Shu Zimu just let him put on the vest lightly, after all, he could see that the other party was not really angry with him, including the previous kiss, he seemed very conniving towards him. But Shu Zimu's performance on being hacked was also very flat, Qi Yan felt a little strange. It stands to reason that at Shu Zimu's age, the most unbearable thing is probably being wronged and slandered by others. The mocking of Shu Zimu in the front of the post can be said to be quite ugly. I didn't expect Shu Zimu to be unmoved. It seems that he has not been naked from others at all. malicious influence.

Qi Yan didn't know that Shu Zimu had seen such a situation a lot in his previous life, and he had even encountered a more powerful one, so naturally he didn't take this incident too seriously. In particular, Qi Yan had already solved the problem for him first, and he had nothing to do except to say "Oh" to show that he already knew.

Because Qi Yan threw hundreds of deep-water torpedoes in one breath, the comment section under Shu Zimu's article was quite lively that day. There were those who came here to watch the local tyrants, some who were surprised and didn't know what to do, and some who watched the fun and gave people popular science. And when Shu Zimu finished updating on time as usual, Qi Yan habitually wanted to throw a thunderbolt, but hesitated before sending it.

Now that his vest has been exposed, if he throws thunder to make Jinjiang make money, will Shu Zimu be angry? Although because he owns Jinjiang's shares, Jinjiang can actually make money even if he makes money.

Qi Yan hesitated for a while, and then, encouraged by other readers' comments wondering why Shuihuohao didn't throw thunder in today's update, she still pressed send.

Then Qi Yan finally knew what the storm Shu Zimu was preparing for. Not long after his thunder was thrown out, Shu Zimu replied.

Author's reply: The exchange rate of Jinjiang currency is one to one hundred, so the conversion ratio in reality and online should also be calculated on the basis of one to one hundred. Therefore, in the next hundred chapters, there will be no kissing, hugging and holding high :)

Qi Yan: "..." Because we kissed each other in real life, coaxing online is no good... Why do you feel a bit at a loss? Qi Yan remembered that when he didn't take off his vest before, after kissing and hugging in reality, it would be a day to be cute again online, and couldn't help being even more angry at the culprit who had to take off his vest.

Be sure to teach them enough lessons!

Thinking about it, Qi Yan replied with a sad "QAQ". Although the vest is off, the painting style seems to be unable to change for a while.

The special interaction between the two attracted other people to watch and gossip, and soon followed to build tall buildings.

Ye Cange: What does the author mean, why do I not understand

Lengye Minglong: I feel wronged because I didn't kiss and hug 2333

Feather from Qingyu's family: Reality and the Internet are 100 to 1, and there will be no benefits in the next 100 chapters... I think...

Troubling Night Rain: Water and fire pit! What did you do to Asamu in reality! !

Jingzhe: Ahem, I am not the only one who understood this meaning, I thought I was overthinking_(:з」∠)_

Rabbit who doesn't eat carrots: Wait, do you mean that Shuihuohao hugged the author in real life? dumbfounded.jpg

Mountains and rivers meet each other: Is there any other explanation besides this? And actually, I think from the author's tone of voice, maybe the kisses and hugs that Shuihuohao gave him in reality are not very harmonious...

c2pgaga: 噫~

Mountains and rivers meet each other: Hey what! Where are you thinking! I mean Shuihuohao is probably a forced kiss! It's not that they go below the neck ah hey!

Qiqi is a big foodie: Well, it turned out to be a forced kiss...

Lemony Sugar Balls: Turns out it was just a forced kiss...disappointed.

Fu Guang: You people, how dare you be so dirty? Do you still remember that this is an extremely pure comment section without CP

Once upon a time, there was a cat: It’s not that I betrayed no CP, it’s that Zhao Mu Da Da and Shui Huo Hao’s dog food was stuffed too hard, and the concubine couldn’t stand it!

Cute but not soft: Wait, why did you accept the setting that Shuihuohao kissed the author Da Dada so easily in reality? Is there something going on that I don't know about? It feels like the dog food has suddenly changed from a two-dimensional to a three-dimensional enhanced version, and the character design of Shuihuohao suddenly attacked!

Nicky: Dear, you haven't read the number one gossip today, have you

Cute but not soft:? What gossip? My hen, as soon as I went to Jinjiang, I went straight to the author for a big update.

Four Leaf Clover: [Today's headlines: The local tyrant who spends a lot of money for the true love of the author is actually married? Daily flirting and love, why the original partner doesn't mind]

Pan Scarf: ... You have a lot of ideas upstairs, you can come to work at UC tomorrow

Fish spitting bubbles: I was shocked when I saw it upstairs, but after thinking about it, I was right

Yan language: Booming in a trance, Shuihuohao may be about to hit someone

Shiba Zhuyao: I think Shui Huo Hao might kneel on the washboard before hitting someone.

Cold for less than a second: I think so too. Thinking about the hundreds of thousands that Shuihuohao gave to Jinjiang in vain, it's heartbreaking.

Only cute but not soft: I still don't quite understand... Is there anyone who is not the style of the UC shock department to explain to me orz

Mu Zha Zha Zha Zha: To put it simply, someone intentionally slandered Chao Mu Da Da, and then Shui Huo Hao's boyfriend Li Max stepped forward to deal with Sun Hei Zi, and by the way posted his marriage certificate with Chao Mu Da Da, over.

Wen Huang (╥_╥): ... WTF! ! !

Feng Yunxuan: Shuihuohao is mighty and domineering!

Flowers do not fall, flowers are different: in the sky and on the earth, I am the only one! For generations to come, unify the rivers and lakes!

Xingyun: ... There is a string of words upstairs, start again!

Ning Xu Liunian: Okay, start again! Life and death in the morning and death, the water gushes and the fire extinguishes; a hundred years of harmony.

Please allow me to give a thumbs up~:... The re-work is not very good, although the upper link is unexpectedly symmetrical,

A little bit of dawn: The reason for the symmetry of the Shanglian is that the names of Zhao Muda and Shui Huo Hao are symmetrical. Sure enough, they were couple names from the beginning.

all out! : You said that, I was so sweet.

Amber: It’s so sweet +1, I really want to have a female ticket like Shuihuohao QAQ

ceniria: Wait, Shuihuohao... is a man, right

Shao Yun: It's a man, and the marriage certificate says Mr. Both of them are.

Bai Nai Nai: So whoever attacks who suffers

Si Yu lightened her youth calmly: Stand still and pamper the author Gong X stupid and cute readers will not be shaken!

Swallow: I think Shuihuohao’s boyfriend is so powerful, he’s a bit sullen.

Yimo: That's right, it sounds better than Chaomu Water and Fire, so I'll stand in Water and Fire as well.

Cantaloupe who loves fish: guys betrayed the organization just like that!

Moshi Binglian: I think if Shuihuohao can forcefully kiss Chaomu, in three dimensions, Shuihuohao should be more aggressive.

Zhanlu: Yes! Almost forgot there was a forced kiss! Such a big sugar, I don’t want to hurry up to preach!

Ting Wan: I always feel that what I read is a fake book review area... It’s okay if no one discusses the plot, and I don’t care about the author being hacked. I only care about the relationship between the author and the readers. Really, the world is getting worse! For your behavior, I just want to say: Take me one!

The cat who reads ghost stories: 2333, after all, Shuihuohao's boyfriend is super powerful, and the speed of light solves the problem, and the dark and dark people are already going to be unlucky. I wait for Xiao Xiami to have no room to play, so I just watch the basic situation and forget it.

Qingtuan: Yes, these two people have been gay since the first day. You can't blame the crooked comments in the comment area, you can only blame this couple for being too restrained_(:з」∠)_

It's not too late: I didn't read the one without CP, but Zhaomu wrote it so beautifully! And it just so happened that the interaction between Zhao Muda and Shui Huo Hao can also make up for the sugar, which is perfect!

Qi Yan silently read the replies from other readers, her mood fluctuated constantly, and finally settled on one point:

According to what these readers said, Shu Zimu has been very kind to the reader who is in harmony with water and fire from the very beginning, and often responds to interactions, and even gives kisses and hugs. Qi Yan originally thought that it should be the welfare of local wealthy readers, but when he read the comments, he suddenly realized a question-would Shu Zimu give a hug to any local wealthy netizens? Even if it's just typing a few words on the Internet.

It stands to reason that it is normal to post something on the Internet, and no couple will break up because of this kind of thing. But Qi Yan thought about the interactions he had with Shu Zimu wearing the vest before, and the more he thought about it, the more he felt that Shu Zimu would not behave like this to the rich readers he didn't know. So in fact, he's been out of business for a long time

Once there was a hint of doubt, the more Qi Yan thought about it, the more he felt that it was right. In other words, Shu Zimu actually knew that he was him, but he never made it clear. Instead, he kept coaxing him on the Internet, watching his childish and prodigal behavior, but he didn't object or disagree at all. Disillusionment means.

Thinking of this, Qi Yan's heartbeat suddenly accelerated. He immediately put down the phone he was secretly brushing on, and quickly returned to the room. He saw Shu Zimu leaning on the bed and typing. The soft orange light of the bedside lamp fell on him, giving him The whole person is covered with a layer of soft light, which looks extra soft and warm. Just like Qi Yan's mood at this moment. What he pretended to be full of in his heart was Shu Zimu, who was the same as in this picture, a person who was so gentle and quiet, and so beautiful that he almost couldn't bear to touch him.

After seeing Shu Zimu, Qi Yan's rapid heartbeat suddenly calmed down again, as if he had returned to a warm harbor.

Shu Zimu turned to look at him, raised her eyebrows and asked, "Why did you go there just now?"

Although it was a question, Qi Yan knew very clearly in his heart that Shu Zimu was very clear about his behavior of secretly watching the update and brushing the comment area just now, but he wanted to ask this question deliberately, probably because he thought it was interesting to tease him.

In this case, this interesting thing to Shu Zimu should last longer.