Marrying the Big Shot

Chapter 62: Cheating


When Xu Chi grabbed the cat and came out to find someone, Shu Zimu and Qi Yan just finished talking about the matter. Xu Chi stuffed Xuexue to Qi Yan, and complained: "This guy squatted on my chest and caused me to have a nightmare."

Qi Yan heard the words "Oh" and there was no more text, and she didn't mean to apologize for her "bear child" at all. Xu Chi and him looked at each other for a moment, but in the end they were defeated first, sat down and ate a piece of sweet-scented osmanthus cake to make up for the trauma of their nightmares.

It happened that Xu Chi was not in Yunhao, and after they sat for a while, Shu Zimu couldn't help but want to ask what was going on with them. Qi Yan saw that Shu Zimu was eager to try, so he took the initiative to ask Xu Chi: "What do you plan about Yun Hao?"

Hearing this, Xu Chi immediately understood what Qi Yan was asking. He looked at Qi Yan who was only slightly worried and more calm, and then looked at Shu Zimu next to him who was concentrating on waiting for the next article, and silently despised it in his heart. A young girl who pays more attention to sex than friends.

Then he still answered the question: "Talk about the family first." He paused, and said: "At least let them know that I have someone I like, and I won't marry Chen Yintong."

Chen Yintong said that the daughter of Xu's mother's friend was the girl who had an unwritten verbal engagement with him. Xu Chi had rejected this matter before, and always thought that the other party would also oppose this marriage just because he liked someone. Unexpectedly, after so many years, Chen Yintong did not fall in love with him as the elders expected, nor did he fall in love with others as he expected, and he still accepted the marriage.

Xu Chi didn't like anyone before, so when the elders no longer took the initiative to talk about the marriage, after Xu Chi refused once, he didn't resolutely emphasize it. I felt that there was still a lot to do, so although I didn't mention it, I didn't give up. This time Xu Chi wants to say bluntly that he will never marry Chen Yintong, which will make the elders on both sides angry.

After all, Chen Yintong is in her twenties because she is thinking about the marriage between the two families. Although she is still very young, it is because of her "marriage contract" with Xu Chi that she has wasted many years. And although the marriage contract was not really set, many other families also tacitly knew about Xu Chi and Chen Yintong. At this time, the two broke up. If nothing else, if Chen Yintong wanted to marry someone else, the conditions would be much worse than if he didn't have a marriage contract with Xu Chi. According to the general habit of marrying high and marrying low, although the Chen family is not as good as Xu's family, Chen Yintong is worthy of Xu Chi in terms of identity. But if it was Xu Chi who proposed the "breakup" between the two, then in the eyes of most people, Xu Chi looked down on Chen Yintong.

Marriage of aristocratic families does not depend on feelings, but on family background and face. Since Xu Chi looks down on Chen Yintong, those families who are at the same level as the Xu family naturally have no choice but to choose such a daughter-in-law, otherwise they will appear to be inferior to the Xu family. Like a layer. The aristocratic family has always valued face, even if it is really worse than the Xu family, they are not willing to admit this directly, and give other people the laughing stock and opportunity of irony and belittling.

This kind of thinking is actually not very reasonable, but it is a feudal legacy that puts profit first, but this kind of dross cannot be eliminated by one person, and it requires the slow and long-term progress of society's spiritual culture. At least at this time, people like Chen Yintong will still be bound by this backward thinking.

In this way, the number of people willing to choose Chen Yintong as their marriage partner suddenly decreased a lot. Not only will Chen Yintong be able to marry in the future only those who are worse than Xu's family and Xu Chi, but he may also be criticized.

Xu Chi didn't want to cause this kind of consequences, so he had been waiting for Chen Yintong to fall in love with someone before taking the initiative to oppose the marriage, so that in the eyes of others, Chen Yintong had dumped him, and as the heir of the Xu family, he had a relationship with Qi Yan Well, there are not many people who would come to him deliberately to be sarcastic without winking, and the negative impact must be much smaller than that of Chen Yintong. It's just that Chen Yintong has remained silent, instead showing a submissive attitude towards the marriage, but now Xu Chi is one step ahead to the point where he has to object.

This time Xu Chi wants to completely dissolve the "marriage contract", both families will be affected to some extent, but this impact can be minimized through communication and discussion between the two parties. Xu Chi doesn't mind taking more negative influence on himself, but it's definitely not acceptable for the elders, especially Chen Yintong. Moreover, Xu Chi made up his mind not to disclose Yun Hao's information, but only said that he has someone he likes, so as not to find Yun Hao directly at home. Although Yun Hao was protected in this way, the elders might think that Xu Chi didn't like anyone at all and was just making excuses. If that's the case, things won't go well.

But whether it is easy or difficult, Xu Chi has already made up his mind.

He used to find it incredible that Qi Yan treated Shu Zimu differently. He couldn't figure out how powerful the so-called love is, which can make Qi Yan look like he never did before, and do things that he never did before. thing. Until he himself finally fell into this sweet trap, and found that he had also changed his appearance unconsciously. I will be happy all day because of a little thing or even a few words, I will miss someone involuntarily, and I will take the initiative to do all kinds of thankless things for the other party.

That's what it's like to love someone. Xu Chi had the answer to the doubts he once had because of Qi Yan and Shu Zimu, but he couldn't help but start to feel uneasy and toss and turn because of the person in his heart. Fortunately, the other party is very simple, in other words, he is rather stupid and cute. Xu Chi managed to hide his desire smoothly, and tried out the other party's affection for him a little bit. It feels like the moment of mutual affection is like being in love at any time. The sunrise will come. As long as the sun comes out, the ambiguous and misty mist will immediately dissipate, leaving behind the gorgeous beauty of the rising sun.

The sunrise will come at any time, as long as he speaks sincerely.

But not yet.

He has to prepare first. After sunrise, it should not be cloudy and stormy, but the sky should be sunny and picturesque. That is the future he wants to give to the other party.

Regarding Xu Chi's decision, Qi Yan expressed his support and said, "Tell me if you have any questions." The Xu family has always belonged to the Qi family, and Qi Yan's statement is still very important.

Xu Chi was naturally rude to Qi Yan, and said with a smile that the trump card should be used until the end. Shu Zimu also expressed his blessing, and this topic is over.

When Yun Hao finally got up, it was already sunset. Four people and one cat go to dinner together to experience one of the well-known scenes of this hot spring club - the flowing water seat.

This flowing water mat is not a banquet in the general sense, but a flowing water mat in the true literal sense, and the "water" in it is a small stream drawn from hot spring water.

The overall style of the clubhouse is elegant and quiet. The scene of the flowing water mat is like a real ancient garden. The winding paths are secluded, beautiful and elegant. Twenty or thirty meters long.

There is no trace of modern technology in the whole place. The light source is the lanterns hanging around. The warm orange light leaks out and sprinkles on the water surface, reflecting sparkling waves, just like the twinkling stars in the sky. What attracts more attention in the water is not the gorgeous light and shadow, but the plates of equally delicate dishes.

On the 20 to 30 meter stream, there are plates of delicious dishes connected one after another, winding on it, and there is a continuous stream. The steaming heat of the hot spring lingers on the food, rendering a dreamy sense of ethereal wonderland. And the water mist is wrapped in the tempting aroma of the food, which is really amazing and can't help but move the index finger.

In this flowing water table, the portion of each plate is very small, but because of the continuous flow, it is like a buffet where you can choose what you like and eat until you are full. Xuexue fluttered among the flowers next to the rare mid-autumn butterflies, while Shu Zimu and the others relished the joy of fishing vegetables from the water.

After experiencing the water mat, they went to see some other scenes. Seeing it almost, when Shu Zimu was about to go back to rest, Shu Zimu turned to call Xuexue, but suddenly saw a very dazzling thing. He was startled, frowned and looked again, only to find that Xuexue came out from there, a pair of eyes reflecting light in the dark, frighteningly bright. Shu Zimu thought it was Xuexue that he just swept, and took the cat back without thinking too much.

When the group of them left, a person cautiously got out from the direction Shu Zimu was looking at before. With obvious joy on his face, he looked down at the photos in the camera.

Unexpectedly, Yun Hao actually knew Shu Zimu, and they even went out on vacation together. Today's harvest is good, not only there are intimate photos of Qi Yan and Shu Zimu, but also Yun Hao and another man, it really didn't take him a lot of effort to sneak in.

This person is the paparazzi Wang Wei who followed Shu Zimu before. Thinking of the attention and benefits that would come after the news of Yun Hao dating the mysterious man was exposed, Wang Wei almost laughed from ear to ear. However, as an enterprising paparazzi, he was not satisfied with it, but decided to continue to watch, to see if he could capture more exciting things.

Facts have proved that people need to be content. Wang Wei tried to get into Shu Zimu's yard, hoping to get more exciting pictures secretly, but was almost suspected by the security guards in the clubhouse, so he could only give up with hatred. The next day, Shu Zimu and the others went to the attractions made by other clubs, and Wang Wei secretly took some photos in a garden.

These photos are not much different from yesterday's ones. Shu Zimu and Qi Yan seem very close, but Yun Hao and another man are not close, there is no obvious movement, and it can be said that they are friends. Although if all the things in Wang Wei's hands are exposed, it means that Yun Hao came here in a man's luxury car, went on vacation with Qi Yan and Shu Zimu as a couple, and then took a misplaced photo to add fuel and jealousy, and netizens would easily be confused. They will think of the content that excites them the most, but if that's the case, it's just a matter of saying "friend" to clear up the suspicion.

The evidence is still not enough.

Until that day when they left together, Wang Wei was still a little embarrassed, feeling that the things he photographed were still a little bit off taste. He flipped through the photos he took over and over again, while thinking about what kind of news to publish and when to publish the best results. Wang Wei thought about it, but his hand movements of flipping through the photos stopped.

He looked at the photo in front of him, and a bold idea suddenly popped up in his heart. Looking at the two people who seemed to be close together in the photo, Wang Wei's heart beat suddenly. He tried to calmly ask himself amidst the surging blood: Do you really want to do this? Not afraid of offending people

It's just that his calmness proved to be useless. Compared with the previous dissatisfaction, this time his brain was working very fast, and he had already figured out when and how to post the photos, and how the parties might respond in the blink of an eye. How did he respond; how to attract heat and become famous; how to ask for "public relations fees" to reward himself. The bright prospect made Wang Wei throw out the last reminder that his reason gave him, and decided to implement it according to this idea. This is simply a genius plan that can make him famous and rich!

Wang Wei returned to his residence with the photo in his arms and started working immediately.

After going out for a vacation on the weekend, Shu Zimu felt a lot more relaxed, and thought that after the new week started, the gossip discussion about him would almost be over.

However, it was like this at the beginning. By the time of the second class, Shu Zimu clearly felt that someone was staring at him with probing eyes with obvious likes and dislikes, as if he was still hesitant to speak; More people looked at Shu Zimu, some with sarcasm, some with sympathy. Shu Zimu frowned, feeling that something was wrong, and then he received a call from Yun Hao, who just apologized.

"I'm sorry, Zi Mu, we were secretly photographed in that hot spring club, and the paparazzi deliberately picked the photo from that angle to blackmail me, and it hurts you all."

Shu Zimu frowned and said, "What's going on?"

Hearing his confused tone, Yun Hao reacted, "Didn't you read Weibo?"

Shu Zimu replied: "No. What kind of photos were secretly taken by the paparazzi, and you still have something to do with me?"

Yun Hao was silent for a while, as if he didn't know what to say, and finally said: "There is speculation on Weibo now, you can go and have a look." Then he said: "I am doing public relations here, and I am going to explain. It will affect you I'm sorry with Mr. Qi."

Shu Zimu didn't ask Yun Hao to continue apologizing, and hung up the phone to check Weibo. I saw that the number one hot topic was impressively written——

#传大Shu Zimu Husband Derailed Yunhao#