Marrying the Big Shot

Chapter 79: Signing session


Although the purpose and plan of these people are still unclear, they can only be small actions that cannot be put on the table. Although the concealment of behavior may be hard to guard against, they are already vigilant now, so there is no need to worry too much. It is the soldiers who will block the water and cover it with soil. With the power of the Qi family, it will never be the other party who occupies the right time and place.

Therefore, after Qi Yan showed the information to Shu Zimu, he reminded him to be careful, and also strengthened the security level of his home and company a lot, and made people keep an eye on Yu Qiubai. Sheng Xiaowu, if there is anything wrong, he will report it immediately, and otherwise he will live as usual.

Sheng Xiaowu was watched by people arranged by Sheng Xiaowen, and it was not easy to do anything, but Yu Qiubai may have a very small picture, and he is still hiding it well, and he doesn't do much action, so the next period of time will be quite peaceful for both of them . Soon it was time for Shu Zimu to go to the signing event.

For the convenience of readers, the signing meeting was scheduled for the May Day holiday, but the Beijing city has been extremely congested these days, not only the cars on the road, but also people in some scenic spots and shopping malls. The autograph session is located on one of the floors of the book building, and there are fewer people than other places, but because of such an autograph session, the place is quickly crowded to rival the most popular scenic spots in Beijing.

Because it is a public event with a lot of people, and there are hidden dangers of Sheng Xiaowu and Yu Qiubai, Qi Yan specially discussed the security work of this signing with the organizer and took it over by himself, spending a lot of manpower and material resources to maintain order. There are more staff, and the venue is more spaciously arranged. In addition, there are some people with good eyesight and vicious eyes who are specially watching to see if any of the people who come here behave wrongly, and to protect Shu Zimu's safety.

With Qi Yan doing this, it seems that this is not an ordinary signing event, but a serious and high-end political meeting.

However, although Shu Zimu felt that this posture was too big and a bit wasteful, it had to be said that the effect was obvious. Even though there were a lot of fans who came to the signing event, the whole signing event was not crowded at all. The staff guided the fans to line up in order, and those who couldn't get in used the method of queuing and calling their numbers like a restaurant. A group of twenty people. Fans can get their numbers first and then go to the lounge on the other side to rest, and wait until their group is called before queuing up in the signing hall. And the other services of the staff are also very good, and they will pour a glass of water for the fans who have worked hard to line up. Therefore, although there is still a long time to stand, the fans feel a sense of warmth and feel that this signing will completely exceed expectations.

But it's not just this that really made the fans excited and felt that it was not in vain. To be precise, these arrangements by Qi Yan are only a small part, and most of them are because of Shu Zimu's loss. To be more straightforward, it should be Shu Zimu's face.

Not all the fans who come here know who and what Shu Zimu looks like who has been popular on the Internet for a few days, but everyone can see Shu Zimu's appearance with their own eyes, and in most people's aesthetics, Shu Zimu's face is not to say The country is beautiful, but it is absolutely eye-catching and unforgettable. This is the most intuitive impact.

The first batch of fans who lined up early, when the time was almost up, almost all exclaimed when they saw Shu Zimu's appearance, and the few people in the front were even more stunned. Is this a warm guest invited by the organizer?"

When Shu Zimu heard this, he smiled, sat down at the signing table, and said with a smile: "I should only be regarded as the main guest."

The fans reacted for a while before realizing that this should be the author Asamu they wanted to meet, and their expressions were even more surprised when they realized it. And thanks to the Internet celebrity after a few days, some people naturally found that Shu Zimu looked familiar, and soon someone said hesitantly: "Isn't this... Shu Zimu?"

The other fans who received this message were in an uproar again, and Shu Zimu said calmly: "Yes, it's me. My pen name is Chao Mu, the author of "Super Power Office." Shu Zimu looked at them in surprise, inexplicably Satisfied with the prank, he smiled and said, "Why, you don't believe it?"

The fans looked at each other in blank dismay, with surprise and excitement in their eyes, and gossip. I have to say that the fans are also very powerful, and someone soon discovered another point: "If Shu Zimu is the eldest brother, isn't Shu Zimu's family attack Mr. Qi? Doesn't that mean that Shuihuohao is Mr. Qi?"

This inference is obviously valid, after all, the harmony of water and fire is the marriage certificate of Zhaomu and Chaomu.

The fans became more and more excited when they thought of this, especially those fans who made up their minds to watch Chaomu and Shuihuohao show their affection, and at this moment they shouted: "Master Chaomu, call your Suihuo out for us to see, it's really Mr. Qi's words We just trust you!" Mr. Qi is a domineering president with millions of dollars a minute, surely he won't have the time to collude with people to amuse them, right

Shu Zimu replied with a smile when he heard the words: "Okay." Anyway, Qi Yan insisted on making decorations, so let him sit beside him.

Fans were going to be dazzled by Shu Zimu's smile, and Yan Kong, who was not firm in his stand, shouted: "It's okay without Mr. Qi! You are beautiful, and you are right in everything you say!"

This kind of behavior of forgetting friends because of the wind and the rudder was quickly spurned and condemned by the fellow travelers: "You shameful face dog! You actually betrayed our front for the sake of beauty! Even if you want to be a nympho, Mr. Qi Yan The value is not low, wouldn't it be nice to have Mr. Qi come out together!"

Shu Zimu laughed more and more easily watching them play tricks, and Qi Yan soon appeared in the "voice of the people".

The excited fans were silent for a moment because of Qi Yan's habitual paralyzed face and a little cold demeanor, but after Qi Yan sat down next to Shu Zimu and whispered something to Shu Zimu, there were even bigger cheers and screams soon burst out.

Obviously, Qi Yan's cold eyes can't stop the enthusiasm of CP fans. Coupled with the huge bonus of appearance, the screams almost overturned the roof for a while.

The people waiting in the lounge next door were envious at first when they heard the movement, but after cheering and suppressing for a while, their faces were inexplicable, thinking that they shouldn't be so excited, right? And wouldn't it be over if you get excited once, why do you still have bursts

But soon, people in the signing hall who love to spread gossip news reported the latest situation in the fan group and other places. Soon, most of the fans, whether they came or not, knew the big news that Shu Zimu was their Zhao Mu Da Da. And the news is not unfounded, but there are pictures and the truth. Although it looks like it was taken from a long distance with a mobile phone, it is unprofessional and a bit blurry, but there are a lot of photos and even videos from different people. Next, this news can basically be finalized.

This suddenly caused a lot of excitement.

After all, Shu Zimu is a well-known figure with a lot of attention. He has a lot of fans on Weibo, and because of his relationship with Qi Yan and the previous reversal news, he still attracts paparazzi's attention. As for Chaomu, as a new hot writer, his news has attracted a lot of attention, especially after "Super Power Office" is confirmed to be made into a movie, and after Chaomu will serve as the screenwriter, various entertainment gossip marketing accounts and Fans of some entertainers have also become sensitive to his news.

Adding the two together, the news that Shu Zimu is Chaomu didn't take long to spread from the fans at the signing event, and it was quickly advertised by the marketing account.

This spread caused an uproar among fans and gossip crowds.

Chaomu has never opened Weibo, even if fans asked many times, they turned a blind eye. After the news of Chaomu=Shu Zimu was released, fans immediately flocked to Shu Zimu's Weibo account that had only been used twice, and paid attention to it. Some seek the truth, some urge changes, some lick faces, and some eat sweets. The happiest ones are those who are both Shu Zi's beauty powder and Chaomu fans. The favorite Internet writers are not only rough skinned, dark yellow eye bags and dark circles. It's a joy to be overjoyed.

In addition, there are those CP fans who are in harmony with each other. What I love the most is to watch them interact with each other and show their affection. It turned out that Shu Zimu was after Chaomu, and the candy from other homes suddenly became his own. There are still traces of the deeds of being angry for Shu Zimu Chongguan several times in many gossips. After this equation is drawn, although it is old sugar, the sweetness is extraordinary.

Especially when I think of Qi Yan, the leader of a large group, I heard that he is very serious from appearance to expression to personality, and when he was against those who poured dirty water on Shu Zimu before, he was like the autumn wind sweeping away the fallen leaves, but in the end he chased Shu Zimu's novels unshakably , will grab the sofa, and even ask for kisses and hugs! Think about Mr. Qi's tall and burly appearance, that cold and serious face... It's really against harmony to hug and hold each other high and high!

But the more it violates the harmony, the more it shows how sweet the candy is! Mr. Qi does not hesitate to show his stupid and cute image, why is this! All because of so much love!

CP fans feel like their hearts will melt when they think about it. There are so many angles to dig candy, the associative ability is amazing, and the organization is tight. They communicate with each other and brainwash each other. They are more moved than the parties and believe that they are a match made in heaven. correct.

Most of the fans were overjoyed after being surprised, but some didn't accept it well. This part is mainly because they didn't have a good impression of Shu Zimu.

The author I like turns out to be the vest of someone who dislikes it. This is obviously a bit of a ruin for people. However, Shu Zimu has no black spots. The previous few times he became famous because of accidents or other people. I don’t have a good impression of him. Well, it's either preconceived, or out of jealousy that I don't want to admit, for example, I think he's a jerk, I think he's a sugar daddy and so on.

Because Shu Zimu has no real black spots, these words are not very tenable, so some of the fans who originally disliked Shu Zimu changed their views because they liked Chaomu's works. Of course, there are still some who insist on rejecting Shu Zimu, and even become fans of Chaomu, but these people themselves are not Chaomu's loyal fans, and the number is not large, which is not harmful.

Generally speaking, Chaomu's fans internally accepted the news relatively well, and there was no disgust or doubt. After all, although Shuihuohao looked a lot stupider than Mr. Qi, the level of local tyrants made people feel very reasonable. Moreover, Qi Yan and Shu Zimu appeared in a package, among other things, the possibility of deliberately deceiving the public should not be high. Qi Yan can't make such jokes with his reputation and the market value of the company's stock.

Shu Zimu is indeed very different from the Chaomu that most people originally imagined. Apart from his appearance and identity, he is also much younger. Although there are quite a few online writers who became famous at a young age, most of those writers are based on the rhythm of the plot, and Chaomu's writing style is so sophisticated that they obviously don't look like newcomers who have just come into contact with novel creation.

However, for fans, this kind of "unexpectedness" is not unacceptable. Apart from surprise, it is admiration. I feel that the author I like is extremely talented, and I am proud of it.

But people who are not fans don't think so.

The passers-by had to be more fair and questioned a little, but because of Qi Yan's participation, it was not easy to speak conclusively, but there were some sunspots who were different.

Shu Zimu has blackness, and so does Chaomu.

Although Shu Zimu didn't have any real black spots, but because of the excitement of the previous few times, and Qi Yan's backing, it was much easier to fabricate black spots by catching wind and shadow. It's hard to judge the news scandals in the entertainment circle, and the hard work of the sunspots in distributing brainwashing kits has affected the impression of a small number of people. Overall, however, the impact is very weak.

And Chaomu can find even fewer black spots. Before someone blackmailed him for throwing mine points and earning points, he was slapped in the face. After that, everyone basically recognized his strength, although his colleagues still envied him. Yes, but no one is overreaching to pour dirty water on him anymore. Although after "Super Power Office" announced the launch of film and television, Chaomu was also involved in the melee of some entertainers in the entertainment industry, but they were all small disputes, and I couldn't bring it out, and I didn't care about these other than the fans. People make a difference.

Individually, the reputations of Shu Zimu and Chao Mu are still very good.

But now, these two people were suddenly tied together and equated, and passers-by doubted it, and it was almost a carnival for Heizi no matter which side it was originally.

Shu Zimu's Hei said that he found someone to write for him, brought money into the group, and relied on Qi Yan's money and power to oppress others. He popped up as if he had been given a shot in the arm, saying that on the surface he didn't seem to be earning points and earning profits, but Qi Yan became a shareholder of Jinjiang, so wouldn't it be a matter of minutes to directly change the background data? The high-priced film and television copyright that was blown up before, Xingyue, which was bought with money, is also Qi Yan's company. As for being the screenwriter of the big-investment movie "Super Power Office", it was obviously Qi Yan's back door. What was previously boasted about being a god and a dark horse newcomer, in fact, everything is full of moisture. It's fine if there is water, maybe it's still relying on ghostwriting, trying to establish an image of a young genius and becoming famous at a young age.

Titles like geniuses and child prodigies are inherently eye-catching, not only black will focus on irony, but also media and marketing accounts that are accustomed to exaggerating to attract attention. "Chaomu is actually Shu Zimu, the master of the biography! The new star writer who has been evaluated as a writer who has worked hard for many years is only 18 years old?", "Shu Zimu is a genius writer? Appeared at the famous writer Chaomu's signing event, and Qi Yan accompanied him to attend" Blog posts with such titles were quickly forwarded and commented on the Internet. In addition to well-known gossip accounts, formal media also joined in the fun. However, the media were more honest than marketing accounts, and they didn't dare to directly lead Chaomu to be someone else's ghostwriter. They only used the names of Genius, Qi Yan, and Shu Zimu to attract attention, and the content was mostly positive.

But even so, the fact that Shu Zimu is Chaomu alone is surprising enough, and discussions quickly started on the Internet.

Netizen A: True or false? Shu Zimu was the author of the super power firm that was so hot before? That Shu Zimu from Chuanda

Netizen B: Who took the photo! So unprofessional! Are there no official photographers at the signing event

Netizen C: Officials usually wait until the autograph session is over before posting the photos. Now it’s not just the fans taking photos.

Netizen D: Is it really the same person? Why do I look a little different...

Netizen E: I think it looks quite similar, and there is Mr. Qi next to him. They can't both be impersonators, right

Netizen F: Whoever pretends to be Mr. Qi is a bit bold.

Netizen G: What did I miss! ! In the days when there is no new picture of Mu Mu, I am in despair, but now you tell me, can I see myself in person at this signing? Had I known what I was traveling for! You should book a plane ticket to Beijing! !

Netizen H: Sure enough, those photos of Shu Zimu were uploaded before, so it doesn't look as good as it is boasted.

Netizen I: The relationship between these two seems to be very good. Shu Zimu went to the autograph meeting with Mr. Qi.

Netizen J: I thought I was a literary and artistic Uncle Ben, but I didn't expect to be such a beautiful young man! ! Still a beautiful boy who already has a master! ! I don't know whether to be happy or sad...

Netizen K: ... What's so heartbreaking? Mr. Qi is top-notch, rich and handsome, what kind of beautiful boy is not worthy of him

Netizen J: I know, but when you thought you fell in love at first sight, but found out that the other person is already married, it is always heartbreaking, right

Netizen L: Has this person never seen Shu Zimu before? Love at first sight now

Netizen M: Some people don’t know whether it’s because they’re talking nonsense with their eyes open or because they have a problem with aesthetics. We Mumu’s photos that are so blurry and hot can still make people fall in love at first sight, they’re so beautiful! I don't know what kind of mentality it is to say that those photos before are from P.

Netizen J: I don't follow the entertainment circle, I haven't seen this photo before. I just searched, and I don’t want to give up after knowing that the other party already has a master. Why is Zhaomu so good-looking, and why is such a good-looking person married when he is just an adult

Netizen N: You are already married! Mu Mu and Mr. Qi are a natural match! Although our Mu Mu is good-looking, you still don't expect to get involved. Do you think you are as handsome as Mr. Qi, rich in money and boyfriend power

Netizen J: I understand! Don't worry, I'm very self-aware, and I don't dare to argue with Mr. Qi, it's just a little pity TAT

Netizen M: The previous one who was fascinated by our Mumu, would you like to join our prosperous beauty appreciation brigade? We have collected the most complete photos of Mumu, and Mumu's classmates act as informants to provide the first-hand information closest to me, and you can also guide and meet real people on campus for free~~

Netizen B: It makes me feel a little moved... Are the photos really complete? I did a search just now, and I found a few, the more I look at them, the more I want to see them...

Netizen M: We have everything we can find outside! We also have many that cannot be found outside. Informants are not free, hehehe ︿( ̄︶ ̄)︿

Netizen J: Boss, please accept me!

Netizen O: Why are we talking about faces? Does anyone think this is unscientific? I don't think Zhao Mu's two novels seem to be written by such a young person.

Netizen P: There are photos and videos, how can it be fake? Are you unhappy that others are really talented? When was Mozart able to compose music

Netizen R: Shu Zimu also said that he will never make his debut as an artist. He has not made his debut, but he is still relying on selling his face and selling people to set up fans. If he sells, he will set up a memorial archway. I don’t know if those books were written by him. of it.

Netizen S: Some people think that other people must not be able to do things that they cannot do by themselves. It is a lie to say that they can do it. There are so many talented people in the world, what is it to become famous by writing novels at the age of eighteen? Not eight years old. Is there any need to make such a fuss and act like you have never seen the world

Netizen O: Hehe, you used to boast that your brushwork skills are as old as everyone else. Why don't you say that you can't reach this level after ten or eight years.

Netizen T: I think if Shu Zimu is really looking for a ghostwriter, it is impossible for Mr. Qi to go to the signing and testify for him, right? And they are both married to Mr. Qi, so Shu Zimu shouldn't need the little money he made from ghostwriting hype, right? Why is it necessary to find a ghostwriter to make such a thing, and it will affect the reputation if it is discovered.

Netizen S: Some people are black, so don't pretend to be passers-by, okay? It’s obviously because I’m upset because I’ve seen others praise it, so don’t say anything. You don’t think Chaomu’s novels are written by young people anymore. Divide

Netizen R: Of course, it is not for money to find someone to write for you, but to hype your reputation! It must have cost a lot of money to support Shu Zimu and Qi Yan. It took a lot of pains to buy the company and buy shares in Jinjiang. It also paid a lot of money to buy copyrights, and invested heavily in movies to support people as screenwriters.

Netizen J: Some people are black and have no brains. Is there a person with Zhaomu's level who will give contemporary pens? Is it stupid? How much is a ghostwriter? Don't you earn more by writing your own? And still be famous.

Netizen T: I still think that a CEO as big as Mr. Qi, the bosses of several industry giants, would not do such a shameless thing of deceiving the public.

Netizen R: Who said that there must be less money for ghostwriting? Isn't Shu Zimu not short of money, maybe he will give a lot? And it is estimated that he found not only one ghostwriter, but probably an entire studio. The manuscript has been revised several times, and it appears to be of a high level. As for Qi Yan, didn't you fans say that he is very good to Shu Zimu, is it true love? Fans who deceive people for true love may think it's nothing, maybe they think it's very romantic

Netizen S: I'm also drunk. How can I think that someone will pay a high price for a ghostwriter? Let's see the copyright fee of Chao Neng before we talk? Don't say it's a fake, the prices of other famous online novels are not much different. Have this copyright fee to give contemporary pen gunners? I'm afraid it's not Shi Lezhi? And what gives you the illusion of high quality as a studio shooter? Zhaomu won't win by the amount of updates and routines. It is easy for two people to write a novel together to make the characters feel torn. I am afraid that the shooter of a studio can only make the characters fine. The characters written by Zhaomu don’t have this kind of problem. Most of the long comment section is character analysis. The tweet bloggers will praise the character creation. Heizi may not know it at all, right? In addition, Mr. Qi wants to open the back door for Shu Zimu, don't be too easy, okay, need such a big detour? Xingyue belongs to someone else, so the personnel arrangement of other people's projects is none of your business? And what happened to holding him? What you write is good, but you can’t praise it? If you don't praise your own family with strength, is it fair and just to praise keyboard warriors like you who can only talk but are not relatives? Some people may think that if it is not their turn to be promoted, others will give gifts, if they chase people and fail to catch up, they will be worshiped by the other party for money, and if they do not give themselves money for poverty alleviation, it is the government's waste of resources, right? It can be said that it is a waste of waste.

Afterwards, there was a quarrel because of the fandom, and the passers-by were also affected to stand in line, and the quarrel was in full swing for a while. The number of sunspots is not as large as that of fans, but everyone likes to watch the excitement and jokes. If there is a ghostwriting scandal, the excitement will definitely be much bigger than it is now, so passers-by are more or less inclined to question it, and the two sides are on par for a while.

Shu Zimu had predicted this situation a long time ago, but at this time, he was still steadily signing the sale, ignoring the bloody storm that was gradually stirring up on the Internet.

The attention of the fans at the scene was mostly on the two people sitting in front of them, and they didn't pay much attention to the comments on the Internet. Many of the fans staying in the lounge were swiping their phones, but when they really saw Shu Zimu, most of them felt that it would be best not to let their loved ones know about such a horrible thing.

Facts have proved that when fans meet the author they admire, it is still difficult to think of other bad things under the excitement, especially the real person is better than imagined, which is really surprising.

At least when many fans saw Shu Zimu, they basically only had the idea of "Ah, why is my family so beautiful?" In the interaction between people, female fans are basically so happy that they don’t realize anything else, and male fans can’t calm down, because the state of other female fans really makes them break out in a cold sweat, and finally realize that they are being dominated and abused in the comment area three-dimensional version of . At this time, who can remember the little bit of swearing and fighting on the Internet, the former's inner screams and the latter's inner complaints can't be suppressed.

The signing event is actually a physical activity, both for the author and the fans. Fans have to stand in a long line, while the author has to write many, many words non-stop, and also try to sign as well as possible, which is quite exhausting. Shu Zimu herself is fine, but Qi Yan started to feel distressed in advance. Before that, she wanted to discuss with the organizer whether she could sign for half an hour and take a ten-minute break. However, this idea was suppressed by Shu Zimu first. Shu Zimu told Qi Yan dumbfoundedly. For the sake of being so nervous.

Qi Yan accepted Shu Zimu's statement, but when he officially went into battle, he interrupted Shu Zimu from time to time to give him a chance to rest.

Some CP fans tentatively asked whether Qi Yan and Shu Zimu could sign a couple's autograph. Qi Yan not only readily agreed, but also expanded his thinking, and wanted to replace Shu Zimu to do part of the work.

But in fact, fans either want to collect his and Shu Zimu's autographs, or they just want Shu Zimu's. No one wanted to replace Shu Zimu's signature with Qi Yan's. Qi Yan's idea failed completely. Not only did it not reduce Shu Zimu's workload, but it increased his workload. It can be regarded as self-inflicted.

Shu Zimu's attitude towards fans was very good when he signed the autograph. Basically, he signed whatever the fans asked him to sign, such as "reversible and irreversible in the morning and evening water and fire" and "the blending of water and fire in the morning and evening".

Then a little girl asked Shu Zimu to sign such a sentence—

Ye Xin and Di Yanbei are true love!

Ye Xin and Di Yanbei are the protagonists and important supporting male "friends" in Shu Zimu's new novel "Returning on a Snowy Night".

Shu Zimu's pen suddenly hesitated in a rare way.

I always feel that signing like this is like officially stamping the CP... But his original intention is to write a pure brotherhood without CP!