Marrying the Big Shot

Chapter 8: cat


In the end, Qi Yan still did not accept Xu Lan's proposal for the concert. Although it is hard to find tickets for the VIP seats of the Moonlight Orchestra's concert, because Qi Yan himself is not very interested in the concert, he is currently somewhat interested in Xue Zimu. But it was not enough to disrupt his work plan, so he quickly gave the answer of rejection, which brought the party to an unsatisfactory end.

Qi Yan refused easily, but Xue Zimu was not treated so well. On the second day, he finally managed not to show his flaws under the attack of Xue Li and Yao Yue's sugar-coated shells, pretending that he was really willing to marry Qi Yan sincerely, and that he would remember that he was a child of Xue's family, but he didn't expect to finish dealing with Xue Li and Qi Yan. Yao Yue and Xue Lin.

Yao Yue asked him to go to the concert with Xue Lin. Xue Zimu felt that Xue Lin would unilaterally quarrel with him on the way. The relationship between Xue Li and Yao Yue was definitely impossible. It's all God bless.

I just want to think so, but now Xue Zimu has no right to refuse. After pretending to be embarrassed and evading it twice, this matter was still settled by Xue Li and Yao Yue. The deal was done, Xue Zimu simply thought that it would be Xue Lin and not him who would be very angry anyway, if Yao Yue wanted him to go, then go. Although he hated the Xue family, he already had a full understanding of their brazenness, and no matter what the other party did, he didn't bother to get angry.

Sure enough, Xue Zimu stayed in the room that day, and heard some noisy quarrels and smashing sounds from Xue Lin's side. Xue Zimu guessed that it was Xue Lin expressing dissatisfaction with Yao Yue who persuaded her. The crackling sound became pleasant.

Xue Lin's unruly and domineering character will definitely offend others. Even if the Xue family is a wealthy family that is much stronger than ordinary families and can support Xue Lin's arrogance to a certain extent, it is difficult to guarantee that she will be kicked to the iron plate one day.

In her previous life, Xue Zimu didn't know much about the later situation of the Xue family, but she also knew that Xue Lin did not follow her and Yao Yue's ideas to find a wealthy son-in-law, but instead married an upstart who had nothing but money. The life after marriage should not be very smooth, because the nouveau riche has taken a fancy to the gold-selling cave of the entertainment industry, not only investing money, but also often "leading by example" to contribute pornographic news, and his wife has become a long-term gossip object of pity.

Thinking that Xue Lin didn't live very well in his previous life, Xue Zimu suddenly felt a little happier, and he suddenly felt that it was not that difficult to take revenge on Xue's family. As the saying goes, many acts of unrighteousness will lead to self-death. Xue Yu hit someone with a racing car and let him take the blame, but he was safe. Afterwards, not only did he not learn his lesson, but he became more courageous. And once a bigger basket is poked next time, it will not be so easy to find a scapegoat. And Yao Yue can use such means to clean up the mess for her son, presumably she and Xue Li have done a lot of illegal things before, Xue Zimu doesn't believe that the other party can always get away with it. If he hadn't been forced by Yao Yue in his previous life, he might have lived a little longer to see the day when the Xue family went bankrupt.

With such a mood in mind, the next day when Xue Lin got into the car with Yao Yue and went to the concert hall with an ugly face, under Yao Yue's urging, Xue Zimu felt quite relaxed. He thinks a lot now. Although I had to stay with the disgusting Xue family, it was somewhat relieved to see the other party being reluctant but had to be polite and affectionate to him.

Of course, Xue Zimu knew that he was pretending to be a tiger, and it was the Qi family who could make Xue's family really respect him. So on the way the car moved forward steadily, Xue Zimu ignored Xue Lin's low pressure, and kept thinking about what to do, so as to repay the kindness of the Qi family.

He doesn't have any business talent. Although he remembers the development trend of his previous life, he may not be able to really play a role in the Qi family's business operations. So Xue Zimu thought about it, and besides the income from writing articles that the Qi family might not care about at all, what could be useful was probably the future urban planning of Beijing, as well as several film and television dramas that became dark horses.

The Qi family's business includes real estate companies, and urban planning should be the top priority for the real estate industry, so this news is very valuable, but it may be a bit troublesome to convince the Qi family to believe what he said. As for the few film and television dramas, the Qi family doesn't seem to have developed an industry in this area, and the Qi family may not necessarily value the profits from them. However, Xue Zimu feels that he can invest in advance. Although he is still poor and white, it should be no problem to earn tens of millions in the past two or three years.

Xue Zimu thought about the future development plan and thought about it, but the driver who was driving very smoothly suddenly braked suddenly. Xue Zimu was sitting in the co-pilot wearing a seat belt, and just jumped forward, but Xue Lin in the back seat directly hit the back of the seat in front of her. Although she was not injured and it was not painful, it relieved her accumulated anger The sub was lit.

"What are you doing? Do you know how to drive?" Xue Lin scolded the driver.

The driver quickly apologized: "I'm really sorry, miss. Just now a cat ran past the front of the car, so I had to brake suddenly. I'm sorry."

Xue Lin's anger did not subside when she heard the words, but she said angrily, "The cat? Is it important for the cat or me? If I get hurt, don't want this job!"

The driver had no choice but to confess again and again. Xue Lin glanced at Xue Zimu who hadn't said a word. Seeing his cold but beautiful side face, she felt stuck in her heart. She didn't continue to find fault with the driver, but said in disgust. : "I knew it would not be a good thing to come out with some people, what a bastard!" He said and urged the driver: "Okay, let's drive, don't make me late."

The driver hurriedly followed suit, but I don't know if it was due to Xue Lin's words, but this time he really encountered trouble—the car wouldn't start.

"What's going on?" Xue Lin frowned even tighter.

The driver tried it several times, and sweat was pouring out of his forehead. The car still roared a few times but did not move. He could only reply in cold sweat: "Miss, the car can't start. Look at this..."

"It broke down all of a sudden?" Xue Lin became more irritable, "It's all my mother's fault for insisting that I go with a broom star!" Pushing the reason on Xue Zimu's head without hesitation, seeing that the driver still couldn't do it after getting out of the car for inspection, Xue Lin The tone was impatient: "Okay, ask someone to pick me up in another car, don't delay my going to the concert." After she finished speaking, she got out of the car angrily, and slammed the car door loudly.

Xue Zimu still sat in the passenger seat and did not move.

Xue Lin stood outside for a while and became impatient. Thinking of Yao Yue telling her yesterday that she should have a relationship with Xue Zimura in the future, so that the other party would bring her into the circle of Qi's family and lay the foundation for finding a good husband in the future, Xue Lin was irritable. Besides, I feel wronged, wronged that I have to rely on someone I don't like. If it weren't for that Qi Yan was a pervert, how could the big boat of the Qi family get a bumpkin from this small place to sit on it. Xue Lin thought so, but couldn't help feeling that even though she herself didn't want to marry Qi Yan, she was really unwilling to let Xue Zimu take such a big advantage.

Why did Qi Yan have such a problem, Xue Lin complained in her heart, if not, it would be great for her to marry him!

Xue Lin was so angry that she couldn't help kicking away the stones at her feet. She just wanted to vent, but she didn't expect that there was a sudden scream, and something jumped out of the grass by the roadside extremely quickly. Xue Lin suddenly screamed, and hurriedly took two steps back, and then found that it was a dirty cat.

It was probably hit by a stone kicked by Xue Lin, and the cat was frightened, so it jumped out. It moves quickly, but it is not difficult to see that the movement is a little unnatural, as if the front leg was injured.

Looking at this dirty, thin and lame cat, Xue Lin couldn't help venting out her depressed emotions, and kicked it, "The stinky cat ran out to scare someone, it's so disgusting!"

Xue Zimu looked towards Xue Lin when she heard the cat's frightened cry, so she clearly saw that the lame cat did not completely escape Xue Lin's attack, was kicked a certain distance, and even rolled away. A few scenes.

It was just a kitten, and it was very thin. Even though Xue Lin was just a little girl with little strength, this kick still caused a lot of damage to it.

Xue Zimu's pupils shrank immediately, and he got out of the car and ran towards the cat. Just now he seemed to have seen the scene when Xue Lin pushed him down the stairs. At that time, he was like this cat. After falling far away, he rolled over several times uncontrollably, and then lay on the ground suffering from severe pain. . And Xue Lin was panicked at first, but after finding out that he didn't die but had a broken right leg, she immediately resumed her usual arrogant and domineering face.

Just like now.

"Tsk, I've rubbed my shoes dirty, really." Xue Lin complained to herself, seeing Xue Zimu coming down suddenly, she asked in surprise, "What are you doing?"

Xue Zimu restrained the urge to rush up and give her a kick, ignored her, went straight to the cat and squatted down. He wanted to pick it up and check it, but he was worried that the other party would resist and make the injury worse, so he could only tentatively and slowly reach out his hand to stroke its back.

The kitten stared up at him slightly, purring threateningly, but did not attack.