Marrying the Soft-hearted Villain

Chapter 10: He might be too hairy


Large swaths of snowflakes fell from the sky and landed on Ruan Qiuqiu's hair, which was gradually melted by her increasingly difficult breathing, slowly turning into cold water stains.

I couldn't move my overworked legs, and I couldn't even lift my arms.

The exposed skin was frozen, and Ruan Qiuqiu's palm was a little weak on the ground, trying to get up.

The sky was completely dark, she tried her best to open her eyes, but there was only a vague shadow in her eyes.

The wind sound of "hula la" came from the side of the ear, and it seemed to be mixed with the sound of low footsteps—

From the vicinity of the cave, there were deep, shallow, irregular footsteps.

Ruan Qiuqiu's heart instantly lifted.

A lot of thoughts flashed through her dizzy head in an instant, from "perhaps the evil demon that Mr. Evil Wolf offended before came to take revenge" all the way to "perhaps the legendary demon came to take her dog's life".

Even for a moment, Ruan Qiuqiu wondered if Mr. Big Bad Wolf would come to save her.

But as soon as this idea appeared, she was smothered.

The big bad wolf was even weaker than her. When helping him clean the wound, she worried several times whether he would lose his breath.

It can't be him.

But even if she told herself rationally that her wolf husband could not wake up to help her, Ruan Qiuqiu couldn't help but opened her lips and whispered tentatively, "Husband?"

The footsteps seemed to stop for a moment, and then it seemed to be a little excited, and it became more messy.

Lai Yao or Lai Mo did not speak, and Ruan Qiuqiu became even more nervous. She held a handful of snow in her palm and clenched the wooden basin with her right hand, intending to struggle no matter what.

Just as she was breathing rapidly, a slightly familiar low roar came from the side of her ear.

Muffled, weak, with a growl of urgency different from the day.

It was like a reluctant and somewhat embarrassed response to her "husband".

Mr Big Bad Wolf.

It's Mr. Big Bad Wolf.

Ruan Qiuqiu blinked in surprise, and the circle became embarrassingly hot.

Although the wolf seemed very unhappy, she called him again, "Husband, is that you?"

This time, Ruan Qiuqiu didn't wait for Mr. Grain Reserve's response, and only felt that the snowflakes that had fallen on her were all blocked by a tall shadow.

Ruan Qiuqiu opened his eyes wide, and in the cold night, he saw a dim light.

Really Mr. Big Bad Wolf.

His warm breath fell on Ruan Qiuqiu's face, bringing a numb feeling.

"… "

"… Ow~"

Maybe it was because she didn't speak for a long time, or in order to reassure her, Ruan Qiuqiu only felt in a trance when she heard the big bad wolf cry softly. The ending sound was very short, but it was different from his low roar. … immature

The waist was heavy, and Ruan Qiuqiu was still immersed in her husband's "Ow" sound, but he was picked up by Mr. Big Bad Wolf with his front paws.

The tip of the nose touched some hard fur, and Ruan Qiuqiu's face was pricked, causing a little pain.

The wooden basin in her hand fell to the ground, and Ruan Qiuqiu commanded the gray wolf who was very perverted by outsiders, "Bin..."

Hearing a weak voice from the human race in the claws, the wolf gritted his teeth, and finally lowered his huge wolf head.


The sound of the teeth biting on the wood was very clear, Ruan Qiuqiu couldn't help laughing softly when he thought of the wolf silently nibbling on the snow during the day.

Laughing and laughing and feeling a little sad, or maybe the struggle on the edge of life and death for several days in the past few days was too tired, Ruan Qiuqiu didn't think about whether the big bad wolf couldn't help but eat her, but was thinking that she just Is the wound that was wrapped for him about to open again

Ruan Qiuqiu pressed his piercing claws, wanting to lighten his burden a little, then closed his eyes and completely relaxed his tense hands and feet.

Sensing that the person in the front paws seemed to be a little softer than before, Yuan Jue carefully retracted the sharp claws, carefully dipped into the snow-covered wooden basin, restrained her fangs, and did not let herself be accidentally killed. Bitten the pot.

He dragged the front and right paws that could be used in the snow with difficulty, burning the little demon power left in his body, and finally brought back the human female who helped him deal with the wound before he was about to lose his strength. into the cave.

The sight regained some light, and the frozen nose also seemed to have regained some sense of smell. Ruan Qiuqiu found out about the poor condition of Mr. Grain Reserve almost immediately—

He is now in the shape of a monster, but his size is completely smaller than what she saw in the afternoon.

Ruan Qiuqiu turned his head slightly and saw fresh bloodstains glowing on the ground.

The wound on his left leg must have opened again.

Ruan Qiuqiu's heart tightened and she bit her lips.

She regretted it, she regretted running out of the cave to pick up the snow without taking a break.

She only hoped that Mr. Big Bad Wolf wouldn't be hurt any more.

The original twenty-foot walk in the cave now seemed extraordinarily long.

By the time the wolf, who was at a critical point, moved to the "master bedroom" stove with difficulty, Yuan Jue had already reached the limit.

His stomach, which had not eaten for ten days, began to spasm violently, and there was even a little unknown black color on the shattered demon core.

Putting Ruan Qiuqiu on the stone bed as gently as possible, Mr. Evil Wolf turned around with difficulty in the cave that was a bit big for his current monster shape, and the long wolf tail shook Ruan Qiuqiu with a look of wind.

He blew away the tattered animal skin coat on her body.

Ruan Qiuqiu with half of his shoulders exposed: "..."

Yao Shi was still observing her, and accidentally saw Yuan Jue on her shoulder: "..."

Ruan Qiuqiu endured the pain all over his body, pulled a piece of animal hide covered by Mr. Evil Wolf, covered himself, and looked at the blind big bad wolf very worriedly.

Finding that she actually directly touched his skin with his skin, which had a strong smell of him, and looked at him with worried eyes, Mr. Big Bad Wolf felt a strange feeling in his heart.

He didn't pay attention, and closed his big mouth gently.


The edge of the tub snapped off, leaving a hole.

Ruan Qiuqiu: "..."

Yuan Jue: "..."

Fortunately, the size of the tubs he made before was quite large, and the snow in the tubs did not leak much.

Feeling as if he had done something wrong, a wolf who was a little embarrassed didn't "see" any disgusting expression on Ruan Qiuqiu's face. There was only worry in those eyes that shone brightly under the warm firelight.

Her soft long hair spread out and looked very gentle under the bright and dim luster.

The two ears couldn't help shaking quickly, and Yuan Jue felt a little confused in the bottom of his heart.

Maybe the quality of the burning wood is too good, or maybe he is too hairy to change back to the monster shape, and he actually feels a little hot.

To be awake, to be awake.