Marrying the Soft-hearted Villain

Chapter 11: People or demons who are close to him will slowly die


Yuan Jue's big ears were shaking non-stop, and even the tail behind him swayed slightly twice, bringing a cool breeze.

The back was cold, and Mr. Big Bad Wolf quickly noticed that his tail and ears were very disgusting, and immediately closed his big mouth.

He clearly remembered that she said that she would make him what a wolf would do.

Although she helped him deal with the stump, but as a very alert wolf, he couldn't trust her so quickly.

He just looked at his little lady who was replaced, and she was a little pitiful.

Yes, she is so pitiful now, she looks so weak, if she leaves this cave, she will die.

He also used her herbs, so he might as well take her in for two days.

After all, this silly human race actually regarded him as her husband.

But ah, she must not know how serious his injury is.

She must not know that even if the wolf demon with a broken demon core and a disabled blindness survives, it is impossible to live as normal as other demon clan.

Now she is very weak and lacks support, so she subconsciously regards him as her husband who seems to be quite powerful. This is the instinct of the human race.

And he was a big bad wolf who seemed to be cursed from birth—

All the demons and people who are close to him, treat him better, and spend more time with him will become very unlucky, and even lose their lives slowly.

Even, even flowers and plants are no exception.

A distance of one meter is a safe distance from his experiments for many years.

Sometimes, Yuan Jue suspected that he might subconsciously devour the life of the monster around him, which is why he did this.

This is also one of the reasons why the demons of the Yanlang Tribe are so afraid of him.

Earlier, he wanted to kill Ruan Qiuqiu directly, and the serious injury made his head not clear, but he ignored it.

Yuan Jue's heart was a little bit indescribable bitterness, his demon consciousness that was about to be exhausted "looked" at the stone bed, and he "saw" Ruan Qiuqiu slowly sitting up from the stone bed wrapped in the animal skin that was soaked with his scent.

She showed a smile to his ugly monster and said softly, "Thank you, husband."

Mr. Evil Wolf's head was dizzy, and after her smile, he completely fell into darkness.

He slowly lay down on the corner of the cave, only subconsciously aiming his big head on the stone bed where Ruan Qiuqiu was, his unclosed eyes staring straight at her.

- He just brought her back to the cave from outside, and she thanked him for such a trivial matter.

Can you stop calling him husband, he will only take her in for a few days.

When the snow stopped, find a tribe friendly to the human race to send her away.

Mr. Evil Wolf's big tail waved very irritably and gently, he thought to himself a little laughing, what is this, the wolf is about to die, and his heart is also good

She had better stop calling him husband, and stop being nice to him.

Otherwise he would change his mind and drag her by his side, regardless of the cursed distance on him, and let her go to hell with him.

Various humanized expressions flashed across his furry and embarrassed wolf face from time to time, and Ruan Qiuqiu saw many emotions through the weak firelight.

There is sadness, entanglement, pain, sympathy, and even a hint of cruelty and struggle.

His pair of big ears also cooperated, sometimes shaking slightly, sometimes folding up and bending down, and in the end, he didn't know what decision he made, and the two ears were softly attached to the big head, looking very slack .

Ruan Qiuqiu looked at the big bad wolf that was blocked at the entrance of the cave and blocked almost all the cold wind. While enduring the intermittent pain from his body, he was worried about his wound, and also considered whether Mr. Evil Wolf was in a bad mood. Why are both ears lying down

She's multitasking, it's really a bit hard.

Because Mr. Big Bad Wolf blocked the door, there was less cold air coming in from outside, and the special wood fire on the stone stove became more vigorous, and the "master bedroom" of the cave soon warmed up. .

Ruan Qiuqiu quickly discovered that the temperature of the stone bed under her was actually higher than that of the mountain wall.

Maybe, like wood, there are some special, not ordinary stones.

This discovery made Ruan Qiuqiu feel a little excited. If so, she and Mr. Big Bad Wolf could still survive this winter.

The animal skins she brought can be changed into four more sets of clothes. The softer leftovers can be used to bandage Mr. Reserve Grain's wounds, and the harder ones can be used as towels or shoes.

When the weather gets better, she will first exchange the salt stones for some herbs and food. A dozen salt stones should be able to exchange for some food, right

Hunting and gathering are also arranged, and life should get better and better.

Ruan Qiuqiu was tightly wrapped in the wide, half-black animal skin that was covering her body, and these thoughts flashed through her mind quickly. Her face regained some blood, and she raised her head to face the giant wolf lying at the entrance of the cave. Focused eyes.

She remembered that although she had been called Mr. Evil Wolf, he didn't seem to know her name yet.

Ruan Qiuqiu touched the stone bed that was already warm. Although he knew that he was probably out of sight, he straightened his body and looked at his pair of beautiful blue lights flashing under the faint warm light. eyes, and said slowly, "That..."


"Tell me something."

Mr. Big Bad Wolf, who was about to lose consciousness: "?"

What's up

Did you decide to leave as soon as the snow stopped

If this is the case, although it is already in his expectations and arrangements, he is strangely unwilling to hear it.

He didn't know what was wrong, maybe because he was injured, he became hypocritical.

His stomach began to cramp, and his eyelids became heavier and heavier. Yuan Jue slowly narrowed his eyes and let out a low whimper from his throat, signaling her to take advantage of the fact that he was still moved by her to help him deal with his wounds. Say it now.

If it was later and he changed his mind, she would have no chance to speak.

Ruan Qiuqiu didn't know that the perverted wolf he married was actually a sensitive wolf cub who was different from other wolves.

She only saw that after hearing her words, Mr. Reserve Grain slowly raised his two lying ears, and then suddenly he looked very slack, and his ears were drooping down.

Ruan Qiuqiu: "..." This is the wound that hurts even more, should you rest

She didn't waste time, and said very solemnly, "I don't know if the demons from the Yanlang tribe have introduced you to you before. My name is Ruan Qiuqiu..."

"You can call me Ruan Qiuqiu, or... Qiuqiu, or..."

Ruan Qiuqiu felt embarrassed when he talked.

In the past, when she asked others to call her "Qiu Qiu", she didn't feel anything, but today she felt a little awkward to speak.

And she wanted to say, otherwise, Mr. Big Bad Wolf could call her Mrs., but for some reason, it was more difficult for her to say "Mrs." than for her to call the big bad wolf "Husband". Open your mouth.

- Ruan Qiuqiu

—So this human race is called Ruan Qiuqiu

- Isn't that what she wants to tell herself

Yuan Jue only felt that his eyelids were getting heavier and heavier. Just as he had this doubt in his heart, he heard Ruan Qiuqiu say embarrassedly, "That's all I want to say... Also, will you be lying on the ground? cold?"

To be honest, the way of thinking of human beings is really special.

My heart suddenly relaxed a little, and Mr. Big Bad Wolf didn't know what he was relaxing. In short, it was relaxed, so relaxed that he didn't understand her second question.

Seeing that he slowly closed his eyes, Ruan Qiuqiu didn't give her any response. Thinking of the dripping blood that he brought her back, his heart tightened, and he accidentally called out the nickname she secretly gave him. "Mr. Reserve Grain, how are you?"

Fortunately, Mr. Evil Wolf is really dizzy now, and he can't hear anything.

Otherwise, if he heard that Ruan Qiuqiu actually called him Mr. Grain Reserve, he would have to think more, and he might think in his heart, "Ruan Qiuqiu, you are so cruel!"


However, Mr. Big Bad Wolf was almost inaudible.

He just vaguely heard what she said in his ear, the voice was so far away that he couldn't hear it even with his ears erect.