Marrying the Soft-hearted Villain

Chapter 112: The taste of a wolf in Yuan


The section of Yaozu Continent is very unique, and the entire continent is continuous.

Except for this monster continent, the other places in the demon world are all oceans.

Near the edge of the continent, in the extreme north and south poles, there are many abyss connected to the demon world.

The size and stability of the abyss are different, and the level and number of monsters that can pass through are also different.

In addition to these large and small abyss, if the monsters want to enter this demon continent, they can only rely on some accidentally formed and unstable space channels.

Also because of the particularity of the entire continent, except for some extreme weather in some special places, the climate in most places is uniform.

During this long winter, the entire Monster Race world has fallen into a frozen state.

In such a season, food and herbs are very precious things to most of the low-level demon clan.

This means that the healing drops they bring can sell for a good price, but ordinary herbs and food are not so good.

Ruan Qiuqiu got off the willow car, stepped on the soft snow, and looked up at a large valley that was lit up not far away.

This is their destination this time, the largest gathering place of the monster market by the sea on the edge of the monster continent.


Xiong Duoduo turned into a human form, and stood on the big eagle and Xiong Yuandao who were still not in human form, "Let's go, go to our tribe's cave first, I haven't been here for several months, I don't know if the firewood we hid in autumn is still there. "

Ruan Qiuqiu was a little surprised. It was the first time she participated in this kind of demon market, and she didn't know many things. "There are caves here in our tribe?"

Xiong Duoduo explained, "Yes, our market valley is surrounded by mountains on three sides, and one side is still connected to the sea water. There are many naturally formed caves. Every tribe who wants to participate in the market can choose a cave to put things in."

"When the weather is good, everyone will come out to set up stalls. When the weather is bad, everyone can only ask cave by cave to see if there is anything they need."

Xiong Duoduo said a lot, and Ruan Qiuqiu understood how to trade.

"That's right, some tribes are more powerful and occupy the position of the cave, but ours is a bit biased..." Xiong Duoduo said, his voice gradually softened, and his expression was a little embarrassed.

Ruan Qiuqiu stepped on the snow with one foot shallow and one foot, and helped push the willow cart from behind. It was not surprising to hear that—

In this world where the strong are respected, this kind of demon market is just a spontaneous action of each tribe. Without an overwhelmingly powerful demon coming out to control it, it is normal that there will be some confusion.

I am afraid that the somewhat remote small cave in Xiong Duoduo's mouth is not ordinary.

Ruan Qiuqiu silently made mental preparations in his heart, thinking that as long as he could reach his destination before the rainstorm fell, he would be fine.

However, she still underestimated the "a bit biased" in Xiong Duoduo's mouth. They had walked for half an hour and still hadn't arrived.

Ruan Qiuqiu: "..."

She watched helplessly as they walked, the sky was getting darker, the wind was getting stronger, and they were getting farther and farther from the big caves where they gathered...

"It's coming, it's coming soon."

Xiong Duoduo was also a little embarrassed. He looked at Ruan Qiuqiu, whose hands and feet were a little red with frozen eyes. He was a little glad that the forest legend was not there, otherwise his bear skin might not be guaranteed.

Tian Ye also noticed Ruan Qiuqiu's red hands and feet, and asked her in a low voice if she was cold.

Ruan Qiuqiu shook his head, pursed his lips lightly, his eyes a little lost.

In fact, she is not particularly cold. Since the advanced level, her frost resistance has improved to a higher level, but her skin has become more sensitive, and it will become a little red when encountering very hot or very cold temperatures.

When she was in the Winter Bear tribe, whether outside or inside, she never felt cold, not even once.

The temperature here is not much different from that in the tribe.

The only difference was that the wolf was no longer by her side.

Ruan Qiuqiu breathed a sigh of relief, watching the hot air gradually condense into a mist in the air, and couldn't help rubbing the pair of pointed wolf ears on his wrist.

After walking for another minute, they finally reached the "remote" cave.

—The entrance to the cave was hidden under many pale blue vines, making it difficult to see.

Those light blue vines are not the same as ordinary vines, they are as alive and twisted like snakes.

"It's the ice snake vine, you step back a little."

Tian Ye said, took out a dagger-shaped bone knife from the corner of the animal leather pants, and held it forward.

Ruan Qiuqiu followed Tian Xiu back a little, watching Tian Ye take two steps forward, jump up suddenly, and spread a pair of huge red wings behind his back, fanning a strong wind.

Ruan Qiuqiu narrowed his eyes, and when he came back to his senses, Tian Ye had already retracted his wings, and there were many vines flowing with reddish liquid like blood lying on the ground twisting and turning.

"Let me wash it for you."

Ruan Qiuqiu saw her bending down, as if she wanted to use the snow to clean the bone knife, so she suggested on the side.


Tian Ye was not polite, smiled and handed the bone knife over, "Thank you, be careful not to touch the light red liquid on it, it is poisonous."

Ruan Qiuqiu nodded, washed her bone knife with a ball of warm water, and cleaned up the things on the ground by the way.

Xiong Duoduo and Xiong Yuan, the male demons, didn't watch, and took the lead to investigate the situation in the cave, and then moved everything in.

"The firewood is really gone."

Xiong Duoduo rummaged inside the cave, and then said to Ruan Qiuqiu and Tian Ye very frustrated, "You two rest here, my brother and I take advantage of the weather to make do, hurry to look outside, look. Can you find firewood?"

Ruan Qiuqiu shook his head, "No."

She took out two Tier 3 fire grasses from her backpack and sent a little spiritual energy in, and the whole cave soon became warm and bright.


When Xiong Duoduo saw the plant in her hand, she immediately showed a surprised expression, "Mrs. Yuan, why did you bring this?"

"What kind of plant is this?"

Tian Ye also raised his eyebrows, his beautiful face full of surprise.

"It's hot grass."

Ruan Qiuqiu bent his eyes, and Tian Ye explained the role of the warm grass.

She looked at the two grasses in her hand and felt warm in her heart.

Of course she didn't bring it, it was Yuan Jue stuffed into her backpack.

Maybe he had already anticipated the situation here, so he was so well prepared.

After Xiong Yuan heard Ruan Qiuqiu's words, he showed a somewhat envious expression.

Although he is a tall brown bear male demon, he thinks differently from Xiong Duoduo. He is eager to find a partner who loves him very much. If she is weak, he is willing to protect her with his life.

If she is strong, he won't feel embarrassed, even if the other party is from the shark race, it doesn't matter, it's not that he can't live on land.

It's a pity that the female shark clan who likes bears is only Xiaohong...

And he, Xiong Yuan, didn't know if he encountered a curse. The females around him were either married or didn't like him, which made him still a lonely bear.

He's not as heartless as Xiong Duoduo and doesn't care about these things. Every time he sees this kind of thing, he's sore to death.

Ruan Qiuqiu didn't know what Xiong Yuan was thinking, but he just inserted the warm grass on the mountain wall and started sorting the items he brought.

Xiong Duoduo and Tian Xiu installed an animal skin curtain for the cave to keep out the wind, and Xiong Yuan and Tian Ye didn't idle either, cleaning up the two small caves where they could live.

When they finished all of this, the sky outside was completely dark, and the rainstorm crashed down, almost forming a piece, and only vaguely could see some firelights not far away.

It should be some other demon clan who came to participate in the market.

The torrential rain was so heavy that it would be impossible to go out for a while, so Ruan Qiuqiu and Tian Ye prepared dinner together.

They removed a bit of wood for fuel, and Ruan Qiuqiu directly got hot water.

When cooking soup, Ruan Qiuqiu thought of the taste of Mr. Big Bad Wolf that made her care, hesitated for a while, took out a leaf spirit flower and handed it to Tian Ye.

"What's this?"

Tian Ye obviously never saw Ye Linghua, "Ornaments?"

Ruan Qiuqiu told her about the role of Xia Ye Linghua, and asked her to wait until the soup was almost ready and put it in to try.

Tian Ye gave Ruan Qiuqiu a meaningful look, but said nothing. When the soup was almost ready, he threw Ye Linghua in.

Soon, a strong fragrance spread, and Xiong Duoduo came in, sniffing, "Is this too fragrant?"

His eyes stared straight at the pot of soup, and he almost didn't write the words "I'm so hungry" on his face.

With his active atmosphere, a bit of depression in the cave also faded.

Several demons took out the wooden bowls they brought, and got their own portion of food.


Xiong Duoduo did not stingy with his praise, and happily drank the broth.

Tian Xiu was more sensitive, and soon discovered that there was something in the soup that was good for their health, but after receiving Tian Ye's gesture, he didn't speak any more.

Ruan Qiuqiu also took a sip of the soup, making sure that the taste was the same as the one she made herself.

The soup made by Mr. Big Bad Wolf will taste, probably because of the wolf's sense of taste, there are really some problems.

Why didn't he tell himself

Ruan Qiuqiu felt gloomy in his heart, and slowly frowned at the thought of a wolf in Yuan who was alone in the barrier.

She knew that Soul Wood could protect Grandpa Panda from being attacked to repair the barrier, but treasure hunting, wouldn't it really be dangerous

Ruan Qiuqiu walked around, but his ears gradually quieted down and became silent.

She snapped back to her senses and found that everyone was looking at her with worried eyes.

Ruan Qiuqiu lowered his head and found that the soup in his hand was about to be turned over.

She was a little embarrassed, smiled apologetically with everyone, then forced herself to stop thinking about it and finished the soup.

Although it was completely dark and it was raining heavily outside, no one was sleepy.

The current situation is not very good. Grandma Ruyi and some red eagles are still waiting for the herbs to save their lives. Everyone is waiting for the rain to change and go out to exchange things.

While waiting, Xiong Duoduo talked about some caves in the demon market.

The reason why the demon market is called the demon market is that in addition to most of the demon clan, there are also a very small number of middle and high-level monsters who will come to participate.

They will bring something special from the Demon World or Demon Race, and exchange what they need with the Demon Race.