Marrying the Soft-hearted Villain

Chapter 20: Mr. Big Bad Wolf almost turned into a frozen wolf


The wind and snow blurred the vision in front of him. Ruan Qiuqiu raised the hand holding the bone knife and wiped the eyes that were covered with some snowflakes.

She took two steps forward and bent down.

The firelight was approaching, and under the bright and dark light, she could clearly see the appearance of Mr. Big Bad Wolf—

He sat under the roots of the pine tree, leaning against the trunk, covered with snow.

She got closer, and the warm firelight melted the ice crystals on his long eyelashes, and they turned into droplets of water, sliding down the corners of his eyes.

Clean water droplets swept across several wounds on his face that were corroded by venom, and along the dense black spots, turned into dirty blood and fell.

Mr. Big Bad Wolf had a drooping plush ear on his head, and the tip was probably corroded by the same venom, bald and ugly.

He didn't know if he was stupid, but in such a heavy snow, he still had to maintain his humanoid appearance.

Mr. Big Bad Wolf was holding a sharp claw-like thing tightly in his frozen purple-red palm. Ruan Qiuqiu recognized it at a glance. It was the sharpest part of the tail of the monster she had just seen.

Thinking of the terrifying monster just now, Ruan Qiuqiu still didn't understand.

This stupid wolf ran so far probably to distract the monster.

"..." Ruan Qiuqiu opened his lips and wanted to call him, but his throat was choked up and he couldn't pronounce half a syllable.

She felt her heart tighten and her ears buzzed.

Ruan Qiuqiu sat kneeling in the snow, put down the bone knife and black animal skin coat in his hand, and slowly raised his hand to test Mr. Big Bad Wolf's breath.

— She felt a shallow, warm, weak breath, like a warm dandelion seed on a spring day, swiping lightly on her fingers.

Ruan Qiuqiu tried several times, always worried that it was his hallucination.

Her cheeks were hot, and she didn't care about whether the male wolf and the widow would give or not kiss. She raised the torch with her right hand and put her head on Mr. Big Bad Wolf's chest with a very embarrassed posture.

There was a low heartbeat.

"Bang", "Bang", "Bang"...

Slowly beating, representing his still fresh vitality.

Ruan Qiuqiu burst into tears at once. She grabbed Mr. Big Bad Wolf's big furry tail angrily and rubbed it several times.

This stupid wolf is about to become a frozen wolf, and he is still thinking about not turning into a monster and losing his trophies.

After confirming that Mr. Grain Reserve was alive and well, Ruan Qiuqiu only felt that a big stone in his heart was put down at once.

She changed the torch to her left hand, and in a panic, she picked up the animal skin coat from the snow, trying to put it on Mr. Evil Wolf.

But the big bad wolf was covered with snow, and Ruan Qiuqiu took a lot of effort to put the animal skin coat on him.

When putting on the animal skin coat, Ruan Qiuqiu found that not only Mr. Big Bad Wolf's face, but even his body had many black spots.

It was almost like eating his life.

The thought suddenly slipped by, making Ruan Qiuqiu's heart palpitate.

She forced herself to calm down, and quickly sensed the spiritual energy and water elements in the air. Her fingertips condensed water droplets with healing effects, she squeezed Mr. Wolf's chin lightly, and fed him a drink.

After waiting for two or three seconds, the effect was obvious.

The spread of the black spots on his neck has slowed down significantly.

Ruan Qiuqiu made persistent efforts and transformed the water-type spiritual power cultivated in Dantian in the afternoon into three drops of water, which he fed to the wolf.

Seeing that the black spots on his body finally stopped spreading, Ruan Qiuqiu breathed a sigh of relief.

She put the bone knife into the only pocket on the animal skin coat, and then half supported the big bad wolf, trying to get the wolf up.

But he was really too heavy, and it wasn't something she, someone who couldn't get enough to eat and had no strength to support, could move him.

Ruan Qiuqiu tried several times, but couldn't get the wolf up while holding the torch in one hand to see the road.

She was about to cry embarrassingly again.

Although it was not too far from the cave where they lived, it was no longer within the edge of the forest. If the bloody smell on Mr. Big Bad Wolf attracted any predators, it would be really dangerous.

"… wake up."

After another failed attempt, Ruan Qiuqiu called him in a hoarse voice, "Mr. Big Bad Wolf, wake up."

She called him a dozen times before the wolf seemed to have some reaction.

His intact plush ear suddenly stood up and drooped down, his eyelids slowly opened, his unfocused eyes opened and closed, and his pale lips moved slightly, as if he said something.

Seeing that he still had a reaction, Ruan Qiuqiu pulled the wolf's tail forcefully, "Husband! Don't sleep."

The tail is probably where he is more sensitive. Mr. Big Bad Wolf's ears are pricked up again, and his eyes are half-open. This time, his voice is clear, hoarse and aggrieved, "...Itchy."

Ruan Qiuqiu only felt that the plush tail in his hand slid and shrank back. After the wolf retracted the tail, he threw it twice impatiently, and threw Ruan Qiuqiu's face with snow.

Ruan Qiuqiu: "..."

Before she could get angry, the wolf began to cough violently.

Bright red blood dripped down the corner of his lips, covered with the clothes she just made for him, and dripped into the snow.

He half-opened his eyes, pulled the corners of his lips inexplicably and gave a low laugh, revealing pointed canine teeth, his voice was hoarse and full of silence, "... I'm so ugly."

Ruan Qiuqiu: "..." Is this wolf sober

She felt a little tingling in her heart. Mr. Big Bad Wolf used to be such a handsome wolf, but now he has become like this, and it is normal to have some gaps in his heart.

Ruan Qiuqiu softened his voice, raised his arm, and said sincerely, "You are not ugly at all."

She thought that Mr. Big Bad Wolf, who was a little unclear, would become more easy to get along with, and she might feel relieved to hear her words, but the wolf demon who stood up with her just coldly "ha" With one sound, the sarcasm was full of strength, as if she could see the sheer deceit and the coldness of the world in her sentence "not ugly at all".

Ruan Qiuqiu sighed helplessly and laughed again.

"I mean it, don't believe it."

Ruan Qiuqiu supported Mr. Big Bad Wolf, holding a torch that was about to go out in his left hand, walking in the snow one step at a time, one step at a time, towards their cave.

"I did think you were scary at first when I saw you, but then I didn't think you were ugly..."

Perhaps the howling of the cold wind along the way was too much like a variety of hidden dangers, or perhaps Mr. Big Bad Wolf didn't say a word after saying so few words.

Ruan Qiuqiu felt nervous.

She said a lot, even if her toes stepped on sharp stones and her arms were sore, she didn't dare to stop.

She was very afraid that Mr. Big Bad Wolf had completely passed out, and she didn't know if he was cooperating with her because of mechanical movements.

But she dared not stop.

She was afraid that once she stopped, she would no longer be able to move forward.