Marrying the Soft-hearted Villain

Chapter 29: Yuan Jue was awakened


Looking at the bowl of warm water on the stone table, Ruan Qiuqiu's eyes turned red.

She put the big egg on the stone table, picked up the wooden bowl with shaking hands, and took a sip.

The water was almost cold, but Ruan Qiuqiu felt a little better.

It seems that the devilish energy in Mr. Big Bad Wolf has not recurred. He still has the strength to be a field snail gray wolf, which should be better.

Ruan Qiuqiu looked at a wolf lying quietly on the stone bed, and raised his eyebrows, "Thank you, Mr. Tianluo Grey Wolf."

She didn't look away, wanting to see if the wolf was awake, but this time he didn't shake his tail, and his pointed ears shrugged softly because of the pain, so he probably didn't wake up.

Ruan Qiuqiu sighed incomprehensibly, turned around and took a sip from a bowl of hot water.

The warm water slid down the icy lips all the way into the shriveled stomach, Ruan Qiuqiu shivered, and finally felt that he was alive.

She was not in a hurry, sitting on the stone bench, drinking hot water slowly, and planning in her mind what to do next—

Food and wood can last for seven or eight days with a little use. Herbs are urgently needed, and you have to beware if there will be any monsters and monsters to trouble them...

This winter has just begun. According to memory, most winters in previous years last for four to five months.

Ruan Qiuqiu suddenly felt a lot of pressure. In fact, she really wanted to take Mr. Big Bad Wolf to another tribe.

After all, in other tribes, at least there is no need to live in a cave near the edge of the forest, and it is more secure.

But once in her memory, the only thing she was familiar with was the Wind Lion Tribe. She only vaguely knew that there were the Winter Bear Tribe and the Feather Snake Tribe around the Wind Lion Tribe, but she didn't know how to get there, and people didn't necessarily want to. shelter.

Second, Mr. Grain Reserve's reputation is a big problem. He still has so much demonic energy in him, and he can't even move now. It's unrealistic to leave with her when he suddenly gets better.

Ruan Qiuqiu frowned and became more anxious.

According to the plot in the book, there will be a big beast tide in more than three months. If Mr. Big Bad Wolf is not very good at that time, they will be very dangerous.

It seems that the demons of the Yanlang tribe will never protect them, and according to the description in the book, she will also die in that beast tide.

Or the tragic death method of being smashed by a monster first, then strangled by the neck, and then trampled to pieces...

Ruan Qiuqiu: "..."

She shuddered and shook her head to stop thinking about such terrifying things.

No matter what, she has left the wind lion tribe. As long as she is far away from the male and female masters, she should be careful and she should be fine.

She wouldn't jump into the beast tide to attack the greedy lion, and she didn't want to eat and drink with the male and female protagonists. She just wanted to farm well, and together with Mr. Big Bad Wolf, slowly Have a better day.

At the very least, let's eat and wear warm first.

Ruan Qiuqiu felt a little humble, she scratched her cheeks, touched her wet hair, hesitated, and decided to pack up and go to the "storage room" to take a bath.

Although she and Mr. Bad Wolf are already intimate companions in the eyes of others and demons, and the wolf can't be seen, she still shouldn't take a bath in the "bedroom", after all, Mr. Big Bad Wolf is not awake now , but I can't wait to wake up. If he finds out that she was taking a bath in front of him, wouldn't it be embarrassing.

While packing up, Ruan Qiuqiu saw the egg on the stone table, and his mood improved again.

In any case, I can finally have a good meal tonight, and I have obtained a lot of information, and life is not as hopeless as it was a few days ago.

She glanced at the egg, and then at Mr. Big Bad Wolf lying on the bed.

The idea of using his tail to hatch eggs in the snow resurfaced.

Ruan Qiuqiu was a little bit funny. She was probably because life was too hard and too boring. When she came back to her senses, she had already stood by the bed and put the egg on Mr. Big Bad Wolf's tail.

The big fluffy tail is in stark contrast with the egg that was originally quite big, but it was much smaller when placed next to Mr. Big Bad Wolf's tail. Ruan Qiuqiu picked up Mr. Big Bad Wolf's tail and carefully placed it on the egg. superior.

The long silver-gray hair rested on the round egg, but because it was too smooth, the big tail soon fell off.

Ruan Qiuqiu: "...Pfft."

Ruan Qiuqiu tried a few more times and found that there was no way to "incubate the eggs" by directly putting Mr. Big Bad Wolf's tail on it. In the end, she could only settle for the next best thing and rolled up Mr. Big Bad Wolf's tail, thinking about it. The tip of the tail is rolled up to the middle of the tail, making it look like a "dimple".

But Mr. Big Bad Wolf's tail is soft, but it is not good for concave shape. Ruan Qiuqiu had to settle for the next best thing, not asking his big tail to surround the whole egg.

Just rolled it and put the egg in the middle.


That's it.

Ruan Qiuqiu was still thinking of denting the shape of the wolf's tail again, but a soft, low muffled sound came from the side of his ear.

Hoarse, with a hint of puzzlement, the end sound was slightly panting, and in the cool air, it got into Ruan Qiuqiu's ear.

In a conditioned reflex, she let go of Mr. Big Bad Wolf's tail. She didn't know if she was too guilty, and her heartbeat was getting faster and faster.

"... Husband, husband?"

Ruan Qiuqiu blushed and called him tentatively.

Yuan Jue, who was abruptly woken up by a very strange feeling, only felt that the feeling on his tail was very strange. As soon as he regained some consciousness, he heard Ruan Qiuqiu calling him.

Although her voice was a little guilty for some unknown reason, but...

She is really back.

She did not go.

Some strange feeling suddenly floated in my heart, like eating the sweet honey produced by the Dongxiong tribe, sticky and soft.

Although the body still hurts and the demonic energy in the body has not dissipated, the feeling of Yuan Jue is completely different from before.

He didn't open his eyes, restrained the soft feeling in his heart, his Adam's apple moved up and down, thinking seriously about how to respond to her.

Wouldn't it be too cold to say "um" directly

If she is called "Mrs.", will she not like the snail and gray wolf in her heart

But if calling her "Qiuqiu" would scare her, speaking of which, does his little human lady know that he knows her name

Mr. Big Bad Wolf was very nervous, his ears were shaking, and his slender fingertips were digging at the hole in the animal skin that he had grabbed before. Ten seconds later, he was still unable to say a word.

He didn't speak, but Ruan Qiuqiu breathed a sigh of relief.

She is still better at getting along with Mr. Big Bad Wolf who is "dizzy". If he wakes up, she doesn't know how to talk to him.

Seeing that Mr. Big Bad Wolf's eyelashes trembled, as if he was about to speak at any time, Ruan Qiuqiu said quickly, "So what... Husband, I, I'm going to take a bath first."

She felt very embarrassed after speaking, and hurriedly made up for it, and said with a trembling voice, "Don't worry, I, I just took a bath, nothing else..."

Ruan Qiuqiu: "..." Ah! What the hell is she talking about! !

Ruan Qiuqiu collapsed a little, but she looked at Mr. Big Bad Wolf, whose eyelashes were shaking more, and gave up to continue explaining.

never mind.

Xian Yuqiu gave up the struggle and said in a broken jar, "I-I'm going out first."

She walked away with the animal skin coat and hot water, but she forgot the egg she just put on the big bad wolf's tail.

Ruan Qiuqiu left, and the face of Mr. Big Bad Wolf lying on the stone bed became more and more red and hot.

His head was a little dizzy, and he kept echoing what Ruan Qiuqiu had just said.


Recalling what he saw, Ruan Qiuqiu's fair skin and beautiful neck, Mr. Big Bad Wolf didn't know why it was a little hot.

—Could it be that his little lady was hinting at something to him

- But, doesn't she like that Tianluo and Grey Wolf just use herself as a stand-in

—By the way, she was a little guilty just now, was it because of the snail and gray wolf

Does she like the snail and gray wolf so much

That being the case, he wouldn't do anything to her.

Originally, he didn't want to do anything to her...

Mr. Big Bad Wolf's eyes were dyed red.

He endured it, the tip of his tongue licked the exposed fangs, raised his hand to cover his hot, red and ferocious face, a bitterness and tingling of grievance spread over his heart.

Mr. Big Bad Wolf moved his tail, and then suddenly realized that something was wrong with his tail.

The furry wolf tail moved slowly, curling around the slippery thing.


Yuan Jue felt it again, only to realize that there was actually an egg in the center of his tail.

How can there be eggs

Did Ruan Qiuqiu put it on his tail

Why put the egg on his tail, because he found that the hairs on his tail are a little less, so do you plan to apply the egg to him

As soon as this thought appeared, Yuan Jue let out a low laugh.

Should be unlikely.

With a move of his mind, he drew out a small amount of demon power, and quickly judged that the egg on his tail was the egg of a small moa, full of spiritual energy and delicious taste.

is it food

So why put it on his tail

Mr. Big Bad Wolf didn't quite understand, but he was still cautious and didn't dare to flick his tail.

He still maintained Ruan Qiuqiu's posture of helping him with his tail concave, and listened to the movement outside with his ears erect.

The sound of her bath is not loud, but not too small.

Listening, listening, Mr. Big Bad Wolf's ears turned pink.

He rolled the egg, which gradually became less cold, and suddenly skipped a possibility in his mind, and his face flushed red—

Qiuqiu, she couldn't possibly be testing the softness and warmth of his tail, right

When he was the leader in the past, he didn't understand everything. He heard some male demons say that human females are very fickle creatures.

In summer they like hairless male demons, and in winter they prefer furry male demons.

For furry male demons, if they want to be liked by human females, the tail is even more important.


Was it to test the warmth of his tail

Mr. Big Bad Wolf felt as if he had understood.


Yuan Jue sneered, he wouldn't let Ruan Qiuqiu find that his tail was many times softer and warmer than the snail and gray wolf.