Marrying the Soft-hearted Villain

Chapter 41: The little thought of Mr. Big Bad Wolf



Ruan Qiuqiu, whose eyes were a little red, heard Xiaoyu's words and thought of her disfigured, disfigured husband, her eyes became gentle, but her heart was a little astringent.

She pointed to a small wooden barrel wrapped in a layer of animal skin with a lid that Xiaoyu had just stuffed into her, and asked the child, "What is this?"

The small wooden barrel is not light, and it is estimated that there are a lot of things in it.

"It's the fish soup that Grandpa made."

Mo Yu's eyes were bright, and the gloom on his whole body dissipated a lot. He smiled, showing a little liveliness that matched his age, "Sister Qiuqiu, my brother is awake."

Ruan Qiuqiu's eyes widened slightly, showing a surprised expression, "Great, then as long as you take good medicine and recuperate, you should be fine."


Mo Yu touched his head and showed her a big smile, "Sister Qiuqiu, thank you."

"No thanks, I also want to thank Xiaoyu for sending us the fish soup."

Ruan Qiuqiu curled the corners of his lips.

Holding the things sent by Grandpa Mo's family, she looked up at the gradually gloomy sky, hesitated and said, "Xiaoyu, wait for me here."

Ruan Qiuqiu ran back to the cave, put the wooden barrel containing the fish soup on the stone table, put the soft wool skin in place, and picked a cut piece from the "storage room", which the small fish can move. The beef, after using a wisp of spiritual energy to remove the remaining demonic energy, walked out with a hug.

"Come on, the little bison that my husband hunted, take it back to Grandpa and the others to eat."

Ruan Qiuqiu rarely domineeringly stuffed the first-order small bison beef into Xiao Moyu's arms, "It has been dealt with, there is no curse, okay, the weather is bad, go back quickly."

"Sister Qiuqiu..." Xiaoyu was a little embarrassed. He originally came to give something to Ruan Qiuqiu and the others, but she didn't expect her backhand to stuff a big piece of wild beef into his arms. This...

"Okay, I'm going out to pick up my husband, you can go."

Ruan Qiuqiu didn't give Xiaoyu a chance to speak, he squeezed the spear in his hand and turned away.

"..." Lord Mo Yu sighed with a sigh, and took off the little scorpion that he was wearing and handed it to her, "Little Mint made it for me, I can't get the snow when I go back now, sister Qiuqiu can take it and use it. , This size can be adjusted, although the small mint is not well done, it can somewhat block some rain and snow."

Ruan Qiuqiu: "..." Only then did she notice that Xiao Moyu was still wearing an ugly little cloak, or the kind that only had the upper body.

She didn't reject his kindness, she took the small hoodie made of hay with indistinct stitches and put it on her body.

After the two separated, Ruan Qiuqiu first trotted to detect the snowflakes on the ground near the cave, and followed the traces to a giant tree.

The snowflakes on the surrounding ground were messy, and there were obvious traces of dragging heavy objects, mixed with blood droplets that were disrupted and merged, and it was difficult to detect.

She frowned and stood behind the tree, just in the direction of the entrance of the cave.

Is this where the wolf hid when Lu Ziran came to look for him

Thinking of the wolf's physical condition, Ruan Qiuqiu became angry and sad—

The demonic energy in his body has not completely dissipated, and the wound is only a little better than when they first met, so he should take good care of it and not hunt.

Although he is very mysterious and has the strength to kill the male protagonist in seconds, so what

The pain will not be relieved because of this, and the snail gray wolf will also pay a corresponding price for it.

Ruan Qiuqiu bent down, stretched out his hand and brushed away the snowflakes that were still stained with blood, feeling a strong demonic energy coming from above, and his heart became more and more uneasy.

The last time I only dealt with a monster of about 3rd order, he was about to be buried in the snow and become a frozen wolf.

This time, we are dealing with the male protagonist with the aura of Lion Aotian. According to the wolf invincible, stubborn, awkward and arrogant temperament, 80% of the time he was hurt to a certain level, and she didn't want to let her sleep because she didn't want to be seen by her miserable appearance. Bar

Ruan Qiuqiu bit his lip and moved his fingers to a frozen hard flower stem.


Ruan Qiuqiu frowned and found a few scattered petals in the nearby snow.

- That wolf, why did he pick flowers, was it for her

With such a thought in his heart, Ruan Qiuqiu subconsciously smiled and shook his head, feeling that the possibility was very high.

She carefully picked up a few petals, put them in the sewed pockets on the side of the backpack, stood up, and continued to trot for traces.

The sky gradually darkened, Ruan Qiuqiu searched for more than ten minutes, and the traces in the snow suddenly broke.

She pressed her lips together and looked at the sky where lightning was gradually flashing. After thinking about it, she still wanted to go to a nearby passage.

The ginseng herbs and spirit stones she harvested today have not been brought back. It will be bad if the weather is too bad for her to come out again.

And get the spirit stone first, then if you "picked up" a seriously injured wolf on the way, you can rescue it.

In the increasingly harsh environment, Ruan Qiuqiu was running hard while joking bitterly.

After spending five or six minutes, Ruan Qiuqiu came to the secret passage smoothly.

It was no different from when she left before. Looking at the footprints on the ground, no small animals had come.

Ruan Qiuqiu grabbed the vines by the stone wall and climbed up the cave.

When the stone was removed, everything she hid was still in good condition.

Slowly heaving a sigh of relief, Ruan Qiuqiu took the time to pack up all the herbs and spirit stones, wrapped the fish with a piece of animal skin, and blocked the passage with stones. Just as he was about to come out of the tree hole, he heard Two frustrated voices came from not far away.

"Sun, the Yanlang tribe is still over, don't you just want to ask them to borrow some herbs

Directly open a herb and 50 pounds of jerky, and robbery is not so robbed. "

A male demon whose voice was still a little childish and youthful scolded, "It's not a demon."

Ruan Qiuqiu's heart moved slightly, and he didn't dare to come out of the tree hole rashly. He only looked out through a small gap in the tree hole and saw two young male demons.

They were wearing slightly tattered light brown animal skins, with black hair and brown eyes.

The older male demon sighed, "Forget it, who told us that our Dongxiong tribe has few demon mouths, a small territory, no clan witches, and a shortage of herbs."

"But brother, if we can't get the herbs, the injured bears in the tribe will die of illness."

The younger bear clan boy gritted his teeth, "If only the former leader of the Yanlang tribe was still there, we used to exchange the price of five kilograms of jerky for herbs in winter, but now it's better, it's ten times more, motherfucker. of."

"I can't help it. I heard that the former leader of the Yanlang tribe has been abandoned. I'm not surprised. After all, whoever gets close to the wolf king will be unlucky..." The bigger bear demon still has some small gossip, "It's a pity that a fifth-order rank the strong."

"If you want me to say, why abandon him, it's bad luck if you get close, and it's better if you don't get close?"

The younger Xiong Xiong muttered, "These white-eyed wolves."

"Yeah, but how many tribes won't abandon the injured male demon? Our tribe didn't abandon it. Look at what it's been like these days. At the end of the year, even the right to hibernate has been deprived..."

The older bear demon sighed, "Forget it, stop writing ink, and try your luck at the Wind Lion Tribe not far from here."

The two bear demons gradually moved away, and Ruan Qiuqiu was a little shocked—

Mr. Big Bad Wolf was a fifth-order powerhouse before

The fifth-order, the big demon who has condensed the demon core, why is there no mention of it in the book and in her memory...

She had always thought that he was just a wolf demon without a demon core.

Ordinary, big bad wolf.

Ruan Qiuqiu rubbed his forehead, put on his backpack, recalled what the two bears said just now, and felt a little sympathetic in his heart. He did not abandon his severely injured companions and the Dongxiong tribe, which was also friendly to humans. As a result, the bears inside were not even qualified to hibernate.

And looking at the Yanlang tribe that occupies the rich resources of this forest, there are herbs to eat, and they are unwilling to share with Mr. Big Bad Wolf, let alone take care of weak humans like Xiao Moyu.

Coming down from the tree hole, Ruan Qiuqiu looked at the direction where the two bear demons were leaving, and pursed her lips apologetically.

In fact, she also wanted to save the bear, but the herbs she harvested this time were very limited, and the wolves at home still needed to use them. There was really no way to help. Compared with the poor bears she didn't know, her wolves were more important.

She can only bless them for getting herbs in the Wind Lion Tribe. Although it is impossible for the Wind Lion Tribe to exchange five kilograms of dried meat for one herb, it is probably cheaper than the Yanlang Tribe.

Ruan Qiuqiu pursed her lips, thinking that maybe it's better to wait for Mr. Big Bad Wolf, she has enough time for activities, maybe she can dress up as a wandering witch and visit the Winter Bear tribe.

Ruan Qiuqiu didn't think any more, took a deep breath and continued to look for the wolf in the opposite direction.

— And Mr. Big Bad Wolf, who has been looking for burning wood for a long time, has always been unlucky, but this time I don’t know if it’s because he has been thinking about his little wife in the cave, and accidentally got the blessing of a mysterious power. Unfortunately, along the way, he didn't even encounter the beasts and weak monsters he expected, and he found a few burning trees unexpectedly and smoothly.

It is still second-order, which is better than ordinary and first-order effects.

Yuan Jue turned into a monster shape, using some monster power, turned into a giant wolf five or six meters high, with the right hind leg resting on the ground, the two front claws resting on the second-order burning wood, carefully put the burning wood Dead branches and some twigs snapped off.

He got enough wood for their cave for more than a month before he stopped, and cut down some very hard wood and iron growing around the burning wood, and planned to bring it back to make more pots and bowls.

She is using one with him now, although he is not unwilling, but if he fails to control the demonic energy in his body one day, it will be bad if it exceeds the amount that Ruan Qiuqiu can digest.

It was already hard to stay with him, and he didn't want her to take unnecessary risks anymore.

Most of the demon power in the body was consumed, and Yuan Jue felt that the meridians began to ache.

He trapped the wood with dry vines and carried it on the back of the wide, furry wolf.

The sky was about to darken completely, the rain clouds flickered indistinctly, and hail and rain fell.

The bruised and bruised Mr. Wolf was too big to be beaten.

He let out a dull growl from his throat, gritted his teeth, and used his demon sense to identify the road with difficulty, rushing to the cave.

- His scheming wolf's plan has not yet been completed. He will rush back before the little lady wakes up, and then "comatose" very weakly at the entrance of the cave, waiting for her to pick him up.

Although the weather is bad now, it is within the range of his expectations.

It hurt a little when the hail hit him, but fortunately, he was covered in thick wolf skin, and it only hurt a little.

Just a little pain, that's all.

The sky gradually darkened. Ruan Qiuqiu searched many places, but could not find any clues, nor did he find frozen wolf dry at the root of the tree like last time.

She gradually became anxious, and the annoyance and bitterness in her heart reached their peak when a thunderstorm cut through the clouds and fell to her ears.

The small hail cracked down from the sky, Ruan Qiuqiu avoided carelessly, was smashed all over his head, and his entire scalp was frozen.

Her stamina has been exhausted, and if she doesn't go back, she is likely to die in the forest.

Ruan Qiuqiu stood in a vast snow field, looking up at the hazy sky, flashing with thunder and lightning, and a giant tree tens of meters high with no head in sight. He raised his hand and wiped the corner of his sour eyes.

-Where did you go

- I went hunting again, did you go back

Ruan Qiuqiu crossed this possibility in his heart, carrying something on his back, and began to rush to the cave.

She is no longer angry about Mr. Big Bad Wolf's bad wolf behavior of letting her sleep and not giving her slippers, she just hopes that he won't… die.

do not die.

The rain and hail kept getting bigger and bigger, Ruan Qiuqiu ran and fell down several times.

When she panted back near the cave, it was still empty and there was nothing.

The sky was completely dark, and only a trace of light remained.

Ruan Qiuqiu walked to the entrance of the cave in a trance, put down his backpack, and didn't even take out the stone bench. He just sat on the cold ground, hugging his knees and looking out at the bad weather that was raining and hail.

Tears were almost in line with the rain outside.

She feels that she is useless, not very smart, not very strong, not particularly talented, nor has any heroine halo, she is just ordinary and difficult to survive.

She was happy to have found a lot of herbs and spirit stones, but now the wolf she had worked so hard to raise was gone.

Ruan Qiuqiu's cheeks were hot, and she gradually became out of breath.

She rubbed her eyes vaguely, gritted her teeth and planned to look for it again. She raised her eyes and saw a huge figure amid the falling rain.

Carrying a lot of firewood that was about to get wet was like an illusion of hers.