Marrying the Soft-hearted Villain

Chapter 6: For the first time, Mr. Big Bad Wolf felt that blindness was such a bad thing


Ruan Qiuqiu half supported and half dragged Mr. Big Bad Wolf, little by little, moved into the cave of the lone wolf.

Ruan Qiuqiu frowned, resisting the rotten aura that spread from his nose, and panting slowly.

She tried her best to walk towards the cave as quickly as possible with Mr. Wolf, who was much taller than her even though his back was bent due to "coma".

- His injuries are very serious, and he can no longer stay outside the ice and snow.

Quickly put him on the bed and burn some hot water to treat his injuries.

Ruan Qiuqiu followed the light shining in from the entrance of the cave and staggered to find:

Stone bed, stone bed, where is the stone bed

The deeper the cave was, the darker it became. After turning a corner, Ruan Qiuqiu finally saw a stone bed.

It's just that the big stone bed has no pads. If you lie on it directly, it's probably no different from sleeping on the ground.

But now Mr. Big Bad Wolf is very dirty and needs to be dealt with. If there is something on it, it will get dirty.

Ruan Qiuqiu bit his lip and thought about it, without hesitation, he put the "dizzy" Mr. Wolf on the stone bed with great difficulty.

During the movement, Ruan Qiuqiu's fingertips, which were not completely frozen, accidentally touched Mr. Big Bad Wolf's injured shoulder.

A cold, grainy feeling came from her fingertips, which was about the same temperature as the cold snow on the ground outside.

Ruan Qiuqiu was stunned for a second, then panicked—

Could it be that in just a short while, Mr. Big Bad Wolf's wound was frozen to the point of freezing

How can it be so fast

Could it be that he has been in such a short time since he was in a coma...

Ruan Qiuqiu was startled, shaking his hand tentatively under Mr. Evil Wolf's nose, and after feeling his weak breathing, he was relieved a little.

"Fortunately..." Ruan Qiuqiu breathed a sigh of relief, his voice was slightly bitter and self-deprecating jokingly, "Fortunately still alive, otherwise there is no way to make a wolf like a humanoid..."

Mr. Wolf, who tried to use the last trace of demon power in his body to freeze the wound with difficulty: "..."

Mr. Evil Wolf: "


What did the wolf do

What happened to this human race, she knew that he was seriously injured, and she saw his dilapidated body. As a result, not only did she not fear or escape, but she also settled in his territory in a grand manner.

Just when he thought passionately that she might really be different from other humans, she wanted to make him a wolf...

Probably because the injury was too severe, Yuan Jue, who was about to lose consciousness, had no way to tell whether Ruan Qiuqiu's words were joking or serious.

He only felt that the messy heart was even more irritable.

He felt that he should regret it, but the emotion in his heart was stronger than the regret, but there was a trace of sadness and grievance without any reason.

Because of this inexplicable emotion, he didn't even think about the fundamental question of how Ruan Qiuqiu would want to eat demons alone, and the whole wolf became depressed and gloomy—

Sure enough, he had misunderstood her blushing just now.

Sure enough, he was self-indulgent, he thought too much, and he made many self-righteous temptations.

He should have understood earlier that a big bad wolf like him, who seemed to have been cursed from birth, could not get even the slightest warmth without malice.

From the moment he was thrown into the abyss as a child, he should have understood this truth.

Ruan Qiuqiu didn't know that a joke of his own would make the big bad wolf lying on the stone bed instantly disheartened.

She just reached out and touched his big cold hands and rubbed them.

His heart was numb, and Mr. Wolf, who planned to kill her as soon as he regained his strength, was once again caught in a chaotic storm because of Ruan Qiuqiu's actions—

Why rub his hands, could it be...

Are you checking the flesh of his wolf demon

But this time, Ruan Qiuqiu didn't give him too much time to think about it. She briefly felt Mr. Big Bad Wolf's body temperature, and then took off the rather warm wedding dress on her body, covering her body only around her waist. On the body of Mr. Wolf who was surrounded by a piece of silver-gray animal skin.

"Sure enough, even if it is a demon, it will be cold if it becomes a humanoid?"

Listening to the novel understanding of the demon clan hidden in her cold, trembling voice, Yuan Jue only felt that not only her head that was about to faint, but her heart was also more chaotic.

His big palm, which was hidden under her warm wedding dress, tightened little by little, and even his expression became more and more hideous.

Ruan Qiuqiu thought that his pain was about to die, so he thought to quickly bring in all the things she had left outside the cave, and then set up a fire to treat Mr. Evil Wolf's wounds.

- She briefly glanced at Mr. Wolf's cave just now, as if she didn't see anything that could be used in this lone wolf's cave.

If the poor "dowry" she brought with her was also taken away by the beasts, then they would just lie down and wait to die in this winter that has just begun.

But she walked for almost two days, the animal skin on the soles of her feet was rotten, and her legs were very sore.

In a hurry, Ruan Qiuqiu tripped over a small stone at the corner without paying attention, and fell to the ground a little embarrassed.

There was a heavy landing sound and the throbbing sound of gasping for breath. Mr. Yuan Jue, who had used up all his demonic consciousness, endured the severe pain, and subconsciously opened his long and narrow eyes, wanting to see the person who had been annoying all the time. Did the confused human female kowtow to her head and fall more stupidly, or just fell to her death without him having to do anything.

However, the long eyelashes only brought a weak airflow.

Those bottomless darkness fell into his gray-blue eyes, together with the icy air, seriously reminding him—

He can't see anymore.

For the first time, Mr. Big Bad Wolf felt that blindness was such a bad thing.

His heart became more and more annoyed, and when he did not know why he was anxiously trying to mobilize the remaining demon power beside the broken demon core, Ruan Qiuqiu had already got up.

"Huh, I almost knocked my head."

Ruan Qiuqiu rubbed his shoulders, which had hit the ground heavily, sucked in a breath of cold air, and ignored the pain, staggered and took the time to run out, leaving a series of slightly messy footsteps in the somewhat empty cave.

Fortunately, Ruan Qiuqiu didn't waste much time. As soon as she staggered out of the cave, she saw that the animal skin bag she had scattered on the snow was half open, and a small and ugly bird was pecking hard at it. Leaked jerky.

In addition, there were several small birds circling in the sky, but they seemed to be slightly afraid, and did not dive down directly to grab the animal skin bag.


Ruan Qiuqiu ignored the pain and ran towards the ugly bird.

"Gah—" The bird was not very timid, and fluttered its wings when it saw someone coming.

It's just that before it left, it didn't forget to grab the piece of jerky and take it away.

Ruan Qiuqiu is very weak now and has no wings, so he can only watch the ugly bird fly away.

She couldn't care less about chasing, and hurriedly opened the scattered animal skin bag, and packed the jerky scattered on the ground with some gnawed meat.

But the dried meat in the animal skin bag was obviously much less than before, the animal skin bag containing tuber powder was also pecked to rot, and even two leaves of a medicinal herb were pecked off.

Looking at the herb that had lost its leaves, Ruan Qiuqiu's eye circles suddenly became hot for a week, and his vision became blurred uncontrollably. Ruan Qiuqiu bit his lips, lifted the sleeve of his clothes that had just been torn by the ground, and wiped his eyes hard. Zhou, thinking a little annoyed—

When she is better, next time you must grab the bird and pluck it and bake it.

She carefully packed her things, then dragged two large animal skin bags into the cave.

Ruan Qiuqiu put all his belongings on the bedside of Mr. Evil Wolf, who was struggling to no avail, and finally passed out completely unconscious, and took out two pieces of animal skins to gently cover his terrifying stump.

She sat beside the bed and listened to Mr. Wolf's increasingly weak breathing. First, she simply washed her hands with the fairly clean snow she had just obtained, and then smashed the herb that had been applied externally without leaves. It was applied to his worst shoulder and stump.

Then I wanted to quickly mobilize the powers in my body, and quickly get some water droplets with healing effects.

- In the past two days, she couldn't hold on when she was on her way several times, and she secretly used her abilities to get a drop or two of water in the middle of the night to save her life.

Perhaps in this fantasy world where the aura and water elements in the air are more active, although her current ability is still very weak, the healing effect in the condensed water droplets is much stronger than before.

She estimated that if she didn't consider the limits of her body, she would be able to condense five drops of healing water on and off a day.

In fact, her current state is very bad, and she is not suitable for using abilities.


Ruan Qiuqiu followed the weak light outside to see Mr. Big Bad Wolf's pale and fragile cheeks lying on the stone bed, and his heart softened.

She wanted to save him as much as possible.