Marrying the Soft-hearted Villain

Chapter 66: Sixty-six wolf cubs


Mr. Gray Wolf carried Ruan Qiuqiu up the steep mountain wall on his back. When he was about to reach his destination, he made a small "Ouch", indicating that she should bow her head. There was a low rock wall in front of her.

Ruan Qiuqiu let out an "um" and lowered his head, just a little bit before he came across his own wolf skin.

Following the footsteps of Xiao Yuanjue, the world in front of Ruan Qiuqiu slowly turned dark, and when some light appeared again, they had already arrived near the cave where Mr. Little Grey Wolf lives now.



)" Mr. Little Gray Wolf said, and Ruan Qiuqiu hurriedly got off his back.

Following the dim light, she saw that there was no blood on Xiao Yuanjue's feet, but there were some small scars, and the circles of her eyes were a little red.

"Am I heavy?"

Ruan Qiuqiu asked him, she originally wanted to take off the animal skin wrapped around her feet and give it to Mr. Little Grey Wolf, but the animal skin on her feet was the same as the mask on her face, so she couldn't take it off.

Since he was nervously worried about whether Qiuqiu would dislike his nest later, Mr. Gray Wolf was stunned for two seconds after hearing her question, and then shook his sharp ears, "Ow

(The wolf can carry ten Qiuqiu at a time.


Ruan Qiuqiu: "..."

She looked at Mr. Little Grey Wolf with a serious expression. She felt distressed and wanted to laugh. All the complicated emotions piled up in her heart. She only stepped forward and took his cold hand, "Didn't you say you want to take me back to the cave?"

Although Mr. Little Grey Wolf was very shy and not used to holding hands with Mrs. Little, he thought it was something that made the wolf happy.

He held Ruan Qiuqiu's equally cold hand lightly, because he wanted to make her warmer, he naturally mastered a skill that he had never known before—

Local self-heating.

To be precise, he used his spiritual power to make the hand Qiuqiu was holding warmer.

He had never been able to learn this before, but today he doesn't know why.

He dragged Ruan Qiuqiu forward, crossed the weeds growing on the edge of the rock wall despite the fact that it was winter, stepped on snowflakes as soft as cotton candy, and then jumped over a frozen, narrow stream, and finally came to his nest.

Compared with the cave where she and Mr. Big Bad Wolf lived now, that dark little cave was really unusually shabby.

In fact, Ruan Qiuqiu, who has seen many caves of demon clan and human beings, knows that the caves that Yuan Jue built before are already considered to be the best among demons.

Not to mention that after the door is installed, it can be called luxurious.

But it is not easy for Mr. Gray Wolf, who is young now, to find a place to live.

Ruan Qiuqiu didn't mean to dislike it, but she couldn't help it, and asked Mr. Gray Wolf standing beside her, "Why are your hands getting hotter and hotter?"

Mr. Gray Wolf, whose mind seems to have not been understood: "..."

He thought he couldn't control the temperature, Ruan Qiuqiu didn't like it, and the tip of his tail that had been cocked before was flattened, he carefully changed the body temperature back, and began to pretend to be stupid: "Ouch



Ruan Qiuqiu took his hand and found that his hand was a little red for some unknown reason. He regretted that he didn't ask him immediately when he noticed the abnormality.

After holding his hand, Ruan Qiuqiu felt that the temperature on Mr. Little Grey Wolf's hand was getting higher and higher. At first, she thought that demons and people might be different. After all, she had no experience holding hands with Mr. Big Bad Wolf.

But later on, she felt something was not quite right.

She was wearing a mask and was much shorter than him. When she didn't speak, Mr. Gray Wolf couldn't judge her emotions, but lowered his ears in frustration.

Ruan Qiuqiu looked up and found that Mr. Gray Wolf, her eyes were a little red for some reason, and her hands quickly returned to a cold state, and she apologized cautiously, "Ow... (I'm sorry...)"

Ruan Qiuqiu vaguely guessed why he wanted to apologize, but the more he thought about it, the more distressed he felt—

This time, it was about the same herb as the last time.

Did he want to raise his body temperature to make her less cold

But she's just a conscious body, even if it's colder, it doesn't matter.

But should she say that she really deserves to be a snail and a gray wolf

Since I was a child, I was not good at words, and always just kept doing everything silently.

However, if Ruan Qiuqiu was to be harshly condemned, she couldn't bear it or was unwilling at all.

"...The wolf doesn't need to apologize, the wolf did nothing wrong."

Ruan Qiuqiu continued to hold his hand, "The wolf is fine."

But after she finished speaking, Mr. Gray Wolf's eye circles not only did not recover, but became more red.

Although he is delicate and beautiful, his expression is always fierce when he is embarrassed, and he looks very difficult to mess with.

Mr. Little Gray Wolf was vicious until they entered the cave. Because it was very dark in the cave, Ruan Qiuqiu couldn't see his expression and stopped...

The cave is small and has no door. Although it is not facing the wind and the fire is lit, it is still very cold.

Because there was not much firewood, it was not until it was dark that they lit the firewood that would last all night.

Mr. Gray Wolf baked her the only egg the size of a fist in the cave, and ate half a leg of lamb by himself.

Ruan Qiuqiu knew that the food was not enough, so she wanted to say that she would not eat it, but her conscious body would not say anything because she was hungry. As soon as she said that she would not eat, Mr. Gray Wolf would show her distressed expression, so at the end, Ruan Qiuqiu still ate it. .

The snow outside gradually became heavier, and Mr. Gray Wolf didn't seem to have any intention of going out. Ruan Qiuqiu really began to teach him human language.

Time passed quickly, and Ruan Qiuqiu quickly became sleepy.

She didn't expect that as a conscious body that can only be seen and touched by Mr. Gray Wolf in her memory, she would not only be able to eat but also sleepy...


Mr. Little Gray Wolf also has no bed, let alone a stone bed made of special stone that will not become very cold.

He had only a litter of hay and a tattered hide that he could barely see out of the bed.

"Well..." Mr. Gray Wolf, who has learned a lot at an amazing speed, has mastered some simple common expressions, and his voice is still a little immature, with a little guilt in his voice, "No, no... bed."

Ruan Qiuqiu smiled at him and said it was okay.

She shrank back in the corner and lay on the hay, probably because they were both children now, she didn't think too much, "Enough to sleep the two of us."

Mr. Little Grey Wolf blushed, he hesitated for a long time, wondering whether he wanted to turn into a monster.

Although his demon shape is only about two meters now, it is still easy to wrap a Ruan Qiuqiu.

But just as he was struggling, Ruan Qiuqiu was about to fall into a deep sleep.

Still can't judge very well that Mr. Wolf Little thought she had fallen asleep.

Mr. Little Grey Wolf is not very stupid, or rather, Mr. Big Wolf, who just hypnotized himself to be a little grey wolf, has vaguely noticed that something is wrong.

But for him to say exactly what was wrong, he couldn't say it either.

He always felt that Ruan Qiuqiu was not his current little lady, but probably his future.

That's why he felt so familiar with her so quickly and liked her so much.

Mr. Gray Wolf looked at the strange mask on her face with gentle eyebrows.

In fact, he is very good at observing the expressions of other demons or people. Thinking of her hesitating words several times during the day, he can probably understand a little.

Mr. Gray Wolf gently touched the fluff on her mask with his fingertips, his voice was as soft as the warm wind blowing across his cheeks in a summer night, and some of the human language he spoke was a bit stumbling mixed with wolf language.

Ruan Qiuqiu pieced it together to understand what he said.

"Future wolf, isn't it bad?"

Too bad she didn't want to tell him.

Ruan Qiuqiu's eyelashes trembled, and when he heard Mr. Gray Wolf grit his teeth, he tried hard not to make his voice choked, "No, no..."

In the future, when he gets what he desires most, even if there are many difficulties, he is no longer alone.

It's just that, he couldn't say it anyway.

He has realized that everything may be fake now.

But Mr. Big Wolf, disguised as a little gray wolf, subconsciously didn't want to think about it.

He knew, he was afraid that when he woke up, he would find out that he would have to wait a long time before he could meet her.

He really hopes, really hopes, that she can always be with him from now on.

There were one or two short choked breaths in the air, but they soon disappeared so secretly.

It was as if everything that had just happened was just a fleeting hallucination.

Ruan Qiuqiu's eyes were full of tears. She didn't know how to comfort Mr. Gray Wolf now. When she was mulling over her words, the hay beside her sank.

The wind blowing in from the outside was much smaller.

Ruan Qiuqiu opened his eyes vaguely, and the light in front of him was almost completely blocked by a certain wolf.

He became very big, and the clean fur kept some distance away from her.

Ruan Qiuqiu moved to the side, stretched out a short hand to hug him, and buried himself in Yuan Jue's fur.

Although it is still quite piercing, it is only a little pain, which is completely bearable.

She didn't know what to say, she just wanted him not to be so sad now.

Mr. Gray Wolf trembled all over, and slowly closed his eyes.

The night in the memory world seems to be extraordinarily short. Ruan Qiuqiu didn't sleep for a long time, and it was bright outside.

There was no sign of Mr. Little Grey Wolf beside her.

Ruan Qiuqiu sat up and looked down at her feet. She pulled gently and found that the animal skin could actually be pulled.

Ruan Qiuqiu looked happy, thinking that she might be able to leave the animal skin to Mr. Little Grey Wolf, but when she took off the animal skin wrapped around her feet, she found that her feet had become transparent.

Ruan Qiuqiu reached out to touch his feet, but he didn't touch them at all.

With a guess in her heart, Ruan Qiuqiu picked up a piece of hay that couldn't pass through her feet yesterday, and trembled to test it.

Hay, passed through.

There were some voices from outside the cave. Ruan Qiuqiu hurriedly wanted to wrap the animal skin again, but when she looked down again, the animal skin had disappeared.

Ruan Qiuqiu only had time to cover his right leg with hay, and Mr. Little Gray Wolf walked in with some fruits that were not very full and did not look very tasty.

He has already realized that his future self is very bad, and he also realized that it is all fake now, but he still pretends to know nothing in front of her.

Like yesterday, he stuffed the fruit into her arms.

Ruan Qiuqiu quietly touched his tail with the missing part while he was not paying attention.

It's empty and can't feel anything.