Marrying the Soft-hearted Villain

Chapter 88: breakthrough


Ruan Qiuqiu thought about the fluttering kiss just now, and a thin layer of sweat gradually oozes out of his forehead.

The surging spiritual power in her body made her quickly have no time to be distracted to think about other things, trembling all over, biting her lip with all her strength, not letting herself make any shameful sound.

She put all her energy into the practice of Tong Yuan Jue, and the meridians that had already reached their limit gradually expanded, accompanied by pain, which quickly swept Ruan Qiuqiu's whole body.

But fortunately, these pains are not particularly difficult.

Compared with the more intense strange feelings, the pain is the most acceptable feeling for her.

Mr. Big Bad Wolf was not feeling well either. He and Qiuqiu intertwined their fingers, and his body was getting hotter and hotter, and even his long and narrow scarlet eyes gradually became hot.

His other sweaty palm was raised with difficulty, tearing off most of the woolen strands that had been soaked with sweat and physiological tears.

Outside the soft and warm light of the cave, the cold wind fell with the blizzard, coating the mountain wall and the bumpy rocks with a thin layer of silvery white.

In the new wedding room, which was covered by a thick animal skin curtain, he and his little wife, whom Xiao had been thinking about for a long time, intertwined with spiritual power and practiced together.

The tips of his ears were red, and when Yuan Jue came back to his senses, his tail had already wrapped tightly around Ruan Qiuqiu's waist uncontrollably.

There was a drop of crystal sweat on the corner of the forehead, and the eyes that had lost their light for a long time gradually became a little bit of starlight.

The sight gradually became clearer, but it seemed to be covered with a thick layer of gauze mist, erratic and unreal.

As Qiuqiu passed more and more spiritual power to him, the cracks on the broken demon core in Mr. Big Bad Wolf gradually dissipated. The speed of cultivation is fast and powerful.

Although Mr. Big Bad Wolf and Qiuqiu felt very difficult to endure, they had a strange understanding in some aspects. Except for the occasional breathing that was a little heavier when they couldn't hold back, one person and one wolf put all their hearts on it. In terms of cultivation, gradually, completely immersed in it.

The spiritual energy in the enchantment in the back mountain also seemed to sense the guidance, and it poured towards the cave where Qiuqiu and Mr. Big Bad Wolf lived at a faster speed than usual.

Qing Ruyi, who was absorbing the spiritual energy to help Mo Bugui to prolong his life, also noticed the strange flow of spiritual energy.

After a round of spiritual power delivery, Qing Ruyi opened her eyes suspiciously, carefully sensed the direction of spiritual power flow, and a smile appeared on her lips.

Mo Bugui, who became a little younger, looked at his lover opposite, with a warm voice, "What's wrong?"

Qing Ruyi smiled and jumped forward into his arms, "Well, it's a good thing.

The strength of Qiuqiu and the wolf cubs is estimated to increase again. "

She said, but she was very emotional in her heart.

It's only been so long before their strength will soar again.

After absorbing so much spiritual energy, when Yuanjue and Qiuqiu wake up from their cultivation state, I'm afraid she really won't be able to defeat the wolf cub.

Her master, Mo Xi, is a very cautious demon. After he discovered that Yuan Jue was half-demon and half-demon, he spent a lot of time investigating his growth trajectory, and finally came to a conclusion—

Yuan Jue is a half-demon and half-demon with good talent. Even if he is seriously injured, he will not easily die in winter, but under harsh conditions, his talent is not enough to restore his strength.

No matter how outrageous it is, it is impossible to break through two great realms and reach the seventh order in just two months.

Therefore, he wants to cultivate a heart that suits his taste according to the oldest method in the abyss.

However, who would have thought.

After meeting Ruan Qiuqiu, will Mr. Big Bad Wolf's strength increase so rapidly

No, maybe the Lord has thought about it, but the possibility of this approaching one in a billion, close to zero, can be completely ignored.

Not to mention, she would meet Brother Mo who was "dead" here.

Qing Ruyi sighed and slowly frowned.

It will be ten days soon, and she must spend one-tenth of the demon blood in her body to feed the demon and contact the Lord.

The eyelids drooped slightly, and there was a bit of sadness between Qing Ruyi's brows and eyes.

The flow of the spiritual energy in the back mountain naturally also attracted the attention of the powerful demons such as Tian Xiu and Xiong Duoduo.

"Huhu~ (Brother, why do I feel that our spiritual energy here seems to be less

)" was turning into a panda monster, Xiong Duoduo, who was sitting cross-legged on the stone bed and digging his feet to practice, couldn't help but opened his eyes and looked at Xiong Yuan, who was lying on the stone bed opposite him while sleeping and practicing.

Xiong Yuan turned over with difficulty, patted his fat belly that wasn't very thick, and let out two low growls from his throat, "Wu~(It seems a little

Is it the patriarch grandpa who is cultivating


The two bears immediately climbed down from their respective stone beds and planned to explore outside the cave.

Xiong Duoduo hesitated for a while, but still picked up an animal skin cloak that the patriarch grandpa gave him this evening and put it on his body.

In fact, both of their bears are very rough, and the cave is clean, except for the shed bear hair, there is not even a quilt.

After all, the Dongxiong tribe is really poor, they have no family, and their strength is strong enough. As long as they turn into a monster and sleep in the cave in winter, it will not be cold.

Usually when I go out, I bring my own bear skin. Anyway, I don't have a favorite female demon, and I'm very single.

But Xiong Duoduo was bald and looked miserable because he sold his hair.

The patriarch's grandfather couldn't stand it any longer, so he gave him an old animal skin quilt that he usually covers for the cubs as a cape.

As soon as the two bears came out of the cave, they bumped into Tianxiu, the big eagle who also noticed something was wrong and ran out to check.

Although he is not a clan demon of the Dongxiong tribe, Tian Xiu has helped the Dongxiong tribe a lot. In addition, his strength is good, and he can completely resist the almost negligible demonic energy in the aura of the back mountain, so the patriarch grandpa let him live in the back of the mountain. In a clean little cave.

"Huh! (Brother Sculpture!)" Xiong Duoduo greeted Tianxiu enthusiastically, and a smile appeared on the slightly bald furry bear's face.

Tian Xiu in human form: "… "

He couldn't even see a bear that was about to bald make this look.

"It's Yuanjue's cave."

Tian Xiu was stronger than Xiong Duoduo and Xiong Xiong, and soon discovered the direction of the flow of spiritual energy.


(how so

)" Xiong Yuan was a little curious.

"..." Tian Xiu, after all, was born in the sand tribe with strong overall strength. Hearing Xiong Yuan's relatively ignorant words, he was only a little speechless, and then explained patiently and well, "You will absorb a lot of spiritual energy during advanced cultivation. It happens occasionally."

The sand sculpture originally wanted to ask, 'Did there be no movement when the powerful demons of your tribe advanced

', but he thought about the current situation of the Dongxiong tribe's weak Xiong Shaoyao, but he was still curious and didn't ask.

Xiong Yuan also quickly recalled that when the Dongxiong tribe was still strong in the past, when those uncles and uncles occasionally practiced, there seemed to be such movements.


(It turned out to be so.

)" Xiong Duoduo responded quickly, he smiled naively, without any displeasure in his expression.

"Huhu~ (Na Yuanjue and Mrs. Yuan must succeed in breaking through.

)" Xiong Yuan also said.

Soon, several other bears living at the foot of the mountain with strength around the second rank also emerged one after another. Even the patriarch's grandfather was shocked by this movement. The giant panda more than four meters high was covered with cubs, slowly Come to the foot of the mountain.

After listening to the explanation of the two brothers Xiong Duoduo, the bears soon showed a sudden look.

The patriarch's grandfather burst into laughter, trembling all over his body, and giggled the cubs on his body.

Tian Xiu was secretly surprised by the open-mindedness and blessings of the bear demons of the bear tribe.

He didn't know that there was a forbidden area and a damaged barrier in the back mountain, but he only thought that there was only so much spiritual energy in the back mountain.

Then, with limited resources, the more spiritual energy Yuan Jue and Ruan Qiuqiu absorbed, the less spiritual energy they would leave to the Dongxiong tribe.

They didn't even mind.

But Tian Xiu didn't know that there were very few powerful demons in the Dongxiong tribe. They all depended on the patriarch's grandfather and a few strong bear demons. Most of their tribe was about to starve to death, and many bears couldn't even eat enough to eat. , even if there is a lot of spiritual energy, they can't absorb it.

What's more, Yuan Jue has been abandoned by the Yanlang tribe, and now moving here, it is equivalent to the demon of the Winter Bear tribe.

The stronger his strength is, the more happy it will be for the entire tribe.

Moreover, the healing water droplets brought by Qiuqiu saved the lives of many weak bear demons, and paid some spiritual energy, so what

Even the patriarch's grandfather was secretly thinking, maybe, after absorbing so much spiritual energy, the couple will be embarrassed, and they can hunt more food and skins to contribute to the tribe.