Marrying the Soft-hearted Villain

Chapter 94: In the midst of the heavy snow, the wolf who stood on tiptoe and kissed her


Because Ruan Qiuqiu told Little Mint a lot of precautions before leaving, after she and Mr. Big Bad Wolf left, Little Mint didn't feel afraid when faced with a room of male demons.

Sitting on the edge of the third-order warm grass, she drank a few sips of hot water sparingly, then picked up the animal skin bag with the first-order green moon cotton at her feet, and began to twist the thread while noticing the situation of the few monsters.

When Ruan Qiuqiu left, she left a small wooden tube with second-order healing water droplets, and asked her to feed them to drink if she found anyone coughing up blood.

Fortunately, the breathing of the three cubs is very long and not rapid, so there should be no major problem, and they will not wake up for a while.

Little Mint tried to rub the thread, but the little eyebrows were wrinkled tightly—

In fact, she was a little worried about Grandma Ruyi who left alone.

Although Grandma Ruyi smiled and patted her head when she left, saying that she would definitely come back within three days, Xiao Mint couldn't help but be a little worried.

There are also grandpa and brothers, who went out to help hunt early in the morning today. I don’t know if they are in danger.

Little Mint looked at She Qin and Xiong Gungun, who were covered in scars on the stone bed, her eyes gradually turned red, and she felt more and more self-blame in her heart.

She wasn't in the patriarch's grandpa's cave last night, so she didn't know what happened.

But according to what she had learned in the past two days, it must have been what the three cubs of the fox clan and pure snake clan who didn't like She Qin very much at ordinary times said something.

Everyone was picked up by the bears, but the three demons didn't know why they had a sense of superiority, and they always attacked She Qin with words.

She was better when she and Xiong Gun Gun were together. Those cubs would be more restrained because Xiong Gun Gun's grandfather was the patriarch's grandfather, and because her grandma was very powerful.

But when they're not around, they'll probably say something ugly.

They didn't dare to fight She Qin, but they were always sarcastic secretly, which made people very annoying.

It seems that pure blood is more noble than mixed blood.

The more she thought about it, the more angry she became, but she was not stupid. After listening to it for several days, she knew that those cubs were also victims of discrimination before they were abandoned.

But because of this, they discriminate against other monsters even more in such a deformed state.

Pure-blooded and healthy demon cubs discriminate against thin demon cubs, and thin demon cubs discriminate against humans.

Further down, there are the lower half-demon, the demon hybrid, and the half-demon and half-demon who they call the dirtiest and most worthy of death.

Her vision became more and more blurred, and Little Mint raised her hand to wipe away her tears.

Although Qing Ruyi deliberately concealed it, she and her brothers still knew that her grandmother was half-demon and half-demon.

Her eldest brother, Mo Mao, was a half-demon, and she never felt that they were inferior.

But she knew that She Qin was a cub with strong self-esteem. Although it was a little cold, she and Xiong Gungun regarded him as a friend.

She and She Qin took care of the half-snake half-eagle cub, and Xiong Gungun would occasionally come to help.

A slight coughing sound came from the side of the ear, and Xiao Mint hurriedly put away the lines that had just been rubbed, and walked to the stone bed with a small wooden tube.

She Qin opened his eyes slightly, but he didn't expect to see Little Mint alive.

He was stunned for a moment, then he wanted to raise his hand to cover his face.

"You are hurt."

Seeing him like this, Little Mint was really angry, she stepped forward and grabbed his wrist, "Don't move."

She Qin bit her lip tightly, and began to struggle violently, her eyes completely turned into vertical pupils, like a madman, and there was a trace of hatred in her eyes.

He used a lot of strength, and while struggling, Little Mint fell directly to the ground.

Her face was scratched, but the small wooden tube in her arms did not fall down, thinking that luckily she was holding the small wooden tube.

She Qin also seemed to wake up like a dream, and seemed to realize that he had done something wrong. The whole cub curled up and buried his face deeply in the quilt.

Little Mint looked at the blood on the stone bed and was a little stunned.

She didn't quite know what to do now, she just grabbed the small wooden tube in her hand and slowly got up from the ground.

-If Sister Qiuqiu was here, what would she do in such a situation

Little Mint raised her hand and patted the dirt on her clothes.

She knew that the chief Yuan's injury was more serious than She Qin's.

And the big bad wolf is still a forest legend, very fierce, maybe every night, he will lick Sister Qiuqiu several times, but he has been reluctant to eat...

The child's imagination is really rich. Little Mint doesn't have any idea of color. She really thought that a wolf in Yuan wanted to eat Ruan Qiuqiu.

In her mouth, Ruan Qiuqiu, who was licked every night and was always at risk of being eaten, was standing in the snow with a little doubt about her life, watching her wolf husband take Tian Xiu and Xiong Duoduo with one move. The severely injured old black python slapped into a snake shape.

She held her umbrella in a trance, and in the other hand was holding a useful spear that didn't need a platoon at all, deeply doubting whether her previous worries were excessive.

There were many light black butterflies floating beside Mr. Big Bad Wolf, and he didn't even need to move. Those flowing butterflies burrowed into the black python's roaring mouth.

The old black python twitched and rolled all over, and its scales fell off.

Yuan Jue twisted his eyebrows, his long and narrow eyebrows flashed with anger, and he pursed his lips tightly, not even bothering to talk nonsense with this black python.

"Hey~ (Junior! You and I have no grievances and no grudges, why do you have to be so cruel

)" The black python was suppressed by the light black butterfly, and it couldn't even turn into a larger snake monster, only half a meter thick and more than ten meters long, rolling and struggling in the snow.

The huge snake body crushed the snowflakes and rose into the sky with a strong bloody aura, which looked really bluffing.

"Ma'am, be careful."

Yuan Jue didn't pay any attention to the old black python, who was completely struggling, and only jumped slightly and landed beside Ruan Qiuqiu, waving his sleeves, blocking all the blood mist.

Ruan Qiuqiu: "I paid attention."

She responded, seeing a drop of blood accidentally stained on Mr. Big Bad Wolf's finger, frowned, and condensed a ball of warm water to help him wash it off.

The old black python lying on the ground in excruciating pain: "... ss (fuck.

)" This wolf was fighting and taking his wife, and even ran back to wash his hands, have you ever considered the mood of the half-dead black python monster that was beaten

After all, he is also a strong man, so he was ravaged like this.

He can't fight, can't he run

As soon as the demonic energy entered his body, the old black python didn't realize the seriousness of the problem.

He only thought that these pale butterflies hurt him at most, and if he dared to pay some price, he would definitely be able to break free.

A faint green light flashed in his eyes, and the old black python was crazy.

Although he is only at the early stage of fourth-order cultivation, he has always been cautious since he embarked on the path of cultivation.

Since stepping into the fourth rank, he has never been abused by a cub whose monster shape has not yet fully developed, and he has never been so embarrassed.

What is the origin of this wolf demon

Why can you beat him so easily

The black python demon pretended to no longer resist, but several thoughts flashed in his heart—

He will appear here this time, and he has also inquired from various sources. He learned that the leader of the Yanlang tribe, which is very close to the Winter Bear tribe, was seriously injured, so he felt that the opportunity was rare and wanted to occupy the precious things in the mountains behind the Winter Bear tribe.

Could it be that Xie Yu from the Yanlang tribe broke through

But that can't have overwhelming strength either.

Yuan Jue was obviously seriously injured, so it was impossible that the wolf demon that appeared in front of him was Yuan Jue, right

No, Yuan Jue is disabled, and the wolf in front of him is also disabled. Could it be that Yuan Jue deliberately spread fake news to attract hostile demons to slaughter

These few thoughts just flashed through his mind, and within three seconds, the old black python immediately widened his eyes, his huge bell-like eyes full of genuine fear.


Why is his cultivation base disappearing rapidly

"Hey!! (Fuck, you are Yuan Jue, you are Yuan Jue! You are so despicable and shameless!)" The old black python wailed, "Hey! (Actually deceived the entire continent, saying that he was disabled, and deliberately attracted demons to come and then Slaughtered, absorbed their cultivation, and occupied the Winter Bear tribe.


"Hiss (you snatched this peerless beauty beside you

It's too shameless to let go of a girl like a flower! )”

Ruan Qiuqiu: "..." She was a little complicated, and she didn't know whether to be happy for the old black python to boast that he was a peerless beauty or to be angry that he actually insulted Mr. Big Bad Wolf.

But I have to say that the imagination of this old black python is really good, and the words are clear and coherent.

If you really don't know much about Yuanjue, and believe that the monster clan of Mr. Big Bad Wolf's forest legend, Bacheng will be deceived.

It's a pity that she was not robbed by Mr. Big Bad Wolf.

Ruan Qiuqiu thought that she would be very angry when she saw the black python and wanted to scold him, but when she really saw this black python demon who was so disgusting that he felt his eyes dirty, she didn't have any desire to scold him at all. , I just want him to die quickly.

Such an old monster who would torture and kill cubs, she felt sorry for the little Sheqin who had his scales pulled out by him for a second.

Seeing that the expressions of Ruan Qiuqiu and Yuan Jue changed a little, the old black python's eyes lit up, and he quickly mobilized the demon power that could be mobilized in the demon core.

He played loudly with his abacus, provocative words first, and then ran away quickly when Mr. Big Bad Wolf was angry.

Unfortunately, after he turned into a human form and burned his demon power, not only did he not break free from the cage formed by the light black butterfly, but he found that his cultivation was declining even faster.

"how come?"

The old black python was full of surprise, and only had time to say this sentence, those pale black butterflies blocked his mouth, causing strings of blood beads to appear on his skin.

"Don't look."

Mr. Big Bad Wolf's eyes froze, his broad palm lightly blocked Ruan Qiuqiu's sight, but there was a hint of imperceptible begging in his tone.

Although Ruan Qiuqiu wasn't afraid, he didn't really want to see it. Hearing that, he simply cooperated with Mr. Tianluo Grey Wolf and closed his eyes.

Yuan Jue raised his lips lightly, but his eyes were gloomy and terrifying when he landed on the old black python.

He looked at the terrified old black python, his tone was cold, "Did you use that hand to beat the bear rolling?"

The old black python was surprised when he heard the words, and he didn't seem to think that Yuanjue would get to know the demon of the Dongxiong tribe.

He wanted to quibble, but his mouth was blocked and he couldn't speak at all.

The old black python had some regrets. He knew it earlier and left here.

It's all because of those bear demons that are so bullying, that he let go of the blood that has been hidden deep in his heart. He raised several lowly demon cubs, and from time to time, he would put magic blasting stones in those cubs to blow up the bear demons. Play.

Does this Yuanjue have a problem with the brain, why do you pretend to be disabled when you have nothing

The palms kept twitching, the pain became more and more intense, the cultivation in the body quickly passed away, and the old black python was full of hatred and unwillingness.

But he also knew that he would not be able to escape today.

He originally thought that before the end of his life, he accidentally got a token of entering the treasure land of the back mountain of the Dongxiong tribe, and he would be able to soar into the sky and enter the cultivation path of the demon king.

But who would have thought, now it has capsized on a wolf cub.

The old black python was dying, and even wanted to kneel down and beg for mercy.

The face is not worth mentioning for a demon like him who is famous for his sinister methods.

It's a pity that Yuan Jue didn't give him a chance to beg for mercy at all.

The black python only felt that layers of scales appeared on his body unconsciously, which was the hardest layer he had transformed over the years.

"Which hand did you use to pull off She Qin's scales?"

A ghostly voice came from his ears that did not conceal his killing intent. The old black python widened his eyes in horror, and found that his scales were being pulled off piece by piece by that strange demonic force.

The scales were torn apart with flesh and blood, and he almost lost consciousness in pain.

"Hey, sigh! (Ah!)" Anger surged in his heart, and the old black python knew that he could not survive, so he no longer hesitated, and controlled the demon core to commit suicide.

"go with."

Mr. Big Bad Wolf sneered, raised his palm, and his fingertips fluttered out many light black butterfly wings, like layers of overcast clouds, flying slowly, elegantly staying on the old black python with scales all over his body.

"click", "click"

The crisp voice sounded, Ruan Qiuqiu's eyelashes trembled slightly, and it seemed that he heard the sound of scales falling off.

She clenched her hands tightly, not feeling fear or fear, just quietly waiting for everything to end.

After a long time, maybe only ten seconds later, the slender palms that had been covering Ruan Qiuqiu's eyes fell, and the air was filled with the smell of roasted snake meat.

Ruan Qiuqiu opened his eyes and found that the shadow of the old black python was no longer in front of him, there was not even blood on the snow, and there were no burnt scales that Ruan Qiuqiu thought there would be.

Even Ruan Qiuqiu found that the old black python's yard had been burned down by the wolf, leaving only some marks on the snow, which was very clean.

She didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and the depression in her heart dissipated a lot.

Soon, Ruan Qiuqiu found that there were many things scattered on the ground, including blackened wood blocks, jade pendants, spirit stones, and there seemed to be an egg among them

Ruan Qiuqiu blinked, looked away from the pile of things, and glanced at Mr. Big Bad Wolf beside him.

I don't know when Yuan Jue took the umbrella in her hand and was standing beside her, dressed in clean black, with a cold expression mixed with some grievances, staring at her closely, as if she was worried that she would dislike her just now. Strike too hard.

Ruan Qiuqiu simply raised his hand, kept the spear thorn in his hand just in case, and put it in a backpack pocket that didn't need to be brought out at all.

"it's over?"

She asked Yuan a wolf.

A wolf in Yuan: "... It's still a little bit."

Ruan Qiuqiu looked at his worried eyes, curled his lips helplessly, and took his arm, "Husband, you won't worry that I'm afraid of you, right?"

Mr. Big Bad Wolf: "..."

The end of his eyes turned red, and he turned his head slightly, pretending that he didn't care, "Wolf... No."

Ruan Qiuqiu smiled and decided not to care about this awkward big bad wolf.

Although he knew that Yuan Jue didn't need her to support him, Ruan Qiuqiu still supported him, and one person and one wolf slowly moved into the snow where the old black python's relics fell.

Mr. Big Bad Wolf controlled the butterfly wings and floated all those items.

Ruan Qiuqiu raised his hand tacitly, created a lot of water balls, and washed all those things.

A few clumps of water mist hit the pale black butterfly wings, which looked a little pitiful.

Yuan Jue raised his lips lightly, looked at Ruan Qiuqiu's profile, a throbbing flashed across his heart, as if being swept to his warm cheeks by the damp and soft branches of a spring day, he screamed frantically after the blood stagnated all over his body.

With unspeakable bad intentions, his slender fingertips rolled lightly, and the butterfly wings that were carrying the spirit stones and other objects hard like a brick mover seemed to be wet by the water droplets condensed by his little lady. , slammed down.

Ruan Qiuqiu opened his eyes slightly, thinking that Mr. Big Bad Wolf was accidentally injured in the process of fighting the black python demon, and now he can't care about cleaning the things left by the old black python, he just raised his head anxiously, "What's wrong

Are you injured? "

Yuan Mou wolf's pupils were scarlet, and he looked at Ruan Qiuqiu seriously, before saying in a hoarse voice for a long time, "Wolf... It hurts from being beaten by Qiuqiu."

Ruan Qiuqiu: "...?"

"Yes..." Tianluo and Grey Wolf said in a gloomy voice, as if he had really suffered a serious internal injury, and lowered his long eyelashes, "It will be better if you bite Madam."

Ruan Qiuqiu: "..."

Ruan Qiuqiu was a little sluggish, and it took a long time before she could react, her face slowly turned red, looking at Jun's face, whose face was a little redder than hers, she couldn't believe that one day she would hear such words from Yuanjue's mouth. .

It's obviously a little shameless, but Mr. Big Bad Wolf probably knows this, and is so guilt and shy that his wolf ears come out.

When he was fighting the old black python just now, he didn't even want to take out the half-demon state.

Such a thoughtful and careful coquettish wolf, Yuan Mou, not only did not make her feel disgusted, on the contrary, she felt a bit hateful and damn sweet.

Ruan Qiuqiu's heart seemed to be woven into a soft cotton candy net, and the deer, who looked like herself, desperately rammed into the net called "Yuanjue".

She simply stood on tiptoe, her cheeks were hot, and in the heavy snow, she gently kissed the corner of Kiss Yuanjue's lips.

She felt that it was not enough, so she simply learned from the wolf, stood on tiptoe again, and gave him a sip.

The cold wind blew the hem of their clothes, and the sound of "crashing" was obvious, and even the lingering wind hit the umbrella surface, making a harsh sound.

But these normally cold and noisy sounds seem to have been automatically silenced now.

In the whole silver-clad world, they are the only ones left.

Soft lips touched and parted again.

Ruan Qiuqiu vigorously stood on tiptoe and kissed her wolf.

Unfortunately, someone always thinks better than acts.

The original plan was to let Mr. Big Bad Wolf see the power of her old driver, but he just gave him a light kiss.

Ruan Qiuqiu felt a little weak in his hands and feet.

She put all her strength to pad her feet, tweeted a few mouthfuls from a certain wolf, and got a little tired.

After all, Mr. Big Bad Wolf was much taller than her, and he stood straight with his back blushing and stupid, which made her struggle every time.

Of course, Ruan Qiuqiu was too embarrassed to say these words.

She pretended that she didn't do anything just now, her cheeks were hot and she put the washed things into her backpack.