Martial Arts Master

Chapter 108: Another interview


Returning to the men's locker room and entering the bathroom, Lou Cheng couldn't help humming a little song to wash away his physical and mental exhaustion while being showered with hot water.

When he changed his clothes and came out wiping his head with a dry towel, Cai Zongming was the only one left here.

"It's not bad, you look happy." Xiao Ming, who was getting a little impatient with the wait, joked.

"Hey." Lou Cheng replaced all answers with laughter.

Cai Zongming sighed with emotion: "People, in this life, you have to experience a pure, hot, heart-to-heart one time, without considering other feelings, to be complete. You should cherish it. When you fall in love in the future, you will not be so hard. No love." So unreserved."

Lou Cheng frowned: "Why do you want to talk about falling in love later? Isn't it good to keep this pure feeling until the end? Don't tell me you don't have a girlfriend for the purpose of getting married?"

Cai Zongming laughed and said, "It's not so simple to have a relationship. It's only when you've got it. There are frictions and twists and turns. This is an era full of temptations. It's hard to go to the end of your first love." I'm just giving you a vaccination, the relationship between two people is not only beautiful."

"I believe that as long as both parties can communicate well, are willing to work hard for it, and understand tolerance, it is still possible." Lou Cheng replied earnestly.

The corner of Cai Zongming's mouth twitched, and he patted his shoulder:

"I feel like we have a communication barrier..."


After filling his stomach a bit in the cafeteria, Lou Cheng embarked on the journey of scouting spots.

After throwing himself by the window of the school bus, he took out his mobile phone and boarded QQ as if no one else was there.

"Have you set off yet?" Yan Zheke "covered her mouth" and smiled.

"Just got in the car." The expression on Lou Cheng's face softened instantly.

Yan Zheke didn't mention this matter again, and sent an emoji with clenched fists and tears: "I feel very tired today, much more tired than the special training before, my back hurts..."

Uh... Lou Cheng hurriedly "patted his head" and said, "Maybe it's because you got up early to exercise."

"That's right, I'm not just in special training..." Yan Zheke replied with a cute expression of "Who am I, where am I, and what am I going to do".

Lou Cheng looked at it with a slight smile, and said with concern: "Why don't you stop exercising early? With your physique, four hours of special training alone is enough, any more will be bad, and it will cause fatigue injuries. I'm not saying that your physique is poor, but that you don't have the perverted stamina like me, and you really can't bear it. It's good to stand still for half an hour in the morning to cultivate your spirit."

Yan Zheke rubbed her chin with her right hand and said, "That makes sense... Hehe, I can make out with the bed more! Well, I won't get up until 7 o'clock tomorrow, and I will stand quietly on the balcony of the dormitory for half an hour. I'm afraid I won't be able to listen to the afternoon and evening classes."

"Coach Yan is really kind." Lou Cheng praised again, and then said, "I found that my appetite has increased again. I ate 50 cents of rice today, and it feels like I haven't eaten... Although I want to save my stomach for the spot, but I guess I won’t be able to eat without a meal of 1.5 yuan in the future, and this is not counted as food!"

Yan Zheke "squatting in the corner and drawing circles": "Me too... I used to be a girl who was famous for her appetite, but now, now, I am too embarrassed to eat at one window. I paid 30 cents, and finally went to another window to make up 20 cents. It was a full 80 cents of food, and I felt like I was a worthless... "

"Then what am I? Two rice buckets? Rice cooker?" Lou Cheng replied with a smile on his face, ignoring the eyes of the seat next to him.

Once chatting, time flew by, and he arrived at the old campus of Songcheng University before he even looked up at the scenery beside the road, and found the first target of the delineation through online car-hailing: "Spicy and spicy crab on the tripod".

It was past one o'clock at this time, and the peak of the afternoon market was over, Lou Cheng didn't wait long before he was seated in the queue.

Seeing that he was alone, the receptionist was a little surprised and asked, "Sir, how many are you? Do you need to wait for everyone to arrive?"

"Just one." Lou Cheng smiled awkwardly, but he didn't back down, this was a "sacred mission".

The waiter couldn't help but look at Lou Cheng more, as if he was looking at a single dog exuding a lonely fragrance, without further investigation, he politely smiled: "What kind of crab do you want? We have several grades, The cheapest is ninety-nine catties, the most expensive is four hundred and ninety-nine... "

Lou Cheng was quite frugal with himself, looked at the label on the outside of the water tank and said, "One hundred and ninety-nine, give me two."

According to Qin Mo's introduction, this place is considered a semi-hot pot type. First, stir-fry crabs with rice cakes, lotus root slices, etc., and make a pot. After eating the meat in it, you can add soup and boil it. Noodles and other things are not full of crabs alone.

After ordering, he went to the seat under the guidance of the waiter, looked around on the way, and observed the environment here. According to Xiao Ming, the first time to ask a girl out for dinner, if you can’t grasp her other preferences, don’t choose it. That kind of environment is too noisy, too lively, otherwise the delicious food can't offset this bad impression, unless it's really delicious.

Well, the table for two and the table for four are on the two sides of the large table, with a barrier in the middle, and the environment is not bad... Lou Cheng nodded in satisfaction, waiting for the spicy crab to be served.

He was quite satisfied with this meal. The fried crab was very fragrant, and the spiciness was slightly sweet aftertaste. .

"She should like it..." Lou Cheng thought joyfully after comparing the tastes of the two.

After paying the money, he hurriedly left here, looking for the surrounding shops, because he had to try two more, time was tight, he didn't wander leisurely, but ran up, ignoring the eyes of passers-by, Keep looking around.

Normally, running like this would inevitably bump into pedestrians or electric poles, but he seemed to have a lot of eyes, and he could always slip his footsteps, avoid them in time, and walk through the flowers without taking away a little fragrance.

"Is this a different kind of martial arts training..." he thought with a little complacency.

Behind the shopping mall 300 meters away, Lou Cheng found a quiet and atmospheric coffee shop, sat down and tasted the drinks and snacks carefully.

Yan Zheke once said that she doesn't like coffee, but she seems to really love milk tea. There are several varieties here...Looking at the cups of drinks in front of him, Lou Cheng suddenly felt a lot of pressure on his bladder.

He is quite satisfied with the environment here, unlike the Starbucks at the main entrance of the mall, not only is there a lot of people, but also the seating arrangement is not hidden, giving people a feeling of entering McDonald's or KFC, not suitable for dating at all, and not at all forced grid.

After running one hundred meters to the left from the cafe, Lou Cheng found a cake shop.

He walked back and forth, identifying different breads, picked out a few varieties that Yan Zheke had mentioned, bought them, and ate them directly from the seat inside.

"The quality is all right..." He rubbed his stomach, thinking with relief.

Taking the elevator to the fifth floor of the shopping mall, Lou Cheng looked at the movie posters that will be released recently, asked the staff, and got a preliminary impression of their respective characteristics, as well as the availability of tickets.

"When the time comes, if you want to watch a movie, you can introduce it to her directly, leaving the impression that you have your own opinions and have something in your heart." He imagined the dating scene.

In the end, Lou Cheng researched the bus routes in the next left and right, so as not to encounter the situation where online car-hailing cars and taxis are temporarily unavailable, you can't let girls stand there and wait, right

Throughout the afternoon, he was busy, running around, his stomach was full, but his spirit was very excited. Finally, he chose "Ding Shang Spicy Crab" based on his taste preference, distance from other shops, and surrounding traffic conditions. , the other two places are reserved for future appointments.


In the morning of the next day, the first class of this semester at the Songda Martial Arts Club officially started. There were fewer people coming than before, but they were all more serious.

Lou Cheng, who was practicing "Bing Jing" and "Lei Yin Zhen Zen", like other special training members, acted as the assistant of old man Shi temporarily.

Just as Mr. Shi was taking the other half to practice in the weight room, a group of people came in at the door, including an "artist" brother with a camera, a female reporter with a microphone, and accompanying school staff.

"Hey, Chengzi, did you see that? That reporter from last year! Shu, Shu Rui!" Cai Zongming's eyes lit up, he stopped, and patted Lou Cheng on the shoulder.

Lou Chengxun looked over, and happened to see the source of his family's black history. The girl with the "Shu Rui" nameplate on her chest was much more mature than the video. .

This time, due to the weather, she was wearing a black down jacket, which made her skin more white and tender, and her knee-length boots outlined her straight long legs.


"There are reporters interviewing!"

A series of voices followed among the remaining members of the Martial Arts Club.

Shu Rui's gaze swept across the Martial Arts Club team, and suddenly it lit up, and he quickly approached, directly found Lou Cheng and Cai Zongming, and smiled sweetly: "You two classmates, do you still remember me?"

"Remember." Compared with the last interview, Lou Cheng was not so cramped and nervous.

Cai Zongming also nodded and said with a smile: "Remember, that was my first time on TV."

Shu Rui also smiled and said, "Before I set off in the morning, I watched the video again, and I still had an impression of you two, so I recognized you two at a glance. Two students, would you like to be interviewed again today?"

"Okay." Lou Cheng said concisely.

To be honest, he is not so interested in interviews with local TV stations, but he has to take into account the face of the teacher next to him.

"No problem!" Cai Zongming has always been crazy.

Shu Rui nodded: "Then I will interview one by one, classmate, shall I start with you?"

She looked at Lou Cheng.

"Ask." Lou Cheng replied politely.

Shu Rui suddenly laughed, charming and bright: "Student, I think you have changed a lot. During the interview last time, you were very nervous and behaved very stiffly. Today, today, how do you say it... the written language is more calm and calm. .”

"Because I have experience." Lou Cheng explained casually.

Shu Rui nodded slightly and said: "Then I have officially interviewed. According to the information given to me by your propaganda department, your martial arts club plans to participate in this selection competition. Do you know the news?"

Hearing this, the students from the Martial Arts Club who were watching burst into clamor and were inexplicably excited. They just heard about this incident.

Trials? The martial arts club wants to organize a team to participate in the trials

"I know." Lou Cheng finally understood why the reporter came.

Shu Rui smiled encouragingly: "Then what do you think about this matter? What kind of expectations do you have?"

"Well, I think it's a good thing. We don't have any official competitions this semester. In order to make up for the shortcomings of actual combat training, participating in trials is the best way. That way, we can compete with real masters, which will definitely improve everyone a lot. "Lou Cheng replied honestly.

Shu Rui frowned. She felt that the answer was a little weird, but she couldn't tell why, so she joked, "Student, don't you think you're speaking too formally? Just like the official spokesperson of the Martial Arts Club."

"I'm a fan of martial arts, maybe I've seen too many related news and reports." Lou Cheng explained humorously.

Shu Rui chuckled: "Okay, the next question, I hurriedly looked at the list given to me by your propaganda department on the way, and found a strange name called Lou Cheng, who didn't participate in the National University Martial Arts Association last year at all. Is there any story behind this year's division competition, but this year it has become the main force in the selection competition?"

"Do you know what kind of person Lou Cheng is? Does he pay more attention to privacy and didn't join the martial arts club last semester? How strong is he? Is he a ninth-rank professional?"

Lou Cheng was stunned, and smiled wryly, "I can't answer these few questions."

Cai Zongming next to him was already smiling bitterly.

Shu Rui frowned, then opened it immediately, and said with a smile: "Okay then, can you point me to classmate Lou Cheng, I'll go and interview him directly."

Pfft... Cai Zongming couldn't help laughing, Lou Cheng pointed to himself and said helplessly:

"I am Lou Cheng..."