Martial Arts Master

Chapter 110: The moon is bright tonight



As an art examinee, Yan Xiaoling does not need to attend the third year of high school tuition. When her classmates started to leave early and return late, she was still lying on the bed, happily swiping her mobile phone, listening to the music played by the laptop, an old song, "White moonlight".

After playing for a while, she switched back to the forum with a strong sense of responsibility, planning to take a tour to prevent the page from being polluted by the guys playing small ads.

"The preview of Songcheng TV's exclusive interview with Lou Cheng... the preview..." As soon as the switch was made, she was stunned, her eyes wide open, like a cat that was overly surprised.

Her hands are faster than her brain, and she has not yet recovered her thinking ability, so she has already clicked in and played the video.

"Do you know what kind of person Lou Cheng is... How strong is he? Is he a ninth-rank professional?"

"I can't answer these questions."

Looking at it, Yan Xiaoling's expression changed into a smile unknowingly, and she made a joyful voice alone:

"It's really Lou Cheng... Really Lou Cheng!"

"Haha, it's so funny, asking who is Lou Cheng in front of Lou Cheng..."

"Hasn't he been exposed to martial arts half a year ago?"

Unknowingly, after the short "trailer" was played, Yan Xiaoling was overwhelmed with joy and reverberated in surprise. She couldn't hold it back, and her fingers quickly replied to the post of "Great Self-Growing Light":

"Good people live a safe life!"

"It's really our family's Lou Cheng~~"

"Hey, he really is a very warm boy!"

After replying three messages in a row, she found "Huan Fan" on Q, and hurriedly said:

"Quick, hurry up and read the forum post, the first one! The first one other than the top one!"

After sending out the text, she suddenly felt unsatisfactory. She felt that this could not vent the excitement and joy in her heart, so she simply changed the mode, changed it to voice, and aimed at her mouth:

"Hahahaha, I'm so happy, I finally saw news about Lou Cheng!"

"He is really warm, warm, warm, and important things are said three times!"

"Before he participated in the group arena, he turned out to be a super rookie with no actual combat experience. He has only learned martial arts for half a year. He is so good, so good, so good!"

"I'm so happy, covering my face and rolling, don't ask me how I speak!"

The voices carried her excitement and joy to the distance, and after a while, "Huan Fan" wiped off his cold sweat and said: "You can be so nympho... I always thought you were soft and cute..."

Speaking of this, she also sent words, and said in a crunchy little girl's voice: "Little Changye, you are deceiving! Your voice is clearly that of a primary school student, and you lied to me that you are a big sister in the third year of high school!"

Yan Xiaoling was in the right mood and didn't care about it. She coughed and said in the voice of the broadcaster: "You have to allow others to be born with a childish voice. Just wait for me to get into Songcheng University in the second half of the year!"

"Hmph, I'll wait, I'll read the post first." Huan Fan couldn't wait to open the forum and click on the post.

As the video played, her expression gradually changed. She excitedly tugged at her two braids hanging on her shoulders, and quickly replied, "The luxuriant self-generated light":

"It's so short! It's not fun!"

"It turned out that my idol had just learned martial arts for half a year and had no actual combat experience when he participated in the Little Martial Saint Competition, so he made it into the top eight... No wonder it's so mysterious... I suddenly admire him even more~~"

There is no conflict between the mysterious and hidden master and the talented young man who has only been in the top eight of the group arena after only half a year of learning martial arts!

Huan Fan was also as inexplicably excited as Yan Xiaoling, and he just wanted to vent his emotions.

Well, transfer it to Uncle Riding Pig, Uncle Ring, let them have a look, let them get to know my idols for real, and see how they boast that they lost without actual combat for many years, and they have only practiced martial arts for less than half a year!

Thinking of this, Huanfan hesitated for a moment, should he post to the irrigation group, or directly to the "Dragon Tiger Club" forum

If she chooses the former, she will be more considerate of the face of the road to the arena and One Punch Invincible, but the number of people who can see it is quite limited, not enough to satisfy her excited mood...

After thinking for a second, Huanfan made a serious decision and posted on the "Dragon Tiger Club" forum!

Only adults think about the consequences, children only care about being happy!

Soon, a post appeared on the "Dragon Tiger Club Forum" with the title:

"My idol has new news!"

In the post, Huan Fan @ gathered a bunch of people, and said triumphantly: "Look, the interview with my idol, it is said that he has only practiced martial arts for half a year~~"

Not long after, the "Dragon King of Unrivaled World" replied with a shocked expression: "I have only practiced martial arts for half a year... No wonder I don't have any database, and I can't ask anyone... I have only practiced martial arts for half a year!"

"Road to the Arena" immediately replied: "Stop talking, I'm going to buy a piece of tofu and kill myself at home."

"One Punch Invincible" said with the expression of "crying fainted in the toilet": "Master Lu, I don't even buy tofu, just crash to death on the toilet!"

"Pig Rider" smiled and said in Yao's name: "Come on, everyone line up and crash to death!"

The replies increased rapidly, and Huanfan was so happy that he even copied and pasted it to Yan Xiaoling, letting her share the happiness.

Not long after, "Everything is beautiful in the world" also replied: "Looking at the interview, it seems that he has some talent. Once this kind of person learns martial arts, he will definitely improve quickly at the beginning. It can be regarded as an explosion of potential, but when this stage is over, there will be a lot of talent." It is still unknown whether we can get out of the bottleneck."

"Frank and quick" followed up: "He has been reincarnated as a living Buddha for a few years, who can compare?"

"I have always been pure love Jun Okamoto" joked: "I plan to practice martial arts, maybe I also have talent? Stare at who is pregnant, and see who orgasms!"

"Selling wontons," the little girl said, "I suddenly adore him a little bit. Talent alone, if you want to win the ninth rank of the profession in half a year, you can't do it without extremely hard training. I like this kind of talent." Still working hard kid!"

When Lou Cheng browsed the forum, what he saw was exactly such a scene. For a moment, he didn't know whether to cry or laugh, or watched silently, feeling sour.

The news spread too fast, didn't it

Naturally, Shu Rui didn't know what was going on in the "Dragon Tiger Club" forum. After seeing the excited replies from "Long Night is Coming" and "Huan Fan" in her own post, she couldn't help but smiled and followed her.

And "Huan Fan" is working hard to attract fans for Lou Cheng, coaxing "Selling Wontons" to come over and pay attention to Success.


In a blink of an eye, it was Valentine's Day, according to Cai Zongming's instructions, Lou Cheng became more and more enthusiastic, and made ambiguous sentences from time to time, in order to convey his heart without causing pressure and burden to the girl.

After dinner, when he returned to the dormitory to rest for a while, he took out his mobile phone and replied to Yan Zheke's message as before, provoking a new topic.

But this time, Yan Zheke didn't reply quickly.

One minute, two minutes, ten minutes, twenty minutes passed, and Lou Cheng suddenly became a little worried. During this period of time, there has never been a similar situation. Normally, Yan Zheke didn't reply to the message, and he knew that she was doing something. What, because of what, and this time there was no warning, nothing was mentioned beforehand.

"She said before that she had already finished dinner... There will be no accidents, right? But what accidents can happen in school? Even if there are reckless guys, with her current skills, it is more than enough to solve them... She won't accidentally fall Let's go to the lake, she can't swim..." Lou Cheng stood by the window, thinking one after another, all kinds of bad guesses were troubling his mind, making him unable to stay any longer, so he called out to Cai Zongming:

"Mouth King, let's go!"

Cai Zongming looked up from the computer with a blank face: "Isn't it still early?"

"Go there early, to digest food." Lou Cheng said perfunctorily.

"Then, okay..." Cai Zongming frowned slightly, and closed the laptop.

The two rushed to the teaching building ahead of time. Along the way, Lou Cheng kept looking around to see if there was any movement, but he saw many students in pairs, which made him envious—Yan Zheke went back with her roommate Yes, if there is an accident, it should not be calm.

At this moment, his thoughts flashed, and he couldn't help guessing in another direction:

"Today is Valentine's Day… "

"Will someone confess to her, and how will she respond?"

"I haven't replied for so long, could it be..."

Lou Cheng didn't dare to think about that possibility, his expression became gloomy involuntarily, his heart was blocked, as if he was sulking, he wanted to make a phone call, but he knew it was not good, and he didn't know how to say it.

Half an hour, an hour, time flew by, Yan Zheke still didn't reply, Lou Cheng sat in the classroom, couldn't listen to the lecture at all, his heart was confused and uncomfortable, he had to take out his phone every few minutes to check, Cai Zongming next to him curled his lips, coughed twice, and whispered:

"Is there a conflict?"

"It's not..." Lou Cheng didn't know how to describe his wild thoughts.

Cai Zongming smiled and said, "Relax, it's normal to have some friction, you need to learn communication skills..."

He talked endlessly about how to get along with girls, but Lou Cheng didn't keep his house, so it's not bad if he can hear two or three out of ten sentences.


Ten minutes before get out of class was over, a message from Yan Zheke finally flashed on his phone.

She "collapsed to the ground" and said, "Phew, I'm finally back in the dormitory."

Lou Cheng was bored and felt a little uncomfortable, so he only replied "um".

But he immediately remembered what Cai Zongming said just now: The same content, but different expressions, are completely different to girls. If there is a conflict, it is useless to just be angry. If you want to communicate well, you must have a positive attitude.

Taking a deep breath, he quickly added another sentence: "What's wrong? You seem quite tired?"

"It's very tiring, physically and mentally exhausting!" Yan Zheke said, "clenching her fists and weeping", "After dinner, people blocked me at the door of the dormitory to confess my love, and a bunch of candles, flowers, etc. No! This kind of person doesn't know what to think. He just wants to impress himself and doesn't consider the girl's feelings? Who likes to be surrounded by people like animals, it's embarrassing to death!"

Lou Cheng was overjoyed when he heard that, and his sullenness dissipated a lot: "So, you refused?"

"Of course, I rejected it mercilessly and cruelly." Yan Zheke replied in the affirmative, "I ran away quickly after I finished speaking. I was afraid of being entangled by him. I didn't dare to go back to the dormitory for a while, and went to the classroom again. Because the phone was running out of battery, I asked my roommate to bring me a power bank. At this time, another call came in, saying something about my cousin, and asked me to go to the psychology department. Okay, the battery is completely dead. "

It turned out that the battery was out... Lou Cheng only felt that his body and mind became relaxed, only part of his emotions were not completely relieved, he wondered: "Psychological department?"

"My cousin is studying in the Department of Psychology. I thought it would be good for his mild autism, but it turned out to be completely opposite... Psychological counseling seems to have no effect on him. Hey, the teacher over there told me to go there to say Regarding this matter, when I come back, I will start the evening professional foreign language test as soon as I get back on the battery..." Yan Zheke said with a squatting and exhaling expression.

Lou Cheng suddenly said, "Are you handing in the test in advance?"

"Yeah, I'm exhausted." Yan Zheke paused, and said sharply, "Chengzi, your mood just now seemed a bit wrong?"

Lou Chengcheng wanted to deny it, but after thinking about it, he confessed part of it: "You haven't replied to the message for so long, I can't help but think wildly, wondering if you fell into the lake, if you met a bad person, and my mood became very sad. I'm so nervous, I want to call you..."

"Pfft, you really know how to curse me..." Yan Zheke laughed, "Why are you so cranky?"

Seeing this question, Lou Cheng's emotions that hadn't been relieved just now were tumbling, it was hard to contain it, and he blurted out:

"Because I like Yan Zheke, especially Yan Zheke!"

As soon as he sent this news, he immediately regretted it.

It's over, isn't it that you can't confess your love before confirming the relationship

Isn't it necessary to confess face to face, and can't make a phone call or go through the Internet

The correct process should be to take advantage of the routine when dating alone the day after tomorrow...

Done, made a mistake, made a lot of mistakes...

Nervousness, apprehension, worry, anticipation and other emotions emerged in an instant, and Lou Cheng heard his own heartbeat, which was unprecedentedly violent.

Yan Zheke fell into silence and didn't reply for a long time, which made him more and more fearful, uneasy, and desperate.

"You, don't you say something?" He bravely asked again, waiting for the verdict to come.

Ten seconds later, Yan Zheke replied with a shy message:

"Let me be happy for five minutes..."

With a bang, the meaning contained in this sentence hit Lou Cheng's mind, making him feel like fireworks exploded in his heart, one after another, brilliant and dazzling, too beautiful to behold.

Yan Zheke agreed!

The most beautiful thing in the world is that the person I like also likes me.

Lou Cheng almost jumped up, only the ecstasy reverberated in his mind, only the fireworks were in full bloom.

He couldn't help looking out the window, feeling that the bright moon was much brighter. ,.