Martial Arts Master

Chapter 13: This day can't pass


Seeing Lou Cheng's appearance, Li Mao couldn't help but smile: "Junior Brother Lou, don't be nervous. Being too nervous will affect your performance, resulting in stiff movements and twisted force. Of course, you must be a little nervous during a martial arts competition. In our professional words That is to say: to stimulate the secretion of adrenaline, so a real warrior must be 'tight but not chaotic'. Hey, I can't do it. I was so nervous that I was shaking when I participated in an amateur competition. Fortunately, I met Some of my opponents are either too weak or more nervous than me."

This is the experience of the senior brother and senior. Lou Cheng expressed his gratitude with his eyes and remembered it in his heart. Then he took a deep breath, suppressed his panic, and made the gesture taught by Li Mao. The back is slightly arched, like a wild cat ready to go.

Li Mao also raised his hand and said peacefully:

"I'll give you a trick."

After finishing speaking, he stepped forward, exerted strength on his feet, turned his waist, and punched out with his right hand, hitting Loucheng's neck on the front.

When Lou Cheng saw this, he subconsciously wanted to dodge, and quickly dodged to the side, but at this moment, he tripped suddenly, lost his center of gravity, and fell to the ground before he could even use the coordination and control ability of the "Yin-Yang Stake".

At some point, Li Mao followed up with his right foot, kicked out quietly, not exceeding his ankle, and blocked him in the direction he was dodging!

"It's not that you can't dodge in a martial arts competition, and you don't have to fight hard, but you must pay attention to your footwork and your opponent's movements. Stumbling up and down is a classic style of play. You just forgot your identity as a warrior and dodged like an ordinary person. My footwork is messed up, and my eyes are only on my fist." Li Mao stretched out his right hand, pulled Lou Cheng up, and pointed out the mistake he made, "Please digest and we will continue."

Lou Cheng pondered quietly, reminiscing just now, keeping the question firmly in mind, and then raised his hands again.

This time, Li Mao was poised to approach, his footwork was nimble, Lou Cheng's eyes widened, paying attention to his every move.

Is it a right fist, or a left fist

Is it a kick, or a back-to-elbow

If it's a right punch, how do I dodge it with footwork

If it's a left punch, do I have a chance to counter it

Thoughts flashed through Lou Cheng's mind, thinking about his own countermeasures, but before he had time to think clearly, Li Mao was already close to him, he spun his footsteps, and stuck to his body, and then an elbow hit him to the ground. Taking two steps back, although he didn't use much force, it still made his chest feel tight and painful.

But during the whole process, his thoughts were confused and he was at a loss. It was worse than the first time, and he couldn't even dodge.

How could this be? Lou Cheng was stunned for a moment.

Li Mao turned around and said with a smile: "Although in normal times, we do think faster and have many thoughts in a second, and the body cannot keep up with the brain, but in martial arts, the brain often cannot keep up with the body and think too much , and hesitant, without a decision, so timid and at a loss, this is the meaning of repeated practice, the meaning of competition experience, so that most situations can be internalized into instinct, and where observation and judgment are required, decisions can be made quickly , Junior Brother Lou, don’t worry, it’s like this in the first duel, I was even more embarrassed than you back then.”

"Sometimes it looks like martial arts competitions are very simple just relying on imagination." Lou Cheng laughed at himself and understood his problem.

Once again, he set up the kicking posture, and Li Mao repeated the old trick, stepping up and punching, the power came from the feet, turned through the waist, and passed through the spinal tunnel.

Lou Cheng learned the lessons from the previous two times, and quickly made a decision. He suddenly fell short, and was about to throw Li Mao's legs with the throwing technique he taught just now.

Suddenly, there was a heavy weight on his back, and Li Mao turned his fists into palms and pressed down violently.

When Lou Cheng's body was pounced forward, he fell to the ground with such a light touch, and ate a bit of mud.

"That's right. I have maintained my footwork and made quick decisions. It's just that I don't have much experience and I don't have enough expectations for subsequent changes." Li Mao praised Lou Cheng, and at the same time stretched out his hand to pull him up.

Lou Cheng's mood became better, and it was the enjoyment of life to be able to clearly see his own progress, so he focused more on sparring again and again, gradually mastering the simple moves, corresponding footwork, and exertion skills taught before. Master it in actual combat.

"get out of class is over soon, the last time." Li Mao looked at the big electronic clock hanging on the wall of the Budokan.

Lou Cheng nodded, and went through what he had learned before and the repeated sparring just now in his mind, and he had the urge to try to do something on his own initiative.

He kept standing still, contemplating the golden elixir in his lower abdomen, and half-entered a state of keeping quiet. While sensing various subtle changes in his body, he kept observing Li Mao.

Li Mao smiled at Lou Cheng's seriousness, and stepped forward to punch again.

Lou Cheng tilted his body, obviously shifting his center of gravity to the right, and then exerted a sudden force, causing the muscles to change one by one, and quickly adjusted his center of gravity, turning it to the left.

When he made a wrong step, he dodged Li Mao's fist, but Li Mao's right foot followed by him blocked his left side and missed.


Li Mao's right foot has not yet been withdrawn, and his center of gravity is unstable. This is the opportunity!

Lou Cheng faced Li Mao sideways, his shoulders sank, imitating Chen Changhua from yesterday, he slammed into Li Mao like a bull.

Seeing this, Li Mao hurriedly kicked out with his right foot, jumped a step obliquely, and then closed his hands to the side.


Lou Cheng bumped into the opponent, but he could only push Li Mao one step away, then the opponent changed his palm to grab, grabbed his shoulder, stretched out his left foot, stumbled again, and threw the throw.


When Lou Cheng fell to the ground, his expression didn't show pain, but a bit of joy, because he perfectly realized the expected movements.

"Okay, this is the first sparring session, and I almost capsized my brother in the gutter." Li Mao walked over with a smile, stretched out his hand and pulled Lou Cheng up, "It's just that the strength is not enough to knock me out. Center of gravity."

Lou Cheng patted the ashes on his body, laughed and said: "The main reason is that you have used too many tricks, senior brother, so I have some ideas in my heart."

I have only started exercising for a few days, and the increase in strength obviously cannot appear in a vacuum, and it seems that senior brother Li Mao has not noticed that he has used the technique of yin and yang piles.

"After class, go back to each house and find each mother." At this time, old man Shi blew his whistle and shouted loudly, "Remember to be on time tomorrow."

"Okay, let's go to the locker room to wash up before going back." Li Mao pointed to Lin Que's back, who was walking into the locker room.

In the Martial Arts Club, the locker room is a very sacred place. Only those who have the qualifications and permission can use it. If Lou Cheng didn't join the special training, he obviously couldn't enter.

- Various facilities of the Martial Arts Club are funded and constructed by the school, so both the training ground and the weight room are open to all teachers and students of the school, only the locker room, idlers, etc. must not be used. Of course, the training ground and the weight room are open to all teachers and students of the school There is also a time limit for the opening of students, try not to disturb the practice of the members of the martial arts club.

After the practice, Lou Cheng didn't have the heart to hang out with a rough guy like Li Mao. He turned his head to look at Yan Zheke, and found that she and Guo Qing seemed to have become friends. The classmates stared at him covetously, wanting to strike up a conversation but did not dare to go forward.

No wonder Love Sage said that when you take the step to strike up a conversation, you have already surpassed more than 80% of potential rivals in love—80% of the guys dare not even strike up a conversation, they can only watch from a distance , the inner drama interprets all kinds of touching...

Signaling to Li Mao that he has something to do, Lou Cheng quickened his pace, caught up with Yan Zheke and Guo Qing, panting deliberately: "How is it? How are you practicing?"

There were only a dozen or so members in the special training. Guo Qing had seen Lou Cheng and Yan Zheke standing together before, so it was not surprising. He looked at it with a smile. As for Li Mao behind Lou Cheng, he shook his head and said with emotion: Everyone is of the opposite sex and has no humanity, so they walked slowly to the men's locker room not far away.

Yan Zheke pursed her lips and said with a smile, "I'm fine, you are more miserable, we see you being beaten all the time."

"Yeah, the first sparring session, I was a bit flustered." While speaking, Lou Cheng frowned suddenly, until now he felt a lot of soreness in his body, it should be the bruises caused by the practice just now.

Seeing this, Yan Zheke rolled her eyes and said, "Are there many sore spots?"

"Yes." Lou Cheng answered honestly.

"Is it the fall medicine wine ointment that didn't remove the bruise?" Yan Zheke's mouth curled up.

"Yes." Lou Cheng nodded honestly.

Yan Zheke raised her chin slightly, and her gaze shifted: "I knew you guys wouldn't remember to prepare these things until you need to use them."

"Hehe, why don't you call him a rough guy?" Lou Cheng responded with a smile.

Yan Zheke chuckled, she was a bit charming in her beauty, and then said: "Wait a minute, I just have a spare jar of ointment, prepared by the martial arts family, to keep your bruises gone tomorrow."

"Okay, okay!" Lou Cheng was stunned for a moment, but suddenly his heart was full of joy.

Seeing Yan Zheke and Guo Qing walk into the women's locker room, Lou Cheng actually had the urge to hum a song, we laughed smugly, smugly...

Smiling and laughing, he suddenly felt something was wrong, and there were inexplicable gazes cast around him.

Turning his head to look, it was the group of boys who wanted to strike up a conversation but didn't dare.

Haha, how long can you last with enthusiasm alone, maybe you won't come to participate in the special training tomorrow... Lou Cheng slandered them.

A few minutes later, Yan Zheke came out, holding a small dark brown glass jar in her hand, and handed it to Lou Cheng: "Apply it on the bruises, then massage for five minutes to dissolve the medicine."

After receiving the ointment, Lou Cheng deliberately said in an exaggerated tone: "Thank you, thank you, you are indeed the kind-hearted student Yan Zheke!"

Yan Zheke spread her hands, "Thirty yuan, no thanks."

"Ah?" Lou Cheng was stunned, with a dull expression on his face.

Yan Zheke's smile returned, and her eyes were bent: "I'm just kidding, you are really, really, haha."

Lou Cheng was infected by her smile and didn't feel embarrassed. After chatting for a while, they went back to their respective dressing rooms.

The locker room is very large. There are three metal benches at the entrance, each against the wall. It is a place for members of the Martial Arts Club to rest and chat and arrange, arrange, and explain their opponents during competitions. There are dozens of locked wardrobes on the corresponding wall. Lin Que, Special training members such as Chen Changhua have their own special lockers, while Lou Cheng and others can only use the locker temporarily.

Passing through this place, there are compartments inside, each compartment has a shower, a small grid for placing toiletries and changing clothes, and at the end is a toilet with three squatting positions.

There was a constant sound of bathing, Lou Cheng picked an open cubicle and was about to go in when he saw Lin Que coming out from the side, wiping his head while moving forward.

Lou Cheng subconsciously nodded his head in greeting, Lin Que also nodded slightly, but did not speak.

"Lin Que is not as arrogant as he seems..." Lou Cheng shook his head, entered the cubicle, took off his clothes, and turned on the shower.

How nice not to have to go to the school bathroom line!

After taking a shower, he took out the jar of ointment and began to apply it with a smile.


In the evening, Lou Cheng returned to the dormitory after class, washed up, and planned to relax. He called Cai Zongming, Qin Mo, Tang Wen, Qiu Zhigao, etc. to play a battle game online—and then find Yan Zheke after going to bed. Let's talk, the day is perfect!

While playing vigorously, his mobile phone rang suddenly. He picked it up and saw that it was an unfamiliar number.

"Who is it?" Lou Cheng chose to answer in doubt.

"Hey, Lou Cheng, it's time to go to bed, let's prepare for sleep." A hoarse voice came.

Uh... yes, it's old man Shi... Lou Cheng replied subconsciously: "Okay, okay."

I wiped it, and I called to supervise the sleep!

This day can't be passed!