Martial Arts Master

Chapter 14: Long-distance runner Lou Xiaocheng


After hanging up the phone, Lou Cheng gritted his teeth for a while, but after thinking about the bright future he hoped for, he still used great perseverance to get rid of the temptation of the game, and used the excuse of a dead phone to exchange for a few times of "bad shit" curses.

Climbed into bed, ten minutes before old man Shi's scheduled bedtime, Lou Cheng sighed, took out his phone, logged on to QQ, and clicked on the dialog box with Yan Zheke: "It's another tired and sore day, lying in bed I felt like a dead dog in bed…”

"Woof woof." Yan Zheke replied three words.

Lou Cheng couldn't help laughing: "You too?"

"The special training I chose, I have to finish it on my knees!" Yan Zheke sent a cute emoji with her hands on her hips.

"Yeah, I have to survive this semester anyway." Lou Cheng didn't dare to say big words, and instead said, "I never thought that you are so different from the real world on the Internet, that 'woof woof' just now made me laugh so hard. "

As he spoke, he made a laughing and crying emoji.

Yan Zheke sent a blushing emoji: "I don't have the burden of being an idol."

Unknowingly, Lou Cheng was in a good mood, chatting until 10:30, exchanging good night with Yan Zheke with unparalleled perseverance, and fell asleep with hopes and dreams.

The next day, when the alarm clock rang on time, Lou Cheng suddenly woke up, and quickly reached out to turn it off, fearing that it would disturb the sleep of his roommates.

If it wasn't for the fact that the new campus is located in the suburbs, there is no way to go out to rent a house, so he really should move out, so as not to affect others... A thought flashed, Lou Cheng climbed out of bed, washed his face with cold water first, woke up completely, and then changed into the second bed. The three sets of exercise uniforms were also his last ones—it was late autumn, and the first set hadn't been finished yet. It seemed that he had to buy another set to form a virtuous circle.

After brushing his teeth, Lou Cheng picked up the key given by old man Shi, quietly left the room, went down the corridor, opened the door of the dormitory in the dim light of street lights, and ran slowly to By the lake yesterday.

When we came to the lake, it was still a few minutes before 5:50, but old man Shi was already waiting there with a bicycle parked beside him.

Master arrived before me... Lou Cheng suddenly felt a little grateful, ran over, and saluted respectfully.

"That's right, I don't need to call to remind you." Old man Shi chuckled, "Before I teach you other exercises, let's do a long-distance running exercise."

"Long-distance running?" Lou Cheng asked in confusion.

What's the point of long-distance running by yourself if you have Jindan to recover from fatigue

Old man Shi took out a cigarette and smoked it: "Although in the stage of body training, explosive power, muscle strength and footwork are enough for martial arts competitions, but you have to remember that the key point of the 'Dan Qi' state is not 'Qi', but 'Dan' , the body is harmonious and unified to almost perfect, the strength, will, and muscles are all in one, and they operate in harmony, responding to every stimulus, just like a great pill, so it is difficult for a body without endurance to reach this state."

"Why do ordinary martial arts schools, high school martial arts clubs, university martial arts clubs, and ordinary martial arts gyms rarely have warriors who can reach the "alchemy" state, even if they don't lack good skills and other things? They just lack similar cognition, hey, Don't look at my simple words, one sentence is true, and thousands of books are false."

"I understand." Lou Cheng wondered, "Do you really want to run?"

What the master said is very reasonable, but when the golden core is recovering from fatigue, can long-distance running improve one's endurance

Old man Shi clicked his tongue and said: "Don't be afraid of difficulties, hardships or tiredness. Which tyrannical warrior didn't come here like this? Don't worry, Master will follow you and supervise you."

As he said that, he smiled maliciously: "Of course, Master, I am old and frail, and I have long lost my stamina. You run, and I ride a bike!"

He patted the faucet of the bicycle next to him vigorously, full of satisfaction.

"You really want to run?" Lou Cheng looked at old man Shi hesitantly and sincerely.

"Run for me! I'm so young, so I'm afraid of being tired!" Old man Shi frowned.

After a long time, Lou Cheng ran ahead without blushing and panting. Old man Shi rode his bicycle and landed in the distance, pedaling out of breath, his lungs like a bellows:

"Bitch, stop! Stop!"

"You, you want to exhaust your master to death!"

Lou Cheng stopped, suppressed a smile, panted on purpose, and watched Old Man Shi rush over.

"You, what did you eat to grow up? What kind of martial arts, practice long-distance running!" Old man Shi couldn't catch his breath.

"Yes, it was you, Master, who made me run away..." Lou Cheng's eyes were full of innocence.

However, this long-distance running has also gained something. Compared with before, my endurance has improved significantly. Unlike the day when I first got Jindan, I was out of breath after jogging for a while and needed Jindan's supplement. Today, I jogged at least several times the distance normally.

In other words, Jindan's soothing of fatigue will not affect the improvement of one's own endurance, and even because of its smoothing, the improvement of one's own endurance is far beyond normal!

Thinking of this, Lou Cheng could hardly hide the smile on his face.

After a while, old man Shi finally calmed down, and said with a dark face: "In the future, you can't stop long-distance running, but you can run by yourself, and you can't be lazy."

After finishing speaking, he took Lou Cheng to a nearby secluded place, and explained in detail the "Leibu" electric fire pile and the "Bingbu" condensation water pile. The former is mainly for training the body's explosive power, while the latter is for training the senses and improving attention Strength, coupled with the "Yin-Yang Stake" that senses and masters the coordinated changes of the body, as well as strength training, long-distance running training, and footwork training, just formed a complete training system.

According to what old man Shi said, he replaced the "Thunder Department" thunder pile with the "Ice Department" condensation pile. Although the effect is not better, it is more suitable for people like Lou Cheng who missed the best time to exercise.

On top of the pile skills, every time Lou Cheng puts in more effort, he can clearly see the corresponding gains. He is naturally focused and obsessed without letting up. The next special training is even harder, and the lack of class on Thursday night made him Relaxed and full of motivation.

On Friday night, Lou Cheng returned to the dormitory with his schoolbag slung across his shoulders, and before he even entered the small room, he heard laughter and laughter inside.

"What's so lively?" He pushed open the door and saw Cai Zongming sitting in his seat.

"Have you forgotten? Today we are socializing with the girls' dormitory." "Model worker" Zhang Jingye replied with a smile.

"Yo, what's the result?" Although Lou Cheng didn't want to go, he was still very interested in this matter and paid close attention to their follow-up.

Cai Zongming smiled triumphantly: "Chengzi, if I were involved, the result would be worse?"

"Yeah, we are all thinking of changing the nickname of Lover. You don't know, he has completely mastered the atmosphere, and he can make the girl opposite laugh with one mouth. For this kind of person, we feel that he has all the abilities and all the abilities. The strengths are all in that mouth." Zhao Qiang, the head of the office, also smiled, "So, according to the title convention of 'War of Kings', we plan to call him 'King of Mouth'!"

"Are you praising me or hurting me?" Cai Zongming seemed very satisfied with this nickname.

"That's right, the pack of wolves bowed their heads as soon as the King of Mouth came out." Lou Cheng teased and raised his eyebrows, "Don't try to get away with it, I'm asking how is the fellowship dormitory?"

"Not bad!" Lao Qiu held back for a long time, and finally uttered two words.

Cai Zongming smiled and followed, "That's right, there is a beauty, a real beauty."

"Yes, yes, Zhuang Xiaojun is really good-looking. She looks good without glasses, but also with glasses." Zhang Jingye echoed, "Unfortunately, I heard Guo Qing said that she has a boyfriend."

"Not a boyfriend, just a suitor, a suitor who has a relatively close relationship." Zhao Qiang retorted.

Lou Cheng was stunned: "Guo Qing?"

Why is this name so familiar

"Yes, it's Guo Qing from the Martial Arts Club, the Guo Qing who trained with you, what a coincidence, fate, fate." Cai Zongming smiled, "She seems to have taken a fancy to Lao Qiu."

"Bah, there's no such thing!" Qiu Zhigao quickly denied it.

"I also have the feeling that she's been asking Lao Qiu all the time, do you two have a good figure?" Zhao Qiang agreed.

Zhang Jingye also said: "Old Qiu, don't deny it. When we communicated with Pan Xue at the end, she also said that Guo Qing was more satisfied with you."

"Old Qiu, you should sacrifice your appearance. The fellowship dormitory will be closer in the future, and Aqiang, the model worker, and Zhuang Xiaojun will have more opportunities to contact each other." Cai Zongming joked, and Zhao Qiang and Zhang Jingye made a fuss.

Lao Qiu looked helplessly at Lou Cheng: "Cheng Zi, they are simply obsessed with sex, only you can uphold justice!"

Uh... The relationship between Guo Qing and Yan Zheke seems to be getting better every day... Lou Cheng held back his laughter and said righteously:

"Old Qiu, just follow suit!"

"Get out!" Lao Qiu was angry and funny.

Lou Cheng's joke was over, and he turned around and changed the subject: "Guo Qing, Zhuang Xiaojun, and the other two girls? Pan Xue?"

"One is named Pan Xue and the other is You Fangfang. You Fangfang is more introverted, and looks, uh, rather ordinary." Cai Zongming said, "Pan Xue is small, very lively and easy to get along with, and also quite cute."

"But she has a boyfriend." Zhang Jingye interjected, "Still, she's still a South Asian student."

"Ah, from our school?" Lou Cheng asked.

"Yes, those South Asian students have a strong smell. Every time I meet them, I want to pinch my nose. I don't know why Pan Xue fell in love with him." Zhao Qiang sighed.

Lao Qiu followed, "Guo Qing said they met at the foreign language corner."

"Hey, a place like the Foreign Language Corner was born for this kind of thing!" Zhao Qiang said righteously.

"That's right, our wonderful girl, the damn foreign language corner..." Zhang Jingye and Lao Qiu echoed.

At this moment, Zhao Qiang stood up abruptly, took out a book and was about to go outside.

"Hey, Ah Qiang, where are you going?" Cai Zongming and Lou Cheng asked at the same time, with blank faces.

Zhao Qiang turned around and nodded solemnly:

"It's still early, I'll go to the foreign language corner and practice English again."

Pfft... Lou Cheng almost spit out:

"Ah Qiang, you thick eyebrows and big eyes always betray the *revolution* revolution!"

The few remaining people burst into laughter, and Zhao Qiang couldn't help but blush a little with such a cheeky face.

At this time, Lou Cheng's phone beeped.

He picked it up and saw that it was old man Shi's call, Lou Cheng secretly thought that he was urging him to sleep again, right

"Hello." There was someone in the dormitory, but he didn't call Master.

Old man Shi said on the other end of the phone: "You book yourself a train ticket to Pingjiang City at 7 o'clock tomorrow night. There is only that train at that time."

"Huh?" Lou Cheng was confused, "Pingjiang City?"

"Yes, Pingjiang City, Shanbei Province." The old man Shi said in a low voice, "Don't ask why, wait for me at the train station at 6:30 tomorrow night."