Martial Arts Master

Chapter 52: All my life I bow my head to worship Xiaoming


Lou Cheng felt sorry for the girl's pain, but was thousands of miles away, unable to do anything, wanted to comfort her, but didn't know how to express it better, after all, it was a private topic, so she was a little anxious, like a beast trapped in a small room, You can't find the exit by rushing left and right.

At this moment, he had a flash of inspiration, quickly logged out of his phone, then logged in on the computer, and sent an emoji of hitting himself on the head with a brick: "I, I really didn't expect it, I have never been exposed to similar things before."

Only seen in health textbooks, some miscellaneous books, and some discussions

After sending this message, he opened the phone's address book, dialed Cai Zongming, and asked Zui Wang for off-site guidance!

Beep, beep, beep, when the message of Yan Zheke's reply appeared, Cai Zongming also connected the phone: "Hello, Orange?"

"King of Zui, King of Zui, I have something to ask you!" Lou Cheng didn't exchange any pleasantries, and went straight to the point.

At the same time, his eyes stayed on the computer screen, seeing Yan Zheke snickering and saying, "It would be strange if you look very familiar with it."

Lou Cheng held the phone in one hand, typed words with Zen with the other hand, and asked casually, "Do girls feel particularly hurt at this time?"

In the receiver of the mobile phone, Cai Zongming sneered: "What happened? Asking me in such a hurry must have something to do with your goddess! Fortunately, you didn't call in the middle of the night, or I would strangle you to death!"

"Haha." Lou Cheng laughed dryly, "Let me ask you, how do you express your concern when a girl is not feeling well?"

What happened to Yan Zheke is private, and she must not tell it to other men!

At this time, Yan Zheke replied: "Depending on the individual's physique, some people can feel the pain to death, and it lasts for several days before it subsides; it is good."

Lou Cheng tapped again with one finger, ready to say something concerned, saying that if it hurts especially, drinking hot water can relieve it.

"Hey, how to express concern in a similar situation varies from person to person, but there are things that must never be said, that is, girls should not be allowed to drink hot water." Cai Zongming's tone was full of interest.

Uh, Lou Cheng stopped Yizhichan, deleted all the content he typed just now, and added another sentence: "I'm really naive, I thought they were all the same."

While typing, he asked in bewilderment, "Why can't you just drink hot water? I think it's quite effective, and she's in Jiangnan Province for the New Year, and she's separated from me by more than a thousand kilometers, so I have no other options."

"There are actually many answers to this question on the Internet, but I don't think they point directly to the essence. In view of our friendship, I will teach you Cai's experience for free." Cai Zongming put on a posture of being a teacher, "Drink hot water The essence of this matter lies in the degree of your intentions, that is to say, what girls look at is not what you said, what you answered, or what you did, but the degree of care, attention, and concern revealed under these superficial phenomena ,this is the key of the problem!"

Lou Cheng was quite confused when he heard:

"Again, let's make it clear, I don't quite understand."

At this time, Yan Zheke replied again: "Have you ever encountered a time when a female deskmate was uncomfortable since high school?"

"Everyone is uncomfortable sometimes." Lou Cheng sent an innocent expression, unable to type more words.

On the other end of the phone, Cai Zongming explained: "Think about it, how long did you spend thinking and how much energy did you spend when you said the word "drink hot water?"

"What happened in the blink of an eye, I almost said it when I thought about it." Lou Cheng seemed to understand a little bit.

Cai Zongming laughed loudly and said, "Fortunately, you called me in time. You see, drinking hot water to care for a girl can't even make you die a few brain cells, and you don't even waste any time." , don't you think this is too perfunctory? Is it not enough attention and attention?"

"Understood!" Lou Cheng suddenly understood.

Cai Zongming clicked his tongue and said, "Children can be taught, so even if you spend some brain cells, find or think of a joke to tell the girl to divert her attention, it is better than just saying drink hot water, laugh or not If you can figure it out, at least she can see that you are looking for it with your heart, not perfunctory. Now that you understand the essence, isn't it easy to care about it? The important thing is not what you say or do, but what you say and do. This process shows your heart and attention.”

"For example, what is the most important thing to do? Book a ticket immediately, spend a night flying there, and show up at her door early the next morning. If her condition doesn't improve, take her to the hospital domineeringly, take care of her, and run away. After the run, if the condition has improved, bring some of her favorite breakfast and help her in the kitchen. Of course, it doesn’t matter to a certain extent. Use it with caution. If there are other people in her family, use it with caution, especially if you don’t have money.”

"I'm going, Love Saint, listening to your words is better than ten years of books!" Lou Cheng listened carefully, admiring, while looking at the content on the computer screen.

Yan Zheke replied: "You guys, are you all so slow? In No. 1 Middle School, a girl from our class came to see her aunt, her face was very pale. Her deskmate didn't notice it at all, and she wanted her to continue to help. Bring breakfast, bring a ghost!"

"I always bring breakfast for others," Lou Cheng typed letter by letter.

Hearing his admiration, Cai Zongming let out a hey: "The essence of Cai's mentality has been taught to you. How to use it depends on your own understanding! I can only help you so far!"

Lou Cheng shouted sincerely:

"Mouth king! You are my idol!"

"Fuck off, don't think that you want to miss the teacher's appreciation banquet just because of such a boast! Treat me to a big meal at the beginning of school!" Cai Zongming said "viciously" and hung up the phone.

Putting down the phone, Lou Cheng saw that Yan Zheke hadn't replied yet, and realized that what he had just sent while talking on the phone seemed a bit perfunctory, so he immediately added:

"From what you said, I seem to understand one thing, which has been bothering me for a long time!"

This is indeed the inspiration I got when I saw Yan Zheke's last post, but the number of words is too large to be suitable for One Finger Zen.

"What's the matter?" Yan Zheke replied with a puzzled expression.

Lou Cheng said with a shocked expression: "One time, my deskmate seemed to be very uncomfortable, and I took sick leave to go home after class. The girl at the desk behind me even supported her and tied her own clothes around her waist. , I was puzzled at the time, saying that my tablemate was sick and cold, and I needed clothes to keep warm. Why was it tied around the waist and hung down to the thighs? Just gave me a blank look."

"I didn't understand it all the time, but I finally understood it today. It turned out to be that one. The clothes are to cover the traces!"

It should have been infiltrated, as the ad said.

"Haha, it's not bad if I didn't scold you." Yan Zheke replied.

Seeing her own topic, Lou Cheng seemed to be a little more emotional and confident. According to Xiao Ming's theory, he asked, "Does your stomach still hurt?"

"It hurts." Yan Zheke answered briefly.

Lou Cheng said with a smile on his face, "I know a method that can help you relieve the pain?"

"What way?" Yan Zheke sent a surprised and disbelieving expression.

Lou Cheng replied: "Divert your attention**! As long as you don't think about stomach pains, you won't feel too uncomfortable."

"Although I don't think there will be any good results, let's try it, maybe? What are you going to use to divert my attention?" Yan Zheke said with a pitiful expression.

Lou Cheng thought for a while: "I'll make a sacrifice and tell you about my embarrassment!"

"Haha, how embarrassing is it?" Yan Zheke sent an emoji of a cute cat sitting upright waiting for food.

"During the military training in early September, didn't you participate in the final report performance if you did well in the queue and march?"

"Student Xiao Ming deliberately went very badly. After being punished several times by the instructor, he didn't get better. As an underachiever, he was kicked out of the performance team and began to take on the heavy responsibility of carrying food and vegetables every day, washing pots and sweeping the floor. He didn't need to train any more. You can hide in the shade and rest leisurely.”

"After that, I was led badly by him. When the instructor screened the personnel, I deliberately failed to go well and was not selected, and I also joined the logistics team."

Lou Cheng sent it sentence by sentence, so as not to take too long between typing and let Yan Zheke's attention return to the stomachache.

"And then? This will only make people envious, it's not embarrassing." Yan Zheke asked.

Lou Cheng sent a mournful expression:

"A few days after the good days, the instructor gathered us up and took us to another toilet, saying that there are too many classes living in this camp, and the inside is relatively dirty. You students who do not participate in the report performance should work harder and do more cleaning."

"Student Xiao Ming and I went in to have a look, and almost threw up."

Yan Zheke made a laughing emoji: "I told you to be lazy! You know what retribution is!"

Lou Cheng replied with tears streaming down his face: "When we came out to take a few breaths of fresh air, the instructor proudly said that the students in your Songda University are of good quality, unlike the school in front, where the toilets are dirty, and there are ponds and bushes behind. I asked them to pick it up and sweep it by themselves. He didn’t finish speaking, and my classmate Xiao Ming and I really retched, so we couldn’t spit it out.”

"It's disgusting, we girls take turns to carry the food and clean up, and we pay more attention, it's okay." Yan Zheke said with flickering eyes, "It seems to be really helpful to divert attention, are there other embarrassing things? "

Lou Cheng racked his brains and screened out the parts that didn't affect his image from the embarrassing things from childhood to adulthood. Speaking of each one, Yan Zheke was very interested, and his mood was a lot higher. It seemed that he had really forgotten some parts. pain.

"Oranges, are there any more?" Yan Zheke is like Lou Cheng who listened to her mother telling stories when she was a child, always asking if there are any more

Lou Cheng's mind went blank for a while, feeling that he had said everything he could say, and after thinking hard again, he said, "No more, let's use other methods to divert our attention?"

Yan Zheke sent a smiling expression: "My stomach doesn't seem to hurt that much. I can try to sleep. When I wake up tomorrow, I will be a good guy again! Orange, can you sing? Sing a song for me, I'll listen to it sleep."

This was Yan Zheke's rare request. Lou Cheng said without hesitation, "Yes, although it's not very good, but at least it's not out of tune. Which song do you want to listen to?"

After sending the message, he logged out of the computer and logged in with his mobile phone.

"You choose yourself." Yan Zheke said with a smirk.

Lou Cheng thought for a while, followed his voice, and blurted out: "Twinkle, twinkle, the sky is full of little stars."

"Haha, you're so funny, continue." Yan Zheke also replied in voice, obviously in a good mood.

"Stars in the sky" sang here, Lou Cheng suddenly changed the melody, "Wow, join the Big Dipper!"

"Pfft!" Yan Zheke sent a "I'm dying of laughter" emoji.

Singing one after another, the light echoed in the room. After an unknown amount of time, Yan Zheke said: "Cheng Zi, I am very happy today, good night."

"Good night, see you tomorrow!" Lou Cheng said with a smile in his voice.

Yan Zheke replied a voice message, joking and in a tone that matched the lines of the advertisement: "Dabao, see you every day"

Even if this is not enough to explain too much, Lou Cheng is unspeakably happy, with a smile all over his face.

Hey, see you every day!

By the way, what's the number today? Write it down in a "small notebook", this is the key information!

When Yan Zheke fell asleep, he smirked for a long time before suddenly returning to his senses:

"Shit! There's still a competition tomorrow, and I still have a lot of martial arts videos that I haven't watched!"