Martial Arts Master

Chapter 53: Heaven and man at war


After finding a bunch of videos, Lou Cheng combined the materials and watched intently, constantly dismantling, analyzing and reorganizing interpretations in his mind.

Half an hour later, he shook his head wearily, tapped on the table and said to himself: "There are too many videos, it's impossible to watch them all, but I don't know which ones are the most important and representative..."

Listening Kungfu requires tranquility and absolute concentration, which consumes a lot of energy, and non-Golden Elixir can make up for it. Therefore, after a fight with Wu Shitong, Lou Cheng, who had racked his brains to chat just now, is already feeling sleepy. agree.

In the middle of the dilemma, he suddenly flashed a flash of light, clicked on the favorites, and entered the "Dragon Tiger Club" forum.

If I want to watch the battle videos of my opponents, "Road to the Ring" Zhou Yuanning will definitely do the same. With the relevant content overwhelming, he is very likely to ask for help from the humanoid database "Unrivaled Dragon King" and ask the other party to provide opinions. Learn from it secretly!

In the live post of the "Phoenix Cup Xiaowusheng Competition", when "One Punch Invincible" announced that the group stage opponent of "Road to the Ring" was Lou Cheng, the fans who were not interested in his competition video before were full of enthusiasm. a sense of participation.

"Master Lu, it's time to wash away the shame of our forum!" "Don't be a hooligan," said the hooligan with a red scarf on his head.

"All the plants and trees in the world are beautiful" replied: "That Lou Cheng dared to bully our Xiaoquan before, now it's finally time for retribution!"

"Frank and quick" also said: "I was very upset when I saw that Lou Cheng was invincible earlier, Master Lu, you have to teach him a lesson!"

"Uncle Ring, can you take a photo with my newest idol before the competition? You can't see his face clearly in the highlights of the previous competition!" the little girl "Huan Fan" said enthusiastically.

The moderator "Pig Rider" once again said with a head-knocking expression: "You little guy, you turned your elbows out!"

"Uncle Riding Pig, how can I? You wronged me! Look at my wronged eyes! I just asked the ring uncle to take a group photo, and I still support him to win in my heart. There is a gap between my new idol and the professional ninth rank." "Huan Fan "Sent a crying emoji.

I'm also a member of the forum, so I can't favor one over the other... Lou Cheng wiped away his "tears of bitterness", browsed through many replies supporting "Road to the Ring" to defeat him, and saw the advice offered by "Unrivaled Dragon King":

"Lord Lu, I looked through the contestant collection on the official website of the Xiao Wu Sheng Tournament, and found that Wang Ye in your group is very strong. Iron Sand Palm can be said to be destructive, and he is not considered an ordinary person in the entire level of the professional ninth rank. , I have a few related videos here, if you take a look, you should gain something."

"Road to the Ring" immediately sent a handshake emoji: "Old Dragon, I was just about to ask you about this. Damn, there are a group of big water pens upstairs filling the crooked building. You can't expect them to give advice!"

Hey, I'm waiting too! Lou Cheng opened these videos one by one, paused the buffering first, and continued to watch the discussion later.

"Dragon King of Unrivaled World" said with a funny expression: "I'm just talking on paper, I'm not as experienced as Lu Ye, you have rich combat experience, but it can still help you find information."

"Old Dragon, what do you think is the outcome between me and Wang Ye?" "Road to the Ring" hadn't participated in a competition for many years, and seemed a little nervous after suddenly encountering a strong professional ninth-rank opponent.

According to Lou Cheng's judgment, the 20-80 opening is considered to be the best, the second road to the ring, Wang Yeba, but he is doing the thing of spying on the screen, he is too embarrassed to pretend to express opinions, so he can only silently watch " The Dragon King of Unrivaled World" replied: "Probably 30-70, my personal opinion, I can't be sure."

"I also think it's 30-70." "Plumbers eat mushrooms" inserted the corridor.

The moderator "Pig Rider" also followed suit: "You have been neglected for a few years, and it is very good to be able to compete with a profession like Wang Ye's Nine Grades and Three Sevens."

"I know, hey, if I met him in the heyday..." "Road to the Ring" sighed, "How do you think I should fight him?"

"Pig Riding Hero" said: "Of course it is to use your strength of 'Whistling Eight Shapes', to fight with elegant and agile footwork, not head-to-head, even if he catches the opportunity, you block a few times with the outbreak of the terrifying hurricane Not a problem, right? As long as you procrastinate, you will lose if you stick to it for a long time, and your chance will come."

Lou Cheng nodded slightly as he saw this. This was also his own predetermined style of attack, but with the terror of Wang Ye's iron sand palm, even with "Big Avalanche" and "Electric Fire Stake", he couldn't block a few hits. Hey, this is also the helplessness of the weak in the case of a large gap in strength.

"Road to the Ring" also sighed helplessly: "If it was my heyday, I would have no problem fighting like this, but now, my physical strength has dropped drastically, and I have been fighting for four consecutive days. Today is still two matches a day. Wang Ye will lose if he keeps it for a long time."

"Lord Lu, let me tell you something from the bottom of my heart, don't worry about it, just listen to it, um, give up the match with Wang Ye strategically, save enough energy for the last match, the key to your entry into the top 16 is not Wang Ye , in Lou Cheng and Tang Yue." "Unrivaled Dragon King" replied.

Uh, seeing this sentence, Lou Cheng realized that he was so stupid. He never thought of giving up the match with Wang Ye, and didn't consider that once he was injured under the palm of the iron sand, the subsequent matches would be tantamount to giving to his opponent.

Although he was not injured today, the wrist pinched by Wu Shitong still hurts faintly. It would be unimaginable to be slapped by the iron sand palm.

Seems like a good idea to give up strategically

With this thought, Lou Chengru was tempted by the devil, and almost decided that tomorrow would just be a formality and put on a show.

But at this moment, he thought of the reason why he didn't consider this kind of thing in the first place:

"I came here to experience the competition. The prize money is very good, which makes me yearn for it, but this is not my fundamental purpose. Is it wrong to give up the strategy when facing the professional ninth rank? Shouldn't I rack my brains to use my strengths? Do I want to lose beautifully? Only in this way can I detect my shortcomings, learn from the experience of the game, temper and polish my martial arts, and accumulate nutrients for subsequent progress... "

"Don't bully when you are weak, don't give in when you are strong, if you don't have the spirit of a warrior, how can you overcome the difficulties in cultivation one after another in the future?"

After a battle between heaven and man, Lou Cheng let out a breath of air and showed a relaxed smile on his face.

Watch one game at a time, and concentrate on fighting Wang Ye tomorrow without thinking about the next game.

I'm just that stupid!

After making a decision, his mind became calm, and he looked down at the answer from "Road to the Arena":

"Old Dragon, I know you are right. As long as I can win Tang Yue and Lou Cheng, it doesn't matter whether I win Wang Ye or not. I can still make it to the top 16. Why don't I give up strategically, save my energy, and improve the final score?" However, although I like to brag a little, I am a little arrogant, and I have no perseverance, but I always regard myself as a warrior in my heart."

"As a warrior, fighting against a strong enemy is something that makes people excited and fascinating. I will fight Wang Ye well!"

Lou Cheng sighed and sighed for a while, he didn't expect that the exaggerated "Road to the Ring" has such a side, warrior is really a wonderful word.

"Lord Lu, I understand, that's why I'm an amateur and you are a professional warrior." Said the "Unrivaled Dragon King".

"Road to the Ring" replied with a funny expression: "The main reason is that the top 16 only has a bonus of 5,000 yuan. If there are tens of millions, I might give up strategically."

Lou Cheng was so amused that he almost laughed out loud, but if the top 16 would have hundreds of thousands of bonuses, he wouldn't even dare to hope to qualify for the eighth rank of the profession, because there must be more powerful fighters participating.

As an amateur, I don't have to think too much about what kind of position I am in and what kind of temptation I can face.

"Plumbers eat mushrooms" said: "Master Lu, I didn't like to call you that before, but now I sincerely admire you and fight well with Wang Ye. Jiu, now, let's discuss Tang Yue and Lou Cheng, hehe, it feels like we have concentrated our wisdom and experience to break through."

I am pooling wisdom and experience with Yan Zheke, and I don't care about it like you... Lou Cheng complained.

"Tang Yue is good at the shape of a god. He is tall and heavy, has amazing leg strength, and has terrifying collisions. He is absolutely right to be the weaker Wang Ye." "Pig Riding Hero" joined the discussion, "As for Lou Cheng, I read From the videos of his two matches, it was found that his most fundamental strengths are two points. One is his amazing talent for tranquility. It’s extraordinary talent.”

"Uncle Riding Pig's analysis is quite right. All the martial arts strength shown by Lou Cheng is based on these two aspects. The root of the return, supported by abnormal physical strength, has created the madness and ferocity of Blizzard's twenty-four strikes." "Dragon King of Unrivaled World" agreed.

"Road to the Ring" sent a thoughtful expression: "To defeat Lou Cheng, it seems that we have to start from these two aspects? This kind of physical monster will become more and more powerful as the competition progresses, isn't it that he is stronger?" , but we are weaker."

"Yes, exert an inch of strength, use force, don't give him the opportunity to touch the listening force and use force to return, use the body method of whistling eight shapes to compress his range of motion, force him to face the tough, and don't let him procrastinate. "Plumbers eat mushrooms," replied.

The moderator "Pig Rider" added: "If he uses Blizzard's twenty-four blows to attack instead of defending, then rely on the tornado wind and the terrifying hurricane to fight hard, and don't give him a chance to make a move. This is a small punch. The lessons learned, combined with the compression range, strive to end the battle in a short time."

Watching them chatting about how to deal with him, Lou Cheng felt absurd and funny. Since he had to focus on tomorrow's battle with Wang Ye, he didn't think much about it, but silently recorded the content in the computer's " "Small Books", I'll think about it when the time comes.

Mental exhaustion struck, Lou Cheng forced himself to finish watching the video, took a shower and went to bed, got up on time the next day, went to a nearby small park, and began to practice today's fight against Wang Ye, it will be more extreme than yesterday's plan !

Keeping the spirit inward, staying calm, Lou Cheng visualized the "nebula" in his dantian, felt its slow rotation, and then adjusted every inch of muscle in his body, feeling the gradual movement of the center of gravity.

Normally, when exerting force, the center of gravity is relatively static and stable, but in today's battle, Lou Cheng has to keep the center of gravity in a "moving" state, sacrificing a certain degree of force, in exchange for even more weird and unpredictable footwork and stature.

Only by bringing one advantage to the extreme can one hope to compete with Wang Ye!

The center of gravity is like mercury, swaying and rolling. After getting familiar with this feeling, Lou Cheng's footwork, muscles are always in adjustment, even when punching and kicking, he still keeps the center of gravity shaking, and can complete the change of direction at any time.

Lou Cheng's physical strength was too much for this style of play, and he had to rely on Jindan to replenish it in just one or two minutes. He also suffered a mental loss, but it was relatively better.

At around 7:30, he felt his head go numb, wisely stopped the rehearsal, returned to the hotel, first sent Yan Zheke a message of morning greetings, and then said that he was training in the morning to fight Wang Ye, and now he needed to catch up on sleep Restore your spirits and wait for the battle in the afternoon.

Do it to the extreme, even if you lose, you will not be upset!


In the afternoon, at half past one, lead clouds pressed down on the city, and the cold wind howled.

Crowds gathered at the Yanling City Martial Arts Hall, which was much more lively than before. Lou Cheng, wearing the white background and black borders of Songda Martial Arts Club, stepped into the gate refreshed.

This will be the first time for him to challenge a professional Ninth Rank expert!