Martial Arts Master

Chapter 68: To retire


On the central stage, singing and dancing performances were in full swing, but the audience's reaction was rather cold, as if they were still immersed in the previous game.

Lao Zheng and the others didn't come back to their senses until now. They glanced at each other, and they all noticed the residual shock in each other's expressions.

"I always thought that I had determined Lou Cheng's limit, but every time I saw him break the imagined limit." One of the companions said in a messy manner.

"Yeah, every time there is a surprise, every time there is a surprise, it reminds me of the days when Wu Sheng and Dragon King debuted." Old Zheng rubbed his forehead.

The companions sighed and sighed, and finally gave Lao Zheng a thumbs-up, praising him for his good vision. At the very beginning, he discovered Lou Cheng, a dark horse that couldn't be darker, and he kept his confidence all the time, never wavering.

"Haha, Lao Zheng, did you bet again before, how much did you win? Shouldn't you treat the brothers to a meal?" A certain companion joked.

Old Zheng's face changed slightly, and he said with a wry smile:

"I'm betting that Ye Youting wins..."

"Ah?" The companions looked at Lao Zheng with amused and astonished expressions.

Old Zheng sighed: "I'm not a fortune teller. Before the competition, who would have thought that Lou Cheng would actually win Ye Youting!"

He couldn't help but swear, venting all the emotions in his heart.


Lou Cheng had no way of knowing how the audience outside was. He was lying on a bed in the emergency room, hung with normal saline, waiting for the doctor to observe whether the high fever had subsided.

Holding the phone in his right hand, he turned on the camera function, took a photo of his left hand in the infusion, and then boarded it, sent it to Yan Zheke, and said with a pitiful expression, "An experience I haven't had in five or six years!"

Lou Cheng has been fairly healthy since he was a child, especially after he started growing, he only occasionally has a slight cold or fever, and he can be cured quickly by taking any medicine, and there is no need for injections. He hasn't experienced the feeling of being pricked for many years.

Yan Zheke replied with a sweaty expression: "I was hung up last year, but it's much better than when I was a child. Before practicing martial arts, I had to go to the hospital every two or three weeks, and it took three years of practice to be considered healthy." , You haven’t seen the photos of me in junior high school and elementary school, I look really sick, now, I can barely catch up with the standard of normal people.”

"I really want to see your junior high school and elementary school photos, you must be very cute and cute." Lou Cheng's dizzy head didn't prevent him from teasing him again.

"Tsk, you're still so flamboyant even while hanging the water, how do you feel now?" Yan Zheke asked with concern.

Lou Cheng thought for a while, and pressed the on-screen keyboard with one hand: "The fever seems to have subsided a little, it's not so hot, but the body is very weak and the head is dizzy."

Yan Zheke "covered her mouth" and smiled, "Hello, Lou Daiyu!"

After finishing speaking, she said with a "sparkling eyes" expression: "By the way, what happened when you competed with Ye Youting? How did you burst out with that level of strength?"

She seemed to hold back this question for a long time, and after confirming that Lou Cheng had improved, she finally asked.

Lou Cheng had been thinking about how to explain this matter to Yan Zheke for a long time, and at this moment, he made a tearful emoji shaking his head with his fists clenched: "I don't want to, it's all an accident! At that time, I just wanted to lose decently, So I'm desperately supporting, constantly squeezing my body, and every minute I can hold on is counted as a minute."

"You also know that my physical strength is at the abnormal level, and I have never reached the limit, but this time I finally reached the limit, and then I felt as if something exploded inside my body, and a terrible force erupted, pushing me to have to The attack defeated Ye Youting."

"As soon as this power was released, I felt hollowed out and almost fainted on the spot. You can watch the video of the game. At the end, my face should be ugly, or flushed abnormally."

Most of what he said was true, but he replaced Jindan with physical strength and covered it up.

Yan Zheke replied with a knocking and cursing expression: "If you don't die, you won't die! People develop talents or abilities step by step, for fear of losing control, just like the supernatural disciple Wang Xiaoshuang from Daxing Temple, Because the fire control ability was out of control, several houses were burned down, and then they were sent to Dahang Temple to practice meditation and meditate in order to control it. What are you doing to squeeze your physical talent to the limit? Now you know the consequences!"

"Got it, got it, what Coach Yan taught me is that with this experience, I won't dare to do it again!" Lou Cheng was scolded warmly, and hastily agreed.

Feeling the concern of the girl you love is really a joyful and happy thing!

And with this experience of seeming to die, I really dare not influence the golden core like this again, I must find a better and safer way to digest it.

Yan Zheke posted a cat holding a small fish: "Just understand, I'll look for a chance to see if I can get some information from my grandfather on how to gradually develop talents or abilities. If it doesn't work, you can only ask Coach Shi Yes, he seems to have a lot of background, and he must have something in his stomach."

"Coach Yan is so kind!" Lou Cheng replied with a "smirk". He felt heavy eyelids and tiredness emerging, and wanted to sleep like this, so he added, "If I don't answer later, I must be too tired to sleep It's on, don't worry."

"Hmph, I'm not worried, I was just scared by you." Yan Zheke talked about her previous feelings with a dumbfounded expression, "At the beginning when you were suppressed by Ye Youting, I thought it was quite normal. I watched and thought about how to tease you, but you exploded immediately, like, like you completed the Super Saiyan transformation, I was so surprised that I didn’t blink for a long time, when I came back to my senses, I began to feel something was wrong , This is not a cartoon, how can this level of explosion not pay the price? So I called you immediately."

Lou Cheng was exhausted, exhausted, and his typing speed naturally slowed down. Just after reading this message, before he had time to type a few words, Yan Zheke continued with a sighing onion: "Poor girl Ye, It must be a big blow, who would have thought that she would lose beforehand, even you yourself would not have thought of it!"

"Life lies in surprises, and it's a small miracle. The fund that treats you to a big meal has increased by 10,000 yuan!" Thinking of the happy result, Lou Cheng's mood improved a bit.

"Then I'll eat you poor!" Yan Zheke said with a cute expression while eating noodles from a big bowl.

I'll feed you for a lifetime... Lou Cheng silently replied.

"By the way, Cheng Zi, did you get your ticket?" Yan Zheke changed the subject and brought up something urgent about Lou Cheng's return home.

Lou Cheng suddenly woke up: "Shit, I almost forgot about this."

"The way you are now, how can you have the energy to wait and grab it? Give me your ID number, and I'll get it for you." Yan Zheke said with a "quickly praise me" expression.

Lou Cheng burst into ecstasy, and hurriedly said: "Student Yan Xiaoke is really beautiful and kind! You give me your Alipay account number, and I will transfer the ticket money to you first, and make up for it if you don't have enough."

After chatting about this matter for a while, he fell asleep unknowingly, and all kinds of bizarre scenes flashed in the dream, and they all flew by quickly, leaving no trace.

When Lou Cheng woke up, it was close to five o'clock, his head was still a little dizzy, and his body was still weak, but the high fever had almost subsided, and his forehead and cheeks were no longer hot.

"This is the prize of 10,000 yuan for the top eight. After the organizer knew you were here, they sent it over directly." The doctor handed over a large stack of hundred-yuan banknotes.

Lou Cheng exhaled and scratched his head: "I forgot to sleep, I am really troublesome to you."

"Where is that, your opponent in the quarterfinals is Bai Song, fight hard, and create another miracle!" The doctor clenched his fist and waved his arms, Lou Cheng was stunned.


After taking a taxi back to the hotel, Lou Cheng had no appetite at all. After taking the medicine, he lay on the bed and chatted with Yan Zheke for a while, then fell into a deep sleep again, and slept until 7:30 the next morning, missing his morning exercise for the first time.

His head regained his sobriety, as if he had finally come out of a serious illness. He tried to calm down first, looked inside his body to check if there were any hidden problems, and then climbed up. Said: "I got a ticket for you. It's 11:40 noon. You should be in time for the competition, right? But I think you probably won't be able to compete because you were so sick yesterday."

"Coach Yan is really categorical, I guess I have to abstain." Lou Cheng replied with an aggrieved expression.

Yan Zheke was "in a daze" and said, "How is your body?"

"The fever has completely subsided, and I feel hungry, but my muscles are still sore and I don't have much strength. I think it's barely enough to walk with my luggage, let alone fight." Have flu symptoms.

"It's okay, it's okay, you expected to lose yesterday, and it's very honorable to survive until today!" Yan Zheke said in relief.

After chatting for a while, Lou Cheng got up to take a shower, only to see himself haggard in the mirror.

He watched for a minute, then suddenly raised his right hand, rubbed his thumb and index finger together, and a small flame was created!

This is what he gained when he looked inside just now, and found that the residual heat of the golden core flame seems to have completely integrated into his body. Of course, the power is so small that it is useless.

"What is this?" Lou Cheng smiled, and said to himself in the mirror, "Congratulations, you have awakened the supernatural lighter! The supernatural power that can only light a cigarette!"

He blew out, blowing out the flickering flame.

However, this can be used to perform magic tricks for Yan Zheke, as a surprise. Anyway, things like supernatural powers are familiar to everyone, and Yan Zheke can be considered to have personally experienced what happened to her yesterday. You should be mentally prepared.


After packing his luggage, Lou Cheng put his backpack on his back with some difficulty, went to the front desk to check out the room, and took a taxi to the Yanling Martial Arts Hall.

"Is your supervisor here?" He asked Ning Ling, the girl at the service desk.

Ning Ling asked suspiciously, "What are you looking for from the supervisor?"

There was a little more awe in her eyes, she was no longer as lively and friendly as before, a martial artist who can defeat Ye Youting but is under 20 always makes people feel unattainable!

Lou Cheng thanked her for her previous support, and said with a smile: "I used the secret method of stimulating potential in the first battle yesterday, and I suffered backlash. I really couldn't hold on anymore, so I had to abstain."

"Oh, oh, that's it..." Ning Ling was stunned, as if he had solved the biggest doubt in his heart, and then led Lou Cheng to find the person in charge of the competition.

"Are you going to retire?" The person in charge of the game seemed to have expected it, and his tone was quite calm.

Lou Cheng repeated the explanation just now, and finally said: "If I can fight, I'm definitely willing to give it a try."

The person in charge of the competition said with a low smile: "I saw you in the emergency room yesterday, and I guessed that there would be such a result. Of course, according to the procedure, I still have to find someone to check it for you. You can't just say what you say. Right?"

He called two masters of alchemy, including Lao Sheng, Liu Zunyu's head of bodyguards. They gave Lou Cheng a rough check and confirmed his physical condition.


Carrying his luggage, Lou Cheng walked to the gate of the martial arts gymnasium. Just as he was about to step out, he suddenly had an inexplicable feeling.

This door is the door for him to become a real warrior. The self who first stepped here and the self who is about to leave completely have completed a radical change.

He looked back at the venue again, the games he experienced and his own cheers flashed in his mind, and the glorious road he stepped on again and again flashed.

Yanling, one of the most important stations in life!

Feelings of nostalgia lingered in his heart until he got into the taxi, Lou Cheng was still immersed in it, unable to extricate himself for a long time.

"Student, are you leaving now? Don't you want to watch the next game?" The taxi driver, a very talkative uncle, asked casually.

Lou Cheng is a very polite person, although he doesn't really want to chat, he still replied: "I have to go home, if I don't go back, I will be scolded, I have been on vacation for several days."

He slid his thumb to unlock the phone, thinking about what he should do next. Yan Zheke had to practice martial arts in the morning, so he couldn't chat.

"Unfortunately, the following competitions will definitely be more exciting than the next one." The driver uncle said happily, "Let me tell you, this time there is a dark horse in this competition, and it is very powerful. It is called Lou Cheng. Ye Youting has already won, maybe today she will be upset again and defeat Bai Song!"

"Let me tell you, I've put a lot of private money on him, and I'm relying on him to send a fortune!"

"..." Lou Cheng was dumbfounded, and silently let go of his fingers. He had just called up the address book and was about to call old man Shi.

"Hey, classmate, what's wrong with you?" The driver uncle glanced at him.

Lou Cheng laughed dryly, "It's not very comfortable..."

Let's call again when we arrive at the train station!


In a fairly tidy bedroom, Yan Xiaoling woke up.

Yesterday she was dragged by her best friend to go shopping, and she was exhausted when she came back. She didn't carry out the planned event, and now it's time to start!

She searched and found that the name Lou Cheng is rare, and there is no personal post bar or forum yet, so in the place where there are many forums such as Dragon Tiger Club, she clicked to create a new forum and chose the category Warrior.

"The name of the forum: Lou Cheng."

"Nature: Personal"

A series of information appeared in Yan Xiaoling's eyes, she browsed through it, the corners of her mouth curled up, and she laughed softly:

"Hey, I'll be the first fan!"

After speaking, she pressed the blue box:

"Start creating!"