Martial Arts Master

Chapter 96: change of mood


After confirming the time to go to Director Xing's house to pay New Year's greetings, Lou Cheng hurriedly sent a message to Yan Zheke on Q, because his emotions had not completely calmed down, so he didn't use a hippie smiley expression: "Coach Yan, Director Xing just called me and said When Wang Xu got to be sentenced, I took the opportunity to mention that I would like to come to pay New Year's greetings, and he agreed, and it will be on the seventh day of the lunar new year. What do you think would be a better gift?"

Since the Yan family has a good relationship with Director Xing, they must know his preferences.

"You've asked the right person!" Yan Zheke said with a wicked smile, "Uncle Xing is from Ningshui. There are two things he loves most in his life. One is the original wine from Ningshui Winery, and the other is Ningshui green bud tea, especially Maojian Luya, try to see if you can buy it first, if not, you can get a copy of the most high-end Ningshui Daqu and Luya tea, anyway, he won't care too much about what you, a junior, give, the main thing is his heart. "

"The most high-end Ningshui Daqu is only a few tens of dollars, and the non-Maojian premium green bud tea is probably about the same. After calculating it, it can be solved for a hundred dollars. I always feel a little nervous." Lou Cheng "wiped it Khan" said.

My mother is from Ningshui County, Xiushan City. My father, grandfather and grandfather all like to drink Ningshui Daqu and green bud tea, so I probably know the price.

Yan Zheke "covered her mouth" and smiled, "That's why it's called a small gift, listen to me, it's right~"

"Okay, Coach Yan told me to go east, so I will go east!" Lou Cheng expressed his loyalty, and planned to try to buy Yuandu wine and Maojian green sprouts first, "Uh, Director Xing is in charge of martial arts affairs, and he should be an expert Right? It looks like you're not practicing drunken boxing, isn't it afraid that drinking will affect your reaction?"

Yan Zheke waited for a while before answering: "Phew, the dishes at my cousin's house are getting worse and worse, bad review! Uncle Xing, he only drinks two yuan for dinner every day, just for entertainment, and he is also a sixth-rank alchemy realm A master has a strong grasp of the body and is not afraid of affecting anything."

Lou Cheng was about to ask Chief Xing about his martial arts skills, so he could have a chat about it at that time, so that he would not have anything to say because he was not familiar with it, and the atmosphere would be awkward, but Yan Zheke added: "When you go to pay New Year's greetings, Uncle Xing His daughter Jingjing should be there too, you have to be careful when you speak, and don't mention words such as hooligans, gangsters, and perverts."

"Why?" Lou Cheng was at a loss. Does this need to be emphasized

Yan Zheke "rolled her eyes" and said, "This is a secret, don't ask!"

Lou Cheng scratched his head, so he could only restrain his curiosity, first asked Director Xing's good martial arts is "golden jade body" and the modern style of Xingyi, and then stood in Yan Zheke's position, criticizing her cousin's cooking.

As he was talking, he suddenly felt a little puzzled. Yan Zheke, who had communicated with him the most, was surprised that he could win the dangerous ninth rank of the profession. Why did the master treat him as if he were ordinary, without any emotion at all? fluctuations

Even if he knew that he had awakened his ability, he should give some reaction

He was not like this during the Xiaowusheng group arena!

Does he believe in my strength so much


In a house decorated in a Mediterranean style, old man Shi pressed his chest, walked to the wine cabinet, opened the door, took out a bottle of wine without a label, and poured himself a glass.

"Dad, why are you drinking again?" A voice came from afar, only the voice could be heard, but the person could not be seen, it seemed that the movement here could be grasped from a long distance.

The corner of old man Shi's mouth twitched: "Don't be surprised, be shocked."

"What's so surprising about you?" The voice was like ice beads hitting a jade plate, but it was somewhat matured over time.

"My idiot apprentice overwhelmed himself with an Anbu's Ninth Grade. It's just as impulsive as I was when I was young." Old man Shi squinted his eyes and smelled the wine, his face full of intoxication.

The voice was puzzled and said: "Didn't you say that the junior brother only has strong amateur first-rank combat power? Anbu's ninth-rank is not the kind that has not been inherited. The secret method of spiritual momentum is very effective at this stage. Could it be that he is in danger? That's why you're scared?"

"Childish! Naive! Will I be frightened by this?" Old man Shi curled his lips, "He took action to prevent the other party from killing, and beat the other party to death in a life-and-death struggle..."

"He killed the other party? His fire ability is not to this point?" The voice was quite surprised.

Old man Shi took the opportunity to drink the wine in the glass, tapped his lower lip and said: "Look, you are also surprised, aren't you? Old man, I almost failed to maintain the majesty and demeanor of Master, so I held back when I was in suspense!"

"I guess he has encountered this Ninth Grade Anbu before, and he is on guard against the secret method of spiritual momentum, otherwise it is absolutely impossible." The voice said firmly.

"That's what I thought afterwards." Old man Shi wiped his gray hair, "I'm taken aback by this silly apprentice every time!"


It is a custom in Xiushan that you can't visit relatives on the first day of the Lunar New Year, and spend it at your own home. Lou Cheng lay down for a while, and then heard his mother calling for lunch.

When he went out, he sat across from his father Lou Zhisheng. Before he could speak, he saw his mother Qi Fang sneaking around, and said mysteriously: "The kid from the old Wang family was arrested, so I asked Xiao Luo to pack his clothes." Things like that were sent to the police station.”

Xiao Luo is Wang Xu's mother, Luo Aijin, who is two years younger than Qi Fang.

Mom, haven't you been cooking in the kitchen, how did you know this gossip? Lou Cheng looked at his mother like a god.

"Where did you get the rumor? You haven't been out today." Lou Zhisheng was also deeply surprised.

Qi Fang rolled his eyes at him: "You don't know how to use a mobile phone? Of course someone called me to talk about this!"

Lou Cheng probably understood the reason why gossip and gossip in the community spread so quickly, and he was afraid for a while. If he was detained and waited to find out, it would definitely spread to the whole community. At that time, his father and mother One can imagine the feeling!

When you are impulsive, think more about your family!

"Old Wang's boy was really arrested?" Lou Zhisheng asked with concern.

"Really, it is said that a major crime has been committed, and the police will personally come to the door to notify you. If you don't know, you will be sentenced to more than ten years, and your life will be ruined." Qi Fang sighed, then turned her head and glared at Lou Cheng again, "See No, learn martial arts, learn martial arts, don't be competitive, don't get in touch with those gangsters!"

"Mom, don't worry, I will remember this lesson." Lou Cheng took a deep breath.

Engrave it in your heart, keep your fear in mind, and prevent you from doing similar stupid things in the future.

Lou Zhisheng sighed: "Old Wang is also suffering, but his boy is a gangster, there must be a mastermind above him, and the sentence may not be so severe. If he behaves better and strives for a reduced sentence, he may come out in a few years. When you’re in your twenties, you can still start over.”

"You nerd, if you get in touch with the community more, you will know. People with criminal records are very discriminated against. It will be difficult to find a better daughter-in-law in the future." Qi Fang also sighed. It's been ten years, and I haven't seen you up and down. The neighbors have a lot of affection.

While eating, they felt sorry for Wang Xu and lamented about the Wang family. Lou Cheng didn't intervene and listened quietly, feeling that every word they said hit his heart, filling him with guilt and regret.

In the matter of murder, because of the other party's previous convictions, the other party's performance, and the scene at the time, I didn't blame myself. Although the loss of Yi Yi's life shocked me, it was not someone I knew. After all, it was not that strong, so I behaved It's still calm, so there won't be too obvious post-traumatic sequelae, but the possible consequences of the whole thing are constantly beating yourself, beating continuously, making yourself thoroughly reflect on yourself, and gradually lose that reckless impulse.

Perhaps this is the change of mood caused by this incident. It can be regarded as the necessary tempering for the martial arts that Grandpa Yan Zheke said.

In the future, make decisions and then act, a gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall, not for other things, but for too many entanglements!

"Understood, Chengzi?" Qi Fang's voice reached his ears.

Lou Cheng was in a trance just now, he was reflecting on himself, he didn't listen to their chat seriously, at this moment he said with a confused face: "Ah?"

"What are you thinking?" Qi Fang said angrily, "I said, you learn martial arts and return to learning martial arts, don't break the law with martial arts like the ones said on TV. Your father and I are both in our forties, and we have lived more than half of our lives." It's been a lifetime, and I can't stand any more troubles."

"En." Lou Cheng nodded vigorously.


On the wet ground, the man in the black practice suit suddenly turned into a giant green-eyed wolf, biting Lou Cheng's throat with his teeth deeply inserted...

Lou Cheng suddenly turned over and sat up, his head covered in cold sweat, panting heavily, still immersed in the fear brought by the nightmare.

In the dark, he pressed the phone to turn on the fluorescent lights. After a glance, he found that it was less than four o'clock, and there was still a lot of time before getting up early and exercising.

Hey, for me as a freshman, this is an unprecedented bad thing. Even if the haze clears away and the mental trauma is not serious, it will not be able to completely recover in two or three days.

Residual emotions will take time to dissipate.

Quickly calmed down, took a nap, Lou Cheng got up on time to exercise, sweating, tearing the airflow, pumping his whole body, shaking his spirits, eating away the shadows in his heart with his vigorous energy and blood.

When he got home, he took a shower, tidied up, and then went out with his parents, to his aunt Qi Yan's house in Ningshui County, and had a family reunion with his grandfather and the others.

His grandfather only had two daughters, and the youngest daughter, Qi Yan, was considered a door-to-door son-in-law. It was agreed that the child would take the mother's surname, and if there was a second one, the father's surname would be taken. Currently, there are also two daughters.

"I just want to buy the original liquor and Maojian green buds from Ningshui Winery..." Lou Cheng looked at the scenery outside the car window, thinking about it.

However, these two things are relatively difficult to buy. When the time comes, I will first ask my aunt and uncle to see if they have any connections in the small supermarket...

The distance from Xiushan to Ningshui is not far. If you have a car, you can arrive at Lou Cheng’s aunt downstairs in 40 minutes from the community where Lou Cheng’s family lives. But if you don’t have a car, you have to take a bus to the bus station to buy Tickets, when you arrive at Ningshui Station, you have to turn around all the way, back and forth, no one and a half hours is definitely not enough.

The scenery flew by, and Lou Cheng, who was concentrating on chatting, soon saw the streets of Ningshui County.

ps: I think, a boy and a half suddenly had an adventure, his martial arts improved so fast, the master didn't expect it, and he didn't give corresponding teachings in time. In terms of daily mentality, there will definitely be problems, and there will inevitably be some bad experiences , so I wrote very detailed about Lou Cheng's change of mood, and I finally finished the last stroke in this chapter, I hope everyone can feel it.