Martial Arts Reigns

Chapter 115: Two major restrictions


Gongsun Yan said quickly: "Senior, don't get angry. The reality is like this. Does the Miaosuan Sect have any other choices? Or are you willing to join the Tianyi Sect and completely integrate into the Sheyang Sect?"

"That's even more impossible!" The white-browed old man shook his head repeatedly.

Gongsun Yan smiled: "Of course, our Chiyang Sect is not without sincerity. You also know that our Chiyang Sect gained a lot from the last trip to the secret realm. For example, my nephew got a volume from it. Taiyi Divine Technique.”

"What? Taiyi Divine Technique? Seriously?" Several old men jumped up, their eyes as wide as copper bells. Even Qi Qianli was no longer calm, staring at Ye Ming as if looking at a unique treasure.

Ye Ming felt uncomfortable. He glanced at Gongsun Yan and said, "This junior has indeed obtained the Taiyi Divine Technique and has been practicing it for a while."

Qi Qianli took a long breath and said: "The Taiyi Sect was one of the few great sects in the Five Elements God Dynasty back then. Its foundation was not as profound as today's Holy Land. It's a pity that the chaos wiped it out and left no trace of the Taoism. . I never expected that Taiyi Sect’s most precious treasure would fall into the hands of a little kid like you.”

"Little baby, you didn't lie?" The old man with white eyebrows spoke in a high-pitched voice because of his excitement. He stared at Ye Ming and asked.

Ye Ming rolled his eyes: "If you don't believe me, you can try it."

"Okay!" The old man with white eyebrows took out a piece of straw paper from his arms, with a bunch of symbols drawn horizontally and vertically on it. After drawing for a long time, he handed the papyrus to Ye Ming's hand and said: "Taiyi Divine Art can deduce all things. This is a calculation problem that I have been thinking hard about. If you can solve it, I will believe you."

Ye Ming didn't understand arithmetic. He simply asked what the symbols represented, and then used the ternary arithmetic matrix to calculate. He had the answer in an instant, and said: "There are thirteen solutions to this question. I will write it for you." Come out." After saying that, he took the pen and wrote down a bunch of symbols.

He was only halfway through writing when the old man screamed: "I see, why didn't I think of that?"

Everyone was surprised. They didn't even understand this question. Ye Ming solved it at a glance

Qi Qianli was moved and said, "Boy, I'll take you somewhere and I'll show you something." He picked up Ye Ming and left.

Gongsun Yan wanted to follow, but was blocked by a few old men. They puffed their beards and glared: "The Miaoshuan Sect is such an important place, no outsiders are allowed in!"

Gongsun Yan rolled his eyes and thought to himself, isn't Ye Ming also an outsider

Ye Ming was held by an old man's hand. Feeling strange, he shook him off halfway and asked, "Master Qi, where are we going?"

Qi Qianli said nothing as he walked through several major halls and finally came to a magnificent palace. There were obviously very powerful restrictions in the palace. Beiming told him that even Wu Zun could not break through this kind of restrictions, which showed that the foundation of Miao Suan Sect was indeed extraordinary.

There were six stone tablets erected in the hall. The stone tablets were three feet three feet tall and three feet three inches wide. They were all jade-colored. Each stone tablet had countless black, tadpole-like weird and complex symbols on it. They were so densely packed that he couldn't understand them at the moment. .

Qi Qianli pointed to the symbols on the first stone tablet and said, "This is the first chapter of the Chaos Calculation Sutra, the chapter on numerology. Can you understand it?"

Ye Ming scratched his head: "Master Qi, I don't understand the meaning of these symbols."

Qi Qianli slapped his head and said, "I overlooked it. These symbols are the basic symbols used in sutra calculation. Each symbol represents a different meaning." As he said that, he took out a book and gave it to Ye Ming for reference.

Ye Ming took a quick look at it. He was extremely intelligent, had a three-dimensional arithmetic array, and had a photographic memory, so he remembered it quickly. Knowing the meaning of the symbols, when he looked up at the sutra calculation, he immediately realized that it was indescribable and unfathomable.

The three-yuan arithmetic array was running rapidly, and he clearly felt that he was about to succeed, but he could never complete it. He stopped calculating and asked seriously: "Master Qi, can you tell me the origin of this "Chaos Calculation Sutra"?"

Qi Qianli's expression changed, and it took him a long time before he gritted his teeth and said, "Okay! In fact, this Chaos Calculation is a god-level technique as famous as Taiyi Divine Technique. Since you can master Taiyi Divine Technique, you can also participate in it." Are you going to understand chaos and calculate sutras?"

Ye Ming was silent for a moment and said: "I'm not sure whether I can comprehend it, and I need time and another thing."

"What?" Qi Qianli asked.

"Soul Pill." Ye Ming said, "The more, the better. Comprehending sutras consumes a lot of mental energy. I must replenish them at any time."

Qi Qianli's eyes widened, the soul pill was quite expensive. But when he thought that Ye Ming might understand the Chaos Sutra, he patted his thigh: "Okay! The Miao Suan Sect happens to have soul pills, and I'll give them to you!"

So not long after, Ye Ming had five hundred more soul pills in his hand, which I guess should be enough.

However, he was not in a hurry to gain enlightenment immediately, but asked Qi Qianli: "Master Qi, since the Miao Suan Sutra contains such a treasure as the Chaos Sutra Sutra, why has it fallen to this level?"

Qi Qianli sighed: "It's a long story. In the era of the Five Elements God Dynasty, in terms of the strongest deduction skills, there were two giants who were neck and neck, namely the Chaos Sect and the Taiyi Sect. The Chaos Sect was good at predicting the general trend, and it was natural to follow the law. ; The Taiyi Sect is good at precise deductions and going against the will of heaven. In fact, each one is good at winning. The Chaos Sect has the "Chaos Calculation Sutra", which is divided into six chapters, namely the cause and effect chapter, the numerology chapter, the inscription chapter, and the talisman chapter. , the Luck Chapter, and the Tianxin Chapter that governs the first five chapters.”

"Because of this, the Chaos Sect was divided into six branches, and each one studied one of them. Later, the Chaos Sect was annihilated, and the Chaos Calculation Sutra was scattered outside. It was obtained by the founder of the Miaosuan Sect, Miaosuan Shanren. Miaosuanshanren loved numerology. So he studied the numerology chapter and founded the Miaosuan Sect. The Miaosuan Mountain people left a lot of insights back then, and it was with those experiences that the Miaosuan Sect gradually grew and became a first-class sect."

"Unfortunately, the sect had a traitor in the early years. The traitor burned all his arithmetic knowledge, killed several of the most knowledgeable elders, and fled away. After that, I made a clever plan The sect is getting worse day by day, and today, it has been reduced to a ninth-grade sect." Qi Qianli sighed, "It's only the fault of the incompetence of those of us who came after us. None of us have the wisdom of the Miaosuan Mountain Man and have lost our experience. After that, you will no longer be able to comprehend the Chaos Sutra.”

Ye Ming thought, is it so difficult? He waved his hand towards Qi Qianli: "Master Qi, go and talk to Elder Gongsun. I want to understand alone."

Qi Qianli then stepped back, closed the door of the hall, and left quietly.

Ye Ming pinched his nose and swallowed five hundred soul pills one after another, and then asked: "Beiming, do you know the "Chaos Calculation Sutra"?"

While suppressing the power of the Soul Pill, Beiming said: "It requires extremely high wisdom to comprehend this calculation sutra. The master has taken the Taiyi Divine Pill and has the Three-Yuan Arithmetic Formation, so it should not be a problem to comprehend it. But the chapter on numerology It won’t help much in terms of combat power, so I suggest the master start with the Inscription Chapter and Talisman Formation Chapter.”

Ye Ming listened to Beiming's suggestion and turned to look at the stone tablet recording the inscription. After trying it just now, he knew that the time for enlightenment would be very long, so he asked for the Soul Pill, hoping to use Beiming's divine acting skills to gain enlightenment.

In the first step, Ye Ming first rubbed all the symbols on the six stone tablets in his mind, so that he could understand them at any time as long as he had time in the future.

This was not the first time that he used magic acting skills, and Ye Ming quickly got into the mood. In the illusion of divine performance, he used all his strength to activate the three-yuan arithmetic array and comprehended the "Inscription Chapter" of the Chaos Arithmetic Sutra. Time flies in the illusion, one day, ten days, one month, two months. In Ye Ming's sea of consciousness, above the three-yuan arithmetic array, an inscription restriction appeared, carrying the weight of sinking and floating. This ban is not perfect yet and needs to be supplemented and constructed.

Half a year later, the ban was completed. Ye Ming opened his eyes and said in surprise: "It turns out that this inscription chapter is not to teach how to make inscriptions, but to teach people to deduce the principles of inscriptions." Then he said, "Beiming, that " Do you recognize all the ancient characters on Mingtian?"

"Yes, Master." After saying that, Beiming directly input the translated information into Ye Ming's Consciousness Sea.

"Inscriptions on the Sky" is an ancient work. It mostly talks about the basics of inscriptions and is very simple. As for what kind of achievements you can achieve after studying this book, it depends on your personal talent and wisdom. The higher the talent, the better you perform and the greater your achievements.

It only took a few days for Ye Ming to thoroughly understand "Mingtian". At this time, the inscription restriction moved on its own, and in an instant, countless thoughts emerged from his mind. He couldn't help but feel a little itchy, and wanted to try the inscription level.

However, Ye Ming finally held on to his temper and continued to comprehend the Talisman Array Chapter, condensing a Talisman Array Restriction. This process also took him half a year, and then he continued to study the second ancient book "The Talisman Array", and used the Talisman Array's restrictions to deduce many changes in the Talisman Array.

Of course, the two current restrictions are still one-level restrictions, which belong to the simplest category. On top of the first level of prohibition, there are two levels of prohibition, three levels of prohibition, etc. With each additional level of prohibition, the difficulty and complexity will double, and the time for enlightenment will also double.

According to the Chaos Calculation Sutra, according to the strength of the strength, the restrictions are from low to high, namely small thousand prohibition, medium thousand prohibition and great thousand prohibition. What Ye Ming has now is the Small Thousand Restriction. A thousand small Thousand Restrictions can be converted into a Medium Thousand Restriction. Similarly, a thousand Medium Thousand Restrictions can be converted into a Great Thousand Restriction.

According to Suan Jing, Xiao Qian's ban can be effective in this world. And the Zhongqian Restriction has an effect even in the outer world. As for the Great Thousand Restrictions, they are universally applicable to the Three Thousand Great Worlds and can be used in all worlds.

Ye Ming's two restrictions are both first-level restrictions, which are the most basic restrictions.

Ye Ming did not continue to participate in other chapters, but spent the rest of his time calculating the restrictions, and the three-dimensional calculation array was operating at full capacity.

Time flies, two years later, the ban has become a double ban; six years later, the ban has become a triple ban; fourteen years later, the ban has been upgraded to a quadruple ban. At this point, all the soul pills had been consumed, and he had no choice but to withdraw from the art of divine acting. What was a pity for him was that if he had a four-element arithmetic formation, he could shorten his training time in half.

As soon as Ye Ming opened his eyes, he saw Qi Qianli sitting in front of him and looking forward to it. This old guy didn't know when he came. He immediately asked eagerly: "Ye Ming, have you understood it?"