Martial Arts Reigns

Chapter 118: Three gates and two sects


Lu Tianhua's eyelids twitched as he was scolded, and he said in a dark voice: "Qi Qianli, as the leader of a sect, be careful with your words!"

"Ignore your mother!" Qi Qianli was so filled with hatred that he could no longer speak normally. He opened his mouth to curse, showing no trace of the demeanor of a sect leader.

Zhong Shenxiu sneered and said, "Master Lu, I didn't expect to meet here. Why don't we discuss a charter?"

"What regulations?" Lu Tianhua pretended not to know.

Zhong Shenxiu shut up and said to the Wujun guard: "Master Wujun, these people are committing murder in Yan County. How should we deal with it?"

When Lord Wu arrived, Zhou Hao issued an order to obey Zhong Shenxiu's instructions. He immediately said: "Kill them all." After saying that, a powerful divine will enveloped the people present.

When Lord Wu was angry, blood flowed everywhere, and the ground was covered with blood. Lu Tianhua and others were absolutely unable to resist, and their expressions changed drastically at that time.

Ren Yuan knew that Zhong Shenxiu was demonstrating, so he frowned and asked, "Zhong Shenxiu, what do you want to do?"

They were not fools, and they all saw that Zhong Shenxiu didn't really want to get rid of them, but wanted to coerce them into submission.

Zhong Shenxiu said calmly: "Fenglei Sect, Zixu Sect, and Miaosuan Sect have all agreed to form an alliance with Chiyang Sect and exist as a branch of Chiyang Sect. Therefore, I would like to ask whether Sheyang Sect will also become a branch of Chiyang Sect. A branch of Tianyi Sect?"

Lu Tianhua looked very ugly and said, "This is a matter of Sheyang Sect and has nothing to do with you!"

"Really? Does it have anything to do with the Sheriff? I am ordered by the Sheriff to take full responsibility for this matter!" Zhong Shenxiu bowed his hands in the direction of the royal capital, "If Master Lu doesn't cooperate, then it's wrong, right? Come on, I can only report to the governor to kill the Sheyang Sect!"

Lu Tianhua snorted heavily: "Since the county guard wants to ask, there is nothing to hide. Our Sheyang Sect will be merged into Tianyi Sect."

Zhong Shenxiu nodded: "This is a good idea. However, Tianyi Sect is basically controlled by your Sheyang Sect. If your Sheyang Sect merges into Tianyi Sect, the resources of Tianyi Sect will probably be taken away by you, right? This will affect the other The sect is very unfair! Therefore, I suggest that it is better to use the resources of Tianyi Sect and share them equally among the six sects."

"Zhong Shenxiu, don't go too far!" Lu Tianhua was furious, "If you want to take advantage of Tianyimen, don't even think about it!"

Zhong Shenxiu then asked Lord Wu: "Master Wu, I remember that the county governor had other instructions?"

The Wu Jun said cooperatively: "The governor said that there are not many people in Yan County. He is considering whether to ask the Marquis of Dong Qi to reduce the number of sects by one, leaving only one Chiyang Sect."

As soon as these words came out, Lu Tianhua was startled. He stared at Zhong Shenxiu fiercely, but his arms could not twist his thighs. After thinking about it again and again, he could only agree and said: "Okay. But Yan country is more than just our four gates and three gates." Zong, there are two major families, if we want to divide the Tianyi Sect equally, the two major families should also have a share, right?"

Zhong Shenxiu smiled and said: "Of course. But how to divide it? Does Master Lu have any good suggestions?"

Lu Tianhua seemed to have already thought about it, and immediately said: "In my opinion, each of the eight families will send ten warriors to conduct a battle ranking in the ring. The force represented by the first place will get 30% of the resources, and the force represented by the second place will get 20% of the resources." Half of the resources, the third place will get 20% of the resources, and so on, decreasing by half in sequence, how about?"

Zhong Shenxiu said: "So, only the top six can get the resources."

"How is it? In the Linghe Secret Realm, the outer disciples let you, the Chiyang Sect, take the lead. This time we are stronger than the inner disciples, do you dare?" Lu Tianhua asked provocatively.

Zhong Shenxiu smiled. Ye Ming and Su Lan are now inner disciples. He has nothing to fear. The top two are safe, that is, 55% of the resources! He immediately said: "Okay! Just follow Headmaster Lu's suggestion. The Tianyi Gate has been sealed by the county guard and will not be opened until the arena is over."

Lu Tianhua's heart felt cold. He originally wanted to turn around and quietly transfer some of Tianyimen's resources, but he didn't expect that Zhong Shenxiu had already taken action in advance, and his plan immediately failed.

Zhong Shenxiu glanced at Huang Jizu and Ren Yuan again, and said with a smile: "Huang Family Head, Ren Family Head, of course you want Tianyi Sect's resources. But you can't just take things, you must also contribute to Yan County. OK."

Huang Jizu and Ren Yuan immediately became vigilant and asked: "What do you mean?"

Zhong Shenxiu said calmly: "The county governor said that all aristocratic families must register in accordance with the law and pay a head tax to the Qinglong Dynasty every year, which will be collected by the county governor. You two are both low-grade bronze families, and you must pay 10,000 martial arts every year. The tax of Jun coins. Now that Yan County has just been established, everything is waiting to be renovated, and the county governor is very short of money, so I hope that you two can advance ten years of taxes, which is one hundred thousand Wu Jun coins."

"What?" Huang Jizu almost vomited blood, "It's just a matter of paying taxes, but you actually have to pay ten years in advance? How can our Huang family get so much money!"

Zhong Shenxiu sneered: "You don't have to pay if you don't have money, but the county governor said that aristocratic families are different from sects, and management is not easy. He may refer to the old system of the Qinglong Dynasty and pay a 'head tax' to the aristocratic families."

As soon as these words came out, Huang Jizu and Ren Yuan's hearts sank. The head tax was a tax enacted by the five dynasties in order to limit the excessive development of aristocratic families. The more people there are, the more taxes they pay. In order to avoid taxes, some aristocratic families had to divide their families after their population reached a certain size. It's just that the head tax is generally only levied on the golden family. After all, only the golden family is powerful enough to affect the overall situation, and it is necessary to control it.

After his face changed several times, Huang Jizu said helplessly: "Okay, my Huang family is willing to advance taxes for ten years." If a poll tax is imposed, it will cost more than 100,000 Wujun coins, which will be beyond the Huang family's ability. The burden to bear.

"My Ren family is also willing." Ren Yuan then said. One hundred thousand Wujun coins is not a small number for the Bronze Family, but it is not a big amount either. The Ren family's annual income exceeds 100,000 Wujun coins.

Zhong Shenxiu said with satisfaction: "In that case, I won't give it away."

Lu Tianhua and others left with a heavy face. Zhong Shenxiu was invited to the welcoming hall, and the boy presented tea and fruit.

Qi Qianli said with a smile: "Master Zhong, Ye Ming wants to stay in our Miaosuan Sect for a few days, do you have any objection?"

Gongsun Yan had already told Zhong Shenxiu about Ye Ming. He smiled and said, "Of course you can. It is Ye Ming's honor to become a registered disciple of the Miaosuan Sect." He deliberately emphasized the word "named disciple". The meaning is obvious. Ye Ming is the treasure of our Chiyang Sect. He can be your registered disciple, but he must not have other ideas.

Qi Qianli said quickly: "When Junior Brother Ye Ming becomes a martial artist, we will ask him to serve as the elder of the guest minister. Moreover, he can use the resources of the Miao Suan Sect at will."

Only then did Zhong Shenxiu feel relieved, and continued: "The overall situation of Yan State has been decided, and there is only one thing left, and that is to compete for the resources of Tianyi Sect. In terms of resources, Tianyi Sect is probably not inferior to Sheyang Sect, and we must do our best Go ahead and strive for as much as possible.”

Ye Ming couldn't help but ask: "Master, how many resources can the Tianyi Sect have, and how should they be divided? Should we just sell them to get the money?"

Zhong Shenxiu nodded: "The royal business is very big and involves several surrounding countries. It is basically controlled by Tianyi Sect, such as the Royal Pawn Shop, the Royal Station, the Royal Casino, the Royal Escort Bureau, etc., and makes huge profits every year. We It is estimated that the value of Tianyi Sect’s resources ranges from 500,000 Martial Lord Coins to 1 million Martial Lord Coins. However, these resources are difficult to divide and will eventually be converted into Martial Coins for distribution.”

Ye Ming was surprised, millions of Wuzun coins! So rich

Zhong Shenxiu said with a smile: "If you and Su Lan can get the first and second place, our Chiyang Sect will get 55% of the resources!"

Qi Qianli looked hot. Although this matter had nothing to do with the Miaosuan Sect, he still said: "Lu Tianhua proposed such a method because he must have thought it would be beneficial to them. Could it be that some kind of genius came out of the Tianyi Sect?"

Zhong Shenxiu disagreed. He had too much confidence in Ye Ming. Even the golden prince could not defeat Ye Ming. The genius of a small sect was nothing! But he didn't say these words, just Yun Danfeng smiled softly and said: "It doesn't matter!"

While they were talking, someone came to report that it was the puppet master who wanted to see him.

Everyone was stunned, what was the Puppet Sect doing at this time

Hu Tiexian walked into the reception hall with a dark face. When he met, he said, "Zhong Shenxiu, Qi Qianli, can you help me?"

Zhong Shen Xiu asked curiously: "Hu Tiexian, what are you calling for? Look at your appearance, could something have happened?"

Hu Tiexian scolded: "Lu Tianhua's group of bastards, together with the Huang family and the Ren family, crushed the Puppet Sect. If I hadn't had the life-saving Wu Jun puppet, the Puppet Sect would have been finished!"

Everyone was taken aback, and Qi Qianli said: "Fortunately, our Miaosuan Sect managed to hold on, otherwise the end would be even worse than yours."

Zhong Shenxiu asked the key: "Sect Master Hu, you want us to help you?"

Hu Tiexian said angrily: "That's right! My Puppet Sect is willing to join the Chiyang Sect! Only in this way will the Sheyang Sect not dare to attack us."

Zhong Shenxiu thought for a while and said, "But your Puppet Sect has been crushed, how can you join the Chiyang Sect?"

Hu Tiexian smiled coldly: "The Puppet Sect's mountain gate is not valuable, so I keep all the good things in storage tools. In fact, if I really have to fight hard, I may not be afraid of them. It's just that my family is limited and I don't want to fight with them. Don't underestimate it. Me, as long as you give me three years, I can rebuild the Puppet Sect!"

Naturally, Zhong Shenxiu would not refuse such a force and agreed immediately. Of course, the Puppet Sect had to pay a certain amount of resources and skills like other sects that joined, and Hu Tiexian readily agreed.

In fact, everyone understands that Hu Tiexian can go elsewhere and re-establish a sect. The reason why he wanted to join the Chiyang Sect was precisely because the Chiyang Sect stood on the opposite side of the Sheyang Sect. The enemy of the enemy was naturally a friend. This was the main reason.

With the addition of Hu Tiexian, the strength of the Chiyang Sect has become much stronger. Five of the four sects and three sects belong to it. Of course, the future Tianyi Sect should not be underestimated. It is a fusion of Sheyang Sect and Tianyi Sect, as well as the secret support of the Huang Family and the Ren Family. Its strength may not be weaker than that of the Chiyang Sect.

At this time, Zhong Shenxiu said: "It's time for the heads of our three sects and two sects to sit together. Everyone, please move to Chiyang Sect, and let's discuss important matters!"