Martial Arts Reigns

Chapter 49: Refining bones makes a great achievement, and lifting a heavy weight is as if it were light


As soon as he came up, Ye Ming won three games in a row, and the chips in front of him changed from one hundred to five hundred. After that, he lost and won, and the principle is simple, whenever Tu Shiyu wants to win, he must win.

However, during the card game, Bei Ming discovered a secret, that is, Tu Shiyu and Huang Yuankun secretly exchanged cards. Their methods were so secretive that even Zhou Hualong could not discover them. But, how could their little moves hide from Beiming's senses

However, they do not have the opportunity to change cards in every game. Most of the time, Zhou Hualong and Ye Ming win. Five rounds, ten rounds, fifteen rounds. Ye Ming's chips have become more than two thousand, and Zhou Hualong has also increased a lot.

Tu Shiyu and Huang Yuankun's faces were ugly. They never expected that they would lose so miserably today. When they finally reached the 20th round, the two of them left one after another because they had no money. At this time, Ye Ming had more than three thousand chips in front of him and made about one hundred and fifty Wujun coins.

After the gambling game was over, Zhou Hualong took a deep look at Ye Ming and said, "Brother Ye's gambling skills are admirable. It's like a divine help."

Ye Ming thought to himself, right? There is indeed a martial arts soul to help me, but he said: "No, Brother Zhou's gambling skills are even more admirable, I am ashamed of myself."

With one hundred and fifty Wujun coins in his arms, Ye Mingli left the casino happily. However, as soon as he came out, Bei Ming said: "The two people just now were lying in ambush not far ahead."

Ye Ming sneered: "I really can't afford to lose. But they are really miserable. Each of them lost hundreds of Wujun coins."

He did not go around. The cultivation levels of Tu Shiyu and Huang Yuankun were not high. One was a seventh-level martial artist, and the other was an eighth-level martial artist. They were not enough to pose a threat to him. More importantly, Bei Ming told him that generally martial arts disciples below the ninth level of Zhou Tian did not even have the ability to activate Wu Jun coins. That way, he wouldn't worry anymore.

When he turned an alley, Tu and Huang, who had been waiting for a long time, immediately surrounded him and stared at him with malicious intent.

Ye Ming pretended to be surprised and said: "Brother Tu, Brother Huang, you haven't left yet?"

Huang Yuankun said solemnly: "Boy, stop pretending. Tell me, are you teaming up with Zhou Hualong to take advantage of us?"

Ye Ming immediately shouted: "Brother Huang, don't talk nonsense. I'm just lucky. When will I kill you?"

Tu Shiyu snorted coldly and said: "Cousin, don't talk nonsense to him, kill him and leave immediately!"

A cold light flashed in Ye Ming's eyes. The methods of these two people were really dark. They actually killed people and stole money. He immediately pointed behind the two of them and shouted: "Zhou Hualong, come and save me!"

Huang Yuankun and Tu Shiyu were startled and turned their heads. At the same time, Ye Ming stepped on the instant step and approached Tu Shiyu's back. Tu Shiyu heard wind in the back of his head and hurried forward. But he was fast, and Ye Ming was even faster. Like a maggot attached to a bone, he punched out like lightning, hitting the opponent's back of the head firmly.

Tu Shiyu only felt a roar in his head, and he fainted. Although Ye Ming's punch was not enough to kill him, it could still turn him into an idiot after he woke up. The Tu family was nothing. Not only did they blackmail Brother Mingzhu, but now they wanted to take his life, he naturally couldn't let him go lightly.

Huang Yuankun also reacted at this time and stepped back. When he saw his cousin fell, his first reaction was not to step forward for revenge, but to turn around and run away.

Ye Ming was stunned and saw the other party running away in an instant, but did not pursue him. After all, this is Maple Leaf City, and hunting down the Huang family in Maple Leaf City is too risky. He quickly searched Tu Shiyu's body, and sure enough he found fifteen more Wujun coins and a silver coin. The Wujun coins were even more exquisitely made.

"Master, this is the Martial Lord Coin. One Martial Lord Coin can be exchanged for fifteen Martial Lord Coins." Beiming said, "As the second manager of Tongtian Divine Land, Ji Tianpeng's net worth back then was only a few million Martial Lord coins. It’s just a respectable coin.”

Ye Ming smiled, quickly returned to the yard, and then asked Chen Xing to leave together. Not long after they left, a large number of experts from the Huang family arrived, but where could they find Ye Ming

After Ye Ming returned to Ming's house, he learned that Mingtai had compensated the other party for 10,000 taels of first-level spiritual stones. He immediately handed over thirty Wujun coins to Mingtai and said: "Brother Ming, don't ask where the Wujun coins come from. Don’t tell others about this.”

Although the brothers and sisters of the Ming family didn't know where Ye Ming got the Wujun coins, they could guess that the matter was probably related to the Tu family, and they were extremely grateful to Ye Ming.

After leaving the Ming family, Ye Ming felt that the Haotian seed vibrated in the sea of consciousness, and a ray of light rushed out. The light energy changes unpredictably, and in an instant, it turns into a monument of light, majestic and majestic, connecting the sky and the earth. On top of the light monument, there are three golden characters in the book, Monument of Merit!

"The seeds are activated?" Ye Ming was surprised and happy. The Haotian Seed was originally penetrated into his sea of consciousness by Li Xuanji. It had to be activated through character. He didn't expect it to succeed so quickly. Apparently, he showed his character by helping the Ming family brothers and sisters, and thus successfully activated the Haotian Seed.

Sure enough, a ray of thought came from the Merit Monument afterwards, telling Ye Ming that the Merit Monument was activated because of his righteous deeds of helping the Ming family brothers and sisters.

"So, I will be an official Haotian cultist from now on?" Ye Ming said with a smile.

Bei Ming: "Master must act carefully. This identity must not be known to outsiders."

Ye Ming nodded: "Don't worry, I know the severity."

After this episode, Ye Ming did not stay any longer. He and Chen Xing continued to take the boat north to the capital of Yan Kingdom.

The royal capital is located on the edge of the Li River. Ye Ming and Chen Xing can reach it as long as they go north along the river. They were on a large passenger ship with hundreds of passengers. Ye Ming and Chen Xing lived in a private room respectively to facilitate their cultivation. The ship was ups and downs, and it lasted more than ten days.

Ye Ming didn't want to waste more than ten days. Except for a short rest, he spent most of his time practicing. Practice Shunpo in the morning and the middle three postures of Liuyun Sanshou in the afternoon. At night, he devoted himself to meditating and practicing the "Tiangang Burning Bone Sutra".

His next goal is to practice the third step of Shunpo to a small level, then become proficient in the three middle moves of Liuyun Sanshou, and complete the "Tiangang Bone Burning Sutra". Of these three things, the one he valued the most was the Tiangang Burning Bone Meridian. After all, in the martial arts stage, the most fundamental thing is to build the foundation. If the foundation is not laid well, future achievements will be limited.

Shunpo and Liuyun Sanshou were not difficult for him, and the focus of his training was basically at night.

At this moment, the moon has not risen for a long time, there are no wind and waves on the Lijiang River, and the waves are shining under the moonlight. The passengers all fell asleep, but Ye Ming was still practicing the Bone Calming Sutra. "Tiangang Bone Jing" is different from the previous "Jiuzhuan Peiyuan Jing" and "Xiantian Yi Jin Jing". The first two small exercises have several movements, but the "Tiangang Burning Bone Sutra" only has one movement. It is extremely complicated and extremely difficult to learn.

"Bei Ming, why does the Tiangang Forged Bone Sutra only have one movement?" During the break, he asked Bei Ming.

Bei Ming said: "Return to the master. The Tiangang Forged Bone Scripture is not inherited by Patriarch Tongtian, but was created by the Eternal Emperor. The Eternal Emperor, the founder of today's Eternal Mountain, is a great man at the same time as Patriarch Tongtian. Characters. According to Ji Tianpeng's memory, the best minor skills in Tongtian Divine Land are the "Nine Turns of Peiyuan Jing" and "Xiantian Yijin Jing". The most famous ones in Eternal Sacred Mountain are "Tiangang Burning Bone Jing" and "Yin Yang Cleansing" "Marrow Sutra".

Ye Ming nodded: "I see, no wonder I feel that it is completely different from the previous small exercises. What about the remaining "Five Elements Zang Jing", does it belong to the five dynasties?"

Bei Ming: "Yes. The "Five Elements Zang Jing" was not left by the ancestor of Tongtian, it was added by later generations. After the Five Elements Divine Dynasty fell apart, the successor five dynasties had not yet been established, so super powers such as Tongtian Divine Earth took the opportunity to The Divine Dynasty acquired many techniques, and the "Five Elements Zang Sutra" belonged to the Tongtian Divine Land at that time. Coupled with the Shunpo used for blood refining in the Immortal Temple, the master can be said to have practiced some of the best small techniques in the world. Law."

Ye Ming smiled "hehe": "So, I'm pretty lucky."

Being able to practice the most powerful foundation-building technique in the world, what reason does Ye Ming have for not working hard? He then continued to try "Tiangang Burning Bone Sutra" once, twice, and three times, with great patience and perseverance, he kept trying.

Until the evening of the fifth day, when he formed the seal with his hands, a powerful force suddenly descended from nothingness, entered his body, and tempered his bones. This force was full of killing intent and instantly messed up his bones.

Ye Ming groaned, and the bones all over his body were extremely itchy, as if there were hundreds of millions of ants gnawing at his whole body. His man was curled up on the ground, shaking and twitching all over.

Bei Ming's voice sounded: "The process of practicing the "Tiangang Forging Bone Sutra" is extremely painful. It has just begun. Master, you must hold on." As he spoke, he mobilized the repairing power in the Nine-turn Foundation-Building Divine Pill and recovered. Broken bones. In addition, that layer of divine light is also constantly releasing power, lifting his bones.

The severe pain made Ye Ming really want to curse, but unfortunately he couldn't open his mouth at all.

One day, two days, three days. Ye Ming was in excruciating pain every day, with tears streaming down his face. If he had known how painful it would be, he is not sure he would have chosen to practice in the first place.

On the fifth day of practicing the "Tiangang Bone Forging Sutra", the pain gradually weakened, and the strong and yang power in the dark was also rapidly diminishing. At the same time, the divine light of the bone refining and the shadow of the demon inside also gradually dimmed and eventually disappeared.

On this day, at noon, Ye Ming suddenly felt his bones sinking slightly, and the painful feeling completely disappeared. He asked strangely: "Beiming, did I succeed?"

"Yes, congratulations to the master. Although this "Tiangang Bone Forging Scripture" is overbearing, it can advance quickly. The master has unknowingly broken through the key level of bone refining." Bei Ming said.

"Oh? Which level?" Ye Ming asked.

"A heavy weight seems to be light." Bei Ming said, "Does the master feel that the weight has increased several times, but it does not feel heavy?"

Ye Ming nodded repeatedly: "Yes, I do feel that my body is a lot heavier, but I don't feel strenuous at all."

"This is like lifting a weight with ease. It is a phenomenon that occurs after the master's bones are extremely hard. Now, tempered by the power of Tiangang, the density of the master's bones is several times that of ordinary people, and is stronger than fine steel. So. The owner feels that his body has become heavier, that is not an illusion, it is a fact."

"Then why don't I find it difficult to move?" Ye Ming asked strangely.

"It's very simple. Blood can conduct force, and bones can also conduct force. The power of Tiangang makes the master's bones conduct force more efficiently and effectively than ordinary people. Every move, hand and foot of the master consumes only the power of others. A fraction of it." Beiming said.

Ye Ming thought thoughtfully and said: "In terms of the physical body, muscles are the source of strength, and bones and blood are the media that guide force."

"Exactly. Master has mastered bone refining, and then he can open up the third-level meridians in one go." As he spoke, Bei Ming had already mobilized a large amount of vitality to attack the third-level meridians in the bones. Gungun Yuan's momentum was as strong as breaking bamboo, and in just half an hour, all the third-level meridians were opened.

In an instant, he felt as light as a swallow, his limbs were clear, and his will seemed to become stronger.

Bei Ming worked hard and followed the part of the marrow meridian that had been opened before, and continued to open the meridians in the bone marrow. The bone marrow originally belongs to one body. After the bone meridian is opened, the marrow meridian of the secondary meridians will not be so difficult. It didn't even take half an hour, and all the secondary marrow meridians were opened.

As a result, Ye Ming officially entered the seventh level of martial arts and refined his marrow!