Martial Arts Reigns

Chapter 50: Storage wrench


However, Ye Ming was not in a hurry to practice the "Yin Yang Marrow Cleansing Sutra". He began to practice Shunbu and Liuyun Sanshou. His bones have reached the point where he can lift his weight as lightly as he can, and he has opened up all the third-level bone meridian and all the second-level marrow meridian. In his current state, practicing Shunpo and Liuyun Sanshou will definitely get twice the result with half the effort.

In a blink of an eye, the ship finally arrived at the royal capital. In a few days, Ye Ming had mastered the third step of Shunpo to a small degree. I have also become proficient in the third middle style of Liuyun Sanshou.

Since Chen Xing has been practicing hard without leaving home, when he got off the ship, the first thing he said when he saw Ye Ming was: "Another breakthrough?"

Ye Ming grinned: "Not long after the breakthrough, senior brother seems to have made progress."

Chen Xing shook his head and said, "I'm far behind you. It's still early for a breakthrough." Then he patted Ye Ming on the shoulder and said, "Let's go, I can't wait."

It was quite troublesome for outsiders to enter the capital city. They had to register and interrogate them, but after Ye Ming sent a few gold leaves, all the trouble disappeared. The purpose of the two of them was very clear, which was to go to the larger weapons store in the capital to buy space weapons.

After entering the royal capital, the first impression is that there are many people, and the second impression is that it is huge, more than twice the size of Maple Leaf City. However, they didn't pay much attention to the endless prosperity and went straight to Duobaolou, the largest weapons store in the capital.

Even Chen Zhen, an outsider, knows the name of Duobao Tower, which shows how famous Duobao Tower is. When the two arrived, they saw a tall and majestic nine-story shop. A shiny golden sign hung on the door with the three characters "Duobao Building" written on it.

There was a boy in front of the door who welcomed Ye Ming and Chen Xing away warmly. When he saw Ye Ming and Chen Xing, he immediately said with a smile: "What do you two distinguished guests want to buy?"

Ye Ming said: "We want to buy space weapons and take a look at other things."

The boy quickly said: "Spatial equipment for storage is only sold on the fifth floor."

Ye Ming nodded and went straight to the fifth floor with Chen Xing. Halfway through the walk, they discovered that the stairs of Duobao Tower were actually polished with fine jade, which was white and smooth. And on the walls, there are paintings by Wu Jun.

Wujun possesses martial souls, and their paintings often contain martial intentions, which is very rare. Any one of these paintings is worth hundreds of Wujun coins, or even more.

Finally arriving at the fifth floor, a long purple jade counter stretched from east to west. Behind the counter stood a fat shopkeeper, warmly greeting several customers.

When the shopkeeper saw someone coming, he immediately glanced here and said with a smile: "Two distinguished guests, welcome. Please feel free to take a look. If you need anything, please tell me."

Ye Ming nodded and began to look at the shelves behind the counter. The shelves are filled with various types of equipment, including defensive equipment, offensive equipment, space equipment, formation equipment, etc.

The two came to the counter where the spatial weapons were placed and observed them carefully. Under each piece of equipment, there is a sign that briefly introduces the equipment's effects and price. They discovered that weapons were divided into grades nine to one, with grade one being the most expensive and grade nine being the cheapest.

In terms of space weapons, the price of ninth-grade space weapons starts at 300 Wujun coins, and the most expensive ones exceed 500 Wujun coins. Eighth-grade space weapons are even more expensive, starting from five hundred, and the most expensive ones cost thousands of Martial Lord coins.

These prices made Ye Ming's eyelids jump. Space weapons are too expensive! But no matter how expensive it is, you still have to buy it. He picked it over and over, and settled on a storage ring, which was an eighth-grade weapon and was priced at 550 military coins.

Chen Xing also took a fancy to one, which was a storage belt and a ninth-grade weapon, with a starting price of three hundred and sixty-six. They ran out of choices so quickly, not because they didn't want to buy anything else, but because they had limited funds and could only purchase lower-level storage weapons.

"Shopkeeper, let me take a look at this." Ye Ming pointed at the finger.

The shopkeeper hurriedly came over, took off the wrench with both hands, and said with a smile: "Your guest has really good eyesight. This wrench is the most cost-effective one. The space inside it is very stable, one foot wide, two feet long, and two feet high. It can Put a lot of stuff in it.”

After Ye Ming read it, he thought for a moment and asked, "Shopkeeper, can you give me a discount?"

The shopkeeper spread his hands helplessly: "Sorry, there are regulations above. Only items with a one-time purchase of 880 Wujun coins or more will be given a 10% discount."

"Eight hundred and eighty?" Ye Ming laughed and pointed at the storage belt that Chen Xing was interested in. "With this, it should be enough, right?"

The shopkeeper smiled and said: "That's enough. Adding the two together, we have nine hundred and ten Wujun coins."

Ye Ming was overjoyed and discussed with Chen Xing to pay immediately. Ye Ming paid 495 yuan and Chen Xing paid 324 yuan. Ye Ming actually didn't have enough Wu Jun coins, so Chen Xing lent him ten to make up the total of 495 coins.

He secretly lamented that the inner disciples were indeed rich. Although he made more than 200 Wujun coins from his last bet, Ye Ming was still surprised by Chen Xing's wealth.

In fact, how did he know that Chen Xing himself did not have that many Wujun coins. Instead, he met Fu Biao secretly before departure and told Ye Ming about going to the royal capital to buy storage equipment. Fu Biao knew that storage equipment was very expensive, so he gave Chen Xing two hundred Wujun coins in his own name for emergency use.

After buying the storage ring, Ye Ming left Duobao Building with a sigh. Chen Xing originally wanted to see other things, but Ye Ming was not interested. In his opinion, now that he is short of money, it is useless to think about it if he has no money. Let’s wait until he has money!

On this trip, he spent all the Wujun coins he had and owed Chen Xing ten more, making him a pauper all of a sudden.

"Poor! Hurry up and do the task." Ye Ming gritted his teeth viciously.

Chen Xing smiled slightly: "I feel the same way. It's a rare trip to the capital for us. Junior brother, are you interested in going to Shenwu Hall?"

Ye Ming's eyes lit up. He felt that his current strength was not weak, and he would not suffer a disadvantage even against a warrior. He immediately agreed: "Okay! Let's go to the Shenwu Hall to learn more."

The Shenwu Hall is a place that specializes in issuing and accepting various tasks. Especially the Shenwu Hall in the royal capital is larger in scale, and the tasks it releases are more dangerous, and of course the commissions are also high.

After first having a feast of monsters at the most famous restaurant in the capital, Ye Ming and Chen Xing came to Shenwu Hall. Shenwu Hall is located in the westernmost part of the royal capital, close to the suburbs. Contrary to imagination, Shenwu Hall does not have a tall building, it is just a simple eight-room tile-roofed house.

There was a sea of people in front of the Wafang, some coming to do tasks and some coming to release tasks. In front of the big tiled house, nine stone walls were built, two meters high and fifty meters wide. Each stone wall was covered with tasks. The nine stone walls represent nine levels of difficulty, ranging from level one to level nine.

Level one tasks are the easiest, and level nine tasks are the most difficult. Of course, the higher the level of the task, the higher the commission. Ye Ming's current strength is not high, so he naturally does not dare to take on too high a level, so he starts from the first-level mission wall.

"Looking for the missing person, the commission is twelve first-level spiritual stones."

"Looking for the lost deer, the commission is fifteen taels of first-level spiritual stones."

"Looking for the abducted girl, the commission is twenty-two first-level spiritual stones."

After looking at several people in a row, they were all looking for people. He scratched his head and said strangely: "Brother, are all human traffickers in the capital? Why are there so many missing people?"

A middle-aged man next to him was also looking for a mission. He glanced at Ye Ming and said with a smile: "Brother, are you back for the first time? This is not because there are many traffickers in the capital, but because the difficulty of first-level missions is often not high, so they all It’s a trivial matter like finding someone to find a dog. Although the commission is a bit small, there is no risk. If you want to make big money, brother, you must at least start with level three tasks.”

Ye Ming suddenly realized that after thanking the other party, he and Chen Xing went directly to the third-level mission wall. As expected, the commissions for third-level tasks were much more generous, ranging from a few hundred taels of first-level spiritual stones to a few thousand spiritual stones.

"Eh? Junior brother, look at this mission." Chen Xing suddenly pointed at a mission and said.

Ye Ming quickly took a closer look, it was a hunting mission. The task publisher is a fourth-level formation master who goes to the Monster Forest to capture a fifth-level monster. Recruit twenty martial arts practitioners with good light skills here. Regardless of whether the task is completed or not, each person will receive a commission of twenty-five Wu Jun Dan. After the event is completed, those who survive will each receive fifty more Wujun Pills.

Ye Ming only glanced at it and said: "Senior brother, this task is not easy to do. If you go to serve as bait for the fifth-level monster, you will have a narrow escape. No wonder no one has taken it up after posting it for more than ten days."

Chen Xingdao: "No matter how much the commission is, there must be a life flower. The strength of the fifth-level monster is comparable to that of the martial arts master, and the great martial artist has no choice but to run away. This fourth-level formation master is also the combat power of the great martial artist. Unless a large formation is set up in advance, there is no way to capture the fifth-level monster."

Just as the two were about to leave to check out other missions, someone suddenly brought a new announcement and directly overlaid it on the original mission announcement. When the two of them took a look, they discovered that the commission had changed from the original down payment of twenty-five Wujun Pills and an additional fifty Wujun Pills upon success to a down payment of fifty Wujun Pills and a further payment of one hundred Wujun Pills upon success. However, the number of recruits was reduced by half, to only ten people.

Ye Ming knew that the task publisher had made changes to the task, reducing the number of people by half, and then doubling the commission. It also states that if someone dies during the mission, the deceased's commission will be divided equally among the survivors.

For some reason, Ye Ming and Chen Xing both felt a creepy feeling when they saw the last note.

"That's too cruel!" Chen Xing said, "People die for money, and birds die for food. Once this comes out, the situation becomes much more complicated! You know, the commission for a general third-level mission is only a dozen Wujun coins, and this mission has more It’s several times higher! It’s comparable to the commission of a fourth-level mission or even a fifth-level mission!”

Ye Ming's eyes flashed and he said: "That's right. If only one person survives in the end and successfully completes the task, he will receive 1,500 Wujun coins. Senior brother, can you tell me, our Chiyang Gate has How many Wujun coins?"

Chen Xing scratched his head: "It's hard to say. Chiyang Sect's accumulation over thousands of years is not trivial. I don't know the specific amount."

At this time, Beiming suddenly asked: "Does the master want to take on this mission?"

Ye Ming shook his head quickly, he didn't want to die. The fifth-level monster is too terrifying, comparable to Wu Zong's strength, even if he can use Shunpo.

Unexpectedly, Beiming continued: "If I can guarantee the safety of the master, will the master be willing to take over?"

Ye Ming was shocked. He deliberately turned to the other task wall and asked in a low voice: "Beiming, can you guarantee my safety?"