Martial Emperor Reborn

Chapter 108: Nangong Yanran


This scene directly caught the attention of more than a dozen hidden powerhouses. It seemed that those hidden powerhouses were also shocked at this moment. Many spirits peeped over, but just halfway there, these spirits seemed to have met It was like a big horror, and it was recovered at a faster speed.


The flame giant neighed sharply, and then disappeared with the woman in an instant, while Li Xuan and the others were finally released by the hurricane, and the group fell to the ground staggeringly, in extreme embarrassment.

"What is this?" Li Xuan was extremely shocked in his heart, but only asked calmly on his face.

"This is the 'Sinking Blood Flame Beast', the legendary guardian beast of the sinking blood abyss, unique to the sinking blood continent." Yao Gang sighed slightly.

"It seems that the matter is serious. I didn't expect that the blood-sinking guardian beast appeared in the forest of monsters." Xiao Zhe pondered.

"The monsters in the blood-sinking abyss have rioted, and the empire is about to be in turmoil again!" Mo Yan said in a low tone.

Originally, everyone who was happy became unhappy after seeing the blood-soaked flame beast.

"Sinking Blood Flame Beast, sinking blood...Sinking Blood Continent, Emperor Haoyue..." Li Xuan's mood was agitated. It seemed that everything related to sinking blood had become abnormal to the point of horror.

"You guys, go back to the academy quickly, and you, Li Xuan, go to Victoria Imperial Academy first, don't go home! You guys leave quickly! Iris City, I'm afraid it's not safe anymore!"

At this time, an old voice came, and a hale and hearty old man appeared in the void.

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Yao Gang and the others stood up at this moment, and bowed to the old man in the void.

"Well, hurry up, the Bloody Flame Beast is unstoppable, I must hurry to Allen's Auction House, they know a [***] sect tenth-weight strong man, and we must find this strong man Otherwise, Iris City will be finished!"

After the old man finished speaking, he immediately turned into a hurricane and swept away in an instant.

Only then did Li Xuan notice that the direction in which the flame giant flew away was Iris City.

"No, I have to go and have a look!" Li Xuan's face darkened, and before he even had time to say goodbye, he immediately turned into an afterimage, and also rushed out from a distance.

Now, his soul coercion is equivalent to [***] Zong Jiuzhong, and he can deter [***] Zong Jiuzhong, but the blood-sinking flame beast is obviously stronger than [***] Zong Jiuzhong , but if there is not even a tenth-level strongman of the [***] sect behind the Victoria Imperial Academy, then the strength of this continent, the strongest will not be so strong.

Yao Gang and the others also looked a little ugly at this time, seeing Li Xuan leaving suddenly, he was also very anxious, but he didn't dare to neglect at the moment, so he said loudly without hesitation: "Let's leave quickly!"

Nangong Yanran was extremely depressed. This time, she just wanted to know the passage to the Shenxue Continent, but she didn't want to attract the attack of the Shenxue Flame Beast. She originally thought that with her [***] eighth level cultivation base, she would not be able to survive in this magic source. On the mainland, although it is not said to be invincible, relying on the inheritance of the ancient Nangong family in the wild city, [***] Zong Yazhong, there is no problem in self-protection!

However, when facing the blood-soaked flame beast, she knew that everything was false.

Seeing that she rushed forward again, there was a huge city there, Nangong Yanran couldn't bear it, she turned her head suddenly after all.


The Blood-Sinking Flame Beast roared furiously, and another flaming spear slashed towards the air, almost piercing through the air!

"Hail spell!"

"Water Moon Cave Sky—Bite!"

Almost at the same time, Nangong Yanran immediately released a huge hail technique, and at the same time a huge wave swallowed towards the flame!

"chi chi—"


The contact between the two sides was completed in an instant, with violent explosions, sharp sneers of water and fire, one after another!

At this moment, the huge water vapor instantly filled the surrounding area with a thick layer of mist. For a while, Nangong Yanran barely resisted again.

However, she knew that this was temporary, because the magic of the blood-sinking flame beast's series of flame wheels, meteor fire sea, etc. had not yet been released.

Just as she was thinking, sure enough, a round of flames radiated radiant light, and at the same time as it shone away the water vapor, a moon-like body rose into the sky. Light, and then, this light shot out a burst of fire! The flame, which was so hot that it was so cold, instantly ignited everything in the space, and a roaring huge sea of fire swept over.

Nangong Yanran's cold and beautiful face finally turned pale, and at the same time, there was more despair and helplessness in her eyes.

The Nangong family, an ancient inheritance family! And she, the number one talented person in the wild city, a genius who is rare in a million years, possesses the talent of meditation at the emperor level of Shifang. She began to awaken her talent at the age of three, and then directly started the family baptism, confirming the emperor of Shifang's perfect meditation talent, and at the same time , the cultivation base directly crosses over, and enters the realm of the three-pointer! I have been cultivating until I am nineteen years old, and I have only practiced for sixteen years, but now I am already a magician of [***] sect, but I am going to die here!

Even though she has a lot of life-saving magic circles and magic equipment, she has no confidence in surviving against such an absolute strength monster as the blood-soaked flame beast.

Immediately, she no longer hesitated, and after throwing an offensive magic array, she immediately rushed towards the depths of the monster forest.


The magic array suddenly exploded, forming a terrifying six-star top-level attack formation, but this formation was just formed, but it was caught and scattered by the flame beast, and then a huge explosion sounded, and the flame beast became even more crazy Shock to chase.

At this time, the endless sea of flames destroyed the forest with a radius of tens of thousands of meters, and burned the forest to black.

Nangong Yanran was wearing a lavender magic robe, which was already a bit dilapidated at the moment, revealing a little spring light, and at this moment, while she was flying eagerly, a boy with a stern face suddenly appeared in front of her.

This young man has a calm demeanor, standing there, it seems that he doesn't exist.

When she saw this person, she was stunned for a moment, at this moment of life and death, it seemed as if something was stirred in her heart suddenly, and a different emotion suddenly arose.

It seemed that she suddenly wanted to be with this person, talk about the sad past in her heart, and confide some of the depression in her heart.

In an instant, she suddenly understood that love at first sight, which she never believed in, suddenly appeared in her body.

The man standing like a lone crane was not tall, but he entered her heart deeply. In her soul, the scene of standing proudly between the sky and the earth was deeply imprinted on her. in the mind.

"The blood-sinking flame beast brought from the cave? Go ahead and wait until I subdue this sinking-blood flame beast."

Reminiscent of Lei Yanhu's emotional changes before, Li Xuan was thoughtful, knowing that the blood-soaked flame beast must be related to this, so he looked at this elegant woman with the classic beauty of the earth, and said in a slightly deep voice .

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Thanks to book friends '729413191', 'Baby Ai Ting', and 'It's better to shoot you than to shoot you all your life', each with 100 starting coins for their support.