Martial Emperor Reborn

Chapter 25: Xingyi Magic Fist!


After sorting things out, Li Xuan sensed this space ring with a length, width, and height of about five meters in size, and felt satisfied for a while. For the time being, such a large space for storing equipment is still very good.

In the space, there are basically about twenty pills of various attributes. In addition, there is a set of three-star top-grade popular magic equipment, a set of two-star top-grade fire magic equipment and a set of magic equipment. Fire staffs of the same grade, 137 three-star middle and lower-grade elixir in all eleven types, 10 vials of three-star top-grade elemental potions; and three magic crystal cards, one for Ai The Supreme Card of Lun Auction House contains 3,500 Moyuan coins, one is an anonymous card with 300 million gold coins in it, and the other is Li Xuan's registered card with 630,000 gold coins in it.

In addition to these things, there are two other books, "Experience of Magic Circle" and "Compendium of Alchemy". These two very thick books are the truly noble things.

After Li Xuan recovered his physical condition, he put on the two-star top-quality fire element magic robe on his body, and then his whole body also recovered his own spirit.

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Next, Li Xuan meditated and practiced again to restore the loss after the unity of man and nature.

Generally speaking, everything has achieved the effect he calculated this time, but his contempt for the enemy and the underestimation of the world made Li Xuan deeply reflect on himself.

After a long time, when the sky was slightly bright, Li Xuan let out a deep breath, then stood up, and began to punch out Xingyiquan, which he hadn't practiced for a long time, in his natural epiphany.

Xingyi dragon shape, thunder light chasing the dragon, dragon dancing in the sky.

Xingyi chicken-shaped, phoenix nirvana, lustful madness.

The shape of the tiger is shaped like a tiger, the wind is in the morning and the sky is stele, and the cloud is moved by the madness.

All of a sudden, the magical elements gathered in the sky and the earth surged madly. In just a moment, Li Xuan felt that all the limbs and skeletons in his body were wrapped in countless magical elements. It is different from bright energy, dark energy, Huajin, Baodan, etc., but it is purely like the aura of heaven and earth penetrating the body, as if suddenly entering the innate realm and being attracted by the aura of heaven and earth. assimilation…

At the same time, the soul breaths of the six powerful men of the tenth level of the four-element realm and the soul breath of Naja Luojia seemed to have remained in the sea of consciousness deep in the center of his brows, but relatively speaking, this moment belonged to epiphany. , Li Xuan did not absorb and refine these energies except for the initial absorption.

At this moment, this feeling is very special, but Li Xuan understands that at this moment, his strength has improved again.

Although this trip only lasted about a day, it made Li Xuan understand the most important thing, that is, the so-called sense of superiority from the outside world does not need to be so crazy, where is the real strong They are all strong, and this world is hundreds of times and thousands of times larger than the earth. In such a world, there are many strong people. If you keep holding that mentality... you can imagine how miserable the consequences will be.

Take it easy, face it with the prudent mentality of the previous life, and truly integrate into this world to experience the truth of heaven and earth, only then will there be new breakthroughs, and only then will there be intentional transcendence!

It was these feelings that touched Li Xuan's soul. Then, in a state of epiphany, after meditating and practicing with all his heart, he spontaneously unleashed a special magic skill combined with the magic elements of this world—Xingyi Magic Fist.

Li Xuan never imagined that Xingyi Magic Fist would have such a huge magical effect. Because, he never thought that Xingyiquan would have anything to do with magic.

But at this moment, Li Xuan still understood that there are three thousand roads, and the same goal by different routes. Xingyiquan combines the strengths and aura of animals with both form and spirit, while magic combines the strengths and aura of nature with both spirit and form. In fact, the essence of the two is exactly the same. It's just that magic is aimed at nature, it is aimed at the magic elements between heaven and earth, and makes itself and the elements of heaven and earth get closer and merge step by step; while Xingyiquan is aimed at animals, and it is aimed at the spiritual energy between heaven and earth to carry out self-discipline. Physical strengthening, for pure physical refinement.

After suddenly understanding these, Li Xuan's heart skipped a beat when he thought of the Thunder Light Escape Dragon in Xingyi Dragon Shape - Qingtian Shenlongwu, and the content of the Thunder Light Escape Dragon Book couldn't help appearing in his mind.

This book is highly valued by the Yama family. Before Li Xuan forcefully memorized it but did not understand it deeply, but now that he thinks about it carefully, there are also profound and profound things in it, that is, the acupuncture points that Li Xuan knows, in different understandings , for the analysis and thinking of these acupuncture points.

Li Xuan didn't pay attention to these things before, but at this moment it caused him to think deeply about meridians.

The so-called meridians can be divided into two categories: the regular and the extra. There are twelve orthodox meridians, namely the three yin meridians of the hands and feet and the three yang meridians of the hands and feet, collectively called the "twelve meridians", which are the main channels through which qi and blood circulate. There are eight extraordinary meridians, namely Du, Ren, Chong, Dai, Yinqiao, Yangqiao, Yinwei, and Yangwei, collectively known as the "Eight Extraordinary Meridians", which have the functions of commanding, connecting and regulating the twelve meridians. Twelve meridians are the meridians derived from the twelve meridians, mainly to strengthen the connection between the two meridians, which are the exterior and interior of the twelve meridians, and because it leads to some organs and body parts that are not followed by the orthodox meridians , so it can make up for the deficiency of the classics.

The twelve meridians, also known as the twelve main channels, are the main body of the meridian system. Its naming is based on its yin and yang attributes, its viscera, and its circulation. They belong to the twelve viscera respectively, and each meridian uses the name of the viscera to which it belongs, combines and runs on different parts of the hands, feet, inside and outside, front, middle and back, and gives different names according to the theory of yin and yang. The names of the twelve meridians are: Hand Taiyin Lung Meridian, Hand Jueyin Pericardium Meridian, Hand Shaoyin Heart Meridian, Hand Yangming Large Intestine Meridian, Hand Shaoyang Sanjiao Meridian, Hand Taiyang Small Intestine Meridian, Foot Taiyin Spleen Meridian, Foot Jueyin Liver Meridian , Foot Shaoyin Kidney Meridian, Foot Yangming Stomach Meridian, Foot Shaoyang Gallbladder Meridian, Foot Taiyang Bladder Meridian.

The eight extraordinary meridians are the general term for Ren, Du, Chong, Dai, Yinqiao, Yangqiao, Yinwei and Yangwei vessels. They are different from the Twelve Classics in that they do not directly belong to the viscera, nor do they have a coordinating relationship between the outside and the inside. One of its functions is to communicate the connection between the twelve meridians, and the other is to regulate the accumulation of qi and blood in the twelve meridians.

In addition, there are twelve meridians and twelve meridians. The twelve meridians are the separate lines of the twelve main meridians that separate, enter, exit, and unite, and are the branches of the main meridians that go deep into the body cavity. The twelve meridians come from the limbs of the twelve meridians, the yang meridian is combined with the main meridian, and the yin meridian is combined with the yang meridian on the outside and inside.

The twelve meridian tendons all start at the ends of the limbs, gather at the joints and bones, and move toward the head and face of the trunk. Act on the body surface, not enter the internal organs. Among them, the tendons of the three yang meridians of the foot start from the toes, go up along the outside of the thigh and connect to the face; The outside of the 臑 ascends and knots at the head; the tendons of the three yin meridians of the hand originate from the fingers, go up and knot in the chest along the inside of the 臑.

These are just the four major systems of meridians on the surface, but in essence, the eight extraordinary meridians alone are enough to give a warrior a headache, let alone others!

Li Xuan's so-called unblocking of the meridians is just opening up the twelve main meridians and the eight extraordinary meridians, but some broad roads have been opened up, and those meridian tendons of other meridians have not been moved at all, because these places are indeed very critical. One move will affect the whole body, and one bad move will cause the body to collapse.

But some small meridians and big meridians intertwine in this Lei Guang Dun Long book, but it prevents some situations that Li Xuan is worried about from happening. This is a real essence!