Martial Emperor Reborn

Chapter 37: The solar system in the dantian!


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At that moment, when Yajia Luojia's soul fluctuated and spun, and emitted a light blue light, Li Xuan thought of the music and its manual that opened the 'mind eye', and suddenly thought in his heart.

"This absorption of the opponent's soul energy should be a special ability brought about by the recovery of my soul after being strangled by the great terror of the void. In this way, the more I kill, the stronger my own strength will be. However, if this continues , the dantian, where the eight magic elements are integrated, will definitely cause trouble when holding the pill in the future.

In this way, I temporarily pulled out all the magic energies of the eight systems to form a cosmic air mass of reading power, so that each of them generates a rotating force inside, and they form a simple solar system in the beginning of the primordial universe. Just imitate the pattern of the nine planets in the solar system revolving around the sun.

As for the 'sun' in the middle, I will use the power of my soul to condense the air of my soul, and in this case, I must use the space element to open up my dantian. "

As soon as this idea came into being, an inexplicable expectation suddenly rose in Li Xuan's heart. In this way, the magic elements of each department can be regarded as one of him in the previous life, so the eight departments of magic elements are eight. Strong master!

And once the power is combined, its lethality...

Thinking of this, Li Xuan immediately began to practice in this area!

He himself has a fiery character, especially in cultivation, once he has a whim, he will definitely work hard for it after he decides it!

Therefore, at the moment, he, who should have advanced to the eighth level of strength in the second session, scattered this thought of improvement, and then the huge spiritual power (soul power) began to gather from this aspect.

Gradually inhaling all the inner energy into the center of the eyebrows, Li Xuan immediately activated the state of harmony between man and nature again. Immediately, a terrifying confidence followed, and it seemed that everything became simpler and easier.

Under such circumstances, Li Xuan was cold and serious, and then he began to gradually separate the magic elements of each department.

Because the cultivation is all pure magic elements, so when Li Xuan separated later, it was very simple.

When each group of these elements is fused with a group of spiritual power, sure enough, that kind of attraction is produced.

Afterwards, Li Xuan first separated the spirit to form a rotating air mass and placed it in the dantian. Afterwards, he analyzed and calculated the attractive force and other methods, and then arranged the elements through the five elements.

Under such circumstances, Li Xuan gradually and carefully controlled the air masses of various departments to gradually blend into the dantian.

Afterwards, under the extremely powerful control of Li Xuanjing, in the observation will of the mind's eyes, the eight magic elements, as well as the spiritual elements, formed nine light groups.

These nine light groups, under the fusion of some space elements, have a similar pattern of repulsion and attraction between atoms. In this way, these nine light groups have been rotating stably for the time being.

Because the spirit is the fusion of the soul and space elements, this makes the dantian seem to suddenly double in size, which is very weird.

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Fortunately, under such circumstances, the overall strength seems to be dispersed, but the individual strength has improved.

Under such circumstances, the spatial elements filling the entire dantian also began to gradually condense, and under Li Xuan's perception and practice, they gradually showed and condensed.

Li Xuan is not familiar with space magic, but his understanding of space geometry in his previous life gave him unique experience in this area.

Later, after eating two elemental potions, Li Xuan directly began to practice space magic with the help of the effect of the magic circle.

For any series of magic, the first two realms, that is, the first two realms and the second realm, are accumulated through meditation, without the cooperation of magical combat skills, and there is no unique mentality. These two realms are called true magic. The basic realm, so there is no so-called honorary title.

However, based on Li Xuan's own understanding and perception of Tao and his true understanding of nature, he also understands that the so-called ruthless Tao of Heaven is just a mentality, a professional mentality. Only then can we truly pursue the long-term realm. However, if the desire is rampant, he can forget everything about himself during cultivation and achieve a clear mind, so nothing can shake his firm Dao heart.

These are Li Xuan's epiphanies, as well as his own experience. Therefore, in less than three days of practicing space magic, he has been in a row and directly entered the seventh level of the second session.

In this way, the earth (also known as earth), fire, wind and thunder, water, wood, light and darkness, and the nine series of magic elements in space just form the nine planetary patterns of the solar system.

And the powerful sun in the middle—it is Li Xuan's powerful and perverted soul, which is also the spiritual element of the spiritual system!

In this way, Li Xuan finally completed the dantian structure of this cosmic system!

The success up to this point proved the possibility of the sudden enlightenment, and Li Xuan was extremely satisfied in his heart.

This three-day penance training, although there is no breakthrough in the realm, and even the soul is partially bound by it, and it is a little weaker, but the future prospects are extremely terrifying.

Standing up and exhaling foul breath, Li Xuan once again punched a set of Xingyi Twelve Forms of Xingyi Fist.

From beginning to end, in one go.

After fighting all the way, Li Xuan only felt refreshed and passionate.

This time, he has reached the middle stage of energy transformation, and he is almost away from the late stage and perfection. At that time, he can once again hit the realm of Baodan, and after that, he can break through the void again...

Breaking the Void... Although the strength of fists and feet in the previous life is not comparable to this world, the strength of the soul is enough to crush all the powerhouses of the Five Elements Realm!

As for the [***] realm, Li Xuan is still unable to judge for the time being. After all, the cultivation system in this world is very complicated, and the comparison of strength is also very clear. The first level is much stronger than the first level, and the gap is also large.

In this case, Li Xuan didn't have any idea of comparison, he just felt at ease after reaching this step.

Practicing Xingyiquan in this world, Li Xuan always felt extremely comfortable all over his body, so he decided that he would practice Xingyiquan three times a day in the future, and each time, he would practice three rounds!

Xingyi dragon shape, thunder light chasing the dragon, dragon dancing in the sky.

Xingyi chicken-shaped, phoenix nirvana, lustful madness.

The shape of the tiger is shaped like a tiger, the wind is in the morning and the sky is stele, and the cloud is moved by the madness.

What kind of momentum and grace is this, from the beginning of the three-body pose to the end of the three-body pose, every time Li Xuan practiced, he felt that his soul was even shaken by it.

This is an indescribable epiphany and realization. Every time he practiced, Li Xuan felt as if his soul had been washed. It seemed that the twelve forms of form and meaning were exactly aimed at his nine or even ten cultivation element systems!

After opening his mind, Li Xuan carefully punched the Xingyi Fist again, and then he came up with a vague but shocking answer. The Xingyi Twelve Shapes correspond to the mainstream series of magic in this world. element!

dragon - thunder

tiger - wind

chicken - fire

horse - dark

eagle - light

bear - soil

Yan - water

Harrier - wood

monkey - space


Snake - Destiny

Bird Terrace - space, plane

This... is simply terrifying!

As for how to comprehend these profound rhymes and connotations, Li Xuan suddenly felt that he began to not understand the twelve forms of form and meaning.