Martial Emperor Reborn

Chapter 4: Beyond the Nine Darks


Ten days later.


With a muffled sound from the dantian, Li Xuan's body shook, and then he spewed out a mouthful of black air. Immediately, black and light yellow mud-like things overflowed from his whole body.

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At this moment, he finally finished washing the tendons and cutting the marrow, and finally opened up the meridians of the whole body, and recovered some of the meridians that were dry and close to necrosis. At the same time, because of his mental strength, his dantian was forcibly expanded to a very Huge to the point.

In the dantian, clusters of colorful mist keep rising. These are all magic elements, rich magic elements, and they are all series!

As Li Xuan imagined, his current talent completely surpassed the talent of Jiuming Meditation, but because of his strong spirit, coupled with the technique of concealing Qi in his previous life, his talent, on the outside, is no more than five elements It's just talent.

After all, if he was conspired to abolish his cultivation before, people will naturally pay attention to him being rescued. Before his strength has risen to a third, before he can get the protection of a big family, it is necessary to hide his clumsiness.

The key is to plan before you move, and to think carefully.

Taking a deep breath, he sat up, and after getting out of bed, Li Xuan looked out the window.

Outside, the sun was shining brightly, and the calls of unknown bugs came and went. Not far away, there seemed to be some noisy conversations, and the voices of men and women mixed together, which was a bit chaotic.

"Xuan'er, Xuan'er, my Xuan'er..."

An old woman was slightly taken aback when she walked to the door, then ran over crying and hugged Li Xuan into her arms.

The clothes on her body were dirty, her hands were covered with calluses, and her hair was extremely dry and messy, which showed that she had been doing the hardest and most tiring work. But her emotions and voice directly touch people's body, mind and soul.

"Mother... I know my mistake. From now on, I will not let my mother down."

Li Xuan choked up slightly, feeling a speechless illusion, as if time, space, and characters overlapped with the mother and child in the previous life, an unspeakable touch that even shook his powerful soul. If it was just time travel, he might have sympathy, but not emotion, but he chose to fully integrate the memory of that Li Xuan, so he empathized with him and felt deeply.

"Xuan'er, you have suffered. If your mother hadn't been incompetent, and if your mother had a good family, she wouldn't have allowed you to be bullied like this!" The old woman cried as she spoke, feeling unwilling, angry, and helpless. .

"Mother, the child has slept for so many days, go wash it up, and when father comes back, let's go to Lisa's house together and annul the engagement."

After Siqin Duanyue calmed down, Li Xuan expressed his thoughts.

"Okay! Okay! My son has a backbone, so let's retire!"

Siqin Duanyue felt an indescribable joy and satisfaction, as if it was not the marriage contract that was canceled, but all the incompetence and cowardice of the son in the past.

"Mother, my child's talent has recovered!" Li Xuan said calmly.

"It's recovered, it's recovered—what? Talent, talent recovered?" Siqin Duanyue became excited, and then she looked at Li Xuan nervously, and then laughed like crazy, "Hahahahaha, okay Ah, recovered, recovered, from now on, my son is no longer a useless person, and will no longer be ridiculed by others... "

Siqin Duanyue laughed, and then cried again.

"Ah Xuan, you've grown up. Eldest brother can finally let go of this burden. Eldest brother is also very pleased. If you go to annul the engagement, elder brother will also go to see it. After reading it, elder brother should also leave."

Li Mo looked at Li Xuan with a smile on his face and said.

Li Xuan knew that when Li Mo said to leave, he didn't mean to die, but to find a place without people, and if he didn't achieve anything, he wouldn't go back home.

Because, he no longer has the capital to face his beloved woman—Ning Xuan, a light magician who is strong in the three-point realm.

"Brother, I can recover. In fact, you can too. This time I escaped from the dead, and I learned a method that should allow you to recover your strength! But brother, you also understand that some people don't want us to return to Iris. Cheng Li's family, so once you recover, you still need to pretend to be a "useless person" for a while. At that time, I will show my talents, and then improve my cultivation all the way, become a genius, and return to the family strongly. At that time, my father's wish will also come true Now, you can also stand up swaggeringly.

With the protection of the family, those people should have some scruples if they want to play tricks!

Although we have no feelings for the family, the Li family in Iris City can still be used by us for the time being, to shelter us from the wind and rain for our growth! "

Li Xuan said in a deep voice.


Li Mo looked at this younger brother in shock, it seemed that after suffering such a big setback this time, this younger brother was completely awake, and the once proud genius stood in front of him again!

"Okay, okay! As long as you can recover your strength, everything about big brother will be yours!"

"Hehe, big brother, sister Ningxuan is very beautiful, if you are willing to give it, I dare to take it!"

"Good guy, you want to beat me! How dare you make fun of my brother!"

"Hahaha, brother, soon, you won't feel inferior."

"Fart, you big brother, will I feel inferior?"

The night fell again, and it had been twelve days since he was reborn in this world, and it had been two full days since he woke up.

In the past two days, Li Xuan has been sorting out the essence of the martial arts from his previous life and his own perception of the state of harmony between man and nature. After finishing these things, they are deeply remembered in his mind, and Li Xuan is also very relieved .

First, not only did he not lose his monstrous memory, but because of the strength of his soul, it became even more terrifying in this body.

Second, because of the strength of the soul, he has the state of Xingyiquan that shattered the void before, so on the basis of continuing to practice Xingyiquan, he no longer has any bottlenecks. As long as he has reached that level of practice, he can naturally break through.

Thirdly, his talent for meditation can be completely judged, it should have surpassed the legendary 'Nine Darks' or even 'Ten Directions', reaching a level close to a hundred kalpas. Of course, a meditation rank like Hundred Tribulations exists in theory, but in fact it has never existed in history, so what can be judged, it should be certain that there is a talent for meditation rank in Shifang.

That is to say, he doesn't need to have too deep comprehension, as long as he proceeds step by step, without accidents, he can easily reach the legendary realm of Emperor of the Ten Directions!

Emperor Shifang, perhaps in the entire Demon Origin Continent, may not have many such existences.

Of course, the continent is huge, so Li Xuan couldn't draw such a conclusion, because he still has very little understanding of this world.

In Li Xuan's view, being abandoned by a woman he loves is worse than death, but in Li Xuan's view, that woman's choice is really normal, and it is completely on the same level as modern gold-worshiping women. And it's not surprising that you see this kind of thing a lot.

Once upon a time, after being betrayed by love, Li Xuan, the master of a generation, saw through the love in the world. When I reached the true height of "Looking at the mountain or the mountain", and then suddenly enlightened, on the top of Huashan, I smashed through the void, but unexpectedly fell...

The experience of these years has made him truly understand the birth and entry into the world, so in terms of mentality, he has not only the fierce and ruthless beast style, but also the master demeanor of calm water flowing into the abyss and steadfastness.

After merging with Li Xuan of this world, although Li Xuan has a bit of a worldly heart, he is more pure, and it is this kind of merging that allows him to accept the other party's parents and relatives.