Martial Emperor Reborn

Chapter 42: This is the gap!


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These thoughts flashed through, and then he walked to the Library Pavilion, and his mentality gradually became more correct.

There are many magic circles in this place, and the complexity of the magic circles is far beyond Li Xuan's imagination.

In his previous life, Li Xuan had studied Yin-Yang, Five Elements, Zhouyi, and Eight Diagrams, so he had some methods for divination and other aspects, but that thing was actually ineffective, and vague calculations were misleading, but it was more than enough to deal with the complexity of the magic circle.

According to the division method of Qiankun and Bagua, in fact, magic elements can be divided into yin and yang and five elements. The thunder element is obviously the metal element, and the wind element should be regarded as being summed up in the water element.

Li Xuan speculated that for these complicated magic circles, his mind was directly enveloped in the sensory observation, and he immediately cooperated with the knowledge of yin and yang, five elements, universe and gossip, and he unexpectedly found that these things did not seem to be very difficult to understand.

Right now, Li Xuan just sensed it like this, and then withdrew his sensed gaze.

Next, he instantly opened up the epiphany state of 'Heaven and Man'. As a master-level soul, Li Xuan is already very proficient in this way of entering the Tao, especially when he is eliminating the unqualified soul at this moment. After that, he became more confident and calm under the state of harmony between man and nature.

As soon as he entered such a state, Li Xuan immediately felt that the magic circle and other things around him suddenly became much simpler. This feeling was like a nearsighted person suddenly wearing the most suitable glasses. Things are even organized and rich in texture.

Although he has the confidence to rely on self-confidence to understand the principle of this magic circle, but at this moment Li Xuan did not do it so wholeheartedly. After all, in the society of his previous life, he deeply understood that if he did things blindly without understanding the real reason, the result would be There will be greater hardship for the smallest gain. Only when one understands the fundamentals, and then independently deduces something more profound, can the really good aspects be extended. In this way, the difficulty of the magic circle will no longer be difficult.

Li Xuan was holding the signboard for entering and exiting the Library Pavilion. This sign had a protective light, which ensured that he could enter the first three floors of the Library Pavilion without touching the magic circle.

However, on the fourth floor, you will have to face inspections by the elders of Zangshu Pavilion, the elder Taishang, and others. Li Xuan also understands this.

"Well, since you're here, read the book carefully. Although there are no restrictions on you here, there are great restrictions on all the disciples in the family except you. You must know the blessings in the blessings!" The Supreme Elder is an old woman, she is about fifty years old at a rough glance, but she still looks very charming.

Of course, Li Xuan believed that, in fact, her age was definitely far beyond fifty years old.

At this moment, Li Xuan didn't say that he was in the state of harmony between man and nature, even if he was in the state of harmony between man and nature, he didn't think much about this strong man who was only about five elements and one heavy.

He just glanced at the old woman lightly, his eyes were not deep, harsh, cold, or contemptuous, but just calm and indifferent.

But when this kind of gaze fell into the old woman's eyes, her heart couldn't help but tremble slightly.

What kind of gaze is this? It's like standing on a peak and looking down at the ants below. It seems to have unparalleled penetrating power, directly looking into her eyes, mind, and heart. .

Suddenly, with a shiver, the old woman came to her senses. Thinking of the rumored meditative talent that was very close to the Eight Dharma Kings, the old woman suddenly understood.

In front of this young man, in fact, she really has no status, because a person's status does not depend solely on strength, especially in a real big family.

Given the same amount of time for both parties, the old woman couldn't help but think that, under equal conditions, the improvement brought by the other party's talent would have a real blow to her, just like her talent and Huyan Vik There is only a little difference in her talent, but that is her status in front of Huyanvik, and her status is no more than that of a disciple.

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This is the gap!

Then, the young man in front of her is far beyond her talent in several major realms. Then, is she showing the majesty of an elder in front of this young man, is it because she feels uncomfortable in the future

Thinking of this, the old woman suddenly realized, she then nodded slightly, and her attitude immediately improved.

"Li Xuan, um, the books here are very detailed basic parts. The second, third and fourth floors are for advanced aspects. There are not too many books, but they are all passed down by the family for thousands of years..."

The old woman's attitude immediately became a little more intimate, and at the same time, she looked at Li Xuan with a little more attention.

The more brilliant and powerful the family is, the more benefits she will naturally have.

"Thank you, elder." Li Xuan clasped his fists slightly, then walked through the two-layer magic circle opened by the old woman, and walked towards the library.

Then, Li Xuan ignored the magical induction and spiritual induction of other people here, and began to watch in the Library Pavilion.

The books in this world are all made of the bones of a wild beast for the cover, and the inside is the paper made from the skin of some high-quality monsters after special pressing. Its toughness and so on are enough to keep it indelible for thousands of years.

Li Xuan silently glanced at the books on the first floor of the library. Here, he didn't have any shocking mentality. Compared with the huge and complicated book system in modern society, the books here are much more monotonous. Except for magic, It is magic combat skills, and then there is magic research theory, only this aspect, as for mainland legends, biographies and other books, even if there are books, they may only be in the college's collections, and most families will only take in some alternative ones. Things that are popular, but not there.

However, Li Xuan didn't think much about it, instead he picked up a book on the basics of magic and began to read it.

In the state of the unity of man and nature, Li Xuan's memory has obviously become more terrifying, and with the blessing of strong spiritual power, his memory is even more abnormal. Therefore, under such circumstances, his reading speed is also very fast. It has become very scary, and I can only read it. Although I can't say it back and forth, it is not difficult to remember it completely clearly.

In this way, Li Xuan temporarily stayed in this Book Collection Pavilion. Because of the dual-purpose relationship, part of his mind was used to maintain the most basic internal energy, and the other part of his mind was used to concentrate on reading.

This process is also coordinated with the state of the unity of man and nature, so his speed of improvement can be described as extremely violent.

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