Martial Emperor Reborn

Chapter 51: Xingyi Magic - Lightning Lightning Escaping the Dragon!


After Gina left, Li Xuan devoted one part of his mind to teaching Li Yun to continue to practice, and another part of his mind was devoted to the research of a book—Lei Guang Escapes the Dragon Book.

Before, Li Xuan thought this book was rubbish, but after careful consideration, he thought that some of the meridians in this book had some special effects, but he didn't try it lightly, but when he was practicing Xingyi Magic Fist, Li Xuan could feel it. the benefits of.

Now, when he had time, he began to study it carefully.

After flipping through the books on the first three floors of the Family Library Pavilion, Li Xuan's knowledge was completely expanded, and even the angle of reading the Lei Guang Dun Long book at this moment was different.

"Thunder type... Lightning Lightning Dragon Escaping Magic Combat Skill—Agility Combat Skill? Not bad."

Li Xuan thought carefully, and then tested the feasibility of one of the elements flowing through the meridians of the body.

In such a trial, Li Xuan's powerful ability of space visualization gradually manifested.

"This Gina is by my side, just used for experiments. She doesn't have strong soul ability, but she has a strong personality, and with my care, she won't die suddenly after failing the experiment..."

Li Xuan pondered in his heart, then he closed his eyes and began to visualize the universe.

First of all, imagine that the endless universe is colorless and empty, but the vast universe exists. Then take the eyebrows as the inhalation point for absorbing elements, take a deep breath through the brain until the brain is colorless and empty, and then go out from the feet through the limbs and bones, and cycle back and forth, the mind and body are all in emptiness.

In this state, Li Xuan autonomously entered the state of harmony between man and nature.

Therefore, Li Xuan began to sort out what he had learned, because most of the books in the library of the Li family in Iris City were about fire magicians, and the other departments were relatively weak, just some basic and popular ones. Knowledge, so Li Xuan's training in the fire department is very pure, but in other departments, although the realm is maintained, the attack methods are much worse.

It's like one has a frame and the other has no frame. On the whole, in terms of attack power, the other types are definitely not as powerful as the fire type.

"Three thousand roads lead to the same goal. Since the fire element is like this, why can't I use other elements in the same way according to this situation? I have the Xingyi Magic Fist, which can even replace the overall meditation and combat skills of the other eleven elements. Why cling to these basic things that aren't very powerful?"

Li Xuan pondered for a long time, and suddenly thought of the Xingyi Magic Fist, and suddenly realized that he seemed to be throwing everything away.

"Since I can use a series of magical elements to match a kind of Xingyiquan, then why do I need other skills? Other magic cultivation methods are just for reference. A few basic skills are enough! For example Gravity technique, anti-gravity technique, wind blade technique, flame spirit ball, ghost withered vine, falling stone technique, water sword technique, etc. These are not difficult, but after highly concentrated instant cast, their power should not be underestimated!

What is the foundation, the basic things, are the real essence left over from thousands of years of hard work! Before, I was a little confused after all! "

Introspecting myself three times a day was what Li Xuan in the previous life had to do, but after coming to this world, he didn't have this kind of enlightenment until this moment when he truly entered the state of harmony between man and nature with his whole body and mind.

Lei Guang Dunlong Book, Xingyi Dragon Shape, Lei Guang Dunlong Qingtian Shenlong Dance!

Li Xuan closed his eyes, and with a flash of his figure, the Thunder Light Escape Dragon Movement immediately activated. At the same time, the spiral needles that were originally taboo in his body, which were instantly condensed by countless elements, began to puncture crazily.

Although this process felt like his soul was being torn apart, Li Xuan didn't even frown, only a little cold sweat oozing from his forehead.

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In the space, the elements of the thunder element flickered cracklingly, and the power of thunder and lightning appeared as blue-purple cracks, constantly beating in the space.

Suddenly, a surge of thunder elements like inner strength, Li Xuan's body shook, and a dark purple lightning dragon suddenly oozed out of the space, and then landed on Li Xuan's body.

At this moment, the power and aura of Xingyiquan were fully displayed, like a giant thunder dragon possessing his body, Li Xuan suddenly had a thick and wild aura, and this aura suddenly appeared in shock. Li Yun, who was in the spiritual space between Li Xuan's brows, was suddenly shaken. After sensing the situation outside with the help of her spirit, her spirit showed an extremely shocked look!

Obviously, this scene was really, really terrifying!

Li family, is this the true blood of the Li family that was inspired


Li Yun didn't dare to imagine, but she was really excited.

"Lightning Lightning Chases the Dragon, Dances with the Heavenly Dragon! Xingyi Dragon Shape—"


A majesty that pierced the sky suddenly rippled. At this time, Li Xuan was full of strength, tight and compact, calm and steady, and his movements were well-coordinated.

Naturally, he took meaning from pictograms, united form and spirit, combined spirit and form, and integrated internal and external. He has truly entered the high degree of unity between appearance and inner meaning, reaching the level of true combination of spirit and form!

"The hibernating dragon crouched on the ground—"

"Hoo-chi chi-"

The figure of the thunder dragon suddenly moved, and the space even trembled a little.

"Reflexive Dragon Form—"


"Dragon Zhe is a legendary god. There is the form of subduing the dragon, the form of the crouching dragon ascending to the sky, and the method of shrinking the dragon's body. The dragon is originally a yin thing, but in boxing it is yang. It is said that the heart fire descends in the abdomen. "Danshu" says: "The dragon comes out to the fire, and it is a cloud, and the cloud comes from the dragon, and it is called a dragon shape in the fist. The strength of this shape originates from the acupoint of Chengjiang (lip The depression, also known as the origin of Renmai), connects with the tiger-shaped qi cycle, the two shapes are one in front and one in the back, one rising and one falling. If the fist is smooth, the heart will be empty, while the heart fire will fall, the heart orifice will open, and wisdom will Health, if the fist is reversed, the body will be burned by Yin fire, and the body will not be alive.'

The "Boxing Classic" says: One wave is uncertain and another wave is born. It is like a dragon traveling up the water, suddenly jumping into the sky and jumping high. The sound and light are so brave that it is shocking.

This is the momentum, but also the divine form, and even the artistic conception!

However, this dragon shape belonged to the two attributes of yang and fire in the previous life of yin and yang and five elements, but here it is thunder! Yes, Ray, Ray should be classified as gold…”

After practicing the Xingyi Magic Fist Dragon Form in one breath, it was obvious that Li Xuan felt that one of the air masses in the dantian of the Thunder Department had grown in size and became more solid.

Unknowingly, the magical strength of the thunder system has independently advanced to the first level of the three-point realm, that is to say, Li Xuan has already been regarded as the third-point realm of the thunder department!

"Lightning Dragon's body technique is really mysterious, Xingyiquan combined with magic, it's so powerful!" Li Xuan was a little excited in his heart, although he didn't understand the overall form of the Lightning Dragon's transformation into a thunder system, but Li Xuan understood in his heart, exist

There is absolutely nothing wrong with the epiphany in the state of harmony between man and nature!