Martial Emperor Reborn

Chapter 73: Dacheng of the Solar System in Dantian


Concentrating on holding his breath, he imagined that the universe is colorless and empty, and after gradually sinking into concentration, Li Xuan naturally entered the state of harmony between man and nature again.

At this time, he started to practice the Xingyi Magic Fist again, and it was still the Xingyi Twelve Forms that first performed three reincarnations in a row. After receiving the power, Li Xuan began to meditate.

During the meditation process, it began to condense on the induction of the light element, and the light element corresponds to the Xingyi eagle shape.

Eagle-shaped person, whose surname is the most ruthless and fierce. It has the essence of hunting, and can see small things with the eyes. Its shape is yang outside and yin inside. In the abdomen, the yang energy in the kidney can rise to the brain. The pill is also called the eagle shape in boxing. If the fist is straight, the true essence will return to the brain, and the eyes will be bright; if the fist is reversed, the true strength will not be able to penetrate the four fingers, the yang fire will rise, the head will become dizzy, and the eyes will turn red. Practicing this form will restore pure Yang Qi, and the benefits are not trivial.

"Xingyi is shaped like an eagle, the eagle howls in the sky, and the holy light of the nine suns frightens!"

"Holy light, even the sun, the sun, the extreme sun, the double sun, the eagle, the sharp arrogance, the hostility, the loneliness, the profound meaning of the king, and the ambition to conquer all things and soar to the nine heavens. The so-called eagle hits the sky, fish flies shallow Bottom, that's it..."

For the eagle shape, Li Xuan has the deepest feeling. As a master Emperor Wu, he has both the body and spirit of the eagle shape, and it can be said that he has really reached a certain height. The eagle is the king of loneliness and the overlord of the sky, while Li Xuan is the loneliness of a master, the loneliness of climbing the mountain and I am the peak.

As for eagles, Li Xuan had specially watched them from the top of mountains and cliffs in his previous life. He knew that when an eagle ages gradually and its beak becomes thick and loses its sharpness, it will peck and grab rocks on the cliffs. Break off your own mouth and claws, the result is either reborn, the claws are broken, the mouth is broken and regenerated, and new sharp claws and mouths grow; or because the mouth and claws are no longer sharp, they cannot hunt and die. At that time, they will die. Take back the waving wings at high altitude, find a deep pool, fall directly, and die in the deep pool.

These, for Li Xuan in the previous life, were extremely shocking, but why not for himself

Gradually immersed in the state of mind of this lonely king, Li Xuan muttered to himself in his consciousness:

"Your unruly eyes stare coldly at the world,

Have the bloody and desolate rivers and mountains ever satisfied your heart.

Is this tragic world,

nor keep your lonely soul,

Swear to die to be passionate day by day.

You have stormed the mighty river,

You have swept thousands of mountains and rivers,

Crazy primordial is your savage call,

Trembling life is your contemptuous surrender.

Even the wailing howl,

It can't restore the sinking of Emperor Huanghuang.

When you understand this helplessness,

You hang down your fierce wings,

Still holding that haughty head high!

I am not dead,

I can't dream.

In the sway of this dark night,

Indifferently and proudly questioning the whole world,

who would walk with me,

Eagles howl in the sky! "

Li Xuan muttered to himself, and then his whole body turned into an eagle, and the huge light element directly poured into his body and mind, his whole body burst into a pearl-like brilliance.

At this time, Li Xuan didn't know that the huge movement in the secret training room had attracted Feng Yeyuan's attention.

She walked over with some worry, entered the magic circle, and came not far from Li Xuan.

She watched silently. When those sentences suddenly penetrated into her heart, she was slightly startled, and then she entered an inexplicable realm as if she had a sudden enlightenment.

"The claws flap their wings to the crescent moon,

Looking down at the earth and laughing at the common people.

It's difficult to get overwhelmed with pride,

Standing unparalleled in the world.

Dancing under the turbulent waves,

The mountain peaks are majestic and the bottom of the claws are crawling.

Fast as lightning and startled the prey,

The sun sets and the figure is alone!


During the singing, Li Xuan turned into a real eagle. Even, because the bones and other parts can change, Li Xuan's whole person is like an eagle, combined with the phantom of the soul, soaring in this world.

The Xingyi Magic Fist is no longer limited to Xingyi and Shen Xing, but seems to have regained its own casualness and nature.

I am an eagle, and the eagle is my aura, which is fully reflected.

At this moment, it was not the forced compression of the light magic element, but the light magic element naturally became liquid, turned into a vortex, and began to solidify toward Bao Dan.

Under such circumstances, Li Xuan was immersed in an epiphany, the light element suddenly cultivated to the extreme, and directly and naturally transformed into the dark element.

Xingyiquan corresponds to the dark system of form and spirit - Ma Xing, and immediately began to connect naturally.

Xingyi horse-shaped, horse-shaped person, the most righteous of the beast. It has the function of galloping the hoof, and it also means the meaning of hanging the rein. It is the meaning in the abdomen, and it comes from the source of the heart, and it is in the shape of a horse in the boxing. If the fist is smooth, the intention will be empty, and if the fist is reversed, the intention will be arrogant, and the hands and feet will not work. The sage said: The mind is sincere and the heart is straight. Arrogant hair also.

"Xingyi horse shape, ten thousand horses galloping, killing a hundred calamities sound!"

Immediately, the eagle shape turned into a horse shape, thousands of horses galloped, and countless dark magic elements gathered, turning into a turbulent state like ten thousand horses, and then the scene where these dark elements gathered evolved into countless undead skeleton horses, roaring, crazy, killing, destroy!

The dark system also cultivated naturally, followed by the space system.

The liquefaction of space elements is impossible, and there is a problem of space fission. The original problem has become extremely simple in Li Xuan's current state.

Space system, corresponding to Xingyi (bird platform) (pronounced tai) shape. (Niaotai) shape, its surname is the most straightforward, and there are no other dexterous birds. Its original surname has a vertical tail rising, reaching beyond the clouds, and the falling palms have the shape of smashing things. In the abdomen, it can assist the function of the liver and lungs, and can relieve the liver and strengthen the qi. In boxing, it is also called the "Tiang" shape, which can move the shoulders and feet, and combine the strength of the hips and buttocks. If the fist is smooth, the liver will be relieved and the Qi will be strengthened, the heart will be empty and spirited, and it will be able to strengthen the abdomen and let the heart grow. If the fist is wrong, the shoulders will not be flexible, the body will be restrained, and the qi will not flow smoothly. "The Book of Boxing" says, (Bird Terrace) seeks perfection in art and has a thorough knowledge of everything, and it all depends on the inner spirit of the ending. Let him go a few miles away, and the two characters of ups and downs are fateful! Practice this (Bird Terrace) shape and do it hard, you can get the way with an open mind and a solid belly.

"Xingyi (Bird Terrace) is shaped, the cloud wings are ethereal, and the square inch transforms the universe!"

Li Xuan realized in his heart that the dantian was like the chaos of the universe, and suddenly the nine planets vortexed around the soul sun, the core condensed by the soul, and at this moment, they suddenly broke apart. At the same time, the nine evolved planets in the dantian At the same time, the magical elements broke apart, and the cultivation after the first epiphany began like an explosion—the initial explosion of the universe.


His soul trembled and his mind was horrified. At this moment, Li Xuan withdrew from the epiphany state of the unity of man and nature, but at this moment he clearly sensed that the real power of space that burst out in this instant split at the dantian. A black hole the size of an atom opened!

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Although this black hole is fleeting, the square inch of the dantian has been shaped and completed in one fell swoop!

It's just that Li Xuan, who was awakened at this moment, couldn't help sweating cold sweat on his forehead after knowing that he had done such a thing.

When he felt his dantian at this moment, the soul crystal nucleus in the dantian exuded a charming and colorful halo, surrounding the nine 'planets', and the nine liquid spheres were completely and truly stabilized.

The dantian solar system, at this moment, has come to fruition!