Martial Emperor Reborn

Chapter 83: Light Wood Meditation Double|Xiu


"Oh, it's like this, brother, are you seventeen years old? Are you already in the realm of three-pointers?"

"Well, that's right. I went out to practice. I don't want to disclose the background of my teacher. What are you guys?"

"Oh, that's how it is. They really are members of the Martial School, and they are extremely talented!" Bo Lan praised, and continued, "That's right, we are the inner sect and elite disciples of the Qianyue family. The Qianyue family has to fight for a place in the academy, and let Rulan pass. Well, she is Rulan."

As Bohen said, he pointed to Rulan. Rulan was smiling at the moment, and smiled generously at Li Xuan, and Li Xuan blushed again.

Ru Lan looked at Li Xuan with even more interest, as if she wanted to knead his face twice more.

"Our light magic family has a special cultivation method called 'Double Cultivation Meditation'. Although it is not a top secret, it can also be practiced with wood magicians and can quickly improve the realm.

Light originally represents holiness, baptism, and life, while wood represents real life, nature, and the combination of the two is extremely beneficial for cultivation.

It's just that the process of this kind of cultivation is a little... ambiguous, and people who are not relatives or friends usually don't do this, but right now, there is really no other way... Although the Manton family also majored in wood, the Manton family and The Qianyue family has no contacts...

Originally, the Qianyue family and the Li family had a good relationship, and they planned to let Li Shao use the thunder system to help Ru Lan, but it was a pity that Li Shao couldn't retreat. In desperation, we had to find the three-point realm of the wood system under the age of nineteen. the magician. "

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Ripple explained without concealment, this straightforwardness was more acceptable to Li Xuan.

As for the method of dual cultivation and dual cultivation meditation, Li Xuan has heard a little bit about it, so he also wants to try it. After all, if the Light Element can be cultivated with the Lightning Element and the Wood Element, then wouldn't it be possible for one person to learn the method and double cultivation

It's just that it's a top secret to spread the exercises so easily

With such doubts, Li Xuan couldn't help questioning: "Well, if I can help, I don't care, but if this is the case, wouldn't the top secret of the Qianyue family be exposed? Isn't this bad? Or, anyone who knows will know Killed and silenced?"


After Li Xuangang finished speaking, Miao Xin and Ru Lan both giggled.

Wen Chuan and Wen Ze also laughed at the same time.

"No, Dual Cultivation Meditation is a special cultivation method. The main one is the Light Element, and the other Lightning Elements or Wood Elements are all branches and auxiliary, but the benefits and effects are the same.

But the branch's meditation method cannot be dominated, so it doesn't matter if it spreads, but those who can practice both will probably communicate with each other, so... Basically, if the other party has a dirty mind, naturally this method cannot be cultivated.

The exercises are all spiritual imprints. Once the front fails, the latter will naturally dissipate, so don't worry about exposure.

Even if exposed, there is no spiritual core, and there is no way to double repair...

If the double cultivation is successful, and the two sides have the same mind, they will naturally know whether this person is reliable or not... "

"If someone can have two minds, will there be any problems?" Li Xuan asked casually on purpose.


Immediately, the five of them covered their mouths and laughed this time.

"With one mind and two purposes, a powerful spiritual magician can reach the realm of the Five Elements [***] sect, and can almost reach this level, but it is only one mind and two tasks. Two minds, this, is impossible. However, You can really imagine and dare to say anything. Hahaha." Bohen laughed heartily, this was not ridicule, but happiness, because this young man is too innocent, too... simple.

If let him know that this person is Li Xuan, the big devil who kills without blinking an eye, I'm afraid this evaluation will make him collapse.

"Oh, so I can't have two minds, so it's like this... It's the first time I go down the mountain, and I don't understand anything, so I need to teach you a lot."

"Well, as long as you pass the dual cultivation meditation, I can guarantee that you can go to the Qianyue family's ordinary library to have a look. There are all records of common sense about this world. You have to understand it carefully." Bohen smiled. road.

"Oh? Okay, okay, I just want to understand the form of the empire and the mainland, but I can't find a way. In the sect, there is nothing but cultivation, it's suffocating!"

Li Xuan intentionally said with a bit of resentment, and seeing Li Xuan's cute appearance, Ru Lan was extremely satisfied.

But at this moment, Li Xuan was paying attention to the so-called method of double cultivation. As for the collection of books of the Qianyue family, they are not bad.

The Qianyue family attaches great importance to inheriting culture, and Li Xuan already knew that this opportunity is just right.

Because in the process of cultivation, Li Xuan must know the world well before he can have a strong ability to control it. Not understanding means confusion and ambiguity, which a strong person cannot ignore!

Just like the smallpox poison, if you understand its horror, you can avoid it, but if you don't understand it, you can be poisoned to death, and you will die without knowing why.

Before, Li Xuan had the idea of going to Qianyue's family to read books, but he, Li Xuan, was vicious and ruthless on the outside, so would such a person go to read books? Fearing that the motive is questionable, who would dare to agree

But it is different now, he is a simple and lovely, kind and upright person, and he has helped the Qianyue family, so... it will not be difficult to enter the Zangshu Pavilion.

In terms of cultural inheritance, the control of Zangshu Pavilion is not too strict, and it will be open to those who have passed the double cultivation.

"Well, it's good if you agree, the city of Iris is not very peaceful these days, you, stop wandering around, let's go!" Rulan said with a smile.

Li Xuan took a deep look at her, until her pretty face flushed pink, and then looked away.

Li Xuan saw it this way, not because Rulan was beautiful, but because the people of the Qianyue family seemed to have features closer to humans on Earth, with black hair and white greasy skin, but they were not that kind of Caucasian. It's white, but the tender whiteness of the yellow race.

With jet-black hair, big eyes, jet-black eyeballs, jet-black pupils, and a natural oriental graceful aura, coupled with a bit of natural light and warmth, this kind of person really makes people feel alive. Good impression.

Before, Li Xuan had thought about women from another world, if he had sex with such a woman from another world, the feeling would be similar to that of a beautiful monkey, so he still rejected it in his heart.

But now seeing the appearance of Ru Lan and others, the fear and rejection in his heart can be regarded as dissipated.

Because of this kind of person, Li Xuan really found the feeling of the same kind, and because of this feeling, he let go of this repulsive heart when he went to watch the whole world.

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