Martial God Asura

Chapter 144: Murong happy


The sun was setting in the west, and when the torches in the square were lit, it was already dark.

The assessment is really over. The boys and girls who have passed the assessment have been brought into the White Tiger Villa by their family members one after another and become a member of the White Tiger Villa.

However, Wang Lin and Chu Feng did not come out of the tent for a long time, which made the big man and the old man inexplicably worried.

After the previous scene, they all knew that Chu Feng was a martial artist, but when they thought about the humiliation to Chu Feng along the way, they were ashamed, but at the same time, they were worried that Chu Feng would be bad for Wang Lin.

After all, everyone could see that Butler Zhang was optimistic about Chu Feng. Otherwise, even if the servants broke the rules first, Butler Zhang would not allow the commoners to do something to the people of White Tiger Villa.

"Uncle Zhao, Uncle Liu." But when Wang Lin appeared in sight, their worries finally vanished.

"Miss, have you passed?" The big man looked at Wang Lin's chest, the sign of a low-class servant, and was extremely excited. After all, being able to enter the White Tiger Villa means that the road to martial arts is smoother.

"Nonsense, our young lady is genuine and has a reason to fail." The old man also smiled, and he was happy for Wang Lin from the bottom of his heart.

Although Wang Lin's family was good, it couldn't compare to the White Tiger Mountain Villa. Even the family members of the White Tiger Mountain Villa had status and status in the White Tiger Mountains.

Therefore, everyone who cultivates martial arts wants to infiltrate the White Tiger Villa. They will not be ashamed of their status as servants, but will be proud. This is like the disciples of various sects.

"Wang Lin, it seems that you and I are about to say goodbye. I still want to thank you all for taking me on a ride." At this moment, Chu Feng came over.

"Don't say that, if it wasn't for you, how could I pass the test today." Wang Lin was a little embarrassed.

"Come on, let's not be polite. Since we have all entered the White Tiger Villa, maybe we can meet again in the future." Chu Feng waved his hands with a smile, and turned to leave. Not far away, the steward Zhang was waiting. Chu Feng.

However, when the old man and the big man saw the servant logo on Chu Feng's chest, they stood there dumbfounded, their faces filled with surprise.

After a long time, he came back to his senses and said incredulously: "He was directly promoted to a top-class servant, so at least he has to be at the fourth level of Lingwu, right?"

"Heh." Seeing this, Wang Lin smiled bitterly: "Yes, that first-class profound stone was shattered with just one punch, and even the steward Zhang was amazed."

"I think he should have a lot of development in White Tiger Villa. We are really looking down on others this time."

Hearing what Wang Lin said, the old man and the big man felt even more ashamed. Thinking of the various humiliations they had done to Chu Feng before, they really wanted to die at this moment.

Because in this continent, strength is paramount, and with Chu Feng's aptitude, after entering the White Tiger Villa, he will definitely skyrocket, fame and fortune are only a matter of time.

What they did today was like offending a future celebrity in the White Tiger Mountains, so they were not only ashamed, but also felt fear in their hearts, fearing that Chu Feng would retaliate against them in the future.

"Don't worry, he's not the kind of person with a small stomach." Wang Lin reassured her as if she could see the worries of the two.

"Hey, it seems that people really don't look good." But even so, the old man and the big man could not calm down.

Their bowels had already turned green. If they knew that Chu Feng was such a talent, how could they have dared to ridicule him before? It's not too late to fawn.

However, if they knew that the fourth level of Lingwu was only Chu Feng's hidden strength, and that Chu Feng's true strength was the first level of Yuanwu, they didn't know what their expressions would be.

After saying goodbye, Wang Lin and Chu Feng were sent to the White Tiger Villa together, but because of their different identities, they were sent to different places.

In the vast building complex of Baihu Villa, there is an exquisite hut. This is the residence of the upper class family, and now Chu Feng's resting place.

"I didn't expect it to be so smooth."

Chu Feng sat cross-legged on the head of the bed, glanced at the high-class housekeeper logo on his chest, then glanced at the book in his hand, and couldn't help but smile.

This is a 2nd rank martial arts book, which was given to him by Butler Zhang, but this kind of treatment is not something that every servant can enjoy. Although it is true that the servants of White Tiger Villa can practice martial arts, it is only limited to the upper-class servants.

And like Chu Feng, there are very few people who can get martial skills training just after entering the White Tiger Villa.

It's just that for Chu Feng, there is no need to cultivate these two martial skills at all, and because he is really tired at the moment, he threw the martial skills on the head of the bed and lay down and fell asleep.

Since then, Chu Feng has been lurking in the White Tiger Villa for ten days. Although he is a servant, but because he is a high-class servant, Chu Feng does not have to be a servant. Domestic work.

As for Chu Feng, he was more interested in inquiring into the secrets of the White Tiger Villa. After ten days, Chu Feng had gained some gains. At least he had a certain understanding of the White Tiger Villa.

Baihu Villa has a history of 500 years. It is not inferior to some sects in terms of background, and its strength is not simple. There are many masters in the villa, but because it is located in a remote area, few people in Qingzhou have noticed it, but Baihu Villa The creator of , is indeed a character.

Five hundred years ago, in the White Tiger Mountains, there was no White Tiger Villa. At that time, there were more poor people in this mountain range. Because of the terrain, it was difficult for people to get out of this mountain range, and most of them died here.

At that time, within the White Tiger Mountain Range, there were actually several aristocratic families of martial arts, but these few families of martial arts never spread the art of martial arts.

The founder of the White Tiger Villa, Murong Xiaoyao, came from a commoner. At that time, he was still a teenager. Because he was unwilling to be mediocre all his life, he joined an aristocratic Xiuwu family as a servant and hooked up with a young lady from the upper family. The young lady obtained the martial arts formula from her mouth, and even learned Xuan Gong and martial arts.

It's just that the matter was revealed later, and Murong Xiaoyao was chased and killed by the noble family, and finally forced to escape into a place that was regarded as a Jedi.

At that time, people thought that Murong Xiaoyao was dead, but five years later, he walked out of the Jedi and became a generation of martial arts masters. In the White Tiger Mountains, no one can match.

After Murong Xiaoyao was born, he learned that the young lady who taught him martial arts had been beheaded by the aristocratic family. .

After the establishment of the White Tiger Mountain Villa, it quickly became the overlord of the White Tiger Mountains. Many experts from outside the White Tiger Mountains also came to join the White Tiger Mountain Villa. Murong Xiaoyao even taught the common people to practice martial arts, so that the civilians of the entire White Tiger Mountains would come here. The common people can touch the way of cultivating martial arts and change their destiny. (To be continued)