Martial God Asura

Chapter 167: Wu Jiu appears


"What? He wants to challenge Wu Jiu on this stage of life and death?"

"If you want to compete on the stage of life and death, you must sign a life and death certificate. Chu Feng is really trying to die."

"Is this kid tired of living? Who is Wu Jiu? That is the founder of the Kendo Alliance, the eldest son of the Kendo family, ranked ninth on the Qinglong list, and a master with the fifth level of Yuanwu cultivation. How dare Chu Feng dare to challenge him?"

When Chu Feng said these words, it was like thunder in a sunny day. Everyone was shocked, and their jaws were full of shock. At first, some people thought that Chu Feng was joking, but when Chu Feng repeatedly shouted "After Wu Jiu died," people knew that , Chu Feng is going to be serious.

"The first level of Yuanwu, has this kid stepped into the first level of Yuanwu?"

Finally, some masters of the Yuanwu realm present sensed Chu Feng's cultivation. The first layer of Yuanwu is not very strong in the core area, but when the first layer of Yuanwu is placed on Chu Feng, it is not strong. He had to make some people look at Chu Feng with admiration and re-examine this young man.

Not to mention Chu Feng's age, what does it mean to be able to step into the first level of Yuanwu? The most important thing is that when Chu Feng first stepped into the core area, he was only at the seventh level of Lingwu. Time, jumped two levels of cultivation in a row, skipped another big realm, and stepped into the first level of Yuanwu. Such a speed of progress is simply abnormal.

"This Chu Feng is not simple, it turns out to be a genius, if he continues to grow, he will definitely become the number one person, but unfortunately, he is too arrogant, and he has made a life-and-death battle with Senior Brother Gong. No matter how powerful you are, you can't defeat Senior Brother Gong." Someone felt sorry for Chu Feng after realizing Chu Feng's potential.

"Hmph, why a year, this son will be defeated today, Wu Jiu has a very good relationship with Senior Brother Gong, he has long been disliked by him, and now he dares to challenge Wu Jiu on the platform of life and death, how could Wu Jiu let him go? ?" But some people think that Chu Feng is doomed today.

"Who will challenge Lao Tzu?" At this moment, another loud shout sounded, and then a figure swept out of the crowd, and finally landed firmly on the platform.

This man is thin, of average height, and looks like a wretched man, with a golden hook nose and toad eyes, a mouth full of teeth, and a stench that can travel 30 meters. The man knelt on the ground and vomited.

But don't look at this bad-looking, he is famous in the core area, the founder of the Kendo League, the ninth place on the Qinglong list, it is Wu Jiu.

"You are Wu Jiu?" Chu Feng's eyes lit up, and for the first time he discovered that there are people with such strange looks in the world.

Wu Jiu opened his nostrils and opened his mouth wide. He patted the shriveled stomach and said triumphantly, "I am Wu Jiu, you challenge me?"

"I'm not challenging you, I'm going to kill you." Chu Feng sneered.

"Okay, I have fulfilled your wish, elder, bring a life and death certificate. I got to know this kid here today." Wu Jiu raised his voice and roared at the bottom.

If he talks to the inner door elders like this, it’s fine, but if he dares to talk to the core elders like this, he is really considered daring. Even many core disciples take a deep breath, thinking about this Feng was crazy enough, but Wu Jiu couldn't think of it even more crazy.

But the most speechless thing is that not long after Wu Jiu's words fell, a core elder really walked out of the crowd and slowly came to the stage, holding a pen and ink in his left hand and a life and death form in his right hand, and came to Wu Jiu's house. in front of you.

"I'm going, what's the identity of this Wu Jiu, to be able to call the core elders like this?" Some people were surprised. Hearing Wu Jiu's words was truly surprising.

"You don't know that, Wu Jiu worshipped Elder Zhong Li as his master a few days ago, and has officially obtained the personal biography of Elder Zhong Li." Someone explained.

"Elder Zhongli? But that eccentric Zhongli Ichigo?"

"Yes, it's him."

"My God, Wu Jiu actually bowed to his door?"

People were shocked again, that Zhongli Ichigo was very famous in the Azure Dragon Sect. If he were to talk about his personal strength, he would definitely be ranked in the top three in the Azure Dragon Sect, and even the six elders of the protecting sect would not be his opponent.

It's just that Zhongli Ichihu, like Zhuge Qingyun, is also an elder guest, so he just hangs a title in the Azure Dragon Sect and doesn't care about anything, let alone imparting skills to the disciples in the sect. Now Wu Jiu can actually worship him. Under the door of the old man, it is really enviable.

"The grievance and life-and-death platform can indeed fight for life and death, but there must be grievances. Do you two have grievances?" the elder asked.

"He oppressed my family, can it be considered a grudge?" Chu Feng replied.

"This kid, abolishing the cultivation of hundreds of Lao Tzu's subordinates, isn't that a grudge?" Wu Jiu snorted coldly.

"Sign, press the bloodmark." The elder said.

After everything was ready, the elder left the competition platform. On the competition platform that seemed to be dyed, only Wu Jiu and Chu Feng were left.

"Boy, I wanted to kill you for a long time, but I didn't expect you to come to your door today, and you dare to challenge Laozi in an open and honest way. If you don't satisfy your wish to die today, I'm really sorry for your infatuation." Wu Jiu said with a single hand. Grip, Yuan force surged, and a delicate long sword condensed out.

This sword is very beautiful, it is simply gorgeous, but it is not a real sword, but Wu Jiu condensed with Yuan Force, a five-stage martial skill that is not inferior to the Variety Bow.

"Then let's do it, I want to see how you satisfy me." Chu Feng's face was full of *, and he didn't take Wu Jiu in his eyes at all.

"To deal with a guy like you, I only need one sword." Wu Jiu snorted coldly, waving the long sword in his hand, and stabbed Chu Feng in the air.


A sword stabbed out, roaring everywhere, and a tyrannical sword energy condensed in the air, carrying the sound of breaking wind, and flew towards Chu Feng. (To be continued)