Martial God Asura

Chapter 250: Eye-opening (7 more)


"What a strong martial skill, with such power, is it that the sixth rank martial skill cannot be achieved?"

"No, this is not a rank six martial skill, but a fifth rank martial skill of the Qilin Palace, the extremely famous galloping horse!!!"

"It turned out to be the martial arts of the Qilin Palace? The martial arts there are all the best among the best, but they will never be rumored. Gong Luyun actually learned the martial arts of the Qilin Palace?"

"Your information is really not well-informed. Gong Luyun now has a great godfather, and that is the Lin Ran, the head of the Qilin Palace. With his old man in charge, what martial arts cannot Gong Luyun learn?"

"There is still such a thing. In this way, Gong Luyun's background is a bit scary. Why should such a person stay in this Azure Dragon Sect?"

"The point is not whether Gong Luyun can learn the galloping horses, but that Gong Luyun can master this set of martial arts so completely. You must know that although this set of martial arts is powerful, it is extremely difficult to cultivate."

"This martial skill is really too powerful. It is not an ordinary martial skill at all. How will Chu Feng deal with it this time?"

Gong Luyun's galloping horses aroused people's continuous amazement. At the same time, people also focused their attention on Chu Feng, wanting to see how Chu Feng would resist this overwhelming martial skill.

"A thousand horses are galloping, then I, Chu Feng, will shoot ten thousand horses with an arrow today!"

Chu Feng slashed forward with his front legs, squatted back slightly, pulled his left hand into a bow, his right hand pulled an arrow, and then saw that his left hand was like a blade, his right arm was swinging, and countless golden arrows shot like a torrential rain. Toward the galloping horse.

"swish swish"

"uh ooh"

Chu Feng's arrows were truly arrows with no emptiness. When the golden arrow rained and the horses were woven together, those powerful horses fell to the ground one after another, screaming in agony, and then they turned into layers of Yuan force and dissipated in the air. In the sky, the so-called strongest fifth stage martial skill of the Qilin Palace was so easily defeated by Chu Feng's versatile bow.

"Tsk tsk tsk, your so-called galloping horses are nothing more than that. If you don't learn the martial arts of your own sect well, you have to learn other people's martial arts. I think you are really ashamed of the ancestors of my Azure Dragon School!" Chu Feng Laughed ironically.

"So, what Chu Feng just used was the martial arts of the Azure Dragon Sect? It's powerful, it's really powerful, although that martial skill doesn't seem to be powerful, but in Chu Feng's hands, it exerted extraordinary power and was easily obliterated. Gong Luyun's galloping horses!"

"Could it be that this is a legend, that no matter how strong a martial skill is, it can be used by different people. Even if it is a junk martial skill, in the hands of a master, can it still exert great power?"

Chu Feng's remarks once again aroused people's reflection, and everyone was full of praise for Chu Feng. If Chu Feng's combat power was improved by special means, then his use and understanding of martial arts would definitely be own talents and abilities.

"There is so much nonsense. People like you can only live in the Azure Dragon Sect for a lifetime, and you will never know what truly powerful martial arts are."

"Today, I will simply open your eyes and let you see a martial skill you have never seen before, the legendary sixth-rank martial skill!"

Gong Luyun was really pushed by Chu Feng, he waved his sleeves, and the surrounding air quickly circulated, intertwined with the profound energy in his body, and at this moment, an ice-cold piercing gas began to spread rapidly. Even the entire arena can feel a chill.

As for the cold air that was entrenched on the Bidoutai, it was even more terrifying. The ice cream had condensed on the Bidoutai, and it was encircling it and attacking Chu Feng. At this moment, the Bidoutai was like A place of ice and snow.

"This biting chill, this terrifying power, could it be said that this is one of the town's martial arts in the Qilin Palace, a sixth-rank martial skill, can't the icy arrogance be achieved?"

"Sixth rank martial skill is the real sixth rank martial skill. This kind of power is the real sixth rank martial skill. There is absolutely no mistake. It's too powerful. Gong Luyun has mastered such a powerful martial skill!!!!"

The power of the fifth rank martial skill is completely different from the sixth rank martial skill. Gong Luyun's icy arrogance made the whole arena feel that kind of pressure. Many of the disciples couldn't even resist the chill and had to leave the venue as soon as possible, and many even fainted on the spot.

"Your grandfather is really good to you. He even taught you what he had in the bottom of the box." Feeling the icy arrogance swept in from all directions, Chu Feng couldn't help but think of that day when Lin Ran was in Baiqugou. The scene of chasing him with this icy arrogance.

That Lin Ran's icy arrogance was indeed powerful, and even if Chu Feng faced it now, he wouldn't dare to contend, but Gong Luyun's icy arrogance was a little weaker, at least for Chu Feng, it wasn't enough to be afraid of.

"Hey, you know a lot, but I think your life will end here, no matter how strong your body is, you will never be able to withstand the biting chill of my icy arrogance, and everything will end here. Now, die!"

Gong Luyun snorted coldly. He had already had enough of this battle. Even if he could win today, he was forced to such a point by a Yuanwu seventh-level fighter and spread it out, and his face was dull. Therefore, he desperately wanted to get rid of Chu Feng as soon as possible, and this icy arrogance was his strongest trump card.

"sizzle la la la la la la la"

The icy arrogance actually condensed and formed, turning into several beasts of cold energy, grinning, and attacking Chu Feng from all directions, the biting cold energy, even the air was condensed into frost, forming cracks.

"It's terrifying. The power of the sixth rank martial skill has exerted its ultimate strength in the hands of Gong Luyun. Such a martial skill cannot even compete with me. This time, Chu Feng is most likely to have more luck than luck."

"Indeed, even though Chu Feng's talent is extraordinary, even though Chu Feng's combat power is outstanding, facing these six-stage martial arts, it cannot be compensated by his combat strength and talent alone. Unless Chu Feng also masters six-stage martial arts, otherwise It is impossible to resist this icy arrogance!"

Under the full force of Gong Luyun's full force, even many suzerain-level figures present felt the pressure and threat. They were all looking forward to seeing if Chu Feng also mastered rank 6 martial skills to counter Gong Luyun's coldness. Ice flames.

Especially after Chu Feng created miracles again and again and shocked their hearts again and again, many people did not doubt that Chu Feng had mastered rank 6 martial arts.

However, they could be sure that if Chu Feng had not mastered the sixth-stage martial arts, then today's battle would really come to an end, and it would be completely over. (To be continued)