Martial God Asura

Chapter 295: Metamorphosis World Spiritist (1 more)


The head of the watermelon is the cow, and the head of the pot is the tiger. The two innocent children answered Chu Feng's question earnestly, but they couldn't understand why Chu Feng laughed wildly after hearing the name of the cow.

You can't blame Chu Feng for this. He really has the shape of a bull head. With his name, Chu Feng can't even think about it without smiling, because that shape really has a little resemblance.

But after laughing, Chu Feng quickly suppressed his emotions and asked earnestly, "Huzi, Niuzi, please answer me first, why did the two of you come to this kind of deep mountain and wild forest?"

"God, we want to save our sister!" The two children replied in unison.

"Sister?" Chu Feng was thinking, these two dolls are so small, how old will their sister be

"Yes, our sister was taken away by the bad guys. We want to rescue her. The Great God asks you to accept us as disciples and teach us supernatural powers." Speaking of excitement, Huzi and Niuzi knelt again with a puff. down.

"I can teach you skills, but before that, you have to tell me where your sister was caught? Who was it?" Chu Feng asked earnestly.

After some understanding, Chu Feng finally knew that Niu Zi and Hu Zi were blood brothers, Niu Zi was the eldest and he was nine years old, Hu Zi was the second child, seven years old, and they also had a younger sister, five years old, called Niu Niu.

The three brothers and sisters all lived in a mountain village within Xuanwu City. The village was very poor and almost isolated from the world. Therefore, these children did not know what martial arts was. They were superstitious. Chu Feng is an immortal and uses supernatural powers.

As for Niuzi and Huzi, why do they keep saying they want to save Niuniu, that is because Niuniu was captured by a group of people wearing golden armor this morning. All the little girls in the house were taken away.

"It must be someone from the Qilin Palace. The Gong family has been destroyed. Why are the people from the Qilin Palace still in Xuanwu City? Could it be that they did not choose a new family to manage Xuanwu City, but managed it themselves?"

"But why did the people from the Qilin Palace capture a group of little girls from the village?" At this moment, Chu Feng's brows were furrowed, but he couldn't think of a result. In the end, he decided to find out.

But before he left, he taught Hu Zi and Niu Zi the martial arts skills, and left them some gold, so that they could go home and wait, and would soon send their sister back.

"Many thanks to the Great God for imparting supernatural powers. We will definitely cultivate with our hearts and live up to the Great God's expectations." The two children fell to their knees again, bowing their heads to Chu Feng gratefully.

"Oh, this is not a magical power, this is a martial arts martial arts decision. As long as you master this magic trick, you will embark on the journey of martial arts and become a martial arts practitioner."

"Besides, I am not a great god. There is no god in this world at all. Even if there is a god, then this god must be a powerful person."

Chu Feng smiled and patted Niuzi and Huzi's heads, then put the two on the bald eagle and sent them to the village before turning around and rushing towards Xuanwu City.

When he came to Xuanwu City, Chu Feng discovered that this place, as he thought, had been occupied by the people of the Qilin Palace.

A large number of troops were stationed in the Qilin Palace, and many powerful men of the palace were dispatched, including hundreds of people in the Xuanwu realm, and the most important place they occupied was the former site of the Gong family.

"Could it be, what did they find?" Chu Feng, dressed in the service of the Qilin Palace, mixed into the place where they were stationed.

After some inquiries, Chu Feng was excited to discover that the people from the Qilin Palace really found something in this Xuanwu City, and what they found was exactly what Chu Feng wanted to find. There is the Xuanwu Mountain Range, leading to the Emperor's Burial. entrance.

Previously, when Chu Feng came to the Xuanwu Mountains, he had already checked the entrance to the Emperor's Burial, but with his ability, he was powerless and could not find anything, as if the entrance did not exist at all.

But it never occurred to me that the entrance to the emperor's burial was in the Gong family's mansion. It was only after the Qilin King's Mansion destroyed the Gong family's mansion and destroyed the Gong family's mansion that it was discovered that there was an enchantment entrance hidden under it.

Although the Qilin Palace did not know that this was the entrance to the emperor's burial, it also knew that it was a treasure, so a large number of troops were dispatched to station here, and even the gray-robed world spiritist was sent over to open it. This entrance, take the treasure.

Speaking of this gray-robed world spiritist, Chu Feng also found out why Niuniu and the other little girls were arrested, and they were all sent to the place where the gray-robed world spiritist lived.

At this moment, in the west of the sky, the red clouds lingered, the night fell at any time, and the work of the Qilin Palace to open the entrance to the enchantment also stopped.

As the guard of the Qilin Palace, Chu Feng searched all the way for the place where the gray-robed world spiritist lived. With his keen sense, Chu Feng could hear from far away that such a message came from the tent where the guard leader was located. discussion.

"This old thing calls us around like dogs every day, but after so many days, he can't even open the entrance to the barrier."

"This old pervert wants us to go to the mountain village outside Xuanwu City every day to find a cute little girl for him and let him spoil it. Seeing so many little girls spoiled to death by him, I really feel guilty."

"Shh, keep your voice down, he's a gray-robed world spiritist with super-sensing power. If he hears what you say, then you'll be dead." Several guard leaders were drinking in a tent while drinking. , whispering.

"Damn, they caught so many little girls to do this kind of thing." At this moment, Chu Feng, who learned the truth, clenched his fists with anger, and blue veins appeared.

Ruining a few little girls to death every day, isn't this a pervert? Anyone with a bit of humanity would never be able to do such a thing, and the Qilin Palace, the ruler of Qingzhou, even helped him to do such an act. It was no different from the Demon Cult. more disappointed.

Thinking of this, Chu Feng couldn't help speeding up his sneaking steps. After a long journey, he finally arrived at the place where the gray-robed world spiritist lived.

Because the Gong family is now in ruins, they all live in tents, but the tent where the gray-robed world spiritist lives is very large. It may be because he wants to do something perverted, so he keeps all the guards. called.

Chu Feng approached cautiously and found that a hidden barrier had been set up outside the tent. It was true that only a gray-robed world spiritist could do this, but Chu Feng couldn't help it.

Chu Feng was very easy to open the barrier that the world spiritist had arranged. When the barrier was just opened, Chu Feng's face changed greatly, and the anger he was holding back suddenly jumped out. .

Because he could hear the voices of several little girls from inside the tent, but it was not innocent laughter, but tragic screams and helpless wailing. (To be continued)