Martial God Asura

Chapter 298: Basalt Shield Armor (4 more)


"No, I can't do it." And Chu Feng seemed to be caught in a vicious circle, even though Dandan kept reminding him, even though he knew that what was in front of him was just an illusion, he wanted him to kill these close relatives himself. Still can't be ruthless, can't let go.

"Idiot, that is an illusion, not really your family. If you don't kill them, they will kill you, and you will die here. Are you trapped in this great formation like those people? Do you know?" Eggy yelled anxiously, because she felt that Chu Feng's sanity was also bewildered by this illusion formation.

"I..." Hearing Dandan's angry roar, Chu Feng was stunned for a moment, and finally came to his senses, then he gritted his teeth and shouted loudly, "No, I can't die here, you damn illusions are all given to you. I'm going to die."

After saying that, Chu Feng stopped his dodging steps, closed his eyes, and cast out the Void Dragon Blade. A powerful oppression fell from the sky, and the dozens of illusions that were oppressed were unable to move even when they were oppressed, and were about to be shattered abruptly.

"Feng'er, don't, stop now, I'm your father."

"Feng'er, I'm your grandfather, don't do this." However, at this moment, those phantoms who were still murderous before actually began to call out Chu Feng's name.

However, Chu Feng, who had already made up his mind, not only ignored them, but instead increased the strength of the Void Dragon Blade, and finally crushed the dozens of illusions to death.

"Success?" The feeling had subsided, and Chu Feng slowly opened his eyes, but when he swept his gaze to the surroundings, his expression froze, and his pupils suddenly changed.

Because of his astonishment, he discovered that those illusions did not disappear. There were dozens of corpses around him. Those corpses belonged to his father and the Chu family.

They died very tragically. They were all crushed to death. The light ones were still able to tell who they were, and the serious ones had turned into blood, and it was impossible to distinguish their faces.


At this moment, Chu Feng was dumbfounded and knelt on the ground weakly. Because he used his mental power to sense, he found that these corpses were real, and there was still the breath of his family on them. He actually killed his own body. family.

"What did I do? I actually killed my father, my grandfather, and my uncle and second uncle..." Chu Feng scratched his head with both hands, his eyes flashing, at this moment he was a little mad, and his spirit was overwhelmed. Almost collapsed, the look of excruciating pain hung on his face.

"Chu Feng, what are you doing, those are just illusions, they are illusions." Seeing this, Dandan hurriedly reminded Chu Feng.

"No, that's not an illusion, it's my father, it's my family, I can feel their breath, they weren't dead, but I just killed them with my own hands."

"You're stupid, that's an illusion. You can't tell whether they're true or false because you can't compete with the power of the big formation, because your mental power has long since expired here."

"Chu Feng, be strong. This is your inner demon, and it is a burden that you can't let go of. It is precisely because this phantom formation has seized your weakness that it has transformed into their appearance."

"You must persevere, believe in yourself, and believe that you are right. They are illusions, and everything is fake. As long as you can persevere, you will eliminate the demons in your heart, and there will be no guilt or burden in your heart." Dandan The voice of Chu Feng kept resounding in Chu Feng's ears, like a beacon, guiding Chu Feng to a path leading to survival.

With Dandan's constant reminders, Chu Feng's sanity finally became clear. He began to firmly believe in Eggy's words and in himself. Instead of running away, he faced the corpses and his father's corpse.

"Om." Under Chu Feng's eyes, those corpses actually began to become illusory, the blood disappeared, the corpses disappeared, and finally disappeared completely.

At this moment, Chu Feng was finally able to face everything around him. He found that he was still in the fog, but the feeling was completely different from the previous feeling, because he already knew how to overcome this illusion formation.

"Dandan, thank you very much, if it weren't for you, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to get through this difficulty." Chu Feng wiped the cold sweat on his forehead in fear.

"Thank you, who are we and who, and it's not your fault at all, it can only be said that this illusion is too strong, the illusion is too realistic, and charming, no one can tell it is fake from the beginning. of."

"It is about attacking the heart with love, because whether it is family affection or love, it can make people desperate and make people lose their minds."

"But I believe that even without me, you will definitely be able to overcome this obstacle, get rid of your inner demons, and let go of the past." Eggy smiled sweetly, her agile voice was extremely pleasant, and the most important thing was to hear it in Chu Feng's heart is warm.

"Yes, the talent is good." But suddenly, a deep and ancient voice suddenly sounded from behind Chu Feng.

After this voice sounded, Chu Feng's body couldn't help but tremble, because at the same time, he felt a strong sense of oppression behind him.

Looking back, Chu Feng was stunned to find that behind him were four pairs of blood-red eyes. One pair of these four bright red eyes was as big as a lantern, while the other pair could be as big as two lanterns.

Although the blood-red eyes did not exude murderous aura, Chu Feng was still shocked when he looked at them. His mental power was useless here, and he could not sense who the owner of those blood-red eyes was, but he knew that it must be A very powerful presence.

"Little devil, what's your name?" The deep voice sounded again, as loud as a bronze bell.

"Junior Chu Feng, I don't know the senior's surname." Chu Feng replied respectfully.

"This deity's basalt shield armor technique, your kid is lucky, not only can you find this place, but you can also resist the phantom formation of the heart demon, and finally you have some potential."

"As long as you are willing to do this deity a favor, this deity will consider imparting my abilities to you, but I don't know, are you willing to help?" The mysterious existence continued.

Hearing these words, Chu Feng's heart was instantly overjoyed. The Xuanwu Shield Armor Technique also called himself the deity. The same tone and similar name had already made Chu Feng guess the identity of the other party. Another secret technique in burial.

Thinking of this, Chu Feng dared to hesitate, and hurriedly replied: "Senior, please instruct, as long as the junior can do it, he must do his best."

"Haha, what a smart kid. It seems that you should know what this deity is. I felt a familiar aura in your body. I didn't think that the arrogant guy from Baihu would surrender to you?" (To be continued)