Martial God Asura

Chapter 299: Castle Adventure (5 more)


Hearing these words, Chu Feng couldn't help but be stunned. He never imagined that the other party could actually feel the white tiger attacking and killing technique in his body.

"Haha, don't worry, the deity is not as conceited as they are, and won't mind agreeing with a master, but if I want to gain the ability of the deity, I have to test your courage." Xuanwu shield armor said.

"How to test?" Chu Feng asked.

"Going straight ahead, there is a stone castle. In the depths of the castle, there is a sealed box. Get the box for me, and I will teach you my abilities."

"Of course, it's not that easy to get the box. It's limited to five hours for you. If you can't do it, it can only mean that you and I have missed the chance, hahaha..."

Suddenly, the Xuanwu Shield Armor burst into a weird laugh, and under that laughter, the fog around Chu Feng also subsided. When the fog completely dissipated, Chu Feng had returned to the vast world of caves. It's just that the basalt shield armor has also disappeared.

"Senior, is there something guarding it? Or what kind of mechanism does it have?" Chu Feng asked loudly, but Naihe's Xuanwu Shield Armor Technique was gone forever, as if it had completely disappeared, leaving no trace.

At this moment, Chu Feng couldn't help but turn his attention to the direction of the Xuanwu Shield Armor Technique. There was a passage formed by a rock wall, which was somewhat similar to the passage at the entrance of the Emperor's Burial under the Vermillion Bird Mountains.

Chu Feng did not hesitate, but once again took out the world spirit compass and walked forward. Facing the temptation of secret skills, he was really powerless to resist.

"Chu Feng, I think that secret technique may be lying to you." But at this moment, Dandan reminded solemnly.

"Egg, what do you mean by this?" Chu Feng asked.

"I think that secret skill is very cunning. It will not teach you its own abilities too easily. Not to mention that what it says may be difficult to obtain. Even if you get it and give it to it, it will also It may not recognize you, or even swallow you." Eggy reminded.

"No way? What's the benefit of using me like this?" Chu Feng was a little puzzled.

"It's very simple. The reason why it is here is that it is probably trapped here, and what it wants you to take may restore it to freedom."

"You have to know that secret skills are very conceited. Unless they are very powerful people, they are not willing to give in, so this leads to some secret skills. After leaving the first master, they will no longer choose any master."

"Instead, they are free to wander between the heavens and the earth. They will not serve others unless they meet the superpowers and forcibly conquer them."

"The secret technique just now, it is different from the white tiger attack and killing technique. He deliberately said that he is not conceited, but he is more suspected of concealing his conceit. I always feel that it will not simply surrender to you, but more like using you. ." Eggy explained.

"Indeed, good things at your fingertips will always make people feel suspicious, but I have no choice at all right now. Besides, the box it asked me to take at the moment may not be so easy to get." Chu Feng has already left. Entering the huge rock wall passage, and in front of his eyes, there are also dense giant spells.

"This is actually a magic spell, is there also an evil spirit guarding it?" At this moment, even Dandan was not calm. The magic spell is used to bind evil spirits, and those who can become evil spirits are the weakest and have the cultivation of Tianwu realm. Because, that is not something Chu Feng can compete with.

"It seems that the Xuanwu Shield Armor Technique really posed a problem for me." Chu Feng smiled bitterly and could not help but be more cautious, but he did not stop moving forward. He didn't want to waste five hours.

And after an hour's journey, the passageway on the rock wall also started to become huge, and the magic spells became more and more dense, which meant that Chu Feng was getting closer and closer to the evil spirit.

Finally, after walking for two hours, the magic spell disappeared, and in front of Chu Feng, a huge ancient castle appeared. The shape of the ancient castle was like a human-shaped skeleton. Eerie feeling.

In order not to attract attention, Chu Feng had to put away the world spirit compass, hide his aura, and carefully enter through the mouth-like entrance.

"Chu Feng, listen to me, with your current strength, you will definitely die when you encounter an evil spirit. The evil spirit has the power of enchantment. Although it has no mental power, if it locks you, you can hardly escape."

"So, when you encounter an evil spirit, you must let me manipulate your body, otherwise you and I will both die in the mouth of the evil spirit. If it is swallowed up by it, not only you, but also me will surely die, just like the source. It was swallowed and refined by it, and it disappeared completely." Eggy reminded solemnly.


Chu Feng nodded. He had seen evil spirits before and knew how terrifying that thing was. As Dandan said, it was really not something he could contend against. This was not the time to be brave, so it was necessary when necessary.

He will let Eggy manipulate his body, even if it will put a huge burden on Eggy, but as long as he can survive, at least there is a way to help Eggy recover, but if he dies, it means there is nothing left .

After making up his mind, Chu Feng continued to move towards the depths of the ancient castle, and the more he went deeper into Chu Feng, the more uneasy he became. He was shocked to discover that there was only one passage in the ancient castle, and in order to avoid being discovered by evil spirits, Chu Feng again Do not dare to observe mentally.

This situation made Chu Feng very passive, but he had no choice but to move forward. In the end, Chu Feng came to the end. At the end, a vast hall appeared in front of Chu Feng.

The style of this hall can be summed up in two words, weird, and there is unease everywhere, as if terrifying evil spirits will appear in front of Chu Feng anytime, anywhere.

It's just that Chu Feng didn't have time to think about those, because at the moment his eyes were attracted by the huge seat at the end of the seat, because there was a strange box on the seat.

The box was huge and had a weird shape. It looked like a coffin, but this coffin had thousands of holes and was ten times larger than an ordinary coffin.

"Oops, there is a barrier on this chair." Seeing that the evil spirit was not in the castle, Chu Feng hurriedly came to the huge chair, but found that there was a powerful protective barrier outside the chair. .

"Don't panic, with the enchantment technique you have now, you should be able to crack it, but the evil spirit will come back, so you must be as soon as possible." Eggy reminded.

"Well, we can only fight." Chu Feng gritted his teeth. In order to obtain the secret skill, Chu Feng could only risk the danger of being caught by evil spirits at any time to break the barrier on this giant chair.

However, the more he cracked it, the more uneasy Chu Feng became. He always felt that he had a pair of eyes staring at him behind him, but when he looked back, there was clearly nothing behind him. (To be continued)