Martial God Asura

Chapter 371: The truth is revealed


As soon as the Black Toad King said this, Liu Zhizun's face was not good-looking. At the same time, everyone's eyes turned to Liu Zhizun, and their eyes were also very strange.

Because, at such a time, the one who should stand up the most should indeed be Liu Zhizun, but after he faced a dangerous situation, he did not stand up, which inevitably made people a little disappointed.

After that, the Black Toad King ignored Liu Zhizun, but turned his attention to the ordinary-looking man and said, "It's okay to die, because this is the game I want to play with you."

"But you will soon learn that for you, perhaps death is a luxury, and death is a relief."

"Hedgehog, this kid is handed over to you, what should I do, I don't need to tell you?" Afterwards, the Black Toad King looked at another monster with spikes all over his body. These monsters are two Heavenly Martial Realms. One of the monsters.

"Your Majesty, leave it to me." This hedgehog monster is very big, and its body is covered with sharp weapons, especially its claws, which are like murder weapons.

"Wow," he walked in front of the man, raised his leg and kicked the man to the ground, and then said with a gloomy look, "Don't worry, I will give you an unforgettable aftertaste in this life."

"Shuh" Suddenly, the hedgehog monster suddenly shot, and stabbed the sharp claws into the man's back, blood spattered and screamed again and again.

"Ah~~~~~~" Behind the sudden stinging pain, the man in pain wailed, but this was just the beginning.

After inserting the claws into the man's body, the hedgehog monster began to use various methods to torture the man continuously. Those tragic methods made people dare not look directly at them. Even Chu Feng's scalp felt numb when he saw it.

I have to say that in terms of ferocity, humans are still a little bit worse than monsters. This bloodthirsty animal is just too ferocious.

Under the torment of the hedgehog monster, the man was soon covered in blood and his limbs were incomplete, and as expected by the Black Toad King, the man began to beg for mercy, not for life, but for death, because at this moment He is indeed better than dead.

But how could the Black Toad King, who hated humans so much, let him go so easily, but continued to torture him until the man drained his blood, and then took out the man's consciousness and tortured his consciousness until the man Only after his consciousness collapsed and completely perished, he was willing to give up.

"Courage is commendable, but perseverance is not enough, it's over so soon." Looking at the man lying on the ground, breathless, the Black Toad King shook his head in disappointment, then grabbed the other woman with a big hand and threw the other woman away. He gave it to the bull-headed monster, then looked at the crowd and said:

"The rules are the same as last time. As long as someone is willing to exchange their lives for their lives, this girl can not only survive, but also avoid being abused."

Hearing these words, everyone's expressions changed greatly, and they all bowed their heads in silence, avoiding the eyes of the Black Toad King.

"Cowardly human," Hei Chan Wang first smiled sarcastically, then turned to the bull-headed monster and said, "Xiao Niu, this time you can let go and play, remember, play until you die, don't be polite."

"Thank you, Your Majesty." And the bull-headed monster, who had been in the fire for a long time and couldn't stand it, how could he be polite at this moment? to play with the beauty.

"Ah~~~~~~ help me, help, ah~~~~~~ it hurts, ah~~~~~~"

At this moment, the woman began to mourn heartbreakingly, showing what kind of pain she was suffering.

But no one paid attention to it, because it is not a relative, who would be willing to take his own life to save her? Especially after seeing how miserably the man was tortured before, it is even more impossible for such a thing to happen.

So, under a brutal humiliation, the tragic woman finally died due to lack of physical strength. The process of dying was not much better than that of the man.

"Hey, people are really weak. It's too soon to die. Xiaoma, you are also good at lurking. This one will be handed over to you."

"Thank you, King." As soon as the King Heichan finished speaking, a bull-headed monster came out from the side of the hall. Although it was the head of a horse, it could be seen how excited and excited it was at the moment. , Most of the monsters are eager to taste, human beauties.

"Well, this girl is really good, so I'll give it to you." After a careful search, the Black Toad King turned his attention to Xia Le'er, and with a wave of her big claws, Xia Le'er floated away. It finally fell into the arms of the horse-headed monster.

"Ah, no, no."

"Save me, save me."

Xia Le'er could never have imagined that she would become the next victim. As long as she thought of the scene where the previous sister was tortured to death by a bull-headed monster, she was about to collapse.

However, no matter how much she asked for help, no one paid any attention to her. Seeing the horse-headed monster, she was about to strip off her dress and was about to do violence to her. She had no choice but to turn her attention to Liu Zhizun and said, "Senior Brother Liu, save me quickly. I!!!"

Who is Liu Zhizun, how could he give up his life because of such a woman, so he naturally chose to bow his head and ignore it.

"Liu Zhizun, you bastard, you're wasting my time to help you, you can't save me, if you don't save me, I'll tell you what happened, let everyone know the good things you've done, and let everyone know what you've done. You all know who you are." Xia Le'er began to shout frantically.

"Xia Le'er, don't open your mouth, what is wrong with me, Liu Zhizun, afraid of you telling me?" Liu Zhizun's expression changed slightly, and he asked in a cold voice.

"Wow, good you Liu Zhizun, do you really think I dare not say so?"

"You are a downright hypocrite. You lied to me that you were designated by the owner as the future owner, and deceived my body. Afterwards, you coerced me into doing shameful things for you. "

"You say I'm open-mouthed? Don't say it from afar, just say it's close. You want me to invite Chu Feng to dinner, and then frame him to rape me. Did you arrange it?"

"Don't think that I don't know what you think, you just saw that Chu Feng and Junior Sister Ziling are caring and jealous, so you came up with this method to harm Chu Feng."

"I'm blind, but I actually believed the promise you made to me, to help you do this kind of unconscionable thing." Seeing that Liu Zhizun refused to help, Xia Le'er showed no mercy, and took Liu Zhizun What he did, he said it one by one.

"What, isn't this true? Liu Zhizun is so despicable?"

As soon as Xia Le'er said this, it made people suddenly startled, and everyone couldn't help but look at Liu Zhizun, feeling so unbelievable.

After all, along the way, Liu Zhizun disguised himself so righteously and righteously.

If what Xia Le'er said is true, doesn't that mean that Liu Zhizun is actually a complete fake villain, a complete hypocrite

In fact, even Zi Ling's beautiful eyes trembled slightly, and she couldn't help but glance at Chu Feng.

Seeing this, Chu Feng smiled and said, "Look, I'll say I was wronged."

Zi Ling pouted, gave Chu Feng a stern look, and said, "You're not a good thing either." After saying that, she turned her head and ignored Chu Feng.

"Xia Le'er, you really know how to make up, do you really think that people will believe your clumsy lie?" At the same time, Liu Zhizun laughed, and he naturally couldn't admit it.

"What I said is true and false, and everyone can naturally tell the difference. I just want to advise you sisters, don't believe this Liu Zhizun, because he is a despicable villain."

"As the first disciple of the Supreme Villa, seeing his junior sister being humiliated, but sitting on the sidelines, based on this alone, he is not worthy of being the first disciple of the Supreme Villa."

Xia Leer shouted hysterically, showing her anger at the moment. Before she died, she wanted Liu Zhizun to be ruined.

However, this didn't change her fate. Before she could finish her sentence, the horse-headed monster that was engulfed in flames attacked her. In this way, Xia Le'er became the second woman to sacrifice tragically.

However, Chu Feng did not have the slightest sympathy for her death, because Chu Feng only hated his enemies, regardless of gender. (To be continued)