Martial God Asura

Chapter 396: Patriarch Jie Xingpeng


"Little friend Chu Feng, finally escaped successfully."

Vice President Gao ignored those hostile glances at all. All he cared about was Chu Feng's safety. After seeing that Chu Feng had successfully escaped, a reassuring smile appeared on his haggard face.

And Xu Zhongyu behind him, as well as the elder-level powerhouses of the World Spirit Guild, were also happy for Chu Feng's safe escape.

It's just that compared to them, Jie Yan and the others are gloomy and depressed. One million and a half million profound beads are really not a small number. They were actually cheated by Chu Feng like this.

Most importantly, who are they? But it was the most prestigious big man in the Kyushu Continent, to let a 16-year-old hairy boy escape under their siege. It was really embarrassing and embarrassing.


But all of a sudden, Jie Yan's eyes suddenly lit up, his ears moved suddenly, a look of surprise appeared on his face, and then he turned his eyes to the sky where Chu Feng was running away, and the corners of his mouth lifted a smirk, an arc of peace of mind.


At this moment, beside Chu Feng, gusts of wind continued to whistle past, and Chu Feng was still advancing rapidly.

Although he has escaped from the Supreme Villa at this moment, he dare not be careless.

After the effect of the forbidden medicine is lost, not only will he lose his current limit speed and his current cultivation strength, but his body will also suffer from the backlash of the medicinal power and suffer severe pain.

In that case, Chu Feng did not say that if he continued to escape, it would be difficult to even take a single step. Therefore, before the medicinal power subsided, Chu Feng had to go all out and find a safe place to hide, and this place was far from the Supreme Villa. The farther the better.

"whoosh whoosh"

But all of a sudden, blue gas appeared in all directions of Chu Feng. The blue gas was like a dragon, constantly emerging around Chu Feng, and dashed with Chu Feng.

And the number is getting more and more, until finally, in all directions of Chu Feng, there is that blue gas.

"This is? The power of the blue enchantment!" Facing this change, Chu Feng was taken aback, because he could tell that the blue gas that was gathering more and more at the moment was the blue-robed world spiritist alone. Some blue enchantment power.

And just when Chu Feng realized that something was wrong, the power of the blue enchantment was already intertwined, forming a huge sphere, trapping Chu Feng in it.

"Break it for me." Chu Feng didn't dare to be negligent, and hurriedly took out an attacking talisman and threw it out.

However, what surprised Chu Feng was that his attack talisman was ineffective against these enchantments? Although it is still able to break out a very strong offensive, it is indeed unable to shake this enchantment.

"Boom boom boom"

After one defeat, Chu Feng threw several attacking charms in a row, and they all threw them in the same place. Although several charms were blasted in the same place, it did have some effect, but it still failed. Shatter that barrier.

What surprised Chu Feng the most was that the formation was condensed layer by layer. At this moment, countless layers were condensed, and it was almost airtight. Chu Feng was completely trapped in it.

"Who did it secretly?" Chu Feng frowned. He knew that even Jie Yan couldn't do it with such a powerful means. I'm afraid the person blocking his path at the moment was a very terrifying figure.

"Chu Feng, you are really brave."

But at this moment, a loud shout suddenly sounded in Chu Feng's ears. The sound was extremely harsh, just like a thunderbolt exploded in Chu Feng's ears. Almost fell from the blue dragon under his crotch.

Immediately after that, the blue barrier in front of Chu Feng began to squirm for a while, and finally transformed into a gate. From the gate, a middle-aged man in black stepped out.

This man, with eyebrows on his temples, eyes like swords, and long black hair scattered on his shoulders, blended with his jet-black clothes, looking wild and uninhibited, but extremely dangerous.

Because, Chu Feng was shocked to discover that this middle-aged man's cultivation had already stepped into the sixth level of Tianwu.

Although he is only one level stronger than Jie Yan, the strength of the two is like the distance between heaven and earth. superior.

In front of this man, even though Chu Feng's cultivation has soared and he is holding a rare soldier, he still feels extremely powerless, as if he were an ant facing a giant elephant, the strength of the two of them was fundamental. incomparable.

"You are the head of the Jie clan, Jie Xingpeng?" Chu Feng asked in a deep voice. Because he felt that with his age and strength, as well as the unique black clothes of the Jie clan, he must be the patriarch of the Jie clan.

"You are very smart. I am indeed the head of the Jie clan, Jie Xingpeng."

"Chu Feng, you have targeted our Jie clan many times, and now you dare to openly deceive my clan's Xuanzhu. You have sinned beyond forgiveness. Before you die, do you have anything else to say?" Jie Xingpeng He opened his mouth and asked, and the words were high above the ground, just like the emperor was interrogating the commoners.

"Heh, it's really the patriarch of the Jie clan. I, Chu Feng, have a real face, and even the dignified patriarch of the Jie clan was disturbed by me." Chu Feng laughed, and then said, "What do I have to say? It's you. What do you want me to say?"

"Haha, smart."

"Let's be honest, I don't believe that a kid like you really came from the lonely Azure Dragon School. Even if you came from there, you definitely didn't learn the skills there."

"I want to know who your master is, and who taught you what you are now. You can even master the secret skills, and you can still get the approval of the strange soldiers." Jie Xingpeng asked, it was obvious that he was very interested in Chu Feng. things have long been known.

"Hmph, my master? Mentioning my master will scare you to death, but you don't deserve to know his old man's name. If you have the feeling, just move one of my fingers and try, he will definitely avenge me. The clan of your realm is destroyed."

Chu Feng snorted coldly. Right now, he had no choice. Since Jie Xingpeng seemed to be afraid, he had no choice but to take the opportunity to scare the other party.

"Haha, do you really think I'm afraid of the people behind you? Your so-called master? I just want to know who is bewitching you, this younger generation, to go against my Jie clan."

"Don't you say it? Well, I will kill you today, deprive you of your secret skills, take away your strange soldiers, and then wait for the day when your so-called master seeks revenge from me. On that day, I will kill him. and eradicate."

Suddenly, Jie Xingpeng's eyes turned cold, and layers of majestic heavenly energy erupted from his body, surging towards Chu Feng, and then wrapped Chu Feng around him and began to attack Chu Feng's body.

"Om." Seeing this, Chu Feng didn't dare to neglect, and with a thought, a layer of light green gas armor lingered around, and he used the basalt shield armor technique.


However, the strength of that day is too strong, even if Chu Feng has the basalt shield armor, it is difficult to resist. He feels the huge pressure lingering around his body, constantly squeezing his body, and it is about to crush his body. Die in the next second.

"Boom!" But at this critical moment, a roar came from behind Chu Feng. At the same time, the heavenly energy that was lingering around Chu Feng also dissipated in an instant, and an old voice was also heard by Chu Feng. sounded behind.

"Young man, Chu Feng is still young, why don't you give the old man some face and spare his life?" (To be continued)