Martial God Asura

Chapter 399: Joint Wanted


Chu Feng ran the Dragon Tour for nine days and flew at full speed, but after flying for only two hours, the power of the forbidden medicine began to subside, and the feeling of backlash began to surge.

Under such circumstances, Chu Feng did not dare to continue on his way, but chose a mountain range that was not very large and hid in the nearest place.

The so-called most dangerous place is the safest place, this sentence does have a certain truth.

Such an inconspicuous mountain range is definitely not the best place to hide, but because of this, it may often be ignored by those who search, so Chu Feng feels that this is a good place to hide.

"boom boom"

After entering the mountain range, Chu Feng held the Asura Ghost Axe in his hand, swung it around, and dug a cave abruptly on a stone mountain.

After the cave was dug, first, multiple sensing barriers were arranged outside the cave, and then a hidden barrier was arranged at the entrance to prevent others from discovering the cave.


Soon, the backlash of the forbidden medicine began to increase. Even though Chu Feng had swallowed the healing pill that Vice President Gao had given him, the severe pain was still unbearable for Chu Feng.

Just like, countless ants burrowed into Chu Feng's body, from the blood vessels, skin, and even the internal organs, all over the body, biting Chu Feng, itching and excruciating pain.

But soon, the heart-piercing pain disappeared again, followed by a scorching heat, as if Chu Feng had fallen into a furnace and was tortured by the sea of fire, and it was as if he was in a fire. Within Chu Feng's body, there is a furnace that burns Chu Feng's body.

Under such terrifying and scorching torment, Chu Feng tore his clothes to shreds, and rolled around the cave naked, but even so, he couldn't resist the scorching feeling.

Finally, the hot feeling subsided, but what Chu Feng did not expect was that the torment of the forbidden drug continued, and this time, it was a biting cold, and Chu Feng was shivering and unbearable. General ice cave.

In this way, Chu Feng sometimes sweats profusely, sometimes trembles, sometimes scratches his heart, sometimes beats his chest, and is tortured to death.

At the beginning, Chu Feng could still shout loudly to release his pain, but after that, Chu Feng didn't even have the strength to shout, he just collapsed on the ground weakly, twitching from time to time.

I have to say that the backlash of this banned drug is really torturous. It will not cause people to pass out in pain, but will keep people awake and experience the pain with their whole body.

This is the price. If you seek power that does not belong to you, you will have to pay the corresponding price. This is forbidden drugs.

Right now, Chu Feng is paying the price for this, and this is the most unbearable skin pain he has ever felt in his life.

But Chu Feng did not regret it, because he survived and obtained 1.05 million profound beads.

These profound beads will greatly increase Chu Feng's cultivation, and it will be a step closer to the seventh stage of the Xuanwu, which means that it will be a step closer to the rescue of Su Rou and Su Mei's sisters. Therefore, Chu Feng feels that it is all worthwhile, even if this kind of backlash No matter how painful the price is, no matter how long it takes, it's worth it.

It had to be said that Zi Xuanyuan's deterrence had played a role. Jie Xingpeng really left and did not follow Chu Feng secretly, so Chu Feng was safe for the time being.

However, in that cave, Chu Feng was suffering from the backlash of banned drugs, and he lost the power of 150,000 profound beads, and he was not willing to eat this dumb loss. is to act.

Yuangang Sect, Vulcan Sect, Baizang Sect, Xiaoyao Valley, Sword God Valley, and the Jie Clan, these six top-level forces, offering a large reward, issued arrest warrants all over the Kyushu continent, and jointly wanted Chu Feng.

As for the reason for wanting Chu Feng, it was absurd. He actually said that Chu Feng had taken it. They found the Asura Ghost Axe in an ancient ruin, and they also used medicine for it, poisoning the masters of their forces, causing them to suffer heavy losses.

He also said that Chu Feng is such a scourge. Although he is very young, he must get rid of it, otherwise there will be endless troubles in the future.

Regarding this absurd statement, the World Spirit Guild did not stand up and say anything. After all, they had already helped Chu Feng and helped Chu Feng escape successfully that day.

It is precisely because of this that the Yuangang Sect and other forces hold a grudge against the World Spirit Guild, and even want to take action against the World Spirit Guild. At this time, they really can no longer interfere in the affairs of Chu Feng and other forces, otherwise it will be tantamount to causing fire*.

As for the Supreme Villa, they did not want Chu Feng, but silently endured the 150,000 profound beads that Chu Feng deceived. As for why this happened, it must have something to do with Zi Xuanyuan.

I have to say that when the wanted order came out, there was a lot of uproar. After all, Chu Feng became famous at the marriage conference. Many people's affection for Chu Feng increased, and they felt that he was a great genius.

Unexpectedly, Chu Feng was actually such a person, which made many people's good feelings for Chu Feng to be shattered.

Especially under the hype of the six major forces, Chu Feng was quickly detained as a despicable, sinister and vicious name, and was spurned by countless people.

On this day, ten days have passed since Chu Feng escaped from the Supreme Villa. All the people who attended the marriage conference gathered at the top of the mountain again.

Not because of anything else, just because that Zi Ling, who has been in seclusion for a long time, has already left today, and will announce who her crush is today.

"I really don't know who is Miss Ziling's crush."

"It should be Jie Qingming, either Jie Qingming or Xu Zhongyu. After all, the two of them are the best in this marriage conference, and only they are worthy of Miss Ziling."

"How is it possible that Jie Qingming and Xu Zhongyu have both successfully married the disciples of the Supreme Villa?"

"They have already made a marriage contract with Zi Ling's fellow senior sister, how could such a smart girl like Zi Ling choose the two of them?"

"That's not necessarily true. The marriage contract can be made, and it can also be destroyed. Besides, Miss Ziling was in retreat before their engagement. Her sweetheart was born in her heart long ago."

"I believe she is a girl who dares to love and hate. If she really falls in love with someone, even if that person has a marriage contract, she will say who the person she likes is, instead of changing people on the spot. ."

At the moment on the top of the mountain, there is a sea of people, and people are speculating about the person Zi Ling likes. Many people think that Jie Qingming and Xu Zhongyu are the most likely, but some people think it is impossible, and people even argue about it.

"Hmph, Jie Qingming, Jie Qingming, except for Jie Qingming and Xu Zhongyu, is there no one in the younger generation of Kyushu except for the two of them?"

In the crowd, Tang Yixiu spat out angrily, while Bai Yunfei, Liu Xiaoyao, Song Qingfeng and other three people beside him were also displeased.

As those who also received the invitation letter, they were really unwilling. People only focused on Jie Qingming and Xu Zhongyu. (To be continued)